v! UOi V.CU Id I iriscmas 5 A 11-bl W'1 .--,ILI: i " .'' A . . .;J . f " ' 1 vi. i n i -. i en i Well to give each one credit. If it can ."be done, for whatever, speck of gooJ he may 4haTe possessed. If thq Frio Hid ever'.'tild' a kindly act or felt a throb of generosity in his heart it was once at such a time and season, and this is the way it happened: One December inthe Frio country rode ..the Frio Kid and his Satellite and co-murderer, Mexican Frank.. The Kid reined in his, mustang, and satslr his saddle, thoughtful -and grin, wit! dangerously narrowing eyes. . . . . ' ; - "I don't know what I b ea thinhlnr atoutMex," he remarrrc in usu: mild drawl, "to hflrr Christmas present I got to grlve. I'm, going to ride over tomorrow nigh and shoot Madison Lane imhis own house. He got my girl Rosita would have had me if he hadn't cut into the game. I wonder .why I happened to . overlook It up to now?" . .. "Ah, chucks; Kid,", said Mexican, 'don't talk fobllshnes3. You know you can't get within a mile of Mad Lane's house tomorrow, nlghC I see old man Allen day before - yesterday, and he ; years in growing. :. WslMad is going to have Christmas At thei end Of J agms? at -m3 nouse. -. xou rememuer how you shot up the festivities when HE original cause of the trouble was about; twenty thai, time it waa worth it , i -i ",Had you lived anywhere - within 50 miles of Sun down i ranch . you would have heard of it. It possess ed "a- quantity of jet black hair, a pair - of extremely frank, deep brown -eyes and a laugh that rippled across the prairie like. ,-Jthe sound of a hiddenbrook. The name iof it wasRosita McMullen ; t and she' was-tee daughter; of old man McMui len of the -Sundown sheep ranch! - There came riding on red roan iBteeds; or, to be more explicit on a paint and' a flea-bitten sorrel two Wooers; One was Madison Lane and the other, .was the Frio Kid But at that time, they did not' call him the "i Frio j Kid; for he had no V earned the r honors of special nomenclature. V, His name was simply. Johnny McRoy, It must not l be supposed, that these " two were the' sum of the ' agreeable . Roslta's admirers. .The bronchos of a ' dozen others champed their vblts at ' the ) long: hitching rack of the Sun down ranch. Many were the sheeps ? eyes that were cast in those savannas .that did not belong to the flocks of Dan McMullen. But of all the cava- liers Madison : Lane a and Johnny Mc- v Roy galloped far ahead, wherefore they are to be chronicled. , Madison v Lane, a young cattleman from the Nueces " country, i, won the race. He and Rosita were married one s Christmas day. V Armed, hilarious, .. vo ciferous, magnanimous, . the cowmen . and the sheepmen,' laying aside their . hereditary hatred,1 joined forces to celebrate the occasion. - -But wbile the wedding feast was . at its liveliest there descended upon it , Johnny McRoy, bitten , by( jealousy, like one possessed. r x ; "I'll give7 you a Christmas present," he yell4dr'shrilly; at the" door, witti his .45 In his hand. - Even then he had some reputation as an. offhand shot.1 -- : His first bullet cnt a -neat linderbit , In Madison Lane's right ear. 7 -The barj rel of This, gun moved an inch. The next shot .would have been the bride's, had not' Carson, a : sheepman, ;pos- . sessed . a mind . with triggers some t what well oued and ' in repair. The sguns of the wedding party: had been -.. hung,' in their belts,". upon nails, in the " wall when they sat at ;table, as a con cession to good ''taste.--But Carson, With! great promptness, hurled his plate of roast venison and frijoles at xacnoy, spoiling ms aim. rne second , bullet, then,ionly shattered the white .petals of a. Spanish dagger flower sus s ; iPended two . feet' above Roslta's head: . The guests ' spurned ' their chalks . and jumped "for 'their weapons. It was ' considered an Improper act to r ..Shoot the bridfl and prnnm . t a vo. .NT - ' ... ... .v - - ; ding.? : In about : six seconds there were -, twenty "or T so ' buTlets d ii An h whir. -;. Sing in l the direction of Mr. McRoy. i r- 'Tirshobr-better 'niit time." Celled Johnny ; f 'and there'll be & next time." ; He, backed