I I i - -. c : p:tz p it a"-- rv' . xx djaitiM x- n innn ri " p - r - f s 5 . i Jv O P S S I O 3 ntir.M n v jj - iSu'UU 1 llla I i j - w I , .1 - IONAL .The Destruction of Portland J, In Colonial Days. ACT OF AN EWUSH OFFICER. iH 1'. ft: 10 a; f orinulii sstisedif or 43 year3 in all 'troubles arising frcri inipte,1povcr-y . ished or acid MooCbntilrB no alcohol, v I : :t0 the stomach and., tiijestiyo or: as weu as tn pioocu -t 1 ,tma tcnic .'.vvvif?..;' 2ns . 1 Whai rV3i!am DOES Cures ths m? 't deepcnito blood diseases. Euilds up thD C73tcVa, eradicates uric odd. thus cjr:: rheumntlana, ct, eczema, etc .Beneficial in all run down conditions, con rumptlcn, catarrh, anaemia, failing eyesisht frcm impevcrizhed blcod supply, crcatC3 cpctitc, aids dicestiorvand is a cen uine KrCCNCTPvUCnVS TCXIC . ' A Royatltt Wemin'i Wilgf Cauitd th Annihilation f th City and.Savtd Porttmouth. N. H For Which Port I -m0000-C000-0--0-0 DR. J. GILLESPIE MI: ID, Dim-T- Will ar-srrer calls ?. r.::j l:our t f t!; :::;;Lt. :: :: Ivcons 3. 4 zzi 5 First K.atlcr.a! BuUiir., Marion. N. C. C. B. McDRAYER ATTOHNET AT LAW "Prompt Attention Givca All Hasiucs! Ictnistrvl to Mj Care -SrENDLORi5EMEHTS: FRO - REL! ABLE : PEOPLE : - 1 1. Your medicine is, in my estimation, a.roi33nto huni.n:t7- ; ' On Mrc't 13lli I commenced to tisa Mllarnrrom Oio Hrt tb u. Jefferson, S75 vvcodjand Ave., iioaaoiie, v v. ; . .; pue l (ijnvvavas noticeable CTea to in Iriendx Uycat&rrtLkl 4 n can conscicnTlousl Riv. (tatban Maynard :ir; vMilam is a grand medicine, ' I har r- - a . ",r, b utiles, ... tr.:.vi i s:: n.lrt i'r-, , in .i-nri thi.luh. f.rtnrtni4 ana more able to stand have been troubled that I could not v'V. '; - To my my surprise !'-:; ; . . neart s content 1 Guerrant, Danville r ' :; - mayjeeep your money my taca u eiiUrcl.v vsti. Altr hivir.'; cat tomatoes -.vithb-t brc ' klrtr? c-c ic h a rain. ; . w v.- and 'pleasurjsI-c'M r r.v: et toniitoca t n7: ' -. 'Ivo1; r "rrr"r.?l nr.d rratified at tho creat benefit I df- jncentioasly recommend. Uaia SL Richmond. Va. it suffered with eczema for 23 y ji-rs I an ciirsJ. C: II..7:liiamo. I i-a I taa r.aat thin? la ths world. Mr. !L 1L . r.oyaolds, Criz, Va. . , I - - Frrr.?ir -r. r;t ytars 1 rifrrred xriih rheumatism. at timet v:;'B;v;-4;':-'t -v'-.,,vs I , u--.1aCuv;. 1 .1 r.ivr txtias UWxsi wua creat benefit, as I . y f&'h-&'-:-r'J bad nottakeiilAilam moro tbanthrcd cr ioiir 173 rrhen I f:r r U And .u to walk with case. Miss Ira R. "v ' , 1'. v ,beffanto see a d-'cid irr?jfove.n:tMit la a;;p:ti:?u i i"r s-t 1 r.:.7.:. A. .1. a. ' J- faith in MiTrh ?--r- ? . Mf3a - - - ' r- r r T - ic. - , ...T f iiam lai do.. j nave quit comincr, s ;: .v ': f .1 -;r:;. I seen tab 3 Improved in almost every way. ymM-Vp - itjV.'L. X Dcuiiut. Wslhalla. S. C. State UranssiUt for Burmm bowles for ss, ad-get your money - feKiMe fe If your dealer , ' "j X ' - yiMxMXi . . cannot supply ycu, .crdcr direct frcm us ' ' . 