H M 1 1 t -3:p:iit . ;- - : V;.: '. - ; " : , mnpii ' - " ' . 1 1 i f i i tsfpl foods.. Ch ..3 ' v.v-t.'-f V-' . . ' - u: i-;ir -JV --. V !!'i;i.tV.'.W-".r-"i".S!ii..s.V''- . a -5 "... " - . , ! -i -1 1 i;l filiiiisiiils f ABSOLUTELY PURE Theonly Baking Powder made Sugar Hill News. Sugar Hill. Oct. 23 -The farmers nf thlnstclioa aro not cnjojiu 5.0 rnnch ralnv .-weather, for they un? not through sowinj: wheat. ' , . Quite " a crowd from thi? pcttlxnent attended the fair laat week, and brought back soreral prizes..".' Thcso who wen prizes from this place were Dean and Lawrence Crawford and Mlfses Mamie Crawford and Lizzie, Wilson, v.. Mr. and Mrs. J. W., Crawford, of Henderson villa, are Visiting relatives here this week. 1 " G. C. Crawford was visltlnff in. Union Mills last week and reports having had a fine time, '1 - ; John F. Morgan and Herring of Texas were visiting the former's mother, Mrs. C. C. Bright. . Well, ,'Betty,w how did yotx enjoy the fair? : v V : M. 'Wilson who ba3 been attend ing the Federal conrt at States ville has returned, bnt. will have to return for tae Salisbury term this week. : ' . . ISAAC. North Cirollna. ViT d"cr.- I n a c rti!r. ! -with c-.vi.Ie thrr- wiib Itn b. h White, Lnna:!c tu th 2 V,h cr.-ir.,: ic-.z hzc trr zzCl of NorvmUr. 1911. HitnrtUr. " U-twc-:: J ;o- Urj at l rir the hours of 12 ocl.x-k.m.. an i2o clock. M:;h : Irs. . Ulc th I.. Bm . at ths court ho:iM dt;r la Me r. ... c n.t acre , tr. r cr owell Coxictv, ofTr-r fcr fc to th lr-1. ::l-;-xt !o Ur wwr r;: i-f Hit bishct bidder for c?h the fol'-oxrin ( cirr: Wt..: in as I 10 atc-a: lire rrt lying and being in'Higgic Towr.hl?, to-wit: Beginning cu a tko nmr th Iknnett Mill Itoad and runs North llmt Ui pole to a yot oak; thT.c Eiist 14 polei to a pine; thT.ct ath abopt 70 polei! ton utaka whrn tho di visional of Mrs .Whito linft Inters is ii dcm'4 In 3 dcl frrru O cx litt toC. L. ci:. Thil th." t;th day cf Oc1clrT XSIL cf C L. Whi: Lriaiii. FLOWER BULBS JVO V! T Pretty FLO WE IRS 1:1 iSSlftft 1 cDpWELUFi PRENI I U M; LIST (Continued from first page) ; r , ,Toaf rye bread first, Mrs, W. M. nr?t: Miss Martha -7 ' 1 ' X Molasses f rUit cake, 3Irs. ' J.: L. Mor- i -V lis IS 11 i m I r . - f ' J Jouiid cakej rMrs., J. 3Iarble case. r : , Cocoanut cfke,,; ; ' 6 1 I vl I try, m V? i it V Morgan, $1,50 " 1.00 1.00 -1.00 I ' ' . --' - 13hoc6lats layer case, Mrs.'. MorgaD, I j ;J' - : Sponge cakeIisakieTaterl.'O0. P: r'-V- isageT Food kikev Mrs. fJ. W. Blank, ; i irnsy m xne como.;r: ji. w anon ?i . : Heme-made vlmtter, Mrs. William gijsijMirS " -j. . ft 0HjomB-m&6.e lard, 'Mrs. H; A..-Wester - S ; ' , : .. " . Home-cured bacon,- W, A. Houck;; $1. i. , ? " "Home-made . preserves, v,Mrs. J. F. - , ' , Home-iriade Jellie Miss Pink Tate, $2 , ' - . Saratoga cyips, Mrs. G; C. Conley 50c. ' , . " "Home dried apples, W A. Houck. $1 -!- ' r - , - Gocoanut candy, Mi 54 Bruce Landis, j: Pantry .supplies, Mrs. :3t. U. Couley, " -1 ' . .Tarn cake, Mrs. y,iO cWey, $1 -, ; . DEPAIITMENT-E':;":;:- ' - Calicouiitv Mrs. A? CHewitt, f I ; j ' 'Knit conuterpaTie, 3Ir.. E. Bt Barnes, V : Land For Sale. - Taje notice, that, whcra, W, II. IUwktonl hU wife, F. C. Ilawrklns ilM oa the inh.cUjr of Jnoc, 1911, execute to tho tindenslncil trustee a r certain lccl of trust io which the (JooUncnUl Embroidered towels, iMrs. J. E. Guy. I Tailoring Company was tho thin! iarty, whlcb - roar XcroQniorrecorain IJoolto. H, at rjr Embroidered handkerchiefs, Miss Ma- w . uTJLTT f, !i m0Tf?I mie Urawforo, f 1. : o. aicnritT forthe carmen! of a certain ludcUtl. Knit eacque, Mrs. ' J.S. Hopper; 75c Iness erldencetl by a certain Dote therein do Pin cushion. Mrs. Malone. 