- -v. - &TINUED FROM THIHD PAGE) with (a cloth -,rih(T shook, it' about Tou drawrst," saidlie. "Long one fts tne Jater. short- one Hitches Jjthe horses." . ' they came to : measure' the boy had drawn the longone. "My luck again." remarked he.. . ; 7 UCK Without a. word t,., ' .1 V t: v --T" . v passed are pernaps awa through the door, which the hnv i . P behind him. but not nninvw 'T cessiui interests m -51? 9?-d 0f which swirled r; uuiu. ouenuy he pulled on FOR FARMERS' CLUBS oome Wholesome Advice Given Let. the .farmers of North Caro lina get busy and keep up with the ." co-operative and . organized movements of the day. We boost towns. Lets also boost the coun try. Every neighborhood, every Out by th e Wi I mi ngton .Stir- Boost the Country. . . ry. livery neignDornooa, everj lhe farmers of North Carolina L.,f j :n Anra . , , :-- ; wuuwjr auu cverjf vuwu win 3utw ftrA nArnanc anroru tdaf all fkA I. . . ... r t. w " uo,buu- m ttie benefit and progress that is cessful interests in this country aro banded together by unions, Every man ought to boost bis clubs and associations. That means neighborhood : his county and his ment for a common cause or iden- Christmas Entertainment at Dysart- SHu SSIS organization and alliance aM the S cursing luck generally that he had no Purpose is to co-operate in a move- furst. " I " . . y and by. there. was tinkle of Bleigh-bells outside, and the , man ap peared with the team ready harnessed to the bob-sled,' on which four empty barrels, could dimly be discerned. "Have you put the pail and rope in?" asked the boy. " The man .nodded as they solemnly Shook hands, .while the boy shielded his eyes with the crook of his arm and gave the horses their heads. He tried from time to tlm tn ruor the storm, hut the snow made wraiths uuic uia ejreiasnes to- - gether. ?' "" . - How the horses got there the boy uever Knew, Dut get there they did, and Whilst the icy blast probed remorse- wssiy amongst his clothes for the nesh beneath, and poured the powder ed snow down his neck. -. . The maddened animals charged him as he lowered the bucket into the well, and spilled the water air over him as they fought for the first drink. .. It was a slow process at best, and his clothes and mittens crackled with the congealed ice.as he hauled up each pail. When they had drunk' their fill they quivered with the cold, J and plunged to get back, but the boy bound the reins round the runners of the fore toost bob. They bucked as the frozen bits galled them, causing him to spill as much as he put in the barrels, and to slither about on the rapidly form ing ice, rendering a loothold almost impossible. In between times the boy rubbed his eyes and the frozen places. It was a slow and tedious task, and he soon was fagged, because at 19 the muscles are not hardened. The horses knocked him over and the sleigh ran over his legs, but, being light, only bruised him. In his puny rage he slashed them with the iail tical interests. There is the Far mers' Union, a very strong, iri- nuential and useful organization. but it would be all the stronger if every farmer in North Carolina should join it. - . i ii . . . inust an recognize tne im portance of organization . among coe iarmers of this countrv and it is obvious that the farmers should be the hrst to, recognize it. One organization is better than manv. and since the Farmer's Union al ready is in the field and has a powerful nucleus of organization on right lines, we should say that as ville fligh School. Yes, it rained, and tha mud ) don't mention it! Nevertheless the entertainment and Christmas tree at Dysartsville High. School Mon- day evening drew a full house. The exercises consisted of songs, recitations, dialogues, etc. Every selection was well rendered and was very appropriate to the oc