.; :v. - .A h ( til y ism .What. aiilam IS - Z. - - as well ' - . V r s;-vMHani:is -a .vegetable remedy, made from.f - a formula successfully .used for 43 years in all . troubles arising front impure, impcver"v fished cr acid; blood: - C0ntain5.no alcohol, : mercury potash or other ' dangerous or . -'. : If habit-forming . ingredients. Beneficial"! ; to; the stomach and - digestive organ's t as well -as. the blood. " A true- tonic . v ; . ' p , . - r . - ; , I '."".. . " Hi... ' : nil in hi.iM . ' ;.- far' - - ' 1 " .1 ."L '.,1: : fiorth Carrlir.a': Crc? St;t! ' I' I i O I-'1 IC S S I O NAL t OOD. CONE AND 5 AI.TERATTVH TONtf What r-lllam DOEG Cure3 the met desperate blood diseases. Builds up the systcnv eradicates uric acicj. . thus curing rheumatism, out, eczema, etc. , Beneficial in dl run dawn condilions, con sumption, catarrh,' anaemia, failing eyesight from impoverished hlood supply, creates appetite, aids digestion, and , is a gen- " : uine RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC i. . EWDORSEIVIENTS FROM REL! ABLE PEOPLE -:" " ; ; "1 Your medicine is. in my estimation, a godseni to humanity : ; , " . r. Jefferson375 Woodland Ave., Roanoke, Va. J: .s--. : v4 --rMilam is a grand medicine. -V - h tn effect Jias been .'..nd more able to stand up "::,;--r r "Aave been troubled with e rt - rthat I could not eat tomatoes .1 o my my surprise and pleasure I can now- et tomatoes to my On March 15th I commenced to use Mllara. From thtflnt the benfe.t derived was noticeable even to mrtriendi. Mr catarrtLil V. troubLs i nearly cone, my digestion betier than for year, my - x uiwh u.iiy a lew iwiuo, , tanrjfl l f in .Irtt I'm In voin inrl thl la th Imt tnHn! n ilendid. I feci be r and stronger . y3, i hlV3 n;d n3 rheumatism. I can coacnUoulr under mj wort, lor some years v trtve it an .unqualiliui endorsement. Rev. Nathan Maynard. withoct bra 'kinrr out with a rash. . . . . - I was both surprised and trratlfled at the srreat benefit X de- l&eart's content without any evil consequences. Rev. H. D. " rlvdfronthucf MtWm. Ihave conscientiously recommend. &aerrant, Danville. Va. , - ' - " - v;.''w'ca it vcrsiaca. It W.TbompsoalM W.MainSt.Klchmond,Va .- r- saaykeep your money my face is entirely well. - After harinjr . v - -suffered with eczema for 23 years I am cured. C It Williams, --.aeare Cluett, Pea body Sz Co., Troy, N. Y. ; . ' v had not taken Milam more than three or f out days when I ;1 , t ..Ibegan to see a decided improvemept in. appetite and digestion, c .. .and within a few veeks my strenmh wis restored. I have srreat . riarm m xvuiam. Kev. K. L Mcwair, Uhariotte, u. . - 1 think kilara in the finest thlnir In thts'world. Mra. IL 1L ', Reynolds. Critz, Va. - ; ; , ' -- Fcr nearly e!;:ht years X suffered with rheumatism, at times unable to walk. 1 am now takln? Milam with ereat benefit, as I .suffer no pair and am able to walk with ease. Mist Ira R. - Preston, Abincdoa. Va. . -. ' . Sines I hav bia tiUnj.MUam the bolls haveqalt comlnff. my sKtn n ranch improved and l can eat almost anything I want LtUhUcs relative t-i t--; i..U: :ro; fr li .'