v V n a Wli c-- ..V v 'i r"sj o Another year has passed and gqne. - We shall never have the pleasure of writing 191 1 again, but don't bersad; think of 1912 and how bright we can make it for ourselves and others. I have been with you nearly twelvemonths and I'm glad; also glad to have had the pleasure of doing some business with you; or if not, hope to have the privilege to share'some of your patronage in the near future, after which I am sure you will be glad too. WM MM IN TM ASSESSMENT THE close , with a grandrally Sunday, the 2Sth.-wIth Dr. P. A. Baker, supcria- COMMITTEE APPOINTED bv'tup i . 0 lhe nat,onaJ league aa a APPOINTED BY THE ,pcca! participant .V. B. Droughtcn. AMS.Pftaft.- - I ID m m T Y fc. m m. .mr i. joanaon, JOSCpnus Daniels, Carolina Anti-Saloon League called a ppeclal stiffb convention of lcajrue members for nalelnh. January 2C. to I COMMISSIONER CLARK - - -w - -m ww v m 9 . l m ASHEVILLE BOARD OF TRADE CAGED IN EXTERMINATING PINE BARK BEETLE, X Jonea and n. r. named as a special committee to ar range the program and provide the speakers. My stock of TO FORMULATE PLAN. X f S CONFINED TO AD VALOREM i . . Arretted For Flashing Checks, One Exception Permitted In Levylna UrccD8boro--K- W. Allen, a white nan of good appearance and who State Assessment. Other Than Ad claims to be a traveling salesman- Valorem Is Not More Than 5 Centi waa arrested here at the request of wnsion authorities, who state that SERVICES OFTEN NEEDED Farmers From Many Towmhlps Hart Atked Mr. Clark To Ccme and Mirk Infected Tret S.--YV hen Extermlna tlon Work Should Ot Started. on $100 May Be Levied. are as good as money can buy, our fountain is up-to-date; in fact we carry anything that is usually carried in a first-class Drug and Book store. We will have a.nice line of Garden and Flower Seeds, in any quantity, so you don't have to order more than you really need. Buy them from us and save trouble and expense. Our prescription department is fitted wh the purest of drugs and prescriptions prepared by licensed pharmacists only. We are now located in the Seagie Block, second door from corner store. Call and see us often. Wishing you much happiness and prosperity during I9 l2 ... Yours very truly, is Ptiarmacy OMaEanr k i - ---- -v Bum? iojai i wur. ir. u. k. Clark. Cos- rh il , fu. lJa8lnK olMloner of agriculture for M!.- check on a clothlnsr in ik -n-i.. L wicu.iur for ilecklt ' v. a m aa a.. . . Ralelsh.-A .DMi.i ?ir. en armied A!kn wa. t " T states that the board of trade of th . . C0. ho,cl "d he d' ""I ,be J,ew Y"-r b' la ti work city appointed a special commltee v. ,h D ma,Ie- AUcn "tnlMtlns the p!ne birk bt- some time ago to formulate a plan ts n,,V "u",on for lie, or rather tn showing tfc, far-era iirss .rv;s as - r-. s- r. " tt " of assessments for taxes throughoui T Ularc of hU Ptica the state more equitable and accept- Goepnfti. Ji TT7 m coomluloner of aj;rlciilicr for able to the taxpayers. This commit- r U ? A Prdon ? J?UDl3r h" lhe or ,n tee was composed of W. Vance xr n K,tch!n l88Ued Pardon to an,i errlcei are la frturnt r- Brown, P. M. Weaver and Fergua ' a WhUe man of Charlotte. Ql9ltlon. Stikeleather, and It was theidea of 7JZ Zf cov,cld at December a Sharon. HuaterarlUt. the board of trade to pass upon the CUrt d tenced to eigh- Mfrd Creek and apteral ether tow Plan evolved by the committee, and If ,h , Q . w Calon 11 Io 'bIpi baTe e,Ied on Mr. Clark to if wac pAan.ki. 4 - . hospital With a