I if .-,.-. .... ... a p . a '4 ,,. ' ' " - ' ' ' - . Li- amomm The stomach is a larger factor in "life, liberty ani the pur suit? oi happiness " than most nnnlA ar p-,::,, " :can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. . The confirmed dys- - peptic is fit for treason, stratagems and spoils." The man -whocgoes to the front for.his country with a weak stomach. - will be a weak-soldier" and a fault finder. - : . - - - v A sound stomach makes for good citizensmp as well as fo- - health and happiness. - . - - - , : Diseases of the stomach "and othe? organs of digestion and C JmtnUon are promptly and permanently cured by the use of Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDE2V 3IEDIC71Z. DISCOVERT. mi annas - up rae ' DodysMrlth sound flesh '. solid muscle . - - and p dealer who offers a substitute for the M Discovery" is - " only seeking to make the little-more profit realized on the 6ale of less meritorious preparations: a v ; 1 ;;Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free : on receipt of stamps to pay. expense of mailing only. Send "'. Zl one-cent stamps for the paper covered Book,-or 31 stamps 1 for the cloth bound. - Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R, V. Pierce, M. D,, President,1 Buffalo, N. Y. : Land For Salet f Take notice, that, whereas, W, H. Hawkins and his wifei P. C. Hawkins, did on the 29thlday fol June, 1911, execute' to the undersigned trustee a certain deed of trust iff which . thai Continental Tailoring Company was the third party, which may be found of record in Book No: 14, at "page 219; of McDowell countyTecords for-f niortgages, "conveying the lands herein. after described as as security forthe payment of a certain indebted ness ; evidenced, by ' a certain note therein de scribed due and payable, to the said third, party ninety iays from date f. And, whereas, payment of the said note has been demanded and. default made; And whereas, written application has been made to the undersigned to foreclose said deed of trust under the power, of ; sale therein contained i:'xtT Now, the undersigned will; under and by-vlr tue of the power of sale , contained: In the said Instrument, on . " ."V- Saturday, the 18th day of Novem between the hours of 13 o'clock m and 2 o'clock. p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Marion, N.CC, the fol lowing described real. estate, ; to-witr .Two cer tain lots of land lying and being in the town of ; ; Gapd Roads. - - . If 3'ou cannot-boost good roads throw away your little hammer. ' 31ud roads belong to the log cab- ! i l days and the losr cabin days bc lo g t ) the past. A good road is to.a county dis trict is what a paved street is' to t e city property that adjoins it. It m kes business. -- " -.; ; Automobiles bavo been driven ozer the oiled boulevards of Cali fornia at a rate of eighty miles an hour,, without doing' the slightest damage to the survace. " Money spent on good roads is as gaod an investment for improving the f rm as is money put into stock sheds, grain cribs, fenccs,Ncccds or at y.h?ng else that makes tho farm pay. -. ' . French peasants loose no money in-brokeu harness.' wornout ve- ' O1 A i"o v I u n' W , V - r V , ;;:rl910;Nickels:Good.v . .. Washington, NovS.-r-Hundreds of inquiries from Tail sections of the country are being received at hielwi; or Wokon dnwn lir the treasury department from those on fl,,nllntnf had m.ndo ThnrA Poas wbb have believed decei t horsv -can : pau three thousand reports that all nickels dated 1910 p3unds eighteen miles in aday acd get oacK ior supper. r.x. are counterfeit. .'There'are thirty. million, nickels of 1910. in circulation, : and so "far as the : treasury v knows; all are genuine. V Some of them were dis- t . Saved Many Trom Death. W. L. Mock, of Mock. Ark., believe i ho baa saved many Uvea in bis 25 yoArs. or experience - in tho drncr baaneea. Tlio Kind You XTato Vlvraya Xn-ht, nnd wh!ch lii been In tLSo for over SO ycar lias borno tho st.