75 J 5 - XXMMmtmJ XXMkg-'giijggv "liiz -i : 1$ FX t:.. 1 ;i "Ybujare: relcome " says Mrs. Nora Outtey, pi KroKen 5c0klaluser i 11. tr will inuiicc SUIX1& buiicrmg y uiiicui ; u uy wiuuu - a imu ' pain all over v ' and suffered with an abscess .Three 4ihyr: riuShfaile'taVrelie taking Cardiii, I am in tietterihth thi ve,tefore, and thai means. much to me, Ibeeatisel I suffered many years .r vyifh womanly troubles, of IdiffefentJlarid me ' ; s ' j The WoManToiiic flliiDoii'iiw are taken down sick, before tak ing care :of yourself: ; The small aches and pains, and other symptoms of womanly weakness and disease," always mean woreeBtollovV"iinless given; quick; neataenL ; v -. You ;wouW?always - lciepHCardui -riidy, if you knew what quicksand permanent relief It gives, where weakness iand disease - of the womanly : system makes life seem hard tdea tarduihas helpeH over a million women. Try it rto;Udie$:Advisory Dept. Chattanooga, Medicine Co.; Chattanooga, Tcao, lor.SBiewiifracfffnaj anaw-page DooKi ttome lreatmenxior women, teniiree. j oi TT" HAIR HEALTH land'a Fata Had Cten Planntd. One of fhr cuu-c of tfct m'.utJna nrjr war. nud qnlt ci Itnjortant a o? a.n tin !ui:h) net. ni tfcr trrt'U di atruitln of tb? city of Punlaud. Mf. tbtr part of tb tutvn of I'aluiwatn It 'a ald tlJi! the tricta laiga! bavp foroJtcn I-xlueton mid Couord. hut ibnt tbe raring wi tbi iowo. ntirn bad U-en pcacr4lij ln rt!rHl until tbx ln9nnl tbr rofynlr Nyond Ui-ntirc Uue firotopi ru!t nan ibr laulialf formation of a Molne rrlcu-al which won xidJcd to the cieajrrr rorcc of toe Continental, nnuj. Not sj Kenrrallx known, bowetrf. If the tmdilJon that ll wm due to tbr fancluntlonii of n" beautiful vrna:a that PortUnd was dtrojed and o utber town pryrr"rd. W!un the Hrtilsb commander. Cap tain Mtitvuti. on bo.ird bis CatJp. Ihr rCunccduV anchored tvltb bit Cert to Portland s Inner harbor, be did no: re veal to her cltUeo that the ncn)pu lous little j:d of lovi nnd N-ru hl tillol, Iuirud. on a bright Ortolff moruinK In I7TT. tn rr.xx up ibf ruyni I OSc ia Elrcetmxn II!d. mihuii on IjN f.ivt fld nt ti oi u U'mii 11 lmmlrtri!tuni tb.it !.;i-t tut IuUTrtiptedJ- until 11 "VJitU ni mi;'j rurtl.-tnd wn uuprnml for fUti j vMtjitlua. nnd thfrc tra u nit3tt at drfeuae, the IntmMtanT n.njpi; MUarmlDZ the ntfer with thrlr 01 cartH aind hor!! mid nttrrupttn to S4ek safety by tl!tf!H to tbr opn vun. try Kick from tin water fmni. Ho clot did th a-atl!nir np pnacb that uinlcr t-uvrr of ifce Njhi liurdment they tanded itallon who jrr vdid the totrn, ielllu Are to ucn building ns bad eH4-.iKtJ dntnape fnw Up Stairs, Streclrr.in Builiir L. A. HAtfBy cousTYSbmncR. C. . HOUSE ASSOCIATE. Ar.rniAcrs akd Blck Pui.vn SrnciALTira MsiaBl McCALL & LISENBEE ATTO I ll K YS- AT- LAW hitt ?bot itnd explodlu? Iwoh. lUfore Tntrt ' Af4w-rton. -f Tk! rAnAA..A I Captain Motraft bad ivtap!rt-d tb we- Take Advantago of. This Generous be dlrrd ln lar l0Te-g Offer. - I nbrlne thrve-ittartet of the totrti was I totally destroyed. Inrlndlns thp uau- Your money back upon rrqit nlclpai buiidinri. vburcbe. public U- atour storo if Rexalt D Hair hnr? flrif eD-,uc Dm,,fcs areu.e Tonic doesn't do as wo claim. All lD3l he Icfl W3, , DaDtlfui of tbe That's our guarantee.