JSSSaxT '"''"I i 1 r : : awiwj l j m . .timers r.&'Qk& ttEis w-.t:-Ji;i i- J --;Ar,tt;1r . -M meruit r n -Hr ia.,.aj-a tna IP3 . OT MIIMLiJyp - mm, in mm m . i - --II 1 4iu c ,., i . ' i 1 1 What Milam IS Milam is a vegetable remedy made from a formula successfully used for 46 years in all troubles arising from impure, impover ished or acid blood. Contains no alcohol, mercury, potash or other dangerous or habitforming ingredients. Beneficial' to the stomach and digestive organs as well as the blood. A true tonic. OOD, BONE AND SKI P ALTERATIVE TOMC What Milam DOES Cures the rr.c-t desperate blood diseases. Builds up the cystem, eradicates uric add, thus curing rheumatism, gout, eczema, etc Beneficial in all run down conditions, con sumption, catarrh, anaemia, failing eyesight from impoverished blood supply, creates appetite, aids digestion, and is a gen uine RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC END 6 R S EM E NTS FROM RELIABLE PEOPLE Vour medicine is. in my estimation, a godsend to humanity. C. D. Jefferson, 375 Woodland Ave., Roanoke, Va. Milam is a errand medicine. I have taken only a few bottles, but the effect has been splendid. I feel better and stronger and more able to stand up under my work. For some years I have been troubled with excess of uric acid to such an extent that I could not eat tomatoes without breaking out with a rash. To my my surprise and pleasure I can how eat tomatoes to my heart's content without any evij consequences. Rev. H. D. Guerrant, Danville, Va. ' ' You said you would cure me or refund the money. Well, you may keep your moneymy face is entirely well. After having suffered with eczema for 28 years I am cured. C. H. Williams, care Cluett, Peabody & Co., Troy, N. Y. I had not taken Milam more-than three or four days when I began to see a decided improvement in appetite and digest ion, and within a few weeks my strength was restored. I have great faith in Milam. Rev. R. L. McNair, Charlotte, C. H. I will always take pleasure in recommending Milam for Uric Acid troubles. C. T. Barksdale. Ex-postmaster Danville. Virginia. On March 13th I commenced to use Milam. From the first tb bcnfeit derived was noticeable even to my friends. Mr catarrhal trouble is nearly gone, my digestion better than for years, my tongue is clean (first time ia yearsand this is the first soring la years that I have hid no rheumatism. I can conscientiously give it an ur.qualifi :i endorsement. Rev. Nathan Maynard. Salem. Va., returned muoionary from Japan. I wns both surprised and cratified at the great benefit X de rived fro;a the U 5 of Milam. 1 have conscientious! recommend ed it ever since. R. W. Thompson 16J W. Main St- Richmond. Va. I think Milam is tha finest thing in On world. Mrs. !L IL Reynolds. CriU, Va. For nearly eight years I suffered with rheumatism, at times unable to wa;k. I am oov tilcing Milam with great benefit, as I suffer no pain and am able to walk with ease. Miss Ira R. Preston. Abingdon, Va. Since I kav3 b?cn tikin; Milam tbe boils have quit coming, my skin Is much improved and I cin eat almost anything I want without hurttar? m. I seem to ba improved in almost every war. Rev. .L. C. Douthit. Walhalla. S. C. Siatt EvangelLst for Wesleyaa Methodist Conference of N. Carolina. Bowers-Patton. Special to V axiox rooxsA. Wednesday, January li, at 12 o'clock, a pretty homo weddinj: oc curred at the'home of the bridr. near Bridcwatcr, when Mks Princy Patton, beautiful and ac complished daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Patton, became the .brideof .-Mr. J.. S. -Bowers. . In tho presence of relatives and friends the bridal party entered tho parlor at tbe appointed hoar, tho brides maids and groomsmen. Miss Olivia. Patton, - sister of tno bride, and Ernest Drsart, Miss Falsomo Dy- & ) T) i . t. sari ana auur uiwu, uruuicr c,wrt;r -.. rw.i. -- or tnc onac, louowcti oy me diw buncle. B B. B. curt-i 11 ih and groom. The ceremony wa blood troubles by killing the nv performed by Hev. D. S. Ilichard- a humor and expelling it from son of the Methodist church. Jc 5?slcm' . a..U. a U h , ... blocl remedy thit caa do thu After the ceremony the company lhcrcforo it carea accl htu repaired to tho dining room where sorts when all els fails. $1 per a bountiful dinner was served. largo bottle, with directions for Miss Patton is a vcrv refined home cure. Sample frte by writ- A High Grade Blood Puriner. Go