-rnaturo cf - nnd luii lcrii xuadorntlrr liU icr- All Counterfeit,, ImitaUon nnd Jt:.it-av-jriil,'arf hnt - KxpcrimejiU that trlflo irltU mid n!an-tr t!ic titbit !i nf Infants nud Children Krivcrlcr.co n-tilast XIxjvrrLucnu What is CASTORiA CastoriA 15 a liarmlcjui ptib&Ututo for Cantor Oil, Pare Code, Drops nnd Soothing fijrupi. It U Plmcmt. It contain.1 ncIUicr Opluru. Morphine nor other Karrotlc "nubstancc Its ao In lf gWkrantcc- It destroy Worms . and nllAvrt Puvcri-ihiic-vu It cttrw DLrrhcra rvnd YInd Colic It relieves Teething Troubled, enrrs OmUpatlaa and Flatulency It aS4iImIUtr.-j tho Food. rxuUt the Stomrveli and Bowebt, giving healUiy and natural jderp, Tho Chlldrciii I'anaeeo Tho Mother Friend. GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears tho Sinaturo of colored in the minting by lumcsof ' 1 always like to do; ho ritj, ' V - - vvV i i -. ' - I is to recommend Dr. Kloga liew DU- an unusual a'p pearanceT They are genuine, none the less. , ' -..A father's Vengeance ; - ' would hare fallen on any ono who at : tacked the son of Peter Bondy. of South Marlon, McDowell countv, near to the Mt,Ida Rockwood; Mich. but ho was powerless Hosiery Mill, and aoining the lands of Guy 8. ?fJe atta,c?8 :' '-,ffdneJ ' tr01lble- 'so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he improved wonderfully from tak ing six: bottles. ; Its - the best Kidney medicine I ever saw. Backache. .Tired feeling, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease. Beware: ; Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c at H W: Street man's Drug Store. Rlrby, H. A. Tate and others, bounded and 'de scribed as follows, to-wlt : ' Oa the north, west, and northwest by Tate street; on the west tjy. n. A. Tate's land; and on the south and east by the lands of G. 3.tbyvT'2i First Lot": Beginning at the stake corner of G. S. Kirby lot on Tate street, and runs a north, west course 120 feet with Tate street to 'a stake on said street; then a southern cowse 169 feet to a stake in H- A Tate's line ; then south-with said Tate's line 20 feet to Gt S. KIrby's cornor ; then a northeast course with said Kirby's line 218 feet to the beginning J'- Second Tract r .Beginning at a stake; the north west corner of the first , and on Tate, street, and rans west wltb Tate street, 1( feet to a Stake, H. A. Tate's corner; thence a eonth course With Tate's line 115 feet to a stake, the corner of first lot; thence a northeast coarse with the line of the first lot 16i feet to the beginning. " . The said lots ave more fully ' descrilKjd ' In- a I deed from G Si Kirby and Wife to W.-H. Haw kins, recorded in book No. 43. on pago 193, of McDowell county rteed records ,;: .vr- .-. -- Befereace Is here; made for a more perfect de fccription This the 17th day of October, 19J1 tand For Sale. covery for weak, bo re lunsrs, hard coldi. hoarseuess. .obstinate coughs, la grippe, croap. asthma or other bronchial aueo tionfor I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well to-day because they took my advice to use it I honestly believe iU the beat throat and lung meoicine that's made," Easy ' to prove he's right Get a triAl bottle free. or regular 50c or 11.00 bottle. Gaar&n teed by J. W. Ktreetman. . TlieM You Have Always -Bought Use For Oyer 30 Years." In c German railroads arc cxperi mentinff with an electric locomo tive headlight, swivelled so that an engineer can throw tho rays wher ever, he wants them. " . My child was burned terribly about It pays to leea nign-priced teecls Thomas Eclectic Oil. The pain ceaed only to unusaally good cows. It and the thiid sank into a restful sleep." - - - ..: j - ( . j Mrs. Nancy M. , Hanson. Hamburg. anything: -7c ::"7'.:: : , , ; ; A Fire Fighter's Astounding Story bf the irkpiaiuiELEDUEBrrs of 68QQQ))J 99 Take notice thai whereas Frank Morehead and his wife, Carolina :Moreheaddld46hztheT25th day of January, 191irexecated to the undersign ed mortgagee, a certain mortgage deed, which may be found ot, record in book No.15 at page 137, of McDowell county records for mortgages, convening the land herein after described as se. Curity lor thepaymeat of a certain Indebtetlness, evidenced by: eertaln notes therein de&crlbed, which are now past due &ndiinpaid;aad, where aS payment of the Jsaid notes has been demand ed and default made : ; i-; Now, thex under8ltf ned will, under