A GREAT DISCOVERY NEWS,OF THE STATE of Certain ingredients That Really Brief :Record "of ; Happenings -: "Promote Hair Growth WhenV.i-- ?-:6enera!nt(Trest During the ' .-Properly Combined c Past Week. ' 7 :; : :,T?PQnrrin ?s nnft thft most ef- -Thei Lincoln County News re- fective geriii:destroyers over :dis- Pprts that J ako Smithy an'pld col- ' ' ' " - w '1 .-'xJ .".T SnAftlnf An Vtoo covered by science antf m connec-Kr5u wau iuULUWWU,n tmn with Beta NanthoO whicli is covered his voice which . suddenly. both Wmicidar and antiseptic, a vanished, seven ears:agay' while - onmWnjitiftn is: formed which dtv Jake was sitting up with a corpse. ' stfovs the -c erma ?which - rob the Af f ew day s-agov J ake said , :, soine- : hair of' its natural nourishment thing seemed.ltd have tapped him - - - . - i - i .. a - ' . i i i & i n nib: nuun urin mv v. hum i f liii ni'ii. eiuu ai8U; ureaies a, uicau .ucaiiu.v,. , 7 t 7 T .7, 7. - , " . .. condition of the scalp, 'hich pr ; Four men cpnvicted" in , Grccns - vents the development 7 of new boroolicexourt of selling certain . -.'u A Uiat-'' , v - w - . j, - ; MS at - W ' e-e w ; v - 7 v ;Pilocarpinr although not a color fined $1,000.' each.- v - ' 1 7 v -XliU UiUVvl VMI WW W ww wm mmm-m w 7 ingredient for restoring the hair to Southern Railway' has been oper- . m v ma niii' m nnvi rnn incc nr i - i x. . . . a mmi urn hair has been caused by a disease ton;'vSr 0., has. -proved a'losing of the scalp -. - -.V 7 : " 7- proposition-- and will , be .discoai :. . xnese ingreaienis in proper com-4 tinued. TRIED REP7EDY FOR THE; GRIP. I .1 r i 1 . ' ; ? . 1 - lit 1 S i .1 ! I ' i ii I have placed on a bargain, counter in the front of ,my store some Men's pointed toed Shoesat PLAlLF original " ., ... ... m price, were formerly $4.00 a pair that lam offering now at $2,00 the pEdr. The shoes are all right in every respect except they are pointed toed. - Cuts Up Father's Still. Raleigh, Nov. 1. rln connection ... I VAUVIV.'M? . ' ..." , ... - " ..l-i - V - "mm mm I . - Dinaiion,7WHQ aiconoi auueu as a a t. nronitn.Onnrrv: Rnwnn rnnn. " ,lu r0-' u wMtJ tu" vt" I Will cfiVA rQ annn wear as anv r4-v J I J -wuimamauu iuiu, nou-ucuucu uy- g store and dwelling Ot JL. J. I www -w" w - 'r V- c - . nnnrieriincr nrnnprtiPQ nArfprt. nor- I , i : . . -!"- I I StorV that IS -VOUChed IOr in tnOlr?l " ' . A.T T. J-l . nans me. most, enecuve remeay i -t a Anr,r- t nn aiuyu buiv ui. xuc uauM- ; ilmt i:tnnwn fnr n -an hair 1 ;i - j j i. muj.: ter of a well-known farmer had 7 - , - - 7 r jjry , was vuurueu itoii . xuuruay . , - , . , . 7troubles.V :.PV-.T t. ' night ehtailinff a loss of.$l6,000.; for a Iodr while; protested to bun. Vnm the old man nersisted. rl . " - - A federate veteran and well known v.. -i l;j . 7. , m combination witn otner extreme- .tt:nn PntliPrfnrH rnnntxr dlfd AVreau umi;uni cr vrap- ly invaluable medicinal .agents; t his homo two miles west of ped" him, but the daughter, who I We guarantee Oct. 31. . has developed inta young' woman- , -T dandruff and" to grow hair, even - - " ': hood, lived in constant dread of an though the scale jn spots j is bare of 1 j W I o n n q M 3 V K fit invasion by officers of the law that hair; If there is any vitality left J III 1 o tl II O IVI al lUl wouij senci her father to prison in the roots," it will positively "cure baldness, or we;, will refund - your money.""-Tf the scalp has a glazed " shiny appearance, itfs an indication that baldness is permanent, but in other instances we believe baldness .is curable. - j ..vr - :.7 - We want every one troubled with scalp disease or. loss of hair to try ;E&all"93T Hair -Tonic. 7 Ifit . does -not' cure dandruff ;and grow hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will without question or quibble 7 'return every qent paid us for it. We, print this guarantee on every bottle, ilfc' has effected' a positive cure in 93 "of causes where put to .v a practical test. V r -"r : 1 :r,Rexali V'93w :HairTonic is en? ctirely unlike, : and we think, in 7 -eveir particular better than any thirig else we know of for the pur- pose .for . which - it ' is -prescribed.. We urge you to tryw.this prepara V.tion at our entire risk. ... - CertaDly. we knpw of , no better guarantle to:giveou.u-Remem i? obtain Rexall Remedies in Marion only at our store-7-The Rexall S tor J. W, Streetman. "t " '77 1". .". ; -..-' '... "v.-., .--.r r- " 7 "";- . r " " ' ' i'-v J, Service byPuBlication Notice. : for choice cuts of meats at the ; markets lowest .prices. Good "meat at 6lc to 12ic per pound. and bring disgraco on the family. She induced tho whole family to make plans for spending a day at; th e county : f ai r at . Ca r th ago and then suddenly- persisted in excuses for not going herself. She was left at home for tho day and stole down to the blockade still and cut OOOOOOOOOO4OOQOO0CO0OOOOOC9 o . o o o 11 DAT1 0"N OF lit up as completely as any revenue omcetcouiu ao xv.