err Come to thrlr fart. .. . v uwciMwio iu bcuu uraiia or it , , . vi art treei to the boards of other cities through- Th! l da?8cr of h, ,nferted Ibe beetle to out the state o find If U was gener Z!"0" f Partdon aro M 'ollotri: that the r-.t tray t .urely .M!y acceptable. The scheme was fl- nnH .k J erIntendt of health ad effectively Octroyed. Aa 'tti -"v drrldcd upon and passed upon SSf. !lr cm,ncl Physician certify ce of de.truction tnuit W cca- by the local board. It has now been Si tfn 'i. .be.en romoTed from f!cle lD trerT det1 lo e rfect- -w ....a toi dlstribuUon and Wett li 1. important to to about was made public prcperty for the first IS ?.k m JCCQ ,rtlck m carrfu,,r. Firnfr, ralU time several days ago. - h . lh ?fVaKra aDd ,8 fn a Pra lhal lh Work don rtht Two of the committee that drafted m. U8rond,UonI that the chances tor dcne at once if the formt' fellf-r the scheme. Messrs. Stikeleather and fnL , f67 ai"e urraT05b,; ther ft Is to be demoyrd and Mr. Clark Weaver, were the tax assessors .of 1 !"Ue a Dard- U gratified that they ar. takfaS . luinuceni mtcrtii ia the matter. i me utnou Importatce ttat RlinpnmKa l..t ... vv,iWO iaoi ear ana aunng their 1 f in ice matter term c.' office were able to learn Just COMBATING I IPP IW rum ' iost irnr-ortatce how much dissatisfaction exists at UUmDA,,Nla LICE IN CHICKS lb of e,trrrr.lnaiJo3 .tarttd present w f f h t ho i . durlnr th inr.. r.v. - . . UOJtfe. m.. U nwniirWl,,ll"lM'1 T1 present with the svRtpm that t. ki I I during the infrr mnr.i-. k used and were in a position to learn r "i" H ?',vo 0,1 Rufcbd embrc tIc u he tr 7ViAA ivi .... I On Fowl's vXairf Will o- I Afi.. " tiiis B)Biem mignt be Improved t r,BTI wuue . .- miQQj. r retruary tit The scheme they have evolved Is Effectual. broods of th btle tPKla Utitt ttt somewhat similar to the one pre- If fowls flr. 7171 trtt hrf lhy hvp ai th- j5. pared by the state board of tax com- kept cllan and a J.f"l! PmUes ter and seek now tree. The rr1-cj. mlssioners appointed in 1910. and the provided, ilee rir?J j .f "tC1 CPS f ralchr of d,SES u committee believes that it Is the best hand, it Mns tLrouA tS SSK t?105 ,h" rta, that cculd be adopted unless there hens. tranamUMnjf them tn,t w,hlch-r actually infc.tM tr ih, could a so h m nHn .... rauun: lI1ni to the cAick. t recti re Kft- iu, ; . ' ' '' TTk tiona, charts. The cmmUt e h f etV.Tn A 680 fa,d,0)5 ' or ot," JLUJ a JliSlIC S thfr sta' and also the reports ens Immediate" ther arc Lt' t. fL ma,b cf "'t.r. 1 v,-.; 7" . -""""'oiuus ana com I '"cy are to be found .t.tinn I. . .orary. - tho chickens head. abor. the b.. h.. . WOr5c trerJ- and eres. and In a few wh or, "fcU1 etloa I. get more plentiful, .r. to b, lol ?.AV."J' ,b trk cr Cn.r: behind and on top of hed and ,nroau n ii? ,0 d ' "4 b'" A simple and effecUr. tr.aS ,?"t,d U;0? r Urn- adopted bT the Government ."u ?' f eoni t the aatj tc New South Wale. I, to place . .Ln tocM aad m,,rk An exchaneo of T.j:'.": "ty or ollre oil In a ,.0c.r ... . t.,, ueiween the day alter kMi.. 1 "c uevtleommli r.o.,.. c thorlzed by Governed KitehiJ k .1 " "nd ,horoRlr rub It Into "eWiTl'--Farr dt.JcPaau which Judge bZ ll r?M p ' by i"6 I" 0t the 'cen-. head and un ,V "'"T1 fcoBrr rrrd to tank court tw?"T-2 ?.i "oT " thC lhrat- Th, "e Mce h ""lot" booties cf Mr,. Wo- Washington, one Ve?k " Fe? ?5! i', and " ""'"' S i!Tt J,0a, h,ch ' Beaufort two ' weik. m'"7 !! or ,nlrd be Jlttl. fear of J' cro.s tho Vlrsisla line. Currituck, on. -iw ebiSS. "? e.k or un ?. d In drrJ:J: Upon the answer to, that question depends your health and happiness. You can't be too careful about the kinds of food you buy TO.. Best -oj everything in Groceries is to be found at this storey Especially recommended as the best ob l3" STANDARD and RED LILLY COF MsbS, Back of everything sold in this store is the guarantee - - viMii,iDoiuus una com bined with their own irn,i.