. , -r . . -v.. kV' .-. f : ' ; ' ' " ' ' .":1e-.", c - . - .: .. -it !.. s ' ' 'V. .' . " . - - ' ' - " - . . " . ' ' - J - - . - - " , - - '- - . " FOUNTAIN IS SELF-FEEDING Water Tank for 'Laroe Fowls - Eatlly -'-.-yn "c.maae uut or . Gallon . - vegetable Tin Can.. DR. J.-GILLESPIE REID,- i .maae a annking fountain . for Dn.vn5T Will answer calls at any ; hour of thenicht. :: :: " Roods 3, 4 end 5 First National Bank Building large rowia out of a gallon vegetable tin nnn - n J . wuc cuu mu meiiea oa, and a bole, b, punched In the side within Marion, K. C. mmssM I life 1: iifep I fi fffi fiD : v e- k j;; V -1. 1 C3' Mi lam is a vpirpfafslft -'.i: - - Sn . , - v vincuy jnaae irom SUC'SfMly for 43 years in ublesf"ffrrom.ialpur6, impover. ; .shed cr ncd bloocl. Contain, no alcohol mercury, poteh or other danserous 1- atatrfottmne-inorfYiins'ii -: . uaui ana .aigestive organs - wooa. tnze tonic. : KOO. BONE AND SKI WH-M IVB TONIC L WHMHW- What Milam ; Cures 'the nic;t dcsijemte blood diseases. Builds up the system, eradicates uric add.' : thus curinj rheumatism, gout, eczema, etc Beneficialjn all run. down conditions, con sumption, catarrh, anaemia, failing eyesight -from impoverished blood appetite, aids digestion, and is a gen uine RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC r " ; . . ... K : ' I -. ' " . - . - -4 " " ' . i ; - ' and more able to stanA In nnfJfc,' 1 feeI,bett2r and stronger been mt'pyork For some years I . that I could uo? eat tomitoes ftoSnSi 1 J STTch- Extent To raymy surprise SSSuWbakm8L?ut a rash heart's content "SSout n now eat tomatoes to my TnTyP money. Well, you suffered with lSem7fo?23 taPC3eT.'3Tentlrely eU After aSn2 bctsUcfS or ? when I and within a few weeks ln apPetlte and digestion, Uric Acid iSSffieV f 'ilJendin Milam for Virginia. H V ? 7 f fiark?de- Ex-postmaster Danville, FROM RELIABLE PEOPLE rlrolSr?hlSSiAf fRftj, b.n.m I de ed U cv.r since. B. W.VhooTttet ReVnSsSf l?3 If U woId. - Mr,. IL IL " J..Jl "arAni?, I see-n to be 1m nrZYi " ' 1 1 wnt ,Tr",-- .y- .ouinit, waihaiia. ? r. c,;rr..:rLfc: wesieyaa Methodist Conorenca of N f!,, nwm : . y seu-Feedtng Drinking Fountain. Mo Inches of the top. It was ; then Till On Tr-1 V n ... nmcr ana a milk pan In verted over it and turned upside down. Water will flow in pan till It reaches the holeln the can. Bays a writer In the Farm and Home. Using dirt P Preventa getting it full of C. B McBRAYER ATTORNEY AT UW Prompt Attention Given All Business Intrusted' to My uarc. BUY SIX BOTTLES foAmoBj m0ftEr Hot sale by druggists and most country storksCTpr 5f tv Tc f , cannot sujW ffi1teathem- If dealer TAEPICIWE,ca, Inc., DANVILLE, VA; for ft -- y " '1 5 l. " When -7 -v- nc ui rircsDurgn rerfect" rence aronnrl VA,.r u 1 - have ehh,,, ;C-J":..ru,uy q.ua.rters or earden, you ' Four oronrtv. v:,ZJZ?F mpreased the value of even and firm years after an inferinrn-. stlU H standme erect, PITCf TDr, "acea many time, wvfvvp. ;riiKt!JLi;.ui Sjg: FENCE fStf SSdf most en- Plvar..Z(;d wit!, Pi.re zinc, and resists' rL nrufrJ ' u ,1C Wlrc 13 evenly and uniformlv ; w-res, all the e "size, are ELEICALWwELDEn ?f 'tewG"8 line a"y . producjng . solid, fahric; o! mrrttLBP thOINTSt- ? :FVFPV rt -ve,s and deHect.ons, GASTON & TATE, : he ' iviEunon, N. e. ; if MtHM : " Je Nationality nf Is it possible to tell the nationality of an egg bT Inspection? The ques tion is raised in acute form by the erl dence given by the prosecution of a Lancashire, England. Arm for selling t66B tta irJ5n wn,cn rciUtc(j In acquittal. The experts varied, as even experts will. One confidently pronounced the eggs in question Itua- cnT v weexs oia; another saia tney wer pmnii . a. third specified the south of Russia! i,. umer nana, experts for the defense were equally positive that no body could tell. the. birthplace of an egg from