...to of N'ort'i (' ir.-; Uccr.:.i".l Cis-s, April 15, 11", are ccnUinc l in v.v. I tnt m:nt irccl tvdr.r by CVnsn Di rector DararJ. It is I v- l cn j tibular surnmiric.3 prcpircJ ur.Jcr tbo direction of Dr. Lc GrxnJ Powers, chief s'.nstichn for r;:n culture iu the Bureau of the On sus. Tha CrurC5 nro preliminary and subject to.slight revision Uter, when a few other fanes, - whose re turns, notv iucompleti?, will bo in cluded in tho linal UbJs. It is not. expected-that thcisD additions will materiallv modify the amounts ( Jor rates tfiven intbc present state- menu . Tho leading cropa of the state for 1905, ranked in the order of valuation, were: Cotton, 42,0CV 000; "corn, $3!2BGtOC0; tobicco, $13,818,000; peanuts,- $5,00,000; hay and forage, $1,782,000; wheat, $1,420,000; sweet potatoes and yams, $4,333,000; potatoes, $1, 755,000; oats, $1,742,000; and dry peas, $1,024,000. DH. J. G1LL1I5PIE HIilD, V or c:.!' . ir.y . . '. i .. . ' ' He:- 3. 4 i 5 Mr.rion, K. C. : C- B. McCKuYER ATT OH MIT AT LAW Prompt Attention Gircn All Uu-sine Intrusted to My Care, :-: :-: :: :: UpSuirs, Strcetcua Buildirx L. A. HAffEy ,: CCLNTYStHYfTJOS, . C. E. HOUSE , Assomic v - AUSTXUtCTft A!tD BlXC PjUXTI SrrcxxLTirj - -xl1. always - tak pleasure recommendintr . Milam "for ; without hur in-rnj. I se-n to ba Improved In almost every way. V. " V?" JSAP1 troutles. C. T. Barksdale. Ex-postmaster DaaviUe. ll-r, C. Douthlt. Walhalla. S. C. State EvancelUt for - ; - Virginia. . -;5 ' . . v. ;V ; rWesleyaa 14 elhodist Conference of N.Carolina. f. BUY SIX BOTTLES FOR $5, AWQ.GST YOUR WIOHEY -: ' r:, BACIC'-IF 'NOT: BENEFiTED V . -For sale'by druggists and m6stc6untry storesget it from them. If your dealer -.--"-jj."-'.:."" canhot supply :ypu, order oUrect f rom us. : , : - j : - LfA ,:sr"i:-i'"' - nBwiLMm,isifiuiuiwt wu.f inc., umviLLbj VA.: 3 y aa aa i - - Stub&orrt Gase i 1 I .was -under the' treatment, of two doctors,,, writes forRaJL Phillips, of Indian :Valley, Va.,. "and they pro nounced my. case a very stubborn - one, of womanly; weak- ness' 1 ' was not . able - to sit tip, .when JL commenced to take CarduL " " - , V- - f::- r ,.: " ' - ".-V I used it about" one week, , before I - saw much 'change. Now; the, severe - pain, that had been in my. side for years, has:go"ne;and Jl doht suffer at alii : T am feeling better than jaiallohgvtime, and xannot -srieak tod 'highly of CarduL' P. Oi Department Made Money. - Washington, IK (, N r. 1.- Por the tint .timo since 1"SS3 postotlico departiiHM t during ih Gicalyear ended Juno 30, 1911. was conducted at a profiL " In 21 months the conduct of tho postal service has resulted in chanin n deficit of $17,470,770 for the Hscnl year 1000, to a surplusof $210,I1S for the fiscal year 1011. m If -you are onelof those ailing wbmen.who "surfer from"' any :pf :the4roiibles so : common toHyomen. ,: ; -K'y , -JCarduiis; a builder of womanly strength.' . Composed of purely, vegetable, ingredients, iHacts . qulckfy on the . womanly system,?building : up womanly strength, - toning up' the womanly serves, -and regulating the :AvomanIy system Cardui has ;.beeh in successful use for mbre than 50 years. Thousahds'of; ladies have written to tell of .the benefit they Teceived;3fom it ;Try it for your troubles.