and by . vir. tue of the power of -sale contained a the sall mortgage deed, on . t Saturday, the IStti day of Novcm- r between tlie hours of 12 o'clock m., and 2 o'clock p. m., offer fur saie to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door ln Mariun;;N. ,C the followinar described real estate, to-wit: a certain piece or oarce! of tand in Marion , town ship, McDowell county, bounded and: described as foUows, to-wit:; v;l; - - - - -Besinnin&r at a stake and two- white oaks at Jane Jones' corner, and running thence with her I line west 12 pol -a to a stake and -Spanish oak bv a road in WiU Wellslinei thence north with his line seven poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 12 poles to a small hickory and pointers In the outside line ; thence suth seven poles-to the beginning, containing ohealf acre," more or less. This the 17th day of October, 1911 -Cr: -V s WH.:H awkins,- Mortgagee' Pless & Wlnborne, Attorneys .'"X.am pleased to .recommend Cham berlain's Cough . Remedy - as the best thingri-know of and safest remedy for coughsxpWs . and bronchial : trouble,' writes Mrs. L7.B. -Arnold of Dnver, ColOv I-lWe have used it repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief." "For sale, by. all dealers. 1 - . j . -v. - Ruby mintrs in "India get" bnl.. fourteen cents a day and coal min ers 10; but from an Indian io!ut nf view this is regarded as fair pay. japan has 680 Christian church es with 67,000 communicants." ' 'I do not believe there in any other medicine 'so good for whooping congh as Chamberlain sUoush Kerned y. writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction City. Ore. This remedy is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. For sale by. all dealers. . - - - V" -V- - ' . o i. "N s - 1 ' L ?-4 I- it I " 41 i 2 '.A .. r or Bonturuat inert? is positively du t k. f rfimv that will reUeve so onilv and TraveIers report tho absence Of cure permanently the .most , aergravated sod a f OU ntai ns i n G ermaby . I f case, as uiooaine rvneumaiic linimeni. 4 t 7 J J -rJ. W. Streetman, special agent. :( . .. any are there they escape thouotice of the tourist. , ! . ; , H Taf t : isT 2,000 f iniles from Salt Lake and one year and 4r months from Salt River. -, r" -nrromn Trmcu mix. orAr,irn ircnta. Slm of Danger. Hives, eczerna, itch or salt rheum sets Lyou crazy uan i Dear tne toucn oi your clothing. - uoan s umtment . cures tne I most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggists sell it. 1 . i - 1 nere is little danger from a cold or from an attack of thn erin exceDt when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon, with im plicit confidence. For sale by all dealers. - Wood in a certain form is a com mon and constant article of food in. all section of Siberia where the Yaku lives. ' - LAND FOR SALE.' "Vv, - Take notice, that the undersigned will, under and by virtue of the autnority of the Superior Court of McDowell County, North Carolina," by decree in a"certaih proceeding ' entitled 1 In the -Matter of C. L ; White, Luhatic' on tfie 25th day of November, 1911, Saturday, between the hours of 12 o'clock, m. , and 2 o'clock, p. m,, at the court-house .door, in "Mc Dowell County, 'offer fori sale to;, the highest bidder for casH the following described piece, parcel or tract of land, lying and being in Higgins Township,-to-wit: --Beginning on a stake near the Bennett-Mill Road and, runs; North 50 East -144, poles to a post oak; thence East 14 poles to a pine;, thence South about 76 poles to a stake where the di--visional of Mrs Whit&: linev intersects with ;outside j UnetL Whence? with vllrs. White's line South 2 West 931 poles crossing Young Branch to three small poplars at West ' side : of field; thence '-with' Mrs. White's line to the Begin ningi i containing fifty -acres, mofe or lessr subject to the dower right of Mar garet White in and to about .five -acres lying along the Southern boundary line and described in a deed from Geo, White to C. L. White. . ;:f , r.; This the 24thday of X)ctober,1911r ' -: E. Q. Goforth,- Guardian' ; ' of C.K-WhitetLunatic. "less &-Winborne, Attys.