external examination. One witness said that when eggs were bsd " " waa naetcrmlnable On the whole, one Is bound to come to the conclusion that the average pur chaser of eggs must take their nation allty upon trust. WVinn 1 1 . ... UiLW luL"n& edicine for lain s Cough Bemedy Is most effectual and that it L'iL'S?. Tor SAIA VlV nil ra,.1n.. i -'J UtOIClCI, CpStairs, Strcetman Building COU.TY SURV EYOR, C. E. HOUSE ASSOaATC Ansnucra and Bluk Pni.vrs SrEClALTIIlS OfSce In Streetrnan Bld. Main 8t ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Poteet Building MARION, n. a DR. J. BURGIN DENTIST Marion, North Carilina Office in POTEAT BUIUjxkg. Prir.tirn In China'. If reports rrc to ho rc!ci on ihtr had the art ot prinl!n In China "2.400 years ago." It was block priming, however. Itr:--i it l3 siSd tbaf thiT had somethirg very like movable lyne In Iflfk m 1 ff M I a nf ekA laa . There may be ccrce dcubi as to the ex L JUS 'Cf , M. D.t D. D, act period, but there Is flo room for questioning the fact that Jor many centuries before It was known In Eu rope the art was well known fn China. A Hero In a Uththouse. DENTIST Rooms 2, 3 and 4. Strcetman Bulldtn Marlon. For VPiim T Q T-..i .V V Mich" ThJi' ft nnMr for. . i . . V' Ut W ecr: Mmlf UttrJ '?.11 rt f tf.,. rif i i ;.Liric iiuters had I - tttwvxaj w ill n w "in i - n am rear :rle? for " uciicuL ana inov oia i proyedmy sight. Now, at seVentrl m" reeling fine." Fo, rw.i. f-P,lJ .am it t .7 joia, laujeeatiftn Pniisocti at j..wstroetn-..iae,a- coffins and. Burial Supplies C. it. HcCALL McCall 7ir6m UNDERTAKERS are - A Guess From Habit. !.A.nJS.?ot- thataglr! . - owooii, uvcause she tell hi HOW cnU "something f,, wjl lC"? nIm l rv,Iv .marguerite or ,rt . i women ht . v d Lii n w u r w a OyCR 66 YEARS'. V . EXPERIENCE t Any business fntV4.j to our care wiU receive prompt, and careful at- .aientV:for;,The::i Rerial Plows 'and ;re- McCaM Conlcy's Furniture : - nxerc!" Mr-more freelr. . -. . Store. ." ' A- iVTroutmari; ' & Tate, Marionf N.C; Gaston V - si r i. III! v rvVI a 2 ani, have testifiS' toTiu iSeito?0 celienco. , Sold w niT.iiri.f?"01 ei" -For Salei., 1, . ev, VTfiA&E Marks ' " ' " . VrWI-YKIGHTS eJtC ' quickly ascertain our opinion free whetheiTAn - sent free. Oldest as x a tents laseu tn - tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK free.' Oldest RBtmo.T -far sionrin rough Muntt- & fco. Tevat h i Scfauiific rMvm'mi , A?ia?J8omeTyjninstTatefI weekly. Iareest chw S"11,11 of ny scienUflo Journal. Terms. S3 a F YrMti J?2ths ! SOW by all newadeilers. - - UIiiJ fiCo.C3,B!ev York " Boost McDowell ;and read-Tmi -Progress.: deM: aad ecufed to the W,! veytag th property herelnatter describedfor Gtocerymw ; therein. decrlSe? of .McDoweU.co unt y.-Ke rth, Carolina ... r"" maue in the rtav engf the said Indebtedness at matarttv 7ol as, the said A. :Blanton Grocerv rLmnl J 7 applied to the underl wZ:?.?Pfn ha3 andwerofsale ow,the unaer8i8pedm,on r Tuesday, tlie 6th dav Af FL,.n. oetween the hours ot ia m-w . v . : , - - P. m.. offer lor t" ' H cash, at the court hon dETn fr eU county, the follow rr0 i I town HI . Main street n "J y WUD -Trinity vuu ncnert church in tho O . www York, United have an-1 rectory Y.t to -.... . Railway ed ;e W ?r toe .SooUieVa DWtes has C ed rilflnc t r -BpeciflcinTii m . . . . " jyvaat xr w iMua wire, toE.1T. I a . - WlrH15 ..A0.rrsWl(1MIdItht-RItfe; " described Ir, . - J.0," .Mock and To Warn thU f . . . . deedTPov;; ' V : r vz el Countr ten savetl W vC T. v "v. are oX- "" i. wnrrs. Trn.: . 8mnption. and : f Mlni ,n- 1 .. . . . - umuwr., nnh. i"uu. lonir rrorir.TA tv-j ."vi' Wercprcsent some or the , strongest and most reliable -irc Insurance and'fcnnrfJ ng Companies: , - IS-! - Would, be, pleased tr -. write your business. Burtons. Wood, i , - AGENTS.'' " - " Merchants rarmers Cank v a. , -