4 f - ! j r- - ' F I r. - v.- - l ... . t-v.1...... .- ,? tfvV i i ihsux T - : V . i i - V V J D v . V 1 BE ATT IE PAYS PEilALTY. CHILDnE?.' INJURED Electrocuted in Virginia Pcr.iter.-? Ordir-ry C-.!::rt::: zr.d PiH$ a.j I N V : What Milam IS ' Milam isf a vegetable remedy made from -' : a formula successfully used for 45 years in all troubles arising from impure, impover- . ished or acid blood. .. Contains no alcohol, mercury, 'potash' or. other dangerous "or v ' ,ha.bit-forming ingredients. v Beneficial to the stomach and digestive ' organs ; as well as' the blood. ' A true tonic - w.TuuTn b Tome . . What Milam DOES . - Cures the met desperate blrod diseases. Builda up the system eradicates uric acid, thus curing rheumatism, gout, eczema, etc ; Beneficial in all run coi conditions," con- sumpticn, catarrh, anaemia, faihng eyesight . f rom impoverished blood supply, creates appetite, aids digestion, and i3 a gen uine" RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC "N n.ciicir.r; sV.ou! ! ever fc-e eitrrn. n. cep". in c::-. 'rz'"y Civ-v. Ordi. ENbORSEMENTS FROM RELIABLE PEOPLE Your medicine is. in my estimation, a crodsend to humanity. I C D. Jefferson, 875 Woodland Ave., Roanoke, Va. . -Milam is a Errand medicine. I have taken only a few bottles. . but the effect has been splendid. I feel better and stronger . ' ! nd more able to stand up under my work. For somo years I have been troubled with excess of uric acid to such an extent -r that I could not eat tomatoes without breakine out with a rash. x . : To my .my surprise and pleasure I can now eat tomatoes to my . heart's ; content without any -evil consequences. Rev. H. D. Guerrant, Danville. Va. - .. . ; . You saidyou would cure me or refund the money. 'Well, you . may keep ypur money my face is entirely well. After having- t .'Suffered with eczema for 28 years I am cured. C H. Williams, care duett, Peabody & Co., Troy, N. Y. . . , - . -r. .'r " , I had not taken Milam more than three or four days when I . ' ' began to see a decided improvement in appetite and dierestton. ; - and within a few weeks my strength was restored. I have great : faitnjn Milam. Rev. R. L, McNair. Charlotte, C. H. ' ; . r , I will always take pleasure in recommending ' Milam for : Uric Acid troubles. C T. Barksdale. Ex-postmaster Danville. Ifirginia. . ' - , . - 'C , 1 4 On March 15th I commenced to uso Milam. From the first the benfeit derived was roUceabte even to my friends. My catarrbi! . trouble is nearly rrone. ray disrestion better than for years, my . tongue is cleanlfirst tlmo in years)and this is the first spring la year that I hive had no rheumatism. I can conscientiously crive it ?m usQlificd endorsement. Rev. Nathan Maynard, Salesa, Va., returned Riusionary from Japan. -I was both surprised and trratiried at the great benefit I de- - rived from the ust of MiUm. I have conscientiously rwcommend. ed it ever since.