- - . - - rcj ron and Steel I ndustryr; ': 'it The iron and steel 'industry.'Jn ttie United "States . broke all - pre vious records in 1910, accordiDg to Ernest F. Burchard, of the United States' Geoloirical Survey. The . . - 'boh Wo 4 1 of pain. "There is nothing better, iron pre production was 56,889,734 Uaia by all dealers. long tons,. the pig iron production, - For nains in tho side or chest dampen a piece of flannel ' with Chamberlain's Liniment and bind it on over, the feat For 27303,567 tons, aud the steel, pro- ' The way to Ret a good milk flow duction,ff26,094;9i9 tons; VThese and hold it through tho year is to figures show '.increases over the give good cows good care. production In 1 909 jof iron ore, 5,r 734,297 tons, - pig 1 iron 1 ,508,096 tons, steel, 2,139,898 tons. - . llnr troable- Tfce ererlry cf t ei It mrula la te juttx. SYMPTOMS. ohlnrjln Ormx Ttlr. Heke, fUd farlo acid ta bioodk DaWta rV7pjir e tJrlc. llltbly CclofS t MUky WfctK Url,ru LU3 ot Uaoci La Ufta. tl- TMolc OX filar, a UrtM, Co ta u Plailw. Cn'-il fieri 3mU3a ct IT.J G.x). Ciunli cl Uadr or Ucveia. Jaa ! DoiSar Urts. Voiacioaa Ar-.J'-o, fjvonen AJBkla. Dmo VUwu t!r-ock no tax Vbm L'tm, fiot:ty TJiti. rr7V CAlla, MraU Dry, UUac rmiUtcti olix Xloart AcUao. Ulef aU-w ot IU3 Car. Okla Ial. Wax sA BTftl3 0ea EIUPLS TEST F0H-DD3SI DISSiSI rtll a hcAtlc with Hae: 1rt tl Ut t-r r. twtlr aoQT: If Larr Ui litaeet or ciam t ' laett cl uy kio4 ytra tutw kiiatr kUAlrr trcratlc. asi yo boH cota3.eoa t4klsr BlwxHacto-djr. tJost ril li (Vacate U Lao Ur aurtocrvl. tTWtlaa rrU yoc l far ! tJ f IX 1.1 oHrrm Lrr Ma?H l-orua ery awa trcr? c IS aaa U ' Vl rr ILklat. c r lir rtoat tiifvuiar fr' rrry is rr a'r:9ff4 t twh r 2 In: 4 atrri'.i ir ttfta air tofrt f i?, aw rlri La trr "Cljoi La dm.i sxiar I fc J tra aLiJr t-u-c. ft lt la ct tlraio-a Ha4. at;i M'rr'" IT 4 ar mm rm- UtUM . Uu U21 9 try ti:;t,t" lf. CIa4Ua Csrt4 tUaarrmxa at tVa XCirTa tl trrt . Vr 5?. a, lrif. X ra br a fr3 nfm ar wrtirmm tl aM mni Vr. a4 I f- rM ar&C ! a aaAa af.a '4 r t W.aa ir i-n a I r- ikM mnulilfliT(tf MM ii k h2 Ip-ti. UXJL CCIATIA H. CAik J i-S I XLS. 1 m r,t tl. Tt . 5"?. . Tni r4srrTi C-. aa. 1 m rrrr a4 at -r4. g c inC auf mm a A I Uia If US4 f Ua CUi I caa u ? it fc la m r-t. ta4,Xil.OCrAYLA LCJLiU.MU. Ilaaa-artata, Yr, Od. an, jav La aaaakanafaa; al I Im tuKJk lo. Wi aK2 f -i45 f 1 mm M aVU mi Aa a' kcarra, prawn fw: wim cmU W f-4.: 4. S3.' Can't loot well, eat well or feci well with Impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pare wilhBnrdoclc Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean andVyoa will have long life. L 3UCJ!ltAK3 Live 25 CTO, A COX. J. W- Streetman, Special AenL State of Ohio," City of Toledo, ) . -'Lncas Conntv. v ?' ' f -Frank J. Cheney makes oath, that he is senior partner of ; the ' firm Vol F. J ." Cheney -& Co.. doinpf business in the saidr and that 'said, firm wUl pay. tne represeaLauvcs wju rv5um . xu sum of One Hundred -Dollars . lor; eacn "hA nnrAd hv thft-nse of Hall's Catarrh bcr Cure.": 1 " - J Frank J. Cheney. -Sworn to before me and subscribed in my' presence, this 6th day of December, AT 1886.. ' A. W. Gleason; v Notary JtruDiic The socallcd steel trust investi- Whictl Side 6f The gating committee of the house of . . CnAn representatives will resume : its - - hearings' in Washington Novcm- docs your coal com Our foot DctXcd at Cold Steel. I wouldn't lot a doctor cut my of!? said EL B. Ely, Bantam. Ohio, "al though a horrible ulcer had been tho coal Is all carefully inspected be- fore u'c accept it is yours? Our coal has no slag or-dirt, or in faci any foreign material to add to the weight or detract from the heating : TToiTfl nQtorrb fhire is taken internal- lyrandts.direcUr.onheloodand Sj", tot In- quaIily We ukc E0Od care Of Our ' mucous surfaces oi me uy bwui.ocuu o t uu uuwou D uiva)U - .. - . fcfi-mnia"! free. ; -:.;---';.--:----: :ixny root was soon -completely curcu. iirauc ai an iun;. F; X Cheney cs (JO., loieuo, u. iiieais uurns, asoiis, jorcs, xsmuwis, xx. zena, i'iinpii?3. lajxc3, oarust x uu euro 2Go at Strectmn's Drnj Store. Sold by Druggists. Toe. Take Hall's-Famlly Pills forconstip t- a C4 Li.UA Ch Carbon C rt Street : 1