itt 7 i MM i r ii l h H ill n nrsv t .. "7 ' " oni pwng up. Large On the Map '; rhe Only .Way. is to Get FarmPr, tJoakT,v:,uus UP Iare . . ' "taiiumess or its Climnh farming and Quite Depending on Cotton Alone. 'Raleigh. It the conference nas Deen. noticed' that o Southern Govern- in tne town an i : q has started the old ; cry cut the itssize 'in uhe dV nFt rcotton acreage. This effort has been Present season it has sold lanrVmmn- made , ""b ViUHU' years: ago when cotton was I "vana prices realized n-low lu price, avahed UtWi( Hni for evfirv hther TYinn -nrm i,;:1 niiu: v "v wx that tnere is-going to he a-reduction aicieu. uanas 13. Ball, -whito v"iseu; wiia navme forced a rhpMr fori $25, in Princeton, August 19, was v"" auu. wyaiu lie was taken to Princeton by DeDntv Sheriff t w noweil. Zebulon.- The , tobacco market here uuuuues gooa, tne , farmers being wen pleased with the prices eiven but growing Thf indications are that more pounds 1 w 111 11a en n a - 1 oum ucio mis season man caie. 1 worn cnl - inn n-.tne acreage ana he .will plant all he . can t6 get in on the better prices knd the' result is the usual over-acre .'.The only way to reduce the cotton icreage is to get the farmers to farm ing ana to quit depending on cotton felons. Good rotative farming-not mere growing "supplies, "other crops ' besides" cotton eeason. 'mo -wnre. growing feed and feeding -beeves and housemen knd business" men are pull- hogs; in , short, farming instead of merely - planting ; cotton, ' No agree- met : among , the all-cotton planters to reduce . tne acreage will ; ever amount to anything. Years ago vWhen cotton was down to its lowest point a" certan state commissioner of agri culture was f urging in all Ms publica lions tnat tne acreage snouid oe - re- diibed. f He had a farm; in the coun try;and one day I rode out with him to his farm in the early spring, and to iny. surprise, found the whole place plowed for :cotton. "Why," said I, "I thought that ;you weTe advocating a reduction of the acreage?' "Yes,' said he, "I think there will be a large reduction in the acreage, and I- want to be in on it." And men all over the Cotton- Belt were just as insincere in their efforts. They wanted the other man to reduce and give them a chance to make money. market s - The People Want Belt Line. The manufacturers of High Point are much pleased with the idea' of the Southern Railway Company having .un der advisement the building of ,a beli line Ground that part of the city where the industries are the thickest. It is said that the line . will branch ' off somewhere near the new. Pickett Cot ton Mills (. in the western, part of the ingiogetner . to make this second to none in tho ktat Statesville The road force between iviooresvuie and Davidson ia making great headway." A fill of 18 feet has been, finished and a top soil placed on tnat portion of the . road that is graded. The workmen, now- are down as far as Fairview church. . Service of, Publication Notice. State of North Carolina, f Superior Court County of McDowell J Jannary Term, 1912. Mary Parker, Plaintiff, .: ; - vs ' - ... '' William Parker, Defendant. - The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has .been commenced in the -Superior u)un or juauoweii county for tho pur pose of dissolving the bonds of matri mony existing between the plaintiff and aetendant; and the said defendant will fnrther'take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the sixtn Monday before the first Monday I in Marcn, lyia it being the 22nd day of January,-1912. at the court house of ! said county in Marion. 1 North Carolina. ana answer, or Ieinur to the complaint! in said action, or the "plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in saia compiaini. This 4th day of December; A. D. 1911. Thomas Morris. 1 Clerk of the Superior Court. City and thence through Uhe more rw. M. McNairy,' Atty for plaintiff thickly -built factory district. On ac count of the large - amount of -freight handled here the main tracks of the Sbutheml through, the' city are at" timet- greatly congested by the much ' shift ing of. the freight cars and the build ing of this belt line would greatly re- relieve -the . situation. : , Ar Patterson" Memorial Cup Awarded. For the surprising excellence of Ids Speers Ferry Dp r'ecentlv Dublished book. "The Life and Johnson City Dp ' Works of . Bernard Shaw," as compar-" ed .with the literary , effort' of other Nbrth'Carolinians during the iast year ; the- - Patterson memorial cup was awarded - to pn Archibald Henderson o't the, chair of mathematics, Univer - Bity Qt North Carolina, at the - annual meeting of the : North Carolina Liter: : ary and Historical Association. ' The . presentation wasj by United , States Senator Lee. S. Overman, who paid : high -tribute "to "Mrs. J. Lindsay Pat- terson of Winston-Salem; by - whom the Patterson -memorial - cup is , awarded " each "year H to., the Norths Carolinian : doing the best literary work for the -, year.' - - CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD , & OHIO RAILWAY CLINCHFIELD ROUTE Id effect May 28tn, 1911 Eastern Stand- aru xune. Southbound No. 5 ; No. 3 Daily Daily 1:10 p m 755 a m 1:35 p m 7:50 a 3:29 -p m 9:14 a rnl 5:49 p m 10:50 a m 6:53 p in 11:32 a m Dante St. Paul Dp Dp Erwin Erwin Altapass Altapass ; Marion Thermal Spartanburg Spartanburg Thermal t Marion Altapass r Dp : 6 :5S p m, 11 :89 a jm At Dp Dp Dp At Dp Dp Dp Ar 1:54 p m 1:54 p m ; Laqest Amou nt fay One Church ".'TTest Market Street Methodist Epis- copal ; church South, Greensboro, rais ed last year $20,523.34 - for all pur poses,, which is probably the largest amount" raised by any single church in 'the state : not to have under way anything special in the. way of build ings. 1 The finance committee . of. the church has been ' reasonably- success ful this year in" getting: the members to give -weekly, instead of spasmodi callyr and this has done great things for the work, . . - Altapass - ,' Erwin Erwin Johnson City Speers Ferry ' Dp St.Paul : ' Dp Dante '. '.