Used and praised by the most competent and careful pas try cooks the world over - r . "-- - - " -The only Baking Powder made m Tartar made from grapes SugarJHill News.' 35agar Hill, Nov. &. Rev. Joe Womick Clled Ms regular and last appointment .fcr th year at Pleasant Grove. .y - , We are glad to welcome back in onr ' anttist Misses Hunter and .Finley, our tm roost excellent teachers, who have sbcea away.for some time for the far- to get through with their fall xaeia. work..";-'- ;"' S ";" .: , Thomas Morris of Marion was a wel come visitor here last week. ', Miss Lizzie and W. M. Wilson were in Manon shopping one day last week. M. Q. Harris made a business trip to Buncombe county last week. It is all right what "Isaac" wished to know If "Bettye" was at the fair for. " '".. "... ''Isaac DysarUvillo Dots. Djfartsvillo, Nov. C.-Noah Wntfoa Green died October 20, and was Luri-d at Trinity tho day following. IIo loaves two pons and three daughters to mourn their irreparable loss. His wifo and three sons and one daughter preceded him to the unknown world. Ho w&a a vervvooiet inoffensive .man, kind and obliging, a good citizen and a good neighbor. . . - "Mrs. Anna Lovelace of Boiling: Springs was here at her. father's burial. (Noah Green.) and remained several days. Prof, and Mrs. Steppo moved to' Dr Bartsville last Tuesday and now occupy the pre raises bought of Upton Brothers. Prof. Norman Fanning Steppe com menced the DyBartaville High School to day. Tfcls Is Prof. Steppe's fourth term which snows his great popularity among our people. C. A. Jaquina is attending to his store now, James Goforth having quit to farm. Rev. . Mr. Wo mack of the Tuermal circuit, preached his last sermon at Trin ity on the fifth Sunday. . "Whether . Isaac and Bettye have the right to poke fun at each other, let other? judge. Success to both! Zero. . - Sale of Land for -Taxes. - By virtue of the tax list for the years 1909 and 1010. 1. P. H. Ma&hburn, Tax Collector of McDowell County, will on the first Mondav in December. 1011. it being the fourth day of December, i ell the following lands for the taxes due for the years 1000 and 1910: NEBO TOWNSHIP. 9 - ( '.- 7 ' 1 III . V... "N -I Lowney's Candies Norris Fine Candies Parkers Lucky Curve Fountain Pens Hawkcs Eye Glasses Nyals Remedies, &c Always a nice line of Toilet Ar , tides and fresht supply of Pure Drugs on hand. "COME TO SEE US . THE- DAVIS' PHARMACY r ' ; ; .Land For Sale. ; "Tat e notice that the undersi giled will, ssmder and by virtne of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, aecnted by M- C. Bright and hi-wife, HV jS3. Bright, to the nndersigned, for ?the purpose of seeming, a certain in fr S&htdne5S therein described, -which may r C&s fooad of record in; the McDowell jontr Records for Mortgages, in book V, at page 262, default having beeffmade tfe the-payment of said indebtedness on 3$H&an(3, on - . . - Saturday r the 9th day of December,. ' - 1911. ;: - between the.honrs of 10 o'clock, a. m., 5nd 2 o'clock, p m , offer for sale at the v-eoiart-house door in Marion, North Caro s lina, t& the highest bidder for cash, an - undivided one sixth interest in and ; to ':4Sj9 following described land, lying and ibaiag on Second Broad Biver," in Mont--. t&rd's Cove township, McDowell county, specifically described as follows, to--wit: - " -Lot No. 1: Beginning on a roclr. the TKrtheast corner of the whole tract and atina west 22 poles to a black oak - bush; ,tbence south 120 poles to a stake; thence west 6 poles to a small .red oak bush, - tfeeace south 118 poles to a stake at the imblic road; .- thence south 73 east 55 poles to a stake and . pointers; thence iS0ith 55 east 10 poles to a hickory (now - down); thence north 30 east 410 poles to - stake and -pointers; thence - north . 