Business Locals I L0CAL ArD personal 1 FOR BENT Nice cottage on Garden . street. Apply to this office or W.(B. Magnan. . - ; - " ' - - Look over Gaston & Tate's 10c and 25c . counter for the, Bigest Bargains Buy- : able. ' ; " :''"" 1 : NEW line of Hand Bags in all the lat est styles, 25c to $5.00. The Peerless. Just received a gross of extra ?ood lunch baskets in five sizes at 10c to 35c at GastorT& Tates. , , - '---;, - ' C. A. Jaquins, of Dysartsville, was a visitor here yesterday.' , ' J."" W. Streetman has gone to Atlanta, Ga., on a business trip. Harry, Payne, of Oswayo, Pa., is visiting his uncle G. L. Payne Mr.' and Mrs. Hugh F. Little announce the birth of a son on the Negro Shoots Show Man, The only occurrence to niarr the pleasures of the three dAys fair was the shooting of William Cheatom, who was running oco of the con cession shows on Main street. The accident occurred Thursday night about 0 o clock when the streets! were crowded and created the wild est kind of disorder for a little while. Ed Rutherford, a Marion n . negro, is in jail charged wiui tno crime. " . . Rutherford had had some words --- n n L. Li Li ' Mij?s Pftarl TTAndftrcnn. of fta. with the show man just a few min- tonia, is the guest of Miss Maggie J5 thc shooting and he f inoo iuab(jiC being drunk on cocaine or some NEEDED. AT ONCE- Toppers, knitters ;v;v:: --.V; . uvuci uiuk wkcu muiu uiau and looperv good wages,- reasonable . yv. vv. viear maae a ousiness uuce iur. vueawui u u a a ii f wnMBio' TTrti,'QrW trin tn TTnrWnW TAnn nrinty ana let others take his place. He - , ' . . uuuiu a lew uuuiues imcr auu buuw Mr. and Mrs. G. G. v Eaves, of him from the rear the bullet strik- Yorkville. S. C. soent the latter ing just above the" pivot point of part of last week in Marion. " 1 Jaw 0D0 ? lM. rgni.nana siae . Downie & Vheeler's circus will teeth, passing through his tongue exhibit , here to-day. The show and coming outof his mouth. comes highly recommended. . . Rutherford was captured in a very ivf t i? t u lew minutes and lodged m jail. , Have you. tried "Whitleather Hose"? iorpaiumore, iua., toj join ner hos and jt thought that h5 for men, women and children, lOcand I husband for a stay of ten days. w;n soon be but aain. 'The odi- 15c, every pair guaranteed and sold only Miss Iiaura Turner, of States- cials, however, are keeping in close by Gaston & Tate. ,;oe , --;,ftf A touch as to his condition, and the , . a . - - U. . . , necro charcred with the crime will hwvt x iiuMjr - 6 "tr -"rT, .-. w ned untii such information is further Mills, Valdese, N, C. Ladies it is a "pleasure to show you the New Uoat Suits ana uioaKs just ar-. rived at our stored Gaston &i Tate. , FOR SALE GoocLPony and pongvbug- gy, steel spoke rubber tire and also a pony saddle. ; Address Lock Box No. 83, Marion, N. C :C ; , f Everybody likes to u in, whether at a game of check ers or golf, or ifi raising the largest pumpkin or thc fattest hog. Wc, roo, arc filled with the sporting spirit of WANTING iq WIN in the Grocery business. In order to do this wc know .that wc musL. merit vour patronage Jby benefiting you. This is what wc aim to do all thc time. SB. MORRI Phone Jfo. 40. I Marion. JV. C. i i i ; DOC DOC DC and 1 vou can. get them at Brown s w . . . . Store ? If you want the Feed Store r6 '4- CP . get . tnemai crowns Emest Lee Dale, wife and little had that will justify bis furtl iIiJl - daoghteiv Elizabeth, of Ashevillp, confinement or rrleaso oti bond, is the place to get it. ; . . .f j . , v- To Correspondents. We desire to call the attention of JUST RECEIVED a. full line of; Bed and Mrs. C. A.. Dale, Sunday, room and Hbuse Slippers. The "Fir- Mrs; B; A. Cheek and William felt" make at yuc to ,i.ou -ins prewy - T.i- corresDondenta to the fact that.we can . V - : . i ' - . . .