- ana wncn me father and brothers came from the fair and found their distillery NFFH A I I IMI H that the revenue officers did rL LLU LU 1)1 U 11 The officers, who have heard of the affair, are seeking to keep the 1 - tiw nr'i o o o father in igoorance of tbo part his daughter had in tho destruction of the plant and'sho is undents d to be striving.to keep members of her fnmilv from rnftwrfl rinktinn nf saa u u.ioi i ur a uu ivum the revenue laws. for the best of eatables, on v . - - . sh Jr t iioti e'e . -" . - - -" VRUt rS, ETC. IF YOU SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE YOU CAN GET THE 7 .52 WEEKLY ISSUES OF TT.ZrKmT o c C" mmws COMPAMQK v -, State of North Carolina, t Superior Ck)urt ' v County of McDowell, J January-Term, 1912. ' v .- Thomas E. "Raffield, plaintiff, i- '."-. -VS., , " 77 7" , " Dollie Kaffield, defendant. - r 7: : The" defendant above named will take ' - notice that an action entitled as above 77 has-been commenced :in ; the, Snperior f-V- Coxirt of McDowell county, for the pur , -pose of dissolving the bonds- of matri- 7--mony .existing between the plaintiff and J a. the defendant; and the said- defendant . will further take notice that she "is re 7 7 quired to appear at the term of the Su- . .' perior . Court of said county to be held ' - on the sixth Monday -before the first S'Monday inMaxch.lQlS it being "the 7, ; 22nd day of January, -1912; at the court - k ' house of said countv inrllarion. North " Carolina; and answer or demur, to the v 7 complaint-in said action, or the' .plain r v tiff will apply to the -court - forthe re- 7- lief demanded in said complaint. , V lj - This 28th day of October, A. . D. " liBll. - .-Thomas Morris,. z Clerk of the Superior Court.- 5 -.: - "Fear Papers For. OI.SO ' r " J7 - ..- ' Our Great Fall: Newspapers 'Offer y ; isNow On ft Included: v. y f The Marlon Progress Ths Gccrlns Weekly News Brlcfs Sparc Moments Magazine - ,"7 J . - The Gentlewoman ; J Thesefour great newspapers and v magazines will ;be supplied for a short time; only, v Air at the low price, of. $ h 50 "Send der today. , -- for 1912 for only $1.75; also all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1911, -Free. It is your last chance to get ,7the paper at this price. On January-. "1, 1912, it will be advanced to r ' ' r7 " mm m mmm , 2 S S.s.-5"3 5"-.S ' 8 2 2 2 n m il CLmyftl I?' n- 3 3 -5. 3 o Serials and "Other Stories The 52". Issues of .1912- "will contain the "equivalent of 30 volumes of the :best Teaming", including' nearly .300 Stories, Articles by. Famous Writers, AtKle'tics for "Boys, Chats with Girls, " the Doctor's Weekly-Counsel, etc: - ' """"iN-- 7 - - -: '" Send for Announcement for 2912 end SJm'e Copies of The Youth's Com pan urn, 2-rte. . S O 3 o f a w o a, S O 3'; B 3 . 3 vf? . M -p a .3 o n 3 FT n-E 1 a 3 mm . n o 5 c o o o . o o o o o o o o o - o o J-moncv.' o saving and keep on savin t c c 4 c Slrt !,r?A 'v7'- -Ava p; ' .-., -: 7l" I - ."-x, .s Vj r sr j- r,r..r"irzrT!iziii;.,r The foundation of cver' success, business or pro regional, is Save your money and a nood opronunity for you to make a profitable business investment vi!! zvrdy corr.c. &czin o o o o and you uUI cct shc2d. There n V no other way to do so. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank We pay liberal interesi consistent x. Uh safcry 4 jver cenL The Merchants and Farmers Bank o . c c c c c c 3 CD m ' Wlat.Io More Delicious than good Preserves, Jam, or Jel ly on Buttered bread? Between meals they are fine and ihey arc Just The Thinrt For Children. i . ! t . 4 ' r- m FREE to Jan. 1912 - Erery Nir Sabcriir wLo coU oat cd iendi iKU i'ip (or mention thi . rPr) vrilh J1.75 for the C21muIoI Th CompAiuon for 1912 will rclf AH tL 1mo for tli ronulnlnr .wolcs of 1911 fr, InclocLn Xhm . baatifal Holiday NmabtniaiM . tl. TW ComrnIon Pktnr CJnr . for 1912. lithographed in Z color . ji1 Col J (an extra copy buij r.t to erory od nuikiajr a silt tuiwcripUon). , Then The Companion for lm Z2 weeks ef 1912 -U for 3l.T5yewr last chance at thi price. On Jaftuary ' 1, 1912. it vriU be axlracced to 52. 7 B ring your fat Calves to Ncbo, N. C after No vembcr the first from 3' to 6 weeks old. Will pay 3c per pound on foot . WiH buy them all times during the week , except Saturdays. The sort vc lun iz in Jhz Cc!c bratcd Libby and licinr Brcr.ls arc made from the finest fa:;: ar.d fine cranulatcd suar and arc -n:.r-antccd under the pure food !r, ' . j mmt for buc in Ow 3e CO- Court St Phone 58. in. your or? ' 7, ; -f .7-.- TH2 Yotmrs com?ai;io:i DOSTON.MASS. Y i7 n i "Have The McDowell 'Publir.hin Co. to do -your printing. Our prices nrcri-ht.