I: f v t i I! ! 6 - us hjpWRYoiir 'Health? - WILli DO IT GUARANTEED , th. unArtsiM4, rlf tfct taft ttk MUM v-. rttb vary bwn.ll rtnlM. lllnU II U k valoafcl. our Drudt&. ) Mty A tr. Vt.ttreka Xlmt to. . . ' . : F ;. it 3 :."" l' ' X . ' . ,r.. - . II . . 1 It . ..I - r 1 ll HI tan . Ill I! RUVAIU.:; ill MP N5S ZXJVtJ? r , IB II I itTTI i- . -Ill"' ..lff---w .V7i ii .... i..i..mnH.wagHJtJttJLf, J.I ; . 1 ..-,- - ..... Ii iilii rfun. T irr Umiti OrsaOX C. xiu Ksiux Pukiiskinc e. T&ty Clerk, CoryrtiM CT. tery lfamfr. otooo Svgrw. stf. kn4 Tim. Motak HTfl. SuUita Ejaivk .fi. 8 1 hnfflo ?f onpflHpj? nnttvfafiff tint. Ask Tear Dinjjlit GREEN RIVER ASSOCIATION Senenty-tlrst Annual Session Held ! With Mountain Creek Baptist , . Church. . Eutherfordton Sun. ' " ' The seventy-first annunl session of the Green River Association was held at Mountain Creek Bap tist church September 28th to Oct ober 1st' inclusive. It consists of 45 churches of which 38 were regularly represented; and of a membership 4,482 communicants a year ago. The. exact increase during this past year is not yet de finately known, but this has been above normal. This is not only true in membership, but in bene Science as well. This feature is furthur planned for a continued increase for the ensuing year. The plan for home missions emphasizes at least 15 cents for each member, a 25 per cent advance on foreign missions, and, in this or in some other way, a considerable advance on all the objects of benvolence ; Gave Up Hope I suffered five years, wi'h awful .pains, due to woman ly troubles," writes Mrs. M. D. McPherson, from Chad bourn, N. C "They grew worse, till I would often fainu I could not walk at all and I hsd an awful hurtin? in mv I gave up and thought I would die, but my husband urged me to try Cardui, so, I began, and the first bottle helped me. By the time the third bottle was used, I could do all my work. All the people around here Said I would die, but Cardui relieved me." WdmailTonic For more than 50 years, Cardui has bem relieving woman's sufferings, and making weak women strong and well. During this time, thousands of women have written, like Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the really surprising results 5 tiiey obtained by the use of this purelyvegetable, tonic S-rftipH frir urmpn 1 i J Cardui strengthens; builds, restores, and relieves or pre vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles. lit you are a woman, begin taking Cardui, today. Ltdies Advfsory Dept. Chatttnoon Medidne Co nome Treatmemt lor worn'o, Write fo: tor Special Instruction, and 64-page book. Ottanooa. Term., scatfrec J 40 Fire Fighters I iWW J?-mi)imMf I the si OS ENGINE WJEAiCH SUL GIiA'.'.T.U RTUTS. SOLD THE WORLD OVER. HAKBY A. GLAZIER A PromWtit riretntn ol Lildca, Misc., wrius: Mar. aSih. 1703. La it Tenter X had sever- cnld and It settled Kiineya, causing t excmctatinr oiia aln:ost every time X attempted to more ; 1 had tried CTTeythtnj? imagin able to get relief, nith no succesa, sntil I was ad before the eyes, irregular liver trotiDie. xiie aev Heart acuon atvi "H'ay ,l l . i p-ntir ifi. ior',ri vnaiiunz ionic. . ii inc Uiuua is SYMPTOMS. Blcodlne Cured tiemorrhaze of tbo Kldnaya. LXAKSHrrsto; Vt Sept. a, 1904. r -. . ) r r v ; ' - 1 ;?ifr:s:s: :3r ' PROFESSIONAL DR. J. GILLESPIE REID DnNTTflT Will arwxr calls at any hour of tho night, :: :: Mocas 3( 4 mi 5 First National Bank Bdldin, Marion, K. C Baiaa aaaaaaaVlaVJ C. B. HcBRAYER ATTORHET AT LAM Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted to My .Care. Nebo Happenings. Nebo, Oct. 4. Tho school hero which has been in session for a little over a month is beginning to show tho good results that we so fostered by the Baptist State cou- much hope