-Rl W. Thompson 1W W. Mala SL Richmond. Va. I think Milam U tho finest thing tn tha world. Mr. IL If. ueynolds, Cruz, Va. . For nearly eight years I suffered with rheumatism, at timet unable to walk. 1 cm now tiking Milam with great benefit, as I suffer no pain and am able to walk with ease. MUs Ira R. Preston, Abingdon, Va. Since t have b?en taking Milam the bolls have (jolt coming. my sum is mucn unproved and I can eat almost anything I want without hartlnrr me. I seem to be Improved tn almost every way. Rev. L. C. Douthit. Walhalia. S. C. StaU EvaagtUat lor Wesleyan Methodist Conference of N. Carolina. :.. BUY SIX BOTTLES FOR $5, AND GET YOUR MONEY V . BACK IF NOT BENEFITED For by dniggists and most country stores-get" it from them. If your dealer ii, y. ":'r- -- THE EVKLAM MEDICEF3E CO., Inc., DANVILLE, VA. tiary for the Self Cor.fe::ed filurder cf His Wife, Hichi::o;aK Vn., Nov. L"t. Ilcr.rj Clay Ie:itti'f jr., wer.t to his cclh at lawn to!.v, the .-clf-cu:ifr J murdorcr of his yoi::.: ife, s! thou;h tho coafc5s:oa not mado public until four hours after nary pills, cith.art; ar,j bo had paid tho toll exacted by the! tiros arc apt to do izzoro him ihiz law. He maintained to tho end cooJ. H;cr n:ay czzi xrif lr, tho remarkable ncrre ho had ex- r.aua and other dhtreijj aftr- hibitcd sincc tirst he was accused e'Jccls iv.zl zra frequently Lctltb. of killing his wife on tho lonely destroying. Midlothian turnpike last )ulv. His Vc jcr5onal!y rccoinmcnd t-j last-expression was a smiling sneer guarantee Hexall Orderlies l the when he obscrred the chair that f est an d mos t depend able imfdy, was todaunch him into eternity. which we know, for constipation The confession was made public and associate bowel d'sorden. We in tho rotunda of a downtown hotel havo such absolute faith in tht by the Kcr. Benjamin Dennis, one virtues of this remedy that vrc i-ell of tho ministers who had labored it on our guarantee of money back with Beattio to repent. As a mat- in every instance where it fails to itr oi xacL, u was acKnowicaRcu give enure sniisiaciion. ana we by tho minister, Ikattic first ad- urre all in need of such medicine mittcd his piilt November 9, the to try it at our risk, day after be entered ihe death cell Ilexall Orderlies are raten jjit and before the fruitless appeal for like candy, arc particularly prompt a commutation of sentence was and agreeable in action, may be made to Governor Mann. It was taken at any time, day or night; not until yesterday mat tic wouia ao coi cause marrnoea, nauvra, aerco to its beinj: put in writing rri pi dc, cxcasmvc loosnett, or forhissienatuir. Then nil hope other undesirable cUecta. Thej that the governor would interfere have a very mild but t3i;iive ac- wes gone. The document follows; tjon ujxn th orint with which His coNri2vsxo.- they come in contact, appircntlj Mf. Honrv Clav Ilcattic ir' do- "tin;M rrulatlfr tonic vuez sirous of standing riht before Go 1 the relaxed musclar coat of lit and man, do on this the 23rd day bowel, thus overcoming rkri. My. ; Doctor Said wTry Cardui,M writes Mrs: Z. V. Spell, of Hayne, N. C " I was in ra, very low stateof health, and was not able fo be up and:tend to my duties. L did try Cardul, and soon began; to f eel better .1 got abls to be up and help do rny housew(3rfc I continued to take the medicine, and now I am able to do my housework and to care for my children, and L feel as though I could never praise Cardul enough for, the benefits I have received." , , -''-".