rapidly out the --'door. U . The ..cattlemen swept out upon -him, V calling for, vengeance, 4 '- But the . sortie failed in 'its ven v v geance. McRbjr was on his horsa.and away, shouting, back curses and threats as he galloped 'into the cealing chaparraL; That night was I the -birthnieht of the Frio KId.f Tie became .the "bad man" of that portion :of th stntft. Th v rejection of hisj suit by - Miss MicMut len. turned him tcr a dangerous nian. When 'officers" went after him for, the shooting of Carson; be -killed two :of ;-'them,rand entered upon the life of an outlaw. When; he was; at last shot and killed by a little one-armed Mei- lean who wasf nearly . ; dead ' himself 2 from f right; . the Ft1o Kid - -had 'thq rtontfca -'nf "1R VriftTi n-n Vila' Tiio1' - - -,' ' . Many tales , are told along the bor i der , of his Impudent 'courage , and daring. But 'he -was 'not one of the t breed of desperadoes , wno have sea- Mad was married, and " "about the threats you ' made 2 ' Don't you ".sup pose Mad Lane'll kind of keep Ms eye open for, a certain Mr. Kid? You plumb make , me tired. Kid, with such remarks." ' v.; '"; v ," -"I'm going," repeated the Frio Kid, without heat, "to go to Madison Lane's Christmas-doings, and x- kill him. T '.'ought! to, have done it a long ' time ago. - "There's other ways of committing suicide," advised Mexican. Why don't you go and surrender to theBherlfft". i "I'll get him," said the Kid; ;ir Christmas -.eve fell -as balmy as Aprji;. Perhaps . there was; a hint, of far-away frostlness in the " air, but it tingled like seltzer, perfumed faintly with; lato- prairie blossoms , and the mesqulte grass, K v When night came .the' five or six rooms of the' rahchT house were bright ly lit.;..ln one' room was a Christmas tree,;fjai the Lanes had a boy of three, and a' dozen or more guests were ex pected from 'the nearer, ranches. ; The guests had arrived In buck boards' and , on: horseback, and were making themselves comfortable inside The ; evening' went along pleasantly The. guests enjoyed and praised Rosl ta's excellent"" supper and afterward the men scattered in groups about the rooms or on ' the broad ' "gaUery' smokingkand chatting. "The Christmas tree, of course, de lighted the youngsters, and above' all were, they jpleased. when Santa Claus himself in magnificent white beard and furs appeared and began to distribute the toys. "."It's . my papa, announced ; Billy Sampson, aged six. . ' , ' . Berkly, a sheepman, an old friend of Lane,, stopped -Rosita as she was pass ing by him on the gallery. wen, Mrs. LAne," said -ne, "i sup pose by this Christmas you've gotten over being afraid of that fellow Mc- eald Rosita, brightly. Rosita went Into tho rccrn. vh!!o Canta Claus stepped into tbo czz r air of tho'yard. !:e found no one "in tho rcorn but Madison. "Where is my present that Sr.ta raid he left for mo "Li here? eho asked. "Haven't rcen anythlnr: Li tho t.t.j of n present," said her husband, Uu.ib Ing, "unless he could have meant me." The next day Gabriel RadJ. the foreman of the X O ranch, droppcJ Into the post ofUco at Loma Alta. ' V Well, tho Frio Kid's got h!a doso of lead at last," ho remarked to tho postmaster. ' ' "That sorHow'd It happen? 1 "Ono of old Sanchc2'a ."Mexican sheep herders did It think of it! tho Frio Kidkilled by a sheep herder! The ' Greaser saw him riding nlong past his camp about twelro o'clock last. night, and was so skecred that ho up with a Winchester and let bira have It. Funniest part of It was that the Kid was dressed all up with wfcite Angora-skln whiskers and a regular Santy" Claus rig-out from head to fco? Think of the Frio Kid playins S inrv! (Copyricht. 1313, by F. L j;.