FREE IF IT FAILS Your Money Back if You are not Satisfied with the Medicine 7: We Recommend. CONDITIONS ON THE FARM A TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT Summary of ReDort of Commission-The State Comes to the Front in Wa arp. so nositivft that 6iir rem edy will permanentiy relieve con- er of Labor and Printing. Combatting Diphtheria TheCit- ' Raleigh, Nov. 9.-For his forth- ies and Countics' Sho'J,d coming annual report, giving a Now Do Their rarw survey of the development and . W 1(.ftmnn,'ue net wf . - .. . . I . JlUU UUUUUUViUt.U tiMl !UJ V. ii stipation, no matter how chronic progress 01 manmacturing ana in- mado by tho director of the Stnto .it may be, that we offer to furnish dustry generally in this State, Com- Laboratory 0f Hygiene, under tho the medicine at our expense should missioner of Labor & Printing coatroi 0f tb0 State Board of it fail to produce satisfactory re- M. L: Shipman has prepared the Health, that diphtheria antitoxin suits. , ...r.;' : . ; loUowiDg..sigmbcant summary- D0W bo furnished to all legal s It is . worse, than-useless to at- the chapter devoted to farming and residents of North Carolina at the . tempt' tocure constipation with farm labor: - : ' 4 : . . following prices: cathartic drugs. Laxatives or ca -rom ar general survey of tho 000 UD-lts ; ; thartics do much1 harm.: They cause farming .industry ; the conditions , :3 00o units . . ' t'. j u wmilrt , innif.fttft that thft farmers! ' . nr H reacuuu, iruiaic, auu wcttu-cu tuc - '--;r - -----. oyy UUllS.. . . . . l.VJ are devotine much more fore- r : t:on more chronic' .Besides, .their thought to their work than ever seeme(j to be under the control of U : : ,1 (Pricey .1- II" :t Prcnpt Pov.'crful - ' i P c rrr a n c a t -. vw-'r I t j P. $". i. : i Try f : ' cf t - -'- - TO MaVrrt.dch. rr-!, jnirc t!! c-a.-.i Cc r-.'.-'re system clears the brain tltcrsthrx-.i jrstlca &rl r.rrvr;u A ro'itivc t;c-f.c for D!so4 Pclsoa ari din i Drives cjt Rheumatism jvr. 1 5tops t!va IjJa; crul .tLrrti; F. V. LIPPMAN. SAVANNA! !t $0.50 1.35 For Sale by J. W. Strectman. proved methods of cultivations are a few manufacturers who wcto gerous.; - ; , - . .. "'.uo vi vultiav,vu;J . more interested in accumulating v Constipation" is caused by a weak- coming into their proper share of fortanes 0f their own than they ness of the nerves and muscles of study and investigation, with the wereintbe public health, and 1 cn'o thelarge intestine or . descending -result .that the.; amount of crops the publics as obliged to pay prices colon. To expect permanent re- from a given area are larger than from 300 to 400 per cent higher lief you must therefore tone up and formerly, . Along the same line than those above quoted. Arrangc strengthen th'ese organs and restore though not to quite the same ex- ments have just been mae wherc them tohealthier activiM tent, attention is being paid to the b7 diphtheria antitoxin is nowdis 4Wetoii!tdStrvftRexail Or- improvement of appropriate am- tributed f rom over a hund red diffcr- derlies fon ' our Tecommendatioh mals and stock for the farm. While ent place3 throughout tho State, They ; are exceedingly pleasant to it may be said that farm stock has and other distributing agencies arc take,; Being eaten like candy, and improved as much :as .methods of constantly being added. At pres are ideal for children, delicate per- cultivation, it is believed that the ent f resh anlitoxin may bo secured sonsi improvement of. stock and anjmals by y0Ur family physician at the .t- s - i . i ij; ::. mi ' i-" i . i 't : . .ii . hAR.bpp.n madft with ft view of - im- ' u .i.Ji. tne roousii. v xoey-ac6 aireciiy.ou r rr - auoyo prices, as uo uaa onvauj the nerves and muscles of 'the bow- provemt along, rather than from a been provided with a list of tho tils. ThKv app&Tently have a neu- study of needs and special fitness, distributing agencies. '. tral action on other, associate or- Xt would seem from observation of ; AccordiDff to OsW and other gans or glands They do not purge, this phase, that there is yet doubt mcdical authorities, no deaths oc- cause excessive l6osene1 nor, cr as to just what particular breeds cur tiom diphtheria when antitoxin ate ! 