- conditions, it is believed that the buiieme win be a pnnrl nft for the consideration of the next lee lslature. Change of Courts Is Authorised. , YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT PLEASED. KIREY GROCERY CO. ourt St. PHone Tf VUCU. UUe WPP IT ID. r . I mans, one week "March nl Z7 . 7. " "n7 or vermin r vv tu "ire arrets will one week April 1- cL ' Chowa?' re fund1 lh, ace a lltUe kerosene b?d thotth the name, of thcie Anril S. Ttr V. te8' one weck Caa be added to e olive oil it , Who wUI apprehended have lit ap is. "SdKuT, obiVl RD,na,, .n.01: fcr 4 Zttz wLto JUQ50 ebb will hold two lmmedlatelr after th.v J1 'ons, Coamoawealth'M afiftrr.-T! WoVo wonnson, March i; . beta apprehended ther iti v. Wake; March 25; and Wayne. April. car. , bron.ht tor a nr..n.'7 v J" . b' IZDOC U oil:: ... . qiSIIill SE sumdl just received. It North Carolina New Enterprises. A charter Penry Company p.! Lexington to deal loiT , "nanaise; authorized capital $50,000. with 11 nnn -. by W. G. Penrv. T n J1 i? T Tl. a";." . ttUU Care of Peuitrw r.. Plowing and liming the poultry run. purifies the soil cf Try and Our Special Flour - . 7 oc a rKrn- Toi..j v. .. Morehead City, with a capital of S3,- Secretary Is. Sending Out Notices, 1 V.7. - tla,e- Bryan Grimes hnedJDg L5!1. ".t1"8 to T four ,v buiuiiniiinna in v.i . . "-a nave railed to send In their annual reports by December 1. to the effect k-i- n. v 1 iur names are now beine rpnnn v ... their v w. lue Baenrra of t 0 v,uuuues ior me col- . . - luuuuea in those Shlpplna Timber To Oerlln. wiimlnrton. Larr Jmoer are beicr iin ..... Sia.t0 JDerIla' Germany, to be ursely cied la the manufacture 3. C. Hinkle and T. largely cied la the manu'aei Chocolates are cf - w w ft y agona a r. rl ' r-r. i wnTci ia wumlnrtoa by raft from Sand Bluff, nu'clen county, tht Kwar iog ever feea la this coaiams 2,310 fet timber. The cut waa 1 ten length wind 20 lachea la dUmettr. cf ARE Classy Sweets IN n IM",MM'MaMMawaiaaMM'' - lliM feEssyomceL and Blind Tlgera Glveaentencea. th av re8ult the ra!da made on rewfavsmaJ1blUld Uger8 !n the lit fn? .i ' e Alb(marle chain anc for six months each For th & Hecorder O. J. Sikei Lid ccun fett?!.chm.nd Yhomaa. Robert SCS 73 . ViJnai11 Robert Free! dWlll Colson. Henrv Ttt A Wide Variety OF Nifty Packages - J. W. STREETMAIV, Governor Issued Requlsltlcft. iUle.gh.-A re;u.i!toa wu fCed y Governor Kltehft of recntylvanla for J. j. szkZ wanted la Wllion fnr 1 a Uxat he went v. ... bcuthera taggage room and had thrtt CV,?f f0 checked to Hira. beta Citr. ba v. hla own. The other em v 4 I Property of P. MtCaCerty. ThraE road authorttle. put dttecUvea oaa trail of Nunkla and located tlri il Pennsylvania. Lsx 1:1 rrllhtful Polar uimift blow with terrific - . ivaiiaCiirc0fI3 JauC Arnica Flve r Set and g &Ww5sS Colson were found m v...,Cnr7 and cnooth. Hn. , . tcrsecurc it onlr finA 7 uul were i r- Onir sso at j. y: ;-:;Vt;y : KCnetT TOUT tnK;rV;nU- yfeajgiyicce Dinnc iand put how Advertise in Tho Progress SSftftft . l i