- " , " - . i - - Cardui is successful because it; is made especially for. women, and acts specifically on the womanly constitution. Cardui does one thing, and does , it well That explains the great success which it has had, during the past 50 years, in helping thousands of weak, and ailing women back to health and happiness - : w 1 Vv . - V : r If you are a woman, feel tired, dull, and are' nervous, cross and . irritable, it's because you need a1 tonic. Why not try Cardui?. Cardui, builds, strengthens, reslores, and acts in every way- as a special, tonic; remedy for women. Test it for yoiirselt . Your druggist sells CarduL Ask, him, : 5 Write fo: . Ladles Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medldne'Co.. ChxtHnoer. Tetm.." lor Special Instructions, and 64-page book, " Home Treatment for Women," tent free, J S5 'Eltphsnts Can't Jump. marj, of. November, 1911, confess my guilt of tho crime charged against mJ. iluctilnai was puuiisneucon I Tbere is oqe tbln no one bfti errf corning the details arts not true. eecD ao elephant da either to a clrnit . i . .t . .t or ont of lAnd ,h,t U to lamru-.! bu bc "fuI without t!.C keener In the Central nark mQ narrowing circumducts remains. a agerle, The For this action. I am truly sorry. fact la an elephant cannot I , t.. .1 t . . Jump. : Dernuse or hU prrat We!Sh! SH0"DK u,av afc wun cannot take nil four feet on thetntiund God and Bra soon to piici into Hi at once. He can nxike a 100 yanl dah presence, this Statement 1 made. at me rate or iwimj qiim ao ovur. which Is pjlnj: some, but if be. was panning an enemj and catne to a drrp ditch elffht fetft ncruits be would txnxr him to sterMt and be.ls unable to Jump lVoa;;b ?Icr ha1 tr3 elephant U a rotmrdtie iVcod I nf"l5ackWa Afatraaltt..a&! win have a (it If a rabbit runs tiw-rn ray toct wnJ 3 roir.rlr cirL" nis iwi. xie u:ti irimfnuus sireuin. iicnli Ilarru- iioll Sorr- I!rti rutked at Cold Stcet I won! ! n't Ut a dvtor cral mr f t and aiding la rr:orc ih bowfli to more vigorous ani hnllhy ctitjty. Hexall Orderlies cornxenly com pletely relieve conv.5; it;o2, cxocji of courv wlrrn cf a suricl char acter. They al'.o ter. j to ot reenv? the nece-ty of corUntJy Uk:t laxatites to keep the loc!t r.onr.il conJilicn. Tart t::r 10 ctzx. Heme mtier. ycu cxn ob tain Itrxall . ISemrvUe in !xri3 only at our ttorr-Tb !xx!l tcre. J. W. Strectrnan. tn cf Commissioner's Land Sale t - - m . . mm. m. I VLJ mm . w.. .Sun- in r cf a. i 1 ta. C. i!. IV. ; S A Curious IMuaibn. People IIn re that tnejr hare ru a field of sr"J? Krrniually chanri ctor during n sbowr ut niln. thousands of mushrooms springing, up before tbt ir eyes.x This Is an optical llluMm inn ?d by the rain Iwatius: down th ?ms The mushrooms do not reallj sprint: op 'duiinp a slnpie shower uf run .More than 20,000 electric il it- irons have been sold within a year in the United Sutea and Canr.th. Hi:' T ill r;i !. hi t 't5 Ui .' 1 300 0 Franc b-&!b&isi4;. 7 '. u There is lUJo dnrr from n cx!d cr from, an attack of th icrip xret ba followed h y pnoctnor.U, nc l this r.crrr happens when ChMaberlala'i Coch They ne there already, but hidden by Kemrdr Is ntcd. 'Thin remedy ha won the crass, and when the rain tH-ts its prct reputatioa and ext-ccjire down the prnss it exposes the hidden iiVP1 of V111 mnmnmlnrtnn Mnll Rrip atld Oia Irt relic tXpOQ With iin- .No Usa For Amateur. Ella That younj; farmer tried to kiss me. nnylns that he bad uever kissed a girl before. Htella-What dl you tell him? Ella-That l.waa.m ogricultnral experiment station. New 'York Press. Mort;3j. Dccrn-brr .Jth, tn. o L!r. r .i;Jair. th tv:l cf 1!: T. Ar. lr:a ar,i c :ra cs a tjurk ira. Atr iTuraV ocrr trp cf a rid ar.I rcanir Ivis At!fma wrt 10 iAt to a r?xaia axki torth 70 