0vm&fveT. are best suited for the needs of the is uscd thQ early stages of tho : farmers in this - StateV 'This ap- J: Tntu. aopao ncn t relieve chriorjhab raised1 extensively, though some one-sixth or one-eighth of tho rate pation, if not of surgical variety, and increasing attention is -being where no antitoxin U used. It . .i Ai. . ii. .' : J L 1 4.. A n. ' noirl'tn chppn. "Pnnltrv-raisinff .IS tVoMifnrA onriro th, tn wenrp. pendent chronic aiiraents, ' if taken innearlyallcasesasideline.tugh ihe fcsui,Sj. abtitoxin. should with resularity for a reasonable 0rtuiiy tho developmeDt bo admm.sterea nen ue awaio length of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 0f-this industry on a commercial is first apparent. Sevcro sore throat 0 JLO 71'' IRSTEST TIAE sev In Our When the crops are in, and the pro fits of the farm can be counted in money, the time to start a bank ac count is ripe; by doing so you may conduct your farm as. every good business is conducted. 36 tablets, 25 cents; 80 tablets, 50 1 scale. vThe improved breeds of should be tecrarded with stron-inriK K7t!t-- TTaOvTTia B-. IRpiin T-T Ypnt? i'-Sold in Marion onlV at Our poultry are uiiraujf,iu hjc uauua susuiClUD, )aruuuian. ii uyw uu- - R IvSre. -J.. W. Meiers who breed for show pUr- aUcr 21 w so hours. - CopUn,. 530.000 00 SOOOOO Deport,, 00.000 0a . . - V sucn cost as to maKe . nnro -v pn 5n whall . - T1 ...... vr their sale at -market prices , not . r ---"- -v . 7 r VcTtT L t clL,- ...i!..ui. -tri.A 19 called immunizincr or preventive nm i. whitc Ouhltr j. i cau, juaitAi. iirfiiiiiiif.. iin in 1UL.I uai ui ukrvi i - - - . . Commissioner's Land . oaie. . : tion of poultry finding its wav . to doses wnen a person nas occd, or Tc cYrter:ot the: SriDerior niartet is of the nondescript va- hs liable to be, cxdoso3 to diphthe- onrt of McDowell county, N. C, made riety,. and even of ; this there. is rj an(j jn curative doses when the in case43f 'M. A. Pool, Jr: and wife et scarcely enough to supply the dc- , ' . f;w:ft V vs'and 'las 'coia, nfq; y .ThiT nonditkm ho!ds. it disease has become cstablishcJ. nnssioner,wiU resell -to the lughest tnaKnnf. t. vAr . This action on the part of the btate leaves out one tniD more 10 MARION. N. a KEEP THE JEYS WELL ?$lX Health Js Worth Saving, and Some communicablc'and since the cost of v J Mnrinn Ponnlo Know Hnw antitoxin and tho services of a phy- - v - . J Ririnn make it more likely that . - .v:ii it i - - - . - lU 0dVC.,u children of tho poor will be the Many Marion people-take their lives greatest conveyors of the disease, in their hands by neglecting -the kid- . - scem that dinhtheria anti- need I - . ... . der at the -court honse oor . in Marion, NC, on. . ; J ' r " Monday, December 4th, . H, . within legal honrs, the following de scribed reaFestate situate in y McDowell county, adjoining the lands of "Mrs! A. T. Anderson and others. Beginning on ,. a black gum, Anderson's corner on tap of a ridge and running with: Anderson's line-the following courses: North 52 west 10 poles to a Spanish oak; thence north 7(kwest 4 poles to ; a dead white -rirt-i-V wont. 9.7 -nnlfta tn a Sblack gumrtbenc nortnwesxo . . . . , frcQtoali to a white oaK stum inence norm o help. Sick kidneys are responsible lor ---- - west 15; poles itosm IQ several States this has been norteatoleisin ,hnt there ia no need to suffer nor to re- done, with the result that the case : DiacK gnm anu Bumwouucww uwitu -- . " I . . t Uut sicce itself unablo to 80 poles tostake ini Wiseman's line; Here is a Marion citizen's recomraenoa- yruviuu o thence south4Vwest mth said line ill jtion. '.:"." ' '.. work, it now remains for the van- KSa? M' San6i0?; ous counties-and towns to say John E Gray lands not included in a N. Cys: "It gives me pleasure to whcth-er they will or will not Step former sale made by order of the court, gay .a word in praise of Doan's Kidney tn t.'ft front anJ nrovide free dinh- rr.oc, f rhift-half cash onVdav nB--:-.fn,i.