f t f 7 - I- , . - j - - - 1 - ' - ( ' . ' ".- '. M i-v 'Y t -"""I""" 4' I i I" , , V i I L J . r " : fjEW PEf.'sio;: pla;: Ipmopksstoxal ; What IVlilam IS Milam is a vegetable remedy made from a formula successfully, used for 45 years in r all troubles arising from impure," impover- v- i ished cr acid i blood. Contains no alcohol," , mercuryi potash ror .other dangerous": or.' 4 habit-forming; ixigredients. . Beneficial" ' to the 'stomach and digestive organs true tonic " ' , ' T to tne stomacn ana aigestn " as well as the blood. A true lO, DONE AND SKI r What Fililam DOES ' Curei the mot dcspcnite blood dispsca. ... Buiid3 up the system, eradicates uric acid, . thus curing rheumatism, gout, eczema, eic - Beneficial in all run down conditions, con , sumpticn. catarrh, anaemia, failing eyesight ' from impoverished blood supply, creates , appetite, aid3 digestion, and Is a gtn- uine RECONSTRUCTIVE TOXIC EHDORSERiENTS FROM RELIABLE PEOPLE r -i. Your medicine is.in my Estimation, a godsen-i to huaiajiity. ' OrxMlrch 15th I commenced to usoIIHjlh. Frorr the flnt th 'i' -1 C. D. Jefferson. 375 Woodland Ave.. Roanoke. Va: v J benfe:t derived was noticeable even to mfriads. ftlyciUrThal - ,-Hi - - ,,m . '.,".: i , , . , , .-troublo U nearly cone. ra7 di2slion better th.ia for year, my T Would Result in Snur; tc Pc- cioncr: and Gc,err:"cnt. ; i Washington, Oct. A -nvi;:f:( j ostimata, at l.C-J r.ar.t:Mly I to tho pensioners of the Ur.it'? J ! States and ovoutunlh nlxv.it !-'J,-v 000 a jcar to the novrrnnient, is contemplated by n simrhncd j!.m for'tho payment of pensions with out vouchers which cotnmirioner of pccsion- J. L. Davenport, sub mit ted to tho secretary of tho in terior in his annual report just niadc public. During tic year $157,325,100 was paid as pcn-:on. a decrease of $3,403,151' from hut year,, bringing up the total amount in pensions sinco tho foundation of y the government to $1,230,391,700. There ivere 55,155 earner dropped from the rolls and 2G.200 added, leaving a net loss of 2S.0S5 pen sioners and making the total num ber at tho end of the year S 32,00: the smallest since 1802. , Methods of economy resulted in a decrease of the , cost of administration by $140,910 to $2,517,127, the lowest since 18S2. The commissioners plan, which was devised at tho request of con gress and which will ' require 'th" passing of a law by that body tu carry.it into effect, would greatly sinplify the methods of payir.tr lenions, result in the mailing of iH?r.sion checks on the date upon which the pension falls due, elimi nate the pensioners in a large ma jority of cases of the execution of pension vouchers, which varies from $1 to $3 yearly; decrease to a AOQQOOeOCOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOCOODOOOCOO considerable extent thofwork -in " : "ifl - "V.. : : " ; - - - vv ' . i . ; : . ' Q drawing and mailing of pension Cl checks eliminate tljo sending of C J 4,000,000 letters yearly through the mails, saving about $50,000 O thereby. O The plan contemplates payment I 'l direct by checks, mailed to the last t l address of the pensioner. Co-op- O I oration from the postofilco depart- l!)lin delivering tho-letters contain f iling tho checks would bo required. j: y Besides .the indorsement on the : i back of thco checks," ihta govcrn . mentwould require, under, this J plan, certification by two witnesses O s to the identity of the person ob- O lain,D money. I in Milam is a errand medicine. I have taken or.ly a few bottles. , , . bat the effect has been splendid. I fe?l betr nnd stronger ; f r,: and more able to stand up under my work. For some years I ' ' - have been troubled with excess of uric