-:?:r..r . - r T in ctccli 0 r'!?o r' M - J , DYsartSYillo Dots, . ; Dysartsville, Not. 29. Dr. Romulus' Upton of Spartanburg county S. O., spent several days with his nephews hero recently. He jbelievca" in getting tbo most good out of lifo ai it coes. Ho c'airas that if you miss getting the luxuries of life for one day, that day is lost. A good idea! (The Dysartsville school is entitl ed to three teachers and has as prin cipal Prof. N. F. JSteppo and as assistant. Misses Maggio Gdfortb and Olin Yelton. " , : The Laurel Hill School is beicf: taught by James C. Goforth. ; Mrs. Hutchins is sill confined to her bedlsuffcriug witb rheumatism. iThe Laurel Hill folks aro about all on foot again except F. S. Prico. who is suffering with a sovere cold or pneumonia. David -Laughridge is suffering with a caso of shingles which is giving him considerable annoyance a;d anxiety. . . . Doc Price is nblo to bo up again. . v. , v ; -. - ; . 2ero. This roofing is the bent and most convenient metal roofinrj I've ceen in sheets, no sticlrs need and no nail holes enposed encept in the firot apdL last sheets used oh the sides, -he above roofing only costs about one dollar a square more than the ordi nary V. Crimp roofing that the nails have to be drove through the metal and are ermosed, and usually leak unless kept painted with tar pain If you want a good roof I advise the use of Perfection Ga!var.::cd Roofing. I also handle the Amatite graveled roofing that r.ccds no rzir.L N 0) n Li i The fountain at Round Knob, on the Western road, which .was but of commission ti number of years and has recently been reconstruct ed, was put in operation last week. Virginia won' tbo Carolina-Vir ginia football game at Richmond ast Thursday by a score of 28 to O--a crushing defeat for the Tar Heels. Q -J Roy haven't you? Madison and I have talked about It, you know.' ! "Very nearly," said Rosita, smiling, ''but I am still' nervous sometimes, I Bhall never forget that awful time when hie came so near, killing us. "He's the most cold-hearted villain in the world," said Berkly. "The citi zens all along the border ought to turn out anq nuni mm; down like a wolf "He has committed awful crime s, said: Rosita,--''but I don't know. 1 think , there is a spot , of 'good some where in -everybody: - He was not al ways Daa tnat I know." ; ' v Rosita turned into the hallway be tween tne. rooms. Santa Claus, in muf fling .whiskers' and furs, was Just" com ing through, "I heard what you said through the window, Mrs. Lane," he said. "I was just, going down In my pocket for sons: of generosity and even of . soft- Christmas present . for your husband, v ness They say he never had mercy Z111 ive lert one for you, Instead. It's on the object , of his anger. . --Yet at . .In the room to your right" ''." this rand. ; everyChristmastId it . is "Phy thank you, kind Santa .'Claus', Taylor Love, a negro, as elcc- trocutedlin Raleigh last Triday for the- mur. er of Fred Morehead,' another negro, in Haywood county in September. ' Judge not a. hen by her beauty, but by the. way sho docs her duty. OOOOOOOOOOOOO3OOQQ3ODOOCC03 o - - - m o o o o o rs r 'fa fa ..-Sn"" V - 3 -j u m a m o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o c o a 4 Create or Crumble. Every map should create a founds tfon for success before old ogc crumbles his earning powers. . A s.TaIl t savings account started today, NOXf, vill start you on the road o o o o o o o o o o o o to independence. The fanhcr you travel on this road the less o you will wish (o turn aside. iMakc OUR Bank YOUR Bank. Wcpay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. I The : Merchants and Farmers Bank o o o o o o o oooooooooao3ocooocDecco ymmmmm :vf your y. ! r. , f 1 When vou stretch a line of Plrrikirrh Vrtte Fence around your poulny quanrrs or ci?n, yea avc enhanced the appearance ' and incmird &,z vi!e cf property. lou have also made a pro5:al!e hci:rr.zr.i in a r tr- fect fence which, though it costs no rnorc will z'M b tun ilr. crm. CA'en and rm years after an inferior one haj had to be rcUcci many rimes. "PITTSBURGH ' PERFSCT'?" K FE?!CS r ... as well as all other styles, is made cf cur special Open-Heanh vlrt d;c :ou-hrt m:t en during metal it is possible to produce for fence manufacture. Tl.c tvire U c cr.!r and ir. r.crr.S,f galvanized 'with pure zinc, and resists rust and corrosion or t!:e Ion-c.: tlrr.r T- I f ? wires, all the same sizearc ELECTRICALLY WELDED at the JOISTS'' " .' -J ; it j j 4 i i EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT to rr nn-D FARM, RANCH. LAWN o rOULTRY pi. 0 Q ASTON z YMiTl Marion, N. i : 7.