-n,r yr, hv to the front ana proviae ireo unm of sale and remainder evidenced hy.note aa . of mv famiiv. , beine theria antitoxin for all, or at least - . ' . fel 1-1.1 l xr 1 1 1 I . fTw : ti mm m li m . m : .-lb" :!y yean ao arc ai vroi a Fff tf ocf StrrTJxf ! Ixri- 1 Bu2diit cmcfcd ncr twcil C- W. Buchanan, Marion, N. C Service by Publication Notice. $ ot Hot Court January Term. HiS- SUUJ of North Cro!lru, I Coautrof lelowtll J Thomas II lUficld. pUiaUlT, - XB. DolUo iumcld. defendant. Th defendant above Canard will Ukp notico that an action cntltIM above I has been commenced In the Suy-riur Hnnrt of McDowell countr for the rur- poso of dLlvinff tho bond of matri mony exbtinK txtwen th vlalntill iu:d WlttSt obtained at Streetman'. Drug Store and for their needy poor. six per cent per annnm, witn privilege it has always given exceueni . resuiu. to the pnrchaser of paying ail casn on in my opinion Doan's Kidney Pills can Starts Much Trouble. aay 01 Saie.JLllie W U reaeivcu tx.x nMflf,l,W rfil nnnn " " , ,m i -i 1 ,Vlf f rvn. nnrntUt nif btitWin tli T the purchase monevis paid. :, ;: "r6 7.1 Krt - : " tfitt!" iVT h . (fdint: and the icdd defendant This the 1st day of November, 1911. , ior eaie oyauu ! f ' r V .1 1 V ndar virnlent Uver will further Uko nolle that h U rt- J. W. Hopper, Commissioner. Foster-Milonrn Co., Buff alo, New York. Jeev at tho term of the Ha- t . -. --: r- - , . 1 w vv v-vw- . I ew Life Ills, and end it. iwxne oniy ;wnor vuuj 1 - " ' Remember, tne . name ixan b aiiu k a r r O I I tatft no other. : " . . . . . . r. ou Acre r ami rur- oaiei . . , oifA war. Ttost for biliousness, head ache, dyspepsia, chills and debility, '-:5c at J. V. Ktreetman'a .urng oioro. Located Near Rocky PasSr . Four miles from Glen wood, 8 miles f romf; MarionV About 20 acres -in ; cultivation. CJommon buildines." Splendid pasture and garden wired in. . Large apple or chard, some peach; cherry and pear trees. ? Church and school-! mile. A bargain. ; Terms cash For f urr ther information call on or write ) . B.; Morgan, Marion, N, C. Dysartville Route, Box-No. 2; Henew your subscription Four Papers; For I.S0 Our Great Fall Newspaper; Offer : isNow On. - It Includes- ' N 1 The Marlon Progress :' the Georgian's Weekly News Crlefs Spare Moments Magazine :( v The Gentlewoman ' These four great newspapers and magazines will be supplied for a u . - 1 short time only. All at tne low price of $1.50. ' Send irryour or der today. . : :1 How Pa Felt. id ortV!lTth MonJaT before tho tlrt MrmdATln March- 1912, it betes the 22nd day of January, 1012. at tho court housoor said Marion, Kcrth Carolina, and answer or to thi complaint in eald action, cr tho pain tiU wiU aprly to tho court for tho re Unf dmrndl in aald complaint. This 2th day of OctolT. A. D. 1011. Ccrlc of tho Snperior Court. Touni? Man "So Miss Ethel is your oldest sister? ' .Who comes after herr Sm'nll Rrnthftr "Nobodv ain't como yet: but pa says tho first fel- Tho qulcfcwt nnd c.-t cfectir. rfnv low that comes .can have "- KEjcteS;i cr :i JbOSton jLranscripw. , . u Bloodino Couh Catcher. J. W. btrctzuan, ppocial arui. Palm Lunch Room is the place to stop in Marion when you want something to cat !fs a First-Class Place Everything sened In season. Good senrice and prompt attention- Clias. Carson, Prop. .'AS u -OR'IA 'iniGiiEoTEa s f;uj rcr Infants end CMldrca, Thi K!:1 Yc I!:v2 A!:;:7S C:nU 1 . 7 - J - , ' 1 :' i- -rr-: Bears tho 7 , - - c. i u .,.mm.:umi nu.vt.t HlKDUUOlt) UI1AMX T.'arion, Subscriber; who hare cor.trr. . to brin u v,-rl on f :ri; t: vrill plcc Lr;::.: ll in r.t cr.c?. Don't scription. If L k ovrrloo . 1 1 tb in

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