acid to such an extent inai i couia not eat tomatoes witaou oreJKinjoui wiin a rasn. j : ; ro my my surprise ana pleasure i can now en tomaioes to my heart's content without any vil-consequences. Rev. H. D. ' " ' Guerrant, Danville. Ya. . ,- , ' , . " , " ' ' ' I if You said you would cure me or refund the money. Well, you " ' may keep your money my face is entirely well.' After haringr rr - suffered with eczema for 28 years I am cured". C. H. Williams. -' care Cluett, Peubody fi: Co.Troyi N. Y. ' ' - ,. t ' , ',' .o.' I had not taken Milam more than three or four days when I . began to see a decided improvement in appetite and digestion. ; ; and within a few weeks my stnnsth was restored. I have srreat faith far Milam-Rer. R. Lv McNair. Charlotte, C. H. cS " -; 1 - I will alwavs tako pleasure in : recommending Milam for ; . ; , TJric'Acid troubles. s-i C T. Barksdale. Ex-postmaste Danville. - , x xuKiiua. X' ytars)and ttli lithe first sorins In yenr- t!:-t'J. hiro hid no rheumatism. I can conscientiously : crive it nn unqualified endorsement. Rev. Nathan Maycard. . . Sal:m, Ya., rclurnad mbslotuiry from Japan. - ,1 was both sufpriscL'snd rratirlcd at the crest benefit I de rived frora iho use of Mi'-ra. I !:avc conscientiously recommend .', cd it ever since R. W. Thompson l&J W. Main SL Richmond. Va. I think Milam' is the finest thing la thz world. Mr. II. H. Reynolds. Crit2. Va- j - For nearly elht years I suffered with rheumatism, at timet unable to walk. 1 am now fikinjr Milam wita crcat benefit, as I suffer no pain and am able to walk with ease. Miss Ira R. , Prestos, Abinzdcn, Va., .. ., ' Since I hav ben takinx Milam tho bolls hire quit comlnjr, ,. my skin 1 much Improved and I can eat almost anything I want without hurting me. I seem to be tmprovedklti almost every way. Rev. L. C Douthit. Walhalla. S. C. Siate EranjelUt for - Wesleyaa Methodist Conference of N. Carolina. 6UY SIX BOTTLES: FOR 5, AND.GET YOUR MONEY . '; BACK IF MOT; BENEFITED v CTji i'Foi saleby-druggists and most country stores :get itirom them. If your dealer Tit-' - - - n T '." 1 f , . i" X " ' T i , . i ..."' . v-i,. . . j ; . ;.r . k.. j . i. .. "i - n Fir.t Nr.t:cr.al lU nuiUi C. B. McBKAYEU ATT0KJIEY AT LAW Prompt Attention Given All Ucslncss Ictmstcd to 2!y Care t-z ' im . i Up Stairs trcetman Building coLsrr stmxix) C. E, HOUSE ASSOCIATE AlTILlCTS and Bixc Fmxn HIa Et Cost of Cotton Production. O f Kalcigh, " PcU25. The chapter Olon farms and farm labor in the O State for tho forthcoming annua! k j report of Mr. M. L. Shipman, as O State Commissioner ot Labor and O I Printing, will show that cotton has I. ) been produced in this State this sea O Sonat an estimated cost of 533.07 Is ) la bale, as compared with $33.37 a .'; ;:Ov-:V:1'-:'' :vv:r.v'v;;:- -V-"v-. - act I. .1 bale last year, the decrease in the UwUUL-UUUULUUUUUUUyUUU or production being attributed to increased yield in splteof hichcr iaBVNo. Upi597.iwiaespotoMjioA cost of farm operation that tended KlKwtbidJ lor cmK on I tn'inmAen rvrf Monday, the I3tfi day or November. 1911 ...w.vw uv v rwkluu. ttbcourtiKuedoof in Nirion.N.c 2 'dock I Concerning the cost of production SSZ ImSSKSnrinSH-. of other crops the retort will show N. c.UttAX on tKet JoMin .trfrtadoo I wheat raised at CO cents a bushel rrA""r.rrt.b In ta counUes-. corn fit S cents n .trcrt.ODtKenottl.br ltiloo( G. W. Cr.wfo,J. bushel itl 03 COUDtiC-S; CltS St 3 And on the wcit by IMJan trct upon wruch Mid lot I 1 m U.c I. A1 r or 1 thepre.eniKotdwain,cftKMnooHoc.jCc. cents a bushci in uG counties and pny it now located, indudint. Ioa th furniture. 