-. ;Beigin today. :-ZVr1te'Ioi': Ladle Advisory vDept, Oiattanooledidne"C6.; Chattanoor Tora.7 for Spectai Instructions, and 64-page book, Home Treatment lor Women,'.. sent tree, J 52 - Buffalo Bill Retires. - Hichmond. Va.-, Nov. l.-C .r U.!rL,'D'CSi?,iir:5 llliam F. Cody ( BuCfalo VW b UVen with ptrfrct iciMyirrthemo-t nil .n,lfn r;rn,l Vr... u I rtc!ieto wottiati or tbo Ti-tint chill. ,. . . TT. Tb old una feble will aluo Hn x thrm he life tonight. Hts show tras n most sultnKe manly for aiding nnd ninVArl t(T to trint a. -m rtro r ttcostbcniDjr their wrakcr.rtt diction his iudians will return to their to by nil dealer. pecs in what is left of tho MM : Man's land,: whilo "Buffalo BilP " MORTGAGE SAtr. intends to snend his femainino I Dr it I port-TtrJ r iK years in the .Wyoming Bis Hnrn. iQiobyiK-MHciow. .ow where ho helped make American -i i ut rerrpa u i history. So far s public cxhihi uiuknw.i.ti.u tions are concerned he has shot the k: ttWetf J . t- . t - - . . , . ' Mndy. the 13th Cy tf otmtcr, IQII , ashes from the last cipar and chnv BttU cowt i N c M 2 o.fUk ed the last Indian. r. m, tS dRwini nwi pe, i D . vi iruw cin o n u Iowa 4 UMo, unng a career wnicti .ix?irn Mc.doniU a'-pony ' exprr s? riders led hifn iMu4cmti:r9i 4 UJU.'..1. T ! t ..I ii oo i SoS fcry Court c.'ct, oi U br CU-- ia fcuruuji", iiiwru xuuiau.onj.vics uii 1 aot. en K inl, U iU U l a V. OtW-J. any other Jiving man and included I hr A'tmmi M4arion 28 years as a showman, ydom-l puioiitiUi Cody, became known as one of tht fomKinti vJ mpL-c c4 yj3 most" picturesque fiRurcs of Alncri. Hl'Tini; can frontier life. " - Tnc4-Ait .vwr.No..D.i9ii m:p . jluu ouwiiv(uuH Ajuuaiv JLJIII, I - - Tta he earncdjn tho early :C0's, when he contracted to furnish buffalo meat to the laborers on tho build- Ode la Stxv:rAa IH McCiUX & LISENBEE ATTOUYS-AT-LAW ww Potet Huildic, ilARIOK. 2. C " -i "VThe Rayo-Lamp b the best and inosCserviceable lamp you can find ' car any part of. your home. ' , ---v; ' -; -t : - C:.' f 5. lt is in use" in millions of families." Jits strong white, light has made stiBmous.-v And it never Bisk--:::':f ':' - -' -" JlI thenlng-room or.the parlor the Rayo girea jxut the light that u tnot effect :tfave.' it -hecombglamp-iaitielf and to you. -Jut the lamp, too. for bedroom -iTcr&brary, where a clear, steady light u needed. , - . : . , v.' - H ;. The Rayo U made o olid bra, nick el-tlated; also in numcrou other atylea and tnishes." Easily lighted Without removing thaae or chimney t eay to dean andrewkk 'tynatr dealer to show youKkHneof R170 Umpt ; or write for deacriptire circular to iay f eoey of th ' - Jlr; Standard PilCompany k; ' 'r . -"" - (Incorporated) ' -J y - - DR. R. J. BURGIN DEimST Marion, North Carolina Office in TOTEAT BUILDING. M. L JUSTICE. M. D.. D.D.S. DEWTISt Rooms 2. 