wrt 4 :lm a Cxa ! wa;U oak; thcaoo sarta DJ wrt Z a to a wfcl! oak :snp; thc n-'rlH i jluu (Jtuuuuuu ui bujar cano mi " w t Uuoa lor Inc. cron rear endinrr tc th vT.Iv ' r:. :rr .1 . . i iniis jraii an i ri"rz nr cr.a ; iec c:tv3 1 1 1 27 efft 134 wilrrt to a era al tJL.xfrki: - i - . . t. , T . www, ia CrtX. Aadc rrca ccrr-r ca lep cf a If all people knew that nr sleet of coa-1 rid in Gry' oa!M Hz; tivriKv upauoa wouia rwau in iMJTertj Indices- i-olc to stake la Vi Lva'g Uae: . .. ;5 SATISFY The Mpst Exacting Connoisseur of Sweets V' t - , ' i - ' i " . r i . . .: vy w o tmmw " I - nr- u Delicious-Satisfying Quits Thouahtful. ' - I Tinn I 1 r TT. linni hI l . i . - ... .... ... Dora-So you hare decided to break rVC V; " L t i- ia t;ni3ia:auM in off vour enncement with him. Nora- oQ JT.f onld sooa take Dr. Kinsa xlt to the bedaai. ccixizlzz v hnt i m-t N?W 1116 u. and end it. Itstheoalr cn. the t-ini? Ibat ei tbt Yes but 1 don t think 1 Uiall do it un- afe way. Bt for billouaa head- John E Gray lands cot irclt: la a til after my birthday, as it comes neit ache, djtpepaia, chilU and debility, ic fenaer cv,v! t-r crder cf the coart, week.-Club Fellow. at J. W. tstrectman'a Drug Btcre. Terms of Oe-half cxh ca day , A Wonder. , Figs As a talker Brown's wife Is certainly a wonder. Foffs Right you are!. Wonders coTer cease. Boston Transcript. of rx!o aad re raaiader eriderrU by A crnMHsYi ftnMnm"i;Ae : wi;a r?roTcu er.ir o-? jr ; . -i rrtru date with iLUrv! frcia da!-r at tivity for more than five 3cars. ix I- r cent j-.t aan-. with pirUra io ia pcrtaa'T c; ; ail cxa ca (Lit ftf j1 Xilrt r.l t!!t a?l and Lircr th vr.rcha.M Is r.aid. It is not the Insurrection, of too- tki with perfect nfctr'trV th: j W torn Ch amberla la a S tomach lablets do not sicxen or ranee that are dangerous, but tho re volts of intelligence. Lowell. delicate woman or tho ynnjrt child j it. . : . .i ... Tho old ana feeble will ,f-a b mosi snuaLie rcme-dj for a!Jl- a-J : anaDfnSAhEfthTS A 60 Acre Farm For Sale! Located thir Reeky ?izz. by all dealers. ill 7 A - TNT li ivli Fur 3C 0 30 State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lncaa County. ; Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doins Imalne in the City of Toledo, County and State aforo eaia, and that said firm will pay the and every case of Citarrh that cannot rctu" QDci fair dealings, shin all f'Crcs Ia CimivatiGru Cor.n:oa Decnreaoytno ueq or iiaira Catarrh J UUF r ur oUins to U5. unre. v Sworn to before my presence, this Cth A. D. 18S0. A slVr?t0. (or our VU and mucous Eurfact of tho. system. Scad for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Dm prists. 75c. : Take HaU'a Family PiUs forccaitiratica T? UrS rllff; Vaur rnilet frnm ff!nrrvl 8 For rplilr. nnc .1. . n:ilc from Marion. About CO iuiiipu rc- Wc wUl uildits. Splendid pasture and rr-rdcr. wired in. 1-n.rc app!c or- cliird, son:c p;r.c!i, cherry and r?ar trc:-. Church and school 1 mile. ALiri;ain. Tcrn;sc.v,h. For fur ther inforn:r.t;on call on or write -u w. wufuey. uov OCCC1VC yOU With riCtitlO"? tiri meandfintscribe'lin LnQ " . A " "CUl4r.s pn dar or Otvvrnbrr ... 7. v. juU v,un yoa . W- (lr.rx;nv WUI Stllp US more thnn nr.rr P. W. Lowe Son ASliCVlLLC, ff. C. Fasten Grcvrin- Fur IV.- r.ad Herb ... . . C. B. Morgan, Marion, N. C. Dy:irtvi!!e Rc-te, Box No, 2.

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