10 -ast 13 poles ta a 'pine near the road; 7 thence south 82 west 69 poles to two ; ,jwhite oaks; thence north 172 poles to a v pine knot; thence east 11 poles to a stake - -and pointers; thence north 47 poles to the beginning, containing 38 acres. -Lot No. 2; Beginning-on northwest corner of lofNo. 1 west Hi poles to -a - nrhite oak; then south 120 poles to a Hblack oak bush; then west 6 poles to "a - nsfoke; then south 180 poles to a stake in . rat3iae line; tnen north 45 east 18 poles " to a post oak; therfsouth 46 east 28 poles - -to a persimmon; then south 67 east 34 ".Apoles crossing Rock Creek to a chestnut; - then' north 18 east 42 poles .to a stake; :4&ence north 44 west crossing Rock -vCreek to a stake; then north 20 east ,14 -poles to a southwest corner to lot No. 1; - 4nen with the west line oilot No 1 : to the beginning,, containing 51 acres. The foregoing lots are more fully de scribed in the commissioner's report in a certain proceeding entitled Bright ts Morgan in Book 2, at page 299, - of the Special Proceedings Docket, in the Clerk of the Court's office, McDowell county. Lot No. 3: Beginning on a pine tree standing on the southeast siae- of the road at the top of the hill southwest of where the Sugar Hill road, leading to Bethel crosses the river, William Bright's, deceased, corner, and runs with said William Bright'a line south 82 west 69 poles to a white oak; thence north 170 poles crossing the river and a branch to a pine knob; thence with William Bright's line east 17 poles to a black oak corner of another tract; thence (f 'ft ft (ft (ft (ft (B (ft (ft Tom and Chaa Rutherford. 10 acres 5 61 1 fl Henry Rutherford, 16 acres NORTH COVE TOWNSHIP. J F Biddix, SO acres W 8 Biddix. 7 acrra x W A Elliott. 185 acres P I Hollineld. 45 acres Mrs. M M Hefner. 20 acres 1 MILLINERY Name J W Bailey. 875 acres M T Bailey, 67 acres J H Cnthbertaon, 21 acres - T A Edwards. 23 acres W A Finley. 160 acres W N Giles, 7 acres Sarah Halliburton. 200 acres J W Hensly. 193 acres T M Janes, 14 acres B N Lewi, 125 acres N M Mason, 150 acres B H Simmons. 89 acres Mlrah Fulwood. 3 acres Brown Hardy, H acres Amt Tax $71.10 2.16 3.21 6M 10.02 : 7.M 10 23 9 31 000 6,85 .CO! 4 75 1.21 Just received another lot of Street Hats, also a full line of Boys' Hats, Baby Caps, and Aviation Caps. Wc invite your inspection. il Vl Vl iU ll li ili il vli ili vli ib ili Hi ili SB Mrs. W. H. Hawkins m north 44 poles to a sonrwood: thence it Spppis, 43 acres COO & '10) west 4 poles to a line; thence north 4 poles to ; thence west 83 poles crossing a branch to a post oak, an old corner; thence north 120 poles to a white oak on the west bank, of the branch; thence east crossing the branch 88 poles to a stake and pointers; thence sonth 20 poles to a black. oak corner of the 25 acre tract; tnence east o poles to a stakjv, thence sonth 03 poles to a Spanish oak; thence east 180 poles to a stake on Neals or Hostellers line; thence with said line sonth 00 poles to Betake, John Morris corner; thence with Morris line west 04 poles to a stake and pointers, his corner; thence 26 poles to' a stake; thence east 10 poles, to a white oak. M orris corner; thence south 127 poles TOhirjft nnV an olrl mrnpr tipat n BTr4ntT? I Mrs M M FrOCtOr, thence south C3 roles to the berfnnine: Caroline Pyatt, ISO acres. containing in ail 354 acres. More Inllv w described in Deed. Book 5, at page 44 of McDowell County Deed Records, less 50 acres described in a deed executed by M. B. Bright to Cannes Bright, on the 15th day of February. 1883. - - It being the purpose hereunder to sell and convey the undivided interest of C. M. Bright in and to the land of. which his father. M. B. Bright, died seized. This the 7th day of November. 