50c I bdl Uue nrt payable to the aM thlnl party Crocheted lace Mrs C. H. Bailey. 50c ley WfromUi; An.l,trhcrfa.rajmti , , Vr of theaaldnotehaalecnlero.'nlcilncl ilcfn!t Battenburg lace, first, Mrs H A -de; Aui whetca. vr1uen anpntlao btt Westerman; 50c . ; - 4 I been mart to the wMlerslffWHt to forrr!o all . Drawnwork handkerchiefs, - Miss Liz- Ucel o trut unlcr the power of nle therein zie'Wilson, 50c ' - -, . ' con-alnM: v j i . . I ; ' Vr. - 5AW,thcuni!crlroel wll, r.n-ler ih! by tlr. Embroidered shirtwaist. Miss Pinkie tue ot llM5 K) er c,r ,ale ruine-l in the ,aVt Tate, 50c . V , lritrumct, on . . . - ' Shadow . embroidery,. Miss Mamie Saturday, the lOth d.iy of Novem Crawford, '50c- . ber, I9U. ' Homemade-shirt, Mrs. E B Baber, $1 lctwecn the honr of 12 o'clo k in , mvl 3 o'cWa, Pair wool socks, Mrs A M Hensley, 50c m.. offer for sAlct. the btx'ctbhMrr form.h. I ttt i ai . , -yy , 0 , i i at uic nuir iivuw uwr iu jianon, inv imtttr .iuxsa euv outryaeru- ,owlnjs ,ICKsrlbeu real ,e,t.tc. tult; Two son, ouc . k - GET Hyacynth Bulbs (Slnglo Double nnd IUtsaa ) Frccslas " Narcissus V Chinese Sacred LilHcs. OxalisT &c- .... AT THE.DAVliS.'PHARIWACY rtr- 0 tain lutof Uod Irluf nmt bcl ilu ihJ unrn of I 3 Specimen Jiomestitching, Mrs Malone, I Marlon. McDowell conntr, near to the vt. Ma 50c' - , I Hosiery Mill, and adjoining tne l-in-N or Uuy 9. A. . Crocheted doilies. Mrs Banner 50c. K5V!' IVT'Ih : i x. 8crlln.il a Ml wa,to-wlt: Oa th north, trrt. Display of fancy wor by one lady, Rnfl northwest by Tate street; n the we it iy II. judges failed to decide " . N A. Tatc'a land ; ami on the aoaUi anJ catt by the Crocheted table cover, Mrs Eberhardt. land of G. S. Klrby. r r v . - First Lot: Begin nlog at the take corner of DEPARTMENT F U. S. Klrby's lot on Tate trvct, anl run a oorth. . . . . . west course 150 feet wltb Tate trct t a iAke una under l year, nrst, u l liawKins, on wUi 8treet; then a outherncou ics feet to $2; second,' J E Conley, $1- - Wkcln II. A Tate'a line; then wath wlth Ml.l - TAnll Awrl vpr first Ci 'X Parsnn Tate line Co fet to li .8. Klrliy' cona.-r: then a UUU over 1 year, . nrst. AL parson, northcagt ourmj with slvt Klrby Une 2U feet $3; second, G T Hawkins, $1 . totho begluniof . MHlrriiw first T7 "M "Rlmtnti ocniin irari: icfnnmD?iaiukr,incDonn. A111K COW, nrbt,. V iU Uianton. f,, west corner of the llrt I t. anl on Tate utreet. MILIjIjNrEl RY I-': . ' ' - Woven counterpane' Mm : "v; i ,,: .Crocheted counterpane, JMrs. A. M: ',:, . - '. ; . r. -.t . . 'i ' . ' ' :, . 1 ')Vvs'; rags7lte.:M.V vC. Biuch- , " J . Home-made carpet, Mrs. W, M. Good- ;:?, v'' TaUeoTeMrs.: J. W. Pless, $1 -- f', ' ' "',:; ' Table covert iMiss; Ora Giles, $1' 'I'X'l ''n: ?-ofa pillow, Miss Mamie Crawford, 75c . 'f v; r; - jfeuersliMrsiMaloneSOc ' s y Vv;; f 1 h-Tf W V v.- second, G T Hawkins, $1 DEPARTMENT G Ram 2 yrs old, C M'Nanneyi $2 ;Rain 1 je?.r old," Hubert Parker, $2 , y Ewe, 2 years old.'C M Nanney, $2 Ewe, 1 year old, C M Nanney, $2. , ' -V SWEEPSTAKES Ram, D H Crawford, two. dollars Raui and 2 ewes. C M Nanney. 