- ' . Ar Dp Ar Dp Dp 1U:05 p m ' No. 1 6:15 a m 7:49 am 3:08 pm .8:37 a m 3:42 p m 11:00 a m 450 p m ' Northbound No. 6 No. 4 Daily Daily 5 :20 p in 11:23 a m 6:13 pm 1:06 pm 6:54 p m 1:37 p. m 8:20 p m- 2:53 pm No. 2 . 1 6:00 a m 8:15 a m 8:15 a in 8:55 a in 10:30 a m 12:17-p m 12:45 pm 2:53 p m 5:06 p m 5:11 p m 5:49 p m Mu st A ns we r To ? Se r io us C h a rg e; ;r Rowland Lovelace, a young white man, 18 "years "old,, was taken .from Raleigh to 7 Shelby, Cleveland county. to answer the charge of seduction un der promise' of marriage. He had dis appeared from Cleveland and. waslo- cated in the employ of the Lattimore Lumber Company, . near Raleigh. Dep-. uty Sheriff R M. Gadney came from Shelby , to carry Lovelace back. V M Ly Ld vj, a 8tarted Fifteen Year Sentenced. : Charles Nnell .was brought to Ral eigh from Lexington to enter upon his 15-year sentence to the penitentiary as the - principal in the sensational "'white, slave" case there, in which he and hi a' txrlfa 'were convicted in Sensational trials that stirred the en tire state., They enticed two young girls . from v Davidson county to Char lotte. Mrs.;serve 5 years - for her part -in this crime against so- ' Cietv. ; Rho. has art infant son iust a Week old. n thnt. she cannot be brought .to the state prison yet. r. u) u. P. n ri ?0'(BS(B011'u:S ' za 'J mm o : On tlie evening of December give to :the persons holding the the f olioiying prizes: 9:06 p m 9:34 p m Throuerh train service daily between Dante. Va.v and Spartanburg, S- C, making connections between all points north, east- west and south. The . Carolina, Chnchheld ana unio Railway,' VClinchfield Route," reserves the riarht to varV from the time shown . .. . " .. .. .. above ' without -notice ; to, tne puouc. Patrons are requested to apply to near est agent for definite information or to UHAS. -T. JUANDEL, T. F. & P. A. J. J. Campion - ... Vice-Pres. & Traffic Mgr , . Johnson' City, Tenn. K1f - OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ,D 23rd, luc!,y I will num- n w - v e c '.T-.'" I-J". n J 1st Prize: $10. Suit Case or Hand Bag 2nd Prize: $4. pair Ralston Shoes, ' or $4.00 in cash. With every cash purchase amounting to $1.06 you are entitled to a chance on the We have a nice selection of Silk Hose and Ties to match in fancy Christmas boxes, also Suspenders in Xmas boxes. Nice selection of mufflers. lVte"TBii'e hmky (Dmies J U o 0 CtotlliiJfcir Marianna Hotel Building Marion,. Worth Carolina. . , ' '"- . " , Wc arc now sole agents for The Irn pcrial Plovs and re pairs formerly sold by A P. Trontmaru Gaston &Tate Marion, N C. mm XttXar , even and firm.j PiTTSB ( as well as all other styles, is made of our special Open-Hearth wire the tou:h most en- I ' durinrz metal it is possible to produce for fence manufacture. The wire is evenly and uniformly ealvanizcd with pure zinc, and resists rust ana corrosion icrir.c jonw ui c c Trade Mark3 ' - DESIGNS Copyrights && a .anHncT aVAth and dftBCTlptkm TOXf qckly wcertiia our opinion fWe whether w rintW is Probably pJtW Oommu tlon strictly oonOdentfaL HANDBOOK JiJf : Sent free. Oldest agency fori ??r?rT. Patent taken through Mann Co. recelTt net ial notice, without cbsfje. In tn - - gdentmc Bneiicntij, A Yiiuidsomelr Illustrated weekly. I-arrest r PJJinn tvt mt icientlflo loornal. Terms, $3 a cnlation or any senviuo newsdealers. year j ijm uiuumi (. , . hum & Co 3BiBr.,.iev York Par.nn for another year and get ;.nft nf nnr solendid pocket knives. If you are already paid in advance j you can ; take advantage 01 inis uuer by 'paying up tor anoiner y ear. . m i i' h ., 1 - i When you stretch a line of Pittsburgh Perfect Fence around' your poultry quarters or card en, yo-j have enhanced the appearance and increased the value of property. You have also made a profitable investment in a per which, though it costs no more, will still he standing erect. cars after an inferior one has had to be rcpuced many times. URGH PERFECT" IXffi FENCE . m m m m t . . V Min( wires, all tne same size, are iii-ziuiuwii ir-i- , - producing a solid fabric of metal, perfectly adaptable to all levels and deflections. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT to ttt FIELD. FAR!. RAhdl. LAUTi or POULTRY WKte far ctWe WrW ddifrmM lOUt mmd tin. T3 - - Marion. N. C- Inc. Until further notice we arc going to give to every, subscriber of THE PROGRESS who pays a year in advance arid all arrearage, if any, a SPLEN DID (twp-blade) POCKET KNIFE Wc have thrco styles to select from. n