1911. J. P. Bright and Hattte Briqiit, 'Mortgagees. Pless and "Winborne, Attorneys. R J Hennesee, heirs. 33 a ("OO&'IO) H A Heffner, 150 acres. (1000) John F Lowery. 35 acres Green McKinney. 60 acres W M McOUl, 47 acres Horton Ollis, 106 acres C H OUis. 180 acres BRACKETT TOWKSniP. E M Andrews. 50 acres W D Arrowood, 31 acres A W Arrowood. 200 acres Wm Bruner, 7 acres Geo. ConiMir, 43 acres J W Conner. 70 acres John Gibson. 20 acres J II Lewis, Jr., 52 acres Rosana Lawing, 115 acres . IIIQGINS TOWNSHIP. 33 acres 3 00 241 8.80 7.59 .40 2.01 4.02 4. To 7.11 2.73 7.00 7.M 2.17 2.43 1 55 2.345 37 4 35 2 89 0.85 3 24 (IV (ft (l Next Door to Lunch Room Mi Hi vl Hz 1 5 0J fJ 0 . ,1.0. DOC DOC 23.19 1.73 8.S0 CROOKED CREEK TOWNSHIP. G A Bradley. 34 acres 7.17 J C Oole, 250 acres 7.8J OLD FORT TOWNSHIP. J H Salisbury. 143 acres 62.20 . . Notice-r-Salfi of Land. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in mortgage deed, from M. F. Davis, and wife Evan Davis, to M. D. Bright, registered in the office of the' Register of Deeds for McDowell county, in book 12 at page 235, the same having been executed to secure the payment of a certain sum of money therein named. default Having been made in the pay ment thereof, the nndertigned executors; of the said M. B. Bright, deceased, will All tr tVt A rtl tVi oof Vil rl r 1 r IP frt --a a V it mas tsougnt bumncr ons 6, uo s btocKJsfssfg Mrioa- M Saturday, December Oth, 1011. ' the following described lands in Mom- ; : at one lOUrtn OH ana pari ai One nan OH. lands of Elmlra Morris, Albert Lawing, . ,.-'- v . . v and others! . : "71 OrvvSI 4l 5 Ats.f Beginning on a white oak and rucn OUtUldl OaiC Id liUW UUIII5 UH. west 20 poles to a stake; thenc aonth 23 -v r:y::v ; ;. " ; . v : - y . poles to a stake: thence west 8 poles to Everything in Dry, Goods, Blankets, Bedding, . White yStSMu encf Tb " 'Goods, Underwear, Notions, Ladies Coats, Wraps" and bhTtt Snh Suitis, Millinery, Hosiery, etc of Superior Quality. . said branch to Rock creek; thence with The best on the market Try it for good biscuits. O Then wc have a nice fresh stock of Buckwheat Flour. 0 Oak Flakes, Maple Syrup, Sweet and'Sour Pickles. ICingan's Hams- ' vBreakf ast Bacon . q and Chase Sc. Sanborn's high grade Coffee and Tea. q bee our nne ivew Dishes. W.-6MY NEXT-DOOR TO POSTOFF1CE. : OC IPC- c 1 I 1 J Fixtures ahrf tease YOU WILL HAVE 'WO REGRETS ever before was re&uced prices. ' u:c h i PD"C ro??! l.nenco witn naia Lawina (ram on side of the road; thence with J. B. Morgan's lino to a corner 01 ine xi miara urignt landii at Sreat assaying does thlSlpermit that it Will pay YOU to IBrighfa lino east to a etako and pointers -xome a hundred mUes to buy to supply your, winter needs, dtht" !l I ' r'A-'-vJr'1-.;''. '. ".v ' apanlah oak; thence north 43 c-aat C3 if you allow us to sell you your winter shoes Our.line for the w;hole f cunily ire great values- , The best and most complete stock of Underwear to be founcL- A big lot Sweaters, Mufflers, etc Our stock of K tions arc up-to-date and sure to please the most critical New lot pL hats just in. , Nowhere else can you obtain a such bargains as . ;!i IM Peerllsss Fasti I nir6 . ... At Sumner Sons & Co's Old Stand, SO and 42 Patton Av. Acheville, N. C at this I Poles to a poet oak; thence aouth 40 east poiea 10 a persimmon ana roc-t pile; thence nonth 67 east , 2.1 poles cronds creek to a chestnnt"; thence south 20 east 70 poles to a pine; thence north M poles to a stake; thence "north 60 east CO poles to a eonr wood; thence to tho bo- ginninfr, coniaunng no acres more or less. This 7th day of November, 1011. A- Lu Bright and OoLiTMnua Bhiqut. Executors of IL-B. Bright, deccwed. Men's and Boys' Clothing and entra pants, work shirts, sus penders, etc v n n f