- You obli- rorr borela. erery residence of Ira irate yourself to bothing whatccer.' Prtance beln2 bombarded or net on n : . Or and 5.000 -Inhabitant left hel- Couldyouask cr could we give terlcss at IDe apvT9?ch of wlnlcr. you Stroriirer proof of our COnG- To make It pmetirally rertaln tht aid Potct:t Building, MAIIIOK, - - a DR. TL J. BURGIN DEN'TIST , atlariort, North Carolina Office in rOTEAT BUli.DX?G. d.-nce in the hair restoring quali- ,",,u,d Min, lo lht ty ocoKHHHoo ties of this prcpHmtion? tuilk on bU dPImrttlfv all lhr M. L JUSTICE, M. D., D. D. S. V o could notalf.iru to sostrontr I vnvu anrftored tn tbe barter that ly endorse Rxall 93" Hair Tonic Untl ,HMn froCT orrh: and continue to sell it as we do, if ln rsi)anat,(m b( esljWtrJ ,n,mio. it did not do all . WO claim it will tlon which rend: -Conie o;jojtr the Should our enthusiasm have carnal tnwn ,v!lh nU Plb!e exiedltlou. r.d .. . .. . tbirt tmrn. dnfc and destror. tit tne us away, ana Kcxail ur llatr of Ume mW tbat tb,-e nr Marion. ' . N. C. Ionic not give entire satisfaction dem originally related to i'ortfc:nntta. to the users, they would loose faith acd Uiaf 11 to o woman . 5 ' . . that ttiey were not catTled out a trnt- u MUV. UUl 9 kvk V141 Vii auu iu I fpn . DEWTIST Rooms 2, 3 and 4, Streetmon Dultdint McCall l$rosr. UNDERTAKERS ID) nn r, rvn . w t n : 1V CD U I AVvV, (0. " ' r: Operating Over 7,000 Miles of Railway D 1 - M N 1 -a J- QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS TlirAiiernsTroin Affo rd i n ; Fi r st-CI ass Ac co m m o d ati o n s . ; tiegani ruuman;bieeping Lars jnrougn grains.. DWING ClAJB ANDrqtERVATION CARS. X. r . Store .-Vv. For Speed, ComfoftLand C Employes, 'Travelvia the Southern r 2?iea beduies ad. Dther information f uxnished. by uddressipg the undersigned , BH. HARDWICK,. P. -T..M:,.: ; , - .. v. W; Hi TAYLOE, G. P. A., ':X,X;:-X :'r'X X ', X Town Property For Sa For sale in the incorporate limits, of Nebo 4a, acres of land.; fcFif teen acres ..could be cut into lots and about 5 acres i3 in cultivation; v It is all well wooded Esveral thousandcords of good wood on it. Is on the Central Highway and in sight of Nebo High School. A. bargain for- 0229 one. Address - :Xi . :v ZebB. Pyatt, ; : 1C3 Oak St., ; ; Goldsboro, N. C. r NOTICE! iTheundeTOienftdhavlntr been, a-ppolnted and qualified as executors of the last will afM testa ment or 81. 13. Urlirnt. deceasea. tnls is to noufy all persons having claims arinst said estate to produce them to the undersigned within twelro months from this -date, or this noUcerwlU be pieaa iu bar or the collection of the same. