Business Locals FOR SALE Good Fresh Milch CoW.; Apply to J. M. Haney, Nealsville.'iJ C. 3 FOR RENTNice cottage' on Garden street. Apply to this office .or.iW.--B. Magnan; " x- j v . Look over Gaston" & Tate's 10c and 25c counter for the Bigest Bargains Buy able. . V ' ' Just received a gross of extra ccood lunch baskets in five sizes at 10c 'to; 35c at Gaston & Tates. Y:'::.:' " ' -,V BEAUTIFUL ANDJUP-TO BAT line of Lace Collars andrNeckwear jnst received, " Mrs. Carrie ChUds : LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Mary Decker Passes. The entire community was sad- Marion Knitting Mill is now! , 4. ... TA , running full force. k.j , , 0 , . - uau pascu peaceiuny away ounuay Quite a large delegation was here n:ht nt lo-sn nVWi- A .fw Monday from Old Fort. UcpVq c,rt ctrlnn E. E. English,-of Ashford, was with a Very mild case of typhoid a business visitor here Tuesday. ' fover and her illness had been such Miss Maude Weaver, of Thermal that there had been no thought or City, was shopping . in: Marion, fear regarding her return to health Tuesday;, . , . until a week ago when complica- Mrs. & L. C. Bird has gone to tions brought a critical situation Baltimore to consult ; an 'eye ancl bopes were clvcn for ber specialist. ; ,"' . ; recovery. : Mrc f! M MHqII hoa rrnno . fr. I uiss lecKcr, wuu ner moiuer. r: .1 IOI Q Ladies it is a pleasure to show you the New Coat Suits and Cloaks just ; ar rived at our store. Gaston & Tate. V Have you tried "WhitleathervHose"? for men, women and children, 10c and 15c, every pair guaranteed and sold only Ttjy Gaston & Tate. We want eyery lay to see our new line of "Selby" shoes in Velvets, Tan, Gun Metal, Patent Kid and Yici Kid.r;They are beauties. Gaston & Tate. J . Baltimore, Md., for a. stay of six or eight weeks. i HA:&mpe, after spending a month here, returned to' Clifton, S. C.V Saturday, ji- - ; Ttii ladies of the Guild have SI 0 Dr. W. H. Wakefield of Charlotte 'will be in Marion at , The Marianna ' on Thursday, Nov. 9th tor one day. - The doctor limits his practice to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ' and fitting classes. ' i ' "St 10-26 A Rare Opportunity. Either of two splendid residences tor Sale. Nearly within a stone's throw of the School and Several Churches. -Prop ertv so desirable as this Seldom on .the Market. tiAS. xa.. isoiuaiTT. came hero fourteen years ago from Gibson, Pa., where she, was born. to make their home with her half brothorsMessrs. John E. and C. E. Decker residing in the home of C. E. Decker. Miss Decker was a devoted prenared a great feast, and bid you Christian woman; her faith was come, -bagle Hotel to-night. ; not without many beautiful works. Mrs. R: F. Burton held the lucky For years she was always in tho number which drew the china closet Sunday School and organist in the given away by P.. A. Reid & Co. church. - Her kind, gentle, intient Miss Mary Bouchelle and Mrs. disposition won her many friends! E. B; Neal, lx)th of Deland,' Fla., who gave evidence of their lovo are visiting Mrs. E.F. Greenlee" and friendship in the profusion of Miss Hallie Gibbs; of Davenport beautiful flowers that completely College, Lenoir, spent Sunday with covered ner casket ana -grave. her parents, Mr.and Mrs. T. J. he was at all times Oiled with a Gibbs. . " tender sympathy for the sick or Krlrt- MiSnn-nf aD in affliction..or distress and ov t : ' : A lcladly cavo m . chanty .to the If there is one thing more than another on which we pride ourselves it is careful attention and prompt ac tion in carrying out the or ders of every person who docs business with us. Wc take special pleasure in do ing business with people who arc in a hurry. Come a'-running. f I, ! i t i ! t I. I R ED, MORRIS. Thonc Jio. 40. Marion. jV. C. DOC DQC DC Mrs. J. M. Haskew parents, Rev. and Mrs.. W. B. I Magnan. ' Rev. James Long, of Morganton will fill the pulpit-at the Baptist Church next Sunday, " both ' morn ing and night. C - Spring St Marion, N. C. Specialty Wedding Trausseanx Tailor Work; Reception aad Evening Costumes. Have con ducted a public business' in Miami, Fla. ont gomery, Ala., Atlanta and other Southern cities twenty years, sending outwork all over the South ffnd'Come highly recommended by. the leading society people of those cities.' -Will ap- preciate your patronage. hours: 8 a. m. to 12r.