casion. "The Baby's Christmas Toys," a motion song, bv the first grade, reflected much credit upon the primary teacher, Miss Maggie Goforth. A dialogue, Christmas iigui noes, we snouid say that "ioiuuc, vyuriauuua x naa uccu UeUlUUStratea lO Dei kj mo uiu ouuvaii good thine- it should eertftinW students, was a true picture of pushed along for all it is worth. Christmas in the beautiful South- I wish to, thank my customera for their patronage during Nihetee'n Hundred'' a'imd Elcvemr and hope the treatment, and val ues received will merit a continu- -ahce of their patronage during Rlinctceini ffumdred and Twelve My ONE PRICE SYSTEM insures my customers from being; overcharged. a la ad in the ante-bellum davs. To say this was greatly enjoyed by every one present would not be enough. Old Santa failed to arrive in time for the exercises, but put in 'This is the era for unions, clubs and societies for social our nose. -" avocational advantages, and Dro i'vo uiuveiuenis, ror mere is nothing like the co-operation of -" fvjrt C V CI .V CU 111 III UDliy. I vawiwooa, uub pub 1U We should say that unionism and bis aPPerance when the presents plnh TOiib- ova i I Wftpp. tr ha rlicf J tt z .win. oi o , uuo auu me same wuiuurcu. aao iu- thing, and each neighborhood cer- formed us that his work this year tamly should unitft nnrl Kniiri ;f was the heaviest he has p. vprknnwn own union home or cluh hnnc Te little folks at first were not nrViann t . i i . . I H 1 C rwiearl Vrv 31 1 a , v vuvj laiuicia UU UOm meir I icuui,y, UUl W lie II mPAtinorc Vina. i I he beCftn tr Vanrl nnf u auuiCMCS, nave I -: """ vuk mo wuuy neighborhood entertainmpntQ presents he had sent in durinir thft gradually provide their club or day their fear changed to joy and w w F'uyiuc Lucir ciuo or I vuoujou wu joy ana it.warmeamm until one of the horses union with a library and reading nappiness- At 9:15 o'clock, having nXX W.oppIied.-with helpful and de old apd young alike feel that straighten it. and only learned sense enIl&htening publications. When- 0hristmas is the best day in the when he felt tt S 'fi?:'" S are four classes of publica- away to carry bappines to metal. uons 10 wnich he should subscribe uluer Places on nis route. Pamruiiy slow job; to lift a his ctvurch paper, his home news- cipal JN. F. Steppe was the XlliAn nftll AnAniiiai. VtvW ... I . I ... . - empiy n paper, the Progressive Farmer and reciPlen of a beaujif ul carving set, - the Manufacturers' Record. Nev- g.iven bjr the ys hd girls of the ertneiess, the neighborhood club ,gQ SCu001 department. A puree nr nninn eVixnU 1 1 1 1 . I WAS mnrlo nr Vr tkn Ak:iJ . i - ouuuiu msu nave ail or J G vunuren wnn them in its reading room, along wnicn Presents were bought for Wlt.Vi cnnVi ; i thft olH riArrla Ua i HtAratiivA oe A . vicinitir. ..vulv. ao iuo urbanization is aWe to supply. ' A club house with A Visitor its piano, library and nicnic tt it t . Grounds WnnM u uas aa American : r - cau uu- equipped shoe factory, borhood institution, for nothing ' outside of cood schools Ml Trio ; , j , T " 7 ,1 wiu.uiup buis year yruve sucn a ; , I hum jcar 15 esii- great education ftllmntH nt o kqi aaq nnn 1 1 1 v,f. rp. -JT-ii-i , . T . " -wu ousneis AUrV. ryjP6 inrorma- valued at 1, 565, 258, 000. tlOn. education nnrl onfmtin'nm.i I ... '. for the old and the young, and What relation is a child to its none can . doubt, fho fromnvi4nk.n nnn fofViat. mi,An :n i. v ' - Hviucuuuus rv"u iu'Mvi nucu Xb IS IJUb IIS OWD .ucuM.mau wuiu ue aerivea rrom iamer s soni A dauhtA- iL.i f " tuat source. 