1 Q 173CCO UWI.Uvj a IlUnurCU POUndS neded witK ai(l kofel kuildiof belongiaf to ll t4 I . Mwion Hotel Company. .Term ol S!e: CA5M. I; Twcntj'-Cisht COUnticS retX3rted TimeofnJe: MonUr. Nov.f3. 1911 t 2 p. m. I lncrCUSC in farm tv n "T c rs? tlJ ThUOctoberl7iK.I9Il. W. F. WOOD.. Lnnnt;M A VA. J was report or increased ccstof liv ing m 03 counties. . Incrci-e in - ,1 . ' 7 . - , - . - " ' 4 V f r We can do your . JOB PRINTING of every f t ' description Car&sr, piUIicadSi Circilars, Auc-; ilon end' ChowN BUls, Pamphlets, axs Blunts, Briefs, Blanli Boblis, Xabds ct Hxsonabla Prices . 4 ' r.lcDOULLL PUCLISHIuG CO. , MARION, N. C. LAND f OR SALE. - . Take notice,' thatthe undersigDed will, tinder and by virtue of the.atitnority of the Superior Conrt of McDowell County, North Carolina, by decree in a certain proceeding entitled -MIn the Matter of O. Li. White, linnattc", on the 25th day of jNovember, 1911, Saturday," between the hours of 12 o'clock, m., and 2 o'clock. p. m at the court-house door in 'Mc Dowell County, .otier. ior .sale, to the highest bidder for cash the followinc: described piece, parcel or tract'of land, lying and being in HigginsTownship, to-wit: Beginning ou a stake near the Bennett Mill Road and runs North 50 East ,144 poles to a post oak; thence "East 14; poles .to a pine- thence South about 76 poles to a stake where the: di visional of Mrs - White line" intersects with outside line; thence -with" Mrs. White's line . South 62 ; West 931 poles crossing Young .Branch to three small poplars at west side or held; thence with Mrs. White's line to the" Bejrin- ning, containing fifty .acres, more or ! - less, subject to tne dower right of Mar garet White in and to about five acres lying along the Southern boundary line and described in a deed from Geo. White to C. L. White. - , This the 24th day of October, 1911. , . U :E. a."' Gofoutii, . Guardian . : of C. It. White, Lunatic Ples3 &.Winborne, Attys. ; : , McCALL & LISENDEE . M Poteet Building, MAittoN. . - - a DR. R. J. BURGIN DENTIST Marion, North Carolina Office in : POTEAT DUUlDCt'C. M. L JUSTICE, M. D:. D. D. S. DENTIST Rooms 2, 3 and .J.' . Strectman BxV.Clni Marion. - V. C. iL H McCALX, C. IL HcCALL McCall jBros. UNDERTAKERS Coffins and- Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care will receive prompt .and careful at . tention. OvcrMcCili Corey's Furnirurt Store. Trute. : Pay- your Jsubscriptioh, to Tnn ; ; k MORTGAGE SALE. , By Virtue ot the power Tested in me by tKe term of a deed of trust executed on the 29th day of March 1910 by the Marion Hotel Company, a corporation, aid deed of trust beina registered In the office f the Register of Deeds of McDowell County, N. C rrlflfril tnc value, of .farm lands w&s rc Qi U U U ported from 03 counties and no in- fd,h Pn, ci cn crcaso m 2 counties and 07 counties Four Papers For $1.50 reported retention of farmin-' fr-. Our Great Fall .Newspaper Offer fsriin 91 nntiM snd to. Urs is Now On: It Includes farms in 8 counties. Labor is rc- - . 4 r iportcu scarce jo 91 countir.t . . The Marlon Progress plentiful in 0. Reports of-unre- The Georgian's Weekly News Crlefx naouity oi nc;:ro labor is reported Snare. Momrnt Klafajlna J irOul Ji COUntiCS. ; Tfif flrntlrvMftrnnri V - I. Jb. Fields, one of lliclirv-. These four crcat newspapers and oldest merchant hrjs fil-d vrl-l magazines will be supplied for a untary .petition in b-n!;rup-r i short time only. All at the low Tho petition sbovs the Vf": pnceori.ou. ena in your or- nearly v;itb l:-b;!lt:ai to aertoaay., itho amount of. about C 25,000. Xc represent so.T5e of. the strcr.r.cst and most rc;ht!e Fire Insurance and bond- in" CVi Would be pleased to write your business. Burton SL Wood, f. IrrcV