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement with tlie undersigned This Sept. 12th, 1911. - . - i A.L.Beigut and COLCMErs riPJGHT, j :, - ' executors. of the estate of i r 11, D. Brisht, deceased. . consequence our business prcitiije Captain Mowatt nnd bl Ceet bid would suffer. anchored off Portsmouth harbor mc; xrr 4i . . . time pretlouMy to bU amaulf upon Wfl JiL;nrf vnn that if hmr .. .. " w " , I I'ortiano. ana wnue lucre ne nna pouc is besrinninc to unnaturally fall out quietly on bore and wcniij ruttrd or if von have nnv fittiln trnnhlo. family of the royntl-t .or Tory, na r " " r 'I.I.- li. ..ilJ"T M 0 a. RaW ' "93" Ha5r Tonic will V' ZXZ U0llln5 ana uua PWCS promptly eradicate dandruff, stimu- a icirt f elsbteen. fanu-d the couLtry I Anv business in!rtii!rri iaie nair growtn, ana provent pre- 'vuuu uv p rr uirr wam . i v .i . famed' for bU obnoxlout loyalty to uur caix Vtin rcxciYC maiur0oaianess,ortnoauovt;uar- Kins (Jeore. and when tbe iior caiv prompt and: careful at anteo oecomes operative. iwoituin mw h(r he proved an eny rvxx I tcntion sizes, 50c. and S1.00.. So d balv M,,wt n1 M,,ow wfcw at our store-Tbe . Rexali Store, Z Zl UVCr McUaU FurrJiuro u. m oirecuuuu. - i mnnr times in oruer to rcad the tm- Inff with nrtractlre Mary nartjawi;. Over -220,000 left tho United ' Ucr wlt- beauty and brilliancy of "K-i'ntrrlnm lnct Trnnr for f?,nrl t, cooverwiuoo laBCinatcM Ulm 3nt3 unuea otates-ana Australia. lntcntJon or bombaniinr tMrf.rr.m wa atiandoned. nnd Portland nuITervd Is The World Groulni Better? pn the atcad of the town which fcrtd Man v thin tra ro tn rnv thl If 1 tbe channlaj: 'lltUe JayalHb The way thousanda are Urine to helol Po what one historian termed - others is proof. Among. them U Mrs. I canton. inaefenIble aault upon an W. W. Gould, of Pittsfield, K. II. undefended and peaceful city" came Finding good health by taking Electric I about thmnrb & nonnn't - Bitters, she naw advises other ufTerers, cTery Yollcy, from the Cfty ruL of ??fed?.Uem: :?JJ.f Mowatf. fiWt donbtlcii rrtM bt. trouble." Bhe writes. -Everr medicine Cn a to e "bo bad rron I used failed tUl I took Electric Bitters. nearx- 1 no ,D0Mtrt whar?a ar. l But this great remedy helped me won-1 u' camln nouses ncrc hia burnt of- derfuuy." They'U help any woman. nag to nit laajJore. They're the best tonic and finest liver I The Pnarhawk housf wh.r f and kidney remedy that's made. Try tain lost bis. heart ttin b rrrs'a T Cz,' taa, 4lJC ,uaCCC Cr.'.C 1 fiS EJr.T WJU J.CH'-U;3 Wft OTPf fnlf it,, . ,-.! . ... i. iui kuu ai. w.uuituiau tumcs iaaml a physician and a rato our word cnocolate. ctroit t rve lYtrx. , R"::i3i!!isTEn s pills , u tu,.. Y; - - 5-'-i""-u ir-l(6 tablet are tratUWT rt-avh r.sil. I 1 Tf Xc represent son:c of the stronncst and mos: reliable Fire Insurance and. bond inn Companies. ou!d t-c pleased to vritc your tu::::ess. r r!H rYr'nTrrc rr"""' jana to l;n.:,..i h b;hount;3 ;:iTflT - - x Burton S. Wood, AC CMS. Merchzr.ti, rcrrr.cr ZatX r::::.'i