1 teffef if o o O O Fought for the First Drink. Thft fnrmore XT.fV. rl 1 . I Thft fntnl rn-ru-li-iotir i show signs of wanting to be prc Q. P1 year is estimated at 490,- CrrP.CCl7ft . NIVkfl-i?w n-ll 000. C0X tArC! Anln 11 ArtA ArtA I O o ler. - w.uanw uiuumea on a sieign re-1 agua wi wauuu tu oe pro-l F A cauuiaiea at 4yU - quires strength: : and ila ing him. Moreover, the Water ran i .li .1 . , . - . FLt' wv 1CdS, Ws sleeves and froze, until he warlike e ineir clUD ouse or union. uaQ in Ut the 1911 produc- an automatic block of lr it rhai. t lhe people of towns anrl nit 100 tion 400.000.000 tons tmng Jean be , vconceived.v w Wamo I rioua tv,0; A- 1 Inno .nol . - such 4n embodiment ot miserv tha "s maK? - " . no longer troubled about anything but Press i?r their communities . . , n , n, occasionally buried his head in? his and there is no reason why the far- A nigh Grade Blood Purifii Arms to rest. an(d" had onlv mifnMAn moio cVil 4. ' TJa ia't ttr cu..i strenetb feft vh& rva yu uu? wetuer ana 4 r f "cenan's drug JSIiSSSS W theiV method,, teep post- of B. B. R and -brace his feetikgamstWWni ed'bobst thW;feomiiiitiei fA BJ1uBalm-) wiH pur-: .T-W11 ater slopped over Uu -cZi'll Drouen- min ana played its sweet-wiU uncheck-f ; . w . uufuS tueir oest, uywo system; u. u. j. is guaran- Where the horses went he knew not. torfsts nH"nnllincr for ,!. skin humors, such as ind If they tipped the.lot over an ..r" 11 t 7 Rheumatism.' ne carea not. He .was past: caTing. 7 "" w , . .. . Pe h Ulcers: Eating Sorc With what little sense TfimnfitJ Something doinsrin a nrahtipnl too ri j V he:rather hwned tbe u. Ji: l . " poison, endnt He believed .ft. ....x. atuppea, oui i ermfirs anj rnn mAA , . f v j, - Eczema. itcmnsr Humors. : Risings and Bamps,' uone Jf ams. Pimples, Old Sores, .Peter Cooper, who when yet alive, gave $630,000 to found' S Cooper Union in New Y6rk City, earned only $25 a year for o tne.first two years he was in that city. He was an apprenrice to. S a coachmaker. He saved $20 the first two years and nut it irk the bank. e x ' Make OUR.Bank YOUR Bank. 1 We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. - The Merchants and Farmers Bank I ooooooo0000004o000ooooooo&o, . " oocrrrDOcoczzBao U .. rr couldn't e, quite sure.ateemed hours f! 5an meet to discuss heard, the man'a vftlAoi 1 1 j. . .. . v .. ;- -mj-.wju,,.! i guuu ruaus, ana :communitv-; nro- thought you were never doming back r f j n - : : pro and in the: same 'deam ?LZ& gress, and in all of these the ladies self saying: Neither' didLMV.H: -xJ I pan oe as helpful as the men. ; If I Scrofula or Kernp? pv t6? toy in. those long years each county cannot have its farm t Superating Sores, Boils" (Sr. ago... 1 see him ajid it. la in qv iaw.b I i. . . . . auu u.. . n . JJUAiJ v-ar- myself sometimes chool, each neighborhood can all these ly on New Year's day, as I sit round Have the next best thine to it in a 17 filing the pois- the fireside here athome It is incon- community runion or :Club. W I X:BDS ??P5 ,1D ?t.from gruous tnat pictures should. appear in ;4. : - - , ' Ti ."ffr ''D- is the onlv we ,exuuer, uui vsp-tney; ao, or, else 00 " r uuuW .fluD rw ' GHicu,y luat can do, this One's .fan r.V Tk.nta'rihm of "thft "Par more' TTn?n U I thereforft it." dupac. n embers; but.soVtheT dn: nr 0i00 auiiawuu ; uuuer, tne remeav that mn ft. one's , fancy . pamts fthem ,there, : .Then plans of the Farmers' Union ' be- berfore it cures and heals wairo J noiion4v.nf -j. r -t .,. . bores Whfln oil a en x - t 1 -"OV3 v"au la a uwuesive ana live 1 1 . v.. ctoo iuiis. 'as once that orRamzation' of aoDroved Vharar K816 tUetwith;iditectioD8 a- coal drops out, and I 3 all .. . - .. .' . - - y : w vuuow. vuav 1.3 cvjuesive uuu live 1 1 ; u, wo auiis. 01 per the remembrance that I was once that I - ... - - ? lare bottlft witli fr hn -. - ' , - ; " T organization of approved character u J . .T.TCle witb. - directions for Franco-S'teti Chocolates SATISFY " y The Most Exacting seur of Sweets, Delicious-Satisfying Gohnois if W. STREETMAN din r u. n o