3 and A. . Strcctman BuUClat N. C. 00 0-0-00-0 -0-00000 It. E. ilcCALl, C. It. lIcCALi McCa.lI Bror. UNDERTAKERS Comns and Burial Supplies Any business intrusted to our care v ill receive prdmpt and careful at tention. V .V a Over McCall & Conies Furniture Store, the locomotive which he was firinc n KkU, ;:;r r" M oCrocwooooo005 was comer to burst. Bill Bvnani. aL--taiA - f t - - m - ' " " - " - . -4i- . a negro, yesterday, near Old Fort, tmein liim cxv tK uii u tuW while the tram was running at a to .u.tULuu, speed of 30 -miles an hour, deserted ,o d- -:k 2i J2pvi-a Qty and leaped to Ihe cround, sus- ,w iK x rt u m tainiDff'a broken log and several l- ru-. Jcn'a t,r; tv t- v . . h . m I . . a m a. . - tJynamwas broucht to Ashc-ltowuhlk1lb,M'sulW -Wc ; - Notice Sale of Land. - By itt oi mn t4i tJ& 5jwo Cpmti 4 ing of the Kansas PaciGc railroad I Dawii i u uix r.ac.L-. m and in less than 18 months ho kill ed 4,280 tison. N egrq Fireman I n ju re d N ear Vw-V;''-:Old'Fort; vr McCorry. E2a McCurry. Nora MtOwry. Hte A. rowood, CaII A.rcr-xJ. akd S1I Tt. (Muta. 0a umfcra-crml wul 1 1 iL Uglt Uli-t ! fa cmK. ( tk court loa cL oa - toWlay. December 4th. rotl. tka foSowtnc dtxrvlaJ Ua a.rMtaT ka Dj .. P iTrad HraMM 04 a fxVi aJ A rinrlllA" ?Int7 O TToa irrr tViat I - r . ii ' T vino uuu iuau Juuiu mibsiun COS- a4tf24pU.U)ukt.tKWW pital, where immediate attention T was ciycn him. ... ts. a4 . a4 rv it is saiQ mat tucro wfis a sudden I -- .a- s 5 ri., 4 a cmaH pi-vn iKrnca aouV 75 tA ta t a ftca t3 baAk aij aJ,. tWt escaping of steam in tho cap of tho I iJL boiler,; so much so that the loco-1 2. 32 poi to .Va f. i -. I a aa a I motive was enveloped in steam. By nan became f rich tened and leap- We represent seme of the strongest and mo:: rdLzblc Fire Insurance and 60 nd ins Companies. : trhe Quickest and most effective' rem- the Dhleam, .relieving: Citation and curing any conglr or, cold rv.r.ah Checker.,,:-, . vL-j. "W. Streetman, special agent. -U3 1-Subscribers who have contracted to bring us Vood on subscription will please bring it in at once; 50 poUa to a ataa Ua k a-aV. Cl-r 1 7 wca Us lK V ;onj g . " . " TK'uJ Tract tWf-m sir. f on a T!J lU ansra ft eA t r f Vi r rrrin(4 . Will TT" n n Air. I " w -fa-" . ' ' 4 4 hi- ath i t4 .1. tac aJ rat scon broutrht tha train to fi sL-ini?. ?S w i.tU J . H t v sun.. v : a . Don't nse hanh physio. Tho reac tion weakens thobowel3,lca!3 to chronic constipation. Get- Doan'a RejrnlctA. They oxoni.to eadly, tono tho etcmach, enro constipation. X.n tKeftca wi:S Kla Lva aniiH 52 ra J 5 p, lake; UMrca aotj'K 25 I .O SxUa t t Ur -,-,Br. 3l Uici trfa aIja ,al c'Jvr a-l rts bac 230 T9 mot w Iraa. " e ario iLa aJxrra ivaj-ja fn, uS wi7 aaj Kr a W IJ. C McOarrr. dJ. T14 3 1 t tiy cf Ox-W. I? 1 1 . V,'ou!d be pleased -rirc your business. to Burton & Wood, Merchants L rcrmcri LUrA i