for. Ercry space for vention. x Besides tho resident rooming m mo gins aormiiory nas ministers the session was favored cllcd and wc .baT0 a number by visits by William Louis Poteat, of ocw boarding boys this year, of Wake Forest College ;rof. K. 11 58 decidedly the brightest out E. Limberrv, financial agent, Mcr ,ook vct in history, edith College; Kev. M. L. Kesler, prof- WearjipcntThum. superintendent of Thomasville and idaX il1 A-li-villo. at Orphanage; Rev. A. L Btts, trav 'ending a uicvtimr of Westrrn eling rcpresentativr, Biblical llec- North Carolina County Supenn order; Dr. Livingston Johnson, tendents and High School Princi secretary State mission board, and las other?. These added zest and ex- Miss Ada Hrown siKnt Saturday . 1 C" 1 I tnorl Jnfnrnifttmn tr tho nhu-ct aa OUOQay ai OCr ItOmC. rv.r iMt vat k v v w w w 'w w Up Stairs, Strcetmaa Building L. A. HAJlEy C. E. HOUSE ASSOCIATE ArennACTS axd Blue Pkints SrixiALTxni McCALL & LISENBEE ATTOIOCKYS-AT-LAVT discussed. The weather was ideal Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but thrcatcn- Misses Nannie McCall, Mattic Hicks, Ida Belle Ledbetter, Vara Corpening, Wells, Margaret PoU?ct Building, ilAIUON. 2i ing Sunday morning. Tho crowds Steppe, Mary Greenlee and Mrs, each day were immense. G. H. Weaver attended the teach- The church at Mountain Creek ers meeting in Marion, Saturday. and others generously inclined Miss Laura Hicks spent the lat- handled the people without any ter part of the week with her apparent trouble. An abundance cousin. Miss Arric Hicks. of excellent provisions were in Mi&s Myrtle Brown spent Sun- evidence at all times, both at the day in North Cove. G. M. homes of the people and on the grounds. Draa nlvcr News. Rev. D. J. Hunt was re-elected Black Mountain, Oct, 5. Mm moderator, Mai H. Jones, treasurer Virgic Moorp of Old Fort has been and A. L. Rucker, clerk. visitine her aunt, Mrs. W. R. M. L JUSTICE, M. D., D. D. S. Tho next session will be held at Garrison. rvcutriOT Bill's Creek church, beginning on James Webb of CrooL-ed (!rwt ULIV 1 lo I arnson, during the week. ? Mr. and Mrs. Or Vcsshave rr Strcctmw tiundint turned home after visiting relatives Marion. . S C, DR. R. J. BURGIN DENTIST Marion North Carolina Office in rOTRAT DUILDINC. Thursday before the first Sunday in October, 1912. A Message to Farmer Boys. My word to the farm boy of the here. South would be . that the three Frank Hall, who is teaching at secrets of success are Industry, Stone Mountain, went to Old Fort Perseverance, Intelligence. In- last Saturday. G. dustrv without intelligence docs not win; intelligence without in- Uooked Creek News. dustry does not win, and the two uid ort, Oct. 3. Mr. and Mr, n. IL C McCALL a R. McCALL McCall Sroar. UNDERTAKERS Hcofflns and Burial Supplies added that degree of honesty in Alonxo Darta. attended the Orwa lUrar dealing with ono's neighbors that Afodatlon at Monnuin Crwk Ut makes friends for life. we. The movement 'back to tEel VT. L. Moffitt went to Ilatherfonlioa farm" is no longer a mere doctrine. 7; Uo,wf fcfOT1f M It is actually taking place and it is Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful at- tcntiorL by hU wife, who has be?a taking Ueat- Over cOl fi: ConloS Fumhurt ment in the Rntherford UarpiuL tfft Blrfl viaed.to try " rlaodlne." which to bit rreat ,rro r- ,t snrpnr,e. jravs tae relief almoat rrora the tirst I dose, and before I had taken one bottle I rraa imoare. com- ymptoms vdepeniia uoon the aracmr.t of J Tiexion.aa. appetite J3t. atrevgtn gone, ana poisons wnica tne iiaucyfe nave allowed, to inc WBO ipnm is upset oj n iccurauuuuu remainiathe system. of hnmora, it ia time to try Bloodine" today. tr If - '. I aHMfT At I I TIT! I HITEIITIITi V fit ftttV TTna4lM I A Ths nvoocn Co.. Boston. Maa. imaniaiuciiintiiwi uiup, m va - . . Bladder. Pita in Urlnatine. RhBUmt. "c7fn:r,1-"I "n ""fiT ttv vTirViiv Colorrt ' or tvtiiw $w4. I wecF pa1 Dioody water, bave been to the ttle of your Bloodine for which 1 ra. in stamra to rav for aama. II It will - 1 . ' Ml . 