-Tcr 5f; r. needy. The funeral services wero held at the residence at 11 a. m. Tues- day conducted by the Rev. Ira Erwin and Rev. Edward Long. Mr. Erwin spoke many words of great comfort to the, bereaved NOTICE ; Nokth Carolina, fn the Superior Court McDowell County I .Before the Clerk. ;- - ; ' Sarah Jane Jimmerson-Le wis,- - ; vs. - - Robert Jimmersom Ellen Jimmersdn, Hessie Jimmerson Eva Holland and husband, Samnel Solland, and Benja min Jimmerson: 1 The above named defendant, Benja min Jimmerson, will take notice that a SDecial Proceeding entitled as abdve-has been commenced in the Superior Court of said County, for the purpose of hav ing the dower of plaintiff in the lands of her deceased husband, N H Jimmer son, allotted to her; and ; the . said de fendant will further take notice; that he is required to appear before the under signed clerk at his office in the court house, at Marion; McDowell County, North Carolina, on the 5th day of De cember, 1911, and answer)r: demur - to the complaint of plaintiff, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for tne , re lief demanded in her complaint. This 6th day of Kovember, 1911. , Thomas Morris, Clerk Superior Court. such submission in giving up her only child from whom sho had never been separated. The choir sang three of her favorite h.vmns "Nearer My God to Thee," "Peace, Perfect ; Peace," and "Askcp in Jesus." Yea, she has worthily entered r into that sleep of "peace that pass- Matters of a routine to her dear de- were disposed of by the board ofvotccj mother whose strong faith county commissioners in regular an;chrisan fortitude gave her monthly session Monday. ' Walden will please the children. See the ghost dance p f Hi nd os la i n full glare of the light. ::: Graded Scbopr Auditorium, Nov.rll. Services at the Episcopal Church next Sunday. Holy Communion and sermon at ll a. m.,- evening ctn all understanding." prayer ana sermon at i :&y p. tn. ' The golden sunset brightens J., F. -Strange and family now occupy the cottage on Logan street, which Mr. Strange recently pur chased from Mrs. Newton. Mr. Troutman arid familymoved to the Dysart residence on State street. A. B. Gilkey a few days ago presented The Progress with a fine turnip grown on his place in Marion. Mr. Gilkey has had great success in raising turnips, having been awarded the" first premium at the McDowell County Fair for the best exhibit. - . NEW COATS . : FURS CLOTHING ECLIPSE SHIRTS WATERHOUSE CRAVATS DRY GOODS NOTIONS MILLINERY Y. M B. O. D. P. A. Reid & Co. n DC DOC DOC DC n in the west. Soon, soon to the faithful cometh - feet rest. Sweet is the calm of paradise the blest.' per- o 0-. c DOC DOC Reception aad. Banquet The Marion. Club has "sent out invitations reading as follows: ' Marion Club Opening Reception and Banquet - Friday night, November tenth nineteen hundred eleven eisht to eleven The Cluowas recently aganizsd with S. H. Yancey president, D. F. Oilpc- vir.ft-nrr;ident. and E. C. itr-n:v rn e 1 -" r- VY aiaen.wiii.periorm mauy uew fi v secretarv and treasurer. ' . i i ,j i - i . . ana siaruing. uiysLeriis. jrruucu JEWELRY WATCHES CLOCKS o 0 Repairing Thoroughly and Neat ly Done. ' U n School Auditorium; Nov. 11. Our CLOTHING J VaichmaKsr ond Jctvclcr. S ffacftnon 0 Marion, Jtorth Carolina. o DQC DOC DCDO Our Suits and Over coats will please you because they were made to do so; Their style, their fabric, and the Ion g w e a r t h a t is m o u 1 d e d; into every one of them, vill deligiit you. " Prices $3.00 and up. . ; : . J. H." L Marianna Hotel Building TT TT V o AND Mrs. H. W. Dysart entertained the Friday Club on Friday .p. m. last at her home on Park Hill." Tho house was effectively decorated in large bowls of white chrysanthe mums and potted ferns, a cluster! of beautiful chrysanthemums being given each guest as a souvenir of a delightful afternoon . " Twelve la-! dies accepted Mrs." Dysart's hospi tality. Tea was served at amall tables -in - the ; dining room at 5 o'clock. -, ; Rev. Ira Erwin and1 Rev. J. L. Smith left Tuesday for States ville to attend the Western North Caro lina Conference. The report of Mr. Erwin for Marion Methodist church shows marked progress for the vear iust closing. The church now has & membcrshiD of 261. Tho . w - - accessions during the year wero IT. Enrollment in Sunday School 401. .... - . . .i i Go to tho Eagle Hotel this oven- We also have 1 good line of WO O d ?nr fnr ft ifood suDDer. , Oysters, 1 . . ice cream, cake, etc., served as you ixici COal rieater: iiko it. . W jure'. Jr esace We have just received a car of Barb- Wire any. Wire fence ana can prices' s pecial Marion, N. C. V ' Card of Thanks. I wish to extend thanks to tho many friAnfla for their kindneea" fchown xnr ; husband and 'myself during his Illness and death. ' TT TT Hue lirrice Lasiravasre Mzxrion, N. G. " , 'if-':