-II .f 1 t-f- IT 1 Fit 1 I VI WHi .IHI'lf 1 W M HIS I colors and styles, ar Waston ;Tate'8v "??--?r. VIT: -V .. V w r: not " DuUUti cominunioatioua without ana cniiaren, or Asnevnie, spent the of the . LOST Last Friday on the street, boys seyeral days here last week visit- - jt need not be signed to the article or brown leatner pocKec dook containing ing relatives and attending the fair; news letter necessarily, .but it' must son money. Findewill please return , A Oarr and Miss Elizabeth accompanv same, to this office or Max Corpemng and re- Ohas.A. Oarr and Miss Elizabeth m dre u fr0m ceive liberal reward. mmMmm vjuuuuu, w -uuuuuuiuu wuuij, rt f th and will thank were onietlv married at the home . WVyflad? e of Mrs. E. T. Gaddis nekr Marion, send it ;in each week from his or her of "Selby" shoes in Velvets, Tan, Gun , 0 . T I ; w- r Metal Patent Kid and Vici Kid. r They Heuuesuay. uowuer 10, xvev. xra I , u aieidi, rdicuu a U, . j. . cnrrMnnndfintfi. bnt -wo need to havo are beauties. Gaston & Tate, irwin omciaung. ; , ... :v s . -r f "R " f T .n n cr n ri n rr a Ann : 1Tiq I $ i .1 new goods in our window. . Don't for- w muio xauer were marncu uu tuu lecwrom, among neurnuinucx: uuovu L ni rp fnr th X O. cJhomeof.thebride's parents," Mr. send the news to TheProgres3 weekly Kliplhv and see, that it is done. yXoyu cliUVL tuv mv wmv . -w uu u.aj jka.A. au f Peerless. ' ' ' WANTED Tea users to try our ."Tem po''. Tea, only 18c a package and a handsome piece of china - with- each uackaere. Gaston & Tate. 4 - . ' Dr. W. H. Wakefield of Charlotte will be in Marion at ThV; Marianna on Thursday, Nov. 9th tor one ' day. .The doctor limits his practice to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and fitting glasses. ' ; s 3t 10-26 I ! TCT rrll Via nanAT tA oi oV irrn. Wednesday, -October 18th. , Mr. lar. grutb. furnUh Laughridge is a son of Mrs. J. M; paper, enveloijes, etc Help us t jd Laughridge of Marion. V ' , " the news ot the county ami jnake.your The :baby .show vat 'Gaston & me Pr moro interesting. TntA! RtnrA lfl;t. Thursday morninjr wa'q well; attended and attracted overlook tbat . suD- considerable attention, over twenty scriplion. If you ; are in arrear. babies entering the contest. Er- remember tDat we can aiwnys nna mine Neal, daughter Mr, andMrs. tfood use for the money. R. B. Nealr received tha highest number'qr vojtes and was awarded 71 llih 1.1 I C V. 4. nknnirlan lin VfcaT V pair of shoes. - v - - "y . - . . - . ' "-''' - " It is learned from the Asheville P. A. Reid'&Co. Thc home of hfch-chss Merchandise. Special Agents for Queen Qualiry and Shoes. ; Cadet and Initrwovcn cur-r.-teed Hosicr' Eclipse Shins Uaterhcuse Cravats Buttcxick Patterns. Wc guarantee nil our noods, bcth price and quality. If not your money will be cheerfully re funded. Y. M. B. 0. D. n I U n s i s u n ! u n DOC DOC DC O .0 ZDOC DOC n TO THE FARMERS We have con tracts for handling allkinds of ferti lizers for this fall and are prepared to make specially low prices for cash. Let Citizen that . President Einley N of us make yon a jjrice on what, ; you u the Southern Railway has instruct- need delivered from car and save ware- - , u. , .y. , house charges. Gaston & Tate ".. ed that additional passenger tram service be given between Asheville Mrs. J. MHaskew v&J-Wj - , i proviues lur a ucw uaiu nutu mu nuA0fMlrmrr Ipavft Saiisburv at 4: a. m., arrive R ecelved Come In and See the 17 Jeweled P w " I I r i u 1 1 99 Spring St at Asheville' at 10 a. m., and re- Manon, N..C.kurning.will leave Asheville st 7:10 p. m., : arriving at Salisbury at Specialty WedcUnsTrpusseaTaUorW ' . . -i - - . Soft Felt Shapes White and Black - Beavers