1 . - ... Catarrh ot Eladdsx or Soii, f. I uu f"7-: "JJ? " 'f"" PLI. teeas "Under -Byes, Voodons fAppUt0. f atia AA A V1" 1 nirBVOoaofravci. tnia ia Urotha, MAasHriKLD, Vt.. Sept i. toco. .awouan ajjnnnea vision. Specks I Thh Bloodik Co., Boston, Masa. Saiora t Byoa, Scanty Urtno. Presqaemt 1 Gentlemen : I received your trial bottle of Blood- Calls, aaoow wjy, ixiiuanesa. DrHtllngr, ine. That wa not enough to do much for me. for I TriMrt Action. Uloeratlon of tn if 7k;.v T"T,Vr,' 55r,ln Palo. Waxy aaaory, BaOOdr may nd . o doUarVrth I ST c rr-r-- - - .;.". . i iubb ne xaat i can tea u u wui dome atn? f SIIIPIS TEST FOR KIDSEY DISEASE. ! Now, if you think that Blc ! that I can tell if It will !a m an trwL Signed, MRS. OCTAVIA E. CARPKTR. M.saicvtsf .n. Yt . fV iravi mtt is' bottle -with tirrnes lt f ct I Thb Bloodins Co.. Botton. Mi ' " twelve hoora: if there la a sediment or fcloud-1 . .eaf Sin: Please send me six bottles of Blood. ineaa ot tnyDra yw nave aaaney or bladder I 11 n n ne world of rood; it has stopped - A -W ' - TVwlV llliif Mak4lf A . TS a w ... B10Oune"77 " Hum vac disease I ' . ' : - K-espscnnuy. V s f taKing piaceamongsi mo most in- J. B. DarU' hon xtaj destroyed by telligent of the . Southern boys, firo Uat Thursday. Tbo canjM of tho iThey are beginning to learn that fir not learned. in a climate that is almost perfect t. itonJctt, who h Wn yry for agricultural production, an acre u Jniproting. of land with intelligent manage- MI Cora James, -who ti Uaching ment, gooi seed, deep preparation, 1 90:1001 oa Jackon Crtk. mttnded tho careful planting, thorough and I teachers meeting In Marion, SatnnUy. irequeni cciuvauou, wiin ine soin ro vnronpn witn tceir occupied all the year by something oaler and an? to wing gTaiau to keep it from leaching, can bo I , Muadl made worth five times as much as an aero under orninarv circnm- It's tqual Donl txlst. stances is worth Senator John L- ? Trr v9 ejJrt, cint- Sharpo Willian. in Proivo Bores, BcalJa, BolU TJleer, Eczema, Is The World Growing Better? winenm. torero Cre, Cold Borttt. wujrcu uaooj or cpnuna IU inprrae. Store ia too far advanced. - BloodTne cewta'soea bottle for the nsnal $ t odze. Llail orders mica, wgc roptc pome by mail Cloned, MRS. IA E. CARPEKTZR." : We will forfeit 1 1 nm If thm m44m1. J V. j letters, proring cenniaenesa, cannot be prodacsdL Chronic Comstipstioa, Sick Ueadsche and EiV Lousnew. 20 CTO. A DOX. . J. yV. Streetman, Special Agent Many things goto proTe that it ia. UnrtTaled for PUe, . Try if Onl! The way thonsands are trrl' to help at Strtetmaa's Drcir btoru. -others is proof. Among them-is -Mrs. - . h OU3 W. -W.' Oould, ot FittAfield. N. IL jn i , Finding ffood health by taking Electric 10 J anaa ftD10ng the poorer JSSwSinJ "iljr Otic-third of the mix- I Buffered with, stomach and kidn M103 CQd 10 divorce. trouble," she writes. 'Every mMicinal r" I nsed failed tiU I took Electric Bitters. Don't trifle, rith a cold U rood a4yi elp6d md on forprndntmenand wlSJSl TrSy derfnlly. Theyll help any vrennan. bo TiUl in cjv nf rh!M tTemT Yonn.A J rvT.f two T I liecaody lor coughs and colds la child ! Tlrc J. W. Street- It is and tuns. For r JT by o vjwav. all dealers. FEE fc represent some of the strongest and most rdhbic Fire Insurance and bond ing Compani Would be pleased to write your business. Burton a. Wood, ACCHTS. Merchants &. Tarmttt &snX 4

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