0 V DEPARTMENT H r Boar, T J Gibbs, three dollars . SPECIALS Mrs J F Jonas Miss Pinkie Tate Mrs H A Westerman Mrs i J Gibbs J CPoal V W O Ledbetter JQGilkey Mrs Malone " Mrs D S Richardson j D Blanton - . . J M Harris Mrs J E Guy W F Wood G M Walton . There are many other premiums offer ed bvr merchants of 'the town. The premium winners who are entitled .to I U these premiums are asked to see the 1 Q merchants themselves who will be glad f i to give them out to the proper parties. I t i All those who have won premiums are requested to call at the ".Secretary's office for" their checks or premiums, also for explanation for anyclerical or typo graphical error, or such other informa-1 Q tion as they ; may desire about these I ami rnns wet with Tnto atrcet,ics feet to a Hiake. II. A. Tate comer; thence a outh cor with Tate's line 113 feet to a stake, the corner of dm lot; thence a northeast course with the line of the first lot IK) feet to the beginning. Thesabllota aw more fully dc-rU! In A deol from S. Klrby ami wife to W. II. Haw. Win, record M In liook No. 43. on vae ISO, of McDowell county fleetl rcconl. Ueference Is here made foT nnro perfect de 9crltion. Thla the 17th day of October. 1911 . J. WtxnousE. Trustee. LAND FOR SALE. Take notice, that the under ipned will, under and by virtue of theautnority of 2 oo I the Superior Court or McDowell County, 2 00 2 00 ?oo M 50 rn fl) fly The grandest display of Fall Millinery that you have ever seen in a town the size of Marion awaits your inspection at my store SPECIAL PRICES TO ALL' PURCHASERS DURING THIS - WEEK - Mrs. W. H. Hawkins Next Door to Lunch "Room li xli li xli iO ili ili xli xli xli xli xli xli xli xli lb U lb ili xli xli yu i i i i S ; ?: r; - - 2 50 I 100 n DOC 3 C C wg0 f tm 200 1 00 1 00 100 .1 00 1 00 . 00 u n 0 I ASHEV1LLE, North Carolina. North Carolina's Larges t axud o n Best Dry Goo I a sspSwcc ism 1 i"!.'" it . O r Vr-K r , xfee ' etidhte-. Druggist; " . A '?&& Dysahsville ots.v : Dysartsvilie Octr 23.Mrs. W. L: Klrksey of Morganton arid son Herman aiid Anna Cowen were .visitors' here several days last week. y : ; Lester Taylor, son of the late Jasper Taylor, died at Cliffside last v Monday, and was buried here Wednesday. Rev. B. B. Harris holding the funeral services. .' Mrs. Eliza Rumfelt died , in Shelby, Sunday the 15, and was buried at Beth el on. Monday. Her . brother : William Bruner of this place attended her burial. ' : Last 'Wednesday in Brindletown Q T J 1. 13. . . . . - .1 f 1 Dans io get goia ine oanx brose ana fell on him and killed him. He was a noted miner. , ' v u " Thomas Morgan died last Fridav at i -1 - j nia uuuia uear varaens ana was buried at Pinnacle Saturday. , Odus Daves of Glen Alnine and hi two daughters, Mary and Esteile, were ' visitors nere last week. ' . dls Store. - About two weeks ago the Bon Marchc opened in its new quarters -on Patton Ave. The past of this institution is no boubt familiar to you, one of consistent growth, long and tireless work, and finally, of strict adhcarancc to the Square Deal policy. This store has been called, 'The Store for all the U People." We do not patronize. . The poor, those in inodchatc circumstances, the rich, all receive the same uniform courtesy. The trade of all is ap- preciated. " : . -: ; ' . . ' "f '.' V .. '."..-. .".'' The women of, Western North Carolina now demand quality in their mndlsc- This we give. The word quality and Bon Marchc synonymous. C' : O 6 arc Our maU order department, with its increased facilities, is now well nigh-perfect ; Write for samples or send a trial order. Merchandise guar anteed to be the best at a given price. - AVc wiU pay your railroad fare within a radius of' fifty miles to Ashe- "4 . Hint lur lniormauon. Miss Owensby of Buncombe is Tisit ing her sister Mrs. Charlie Daves. - v''v ":. ' .". Znno. 1C 30 V c0.

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