It is a good one and guaranteed to give satisfaction. All the best goods usually found in a first-class Jewelry Store is here. t . I Reception and Evening, Costumes.'; Hive con ducted a public business in l&iamU Fla.; 'Mont gomery, Ala Atlanta and "other Soatnern cities twenty years, sending out work U over the South and come highly recommended by the' leading society people of those cities. Will api predate your patronage. : J - .; V . : , hours: ; 7 - Rescued by Chief.' RockHill Neses :. j.. - : . ' The Downie and Wheelet's Shows (combined) gave twQ- per- 8 a. m. to 12 m. . 2 to 5 p. m. f ormarjCes here tb-day to very large and appreciative. audiences , The NOTICE, v. :( -? 1 cur ic - rlpfln. throhfrhont' from OUV f . A v . o " 7 Mrs. Carrie Childs, U (9 Spra WatcbmaKcr and Jctuctcr. SEAGLE BLOCK. Marion. ; V Land For Sale; - Take notice that whereat Frank Morthcad and his wife, Carolina "More head .did, on the 2ith rouster-bout to owners; , earning W"?: ""T- " T" 0 JVcrif Carolina O DOC DOC DC3DO V All persons will hereby take r notice that application will be made to ithe iikers were , not in years ago last Jnly, for the . crime of eviaence as m muau owuua Highway robbery. Thia.the Uth dayof I Qf ts kind, and the day was ideal iorxuiiureu auu iud uiu iuiM w have a good time with the clowns and animals.: One large elephant, Chief by name, whom the owners claim to possess a :human brain, was the hero of the day, as when a wee tot got estranged; from its mother and was' about to be tramp led under foot . Chief reached out A 60 Acre Farm For Sale! Located Near. Rocky Pass. ' Four miles from Glen wood, 8 miles from , Marion." ' About 20 acres in . cultivation. Common ildingS. Splendid pasture and L. . trunk and picked the child up rT Wirea m-. ' T?Q app!e r bodily, bringinglt, under his tow- uara, some peach, cherry and pear - - - A f ar-AoA t Xjx. a-u - ; v ; Hi? 'mother could reach it. trees. Church and school 1 mile. bargain. Terms cash. , For fur ther information call on or write C.B. Morgan, Marion, N. C. Dysartville Route, 'Box;Ho. 2. , The show as a whole is good, and our people look forward to their return next year. -II,. , m ' v Born, to Mr., and Mrs.. Wood Fihley, October 22, a son. - , ; ed mortgagee, a certain mortgage del. may be found of record la book No. 15; at pa$o 157, of McDowell county record for roortgajce. convej Ing tbo land herein after described at curity lor the payment of a certain lndebtelnei. erldenced by certain notes thcrJv,C9cnblt which are now past due and unpaid, and; where as, payment of the said notes has been demand ed and default made: , - Now. the undersijrned will, under and by rlr- tue of the power of sale contained In the said mortgage deed, on ' - Saturday, thc I3Ui day of Novcm - bcr, I9H, : between the hours of 12 o'clock m and 3 o'clock p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door la Marlon, N. C the following described real estate, to-wIL- a certain piece or parcel of land la Marlon town ship, McDowell county, bounded and described asiollows, to-wit - Beginning at a stake and two white oaks at Jane Jones corner, apd running thence with her line west 12 poles to a stake and Spanish oak by aroadln Will Wells Mine; thence north with his line seyen poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 12 poles to a small hickory and pointers In the outside line; thence south seren poles to the beginning. containing one-half acre, more or less. : This the 17th dy of October, 1311. - W. II. Dawkls, Mortgee. Pleas & Wlnbome, Attorneys . E CO AND We have just received a car of Barb ed Wire any Wire Fence and can. make special prices. 1 We also have a good line of vcod and coal Heaters. hj3 foce ihiarawaie Marion, M. C