to J. V. hiiwtmin't Hrcg tore and buy a U.n of B B. B. (Bjtsnic lh Biltnj h u, pgrl ify and enrich ..ur h mvd iiuild up your h, k. nH. t,r.4-n. down systrm B B B is gcmn tri to euro all tviM- t.i skin hunlors such a Hheutnatitn. Ulcers, 11 tinj; So rr. Syphilitic Blood Poison, CciUrrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pains, Pimples, Old Sorr. Scrofula or Krr.elf, young lady and tho groom is an energetic young business man of good habits. Mr. Bowers left th; 20th for Doctortown, Ga., where holds a position as superintendent for Williams & Co., civil engineers and contractors. Mrs. Bowers ex pects to join him very soon. The young couple have the best wishes of their many friends. 4j BUY SIX BOTTLES FOR $5, AND GET YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT BENEFITED For sale by druggists and most country stores get it from them. If your dealer , cannot supply you, order direct from us. THE MILAM MEDICINE Cd., Inc.f"DAKVSLLEf VA. u i. m w 1 1 1 . 1 OOOOOQOQOQQQOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO mm An r A K E ?! O Woodlawn Notes. Woodlawn, Jan. 29 F. A. Hall, who has been quite ill, is able to be out again. Mrs. Lou Hainy Quinn fell and broke her arm a few days ao She was getting along as well ns could be expected when last heard from. People residing between Marion and WooJlawn need better mail service. Some of us have to walk six miles to the postoffice for mail. Uncle Sam should remember that we pay taxes and are entitled to oeitec service. c also wish to remind the county commissioners about our bridge. It needs atten tion badly. Bn.i.r. ing Blood Bilm Co., Atlanta, Gi PROFESSIONAL DR. J. GILLESPIE REID, 'D cvnsT 7 Will answer calls at any hour of the nighL :: Roods 3. 4 md 5 First National Bank Building, Marion, N. C. W. M. McNAIRY ATTORfiCY AT LAW MARION. X. C. i W WML Cn F3 (MSC JGl V Dr. Smith Honored by Washington KJ Q Or. Henry Louis Smith has Iwn Q elected oresidcht of Washington Q and Lee University by a unani- Q raous vote of the trusts, tht Q honor coming to him entirely un- 8 sought; and while he is giving the matter earnest consideration, he Q has not yet decided to leave I).vid- O son College, and friends of this in O stitution are doing all they can to Q keep him there. o Shocking nttnrfm S In the earth are fomelimm heard b?for L J I a terrible earthnnake that warn of tv. oooopqpooooooooooooooooooomoGOooooocxxjbte I - - A l T f . wnrai you mi rwianeyn nenl attention if tou would eacarxs lhcw rifH.. Jadiea. Dronsr. DUbeti or IWf. difeaAe. Tak Electric Ilittm tt nr and m Wkache ilr and and all roar Br virtue of the tiower of raIa vn. best feeling return. "Mr ton mirMl tained in a certain mortgage deed Kret benefit from their tie for kidneT cnted on tWOth day of October, A. D aD(1 bladder trouble." write Peter Don 1909, by J. H. Salabnry and wife. Mary dT Sonth Rock wood, Mich. "It U err- W. Salabuxy, which eaid mortgage deed tainly a great kidney medicine " Trr iL is tiuiy revuruwi iu me omce OI me Keg I ok ourruuau 8 urug llortS. lsier 01 ieeaa or AicLWweu county,, in Moitgage Book No. 12, on page 200. etc.. deed not having been complied with aud The followln Tere ccnUir. ail tb the sum of money therein named and Itttcrm of the alphabet exceoi ihe lav xo qm im Tain, ror "tU tnott plala. That whitLarUHcnt. " SOQOt IRsidBwsis uneirira Operating Over 7,000 Miles of Railway QUICK ROUTE TO AUL POINTS art h-Soxith-East r West. Through Trains Between Pfin Cities and Resorts , v niiuiuing nriumsS' Accommoaaiions. Mortgagees' Sale of Valuable Pro-hna'ldiei1' Drr' perty at Old Fort. Office in Court House, L. A. HAfiEy COLVTY StRT0R. C. E. HOUSE ASSOOATC Aitfrraris and Bixn Piuxts Sitjtialtiks Ode In S:r.tma lil lz. Main c't DR. R. J. BURGIN DENTIST Marion, North Carolina Office in POTEAT BUILDING. M. L. JUSTICE, M. D.t D. D. S. DENTIST Rooms 2, 3 and 4. Street man Build lax Morion. - fi c. i i.i Hegant Pullman Sleeping, Cars on all Through Trains. 14- V DINING, CLUB AND OBSERVATION CARS. FiV Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, Travel via the Southern Sates, Schednles and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned, ,R li. JVeeSon, T. P. A., J. H. Wood, D. P. A.. Asheville, N. C. W. H. Tayix)E, Q. P A., Charlotte, N. C. S. H. Habdwick, P. T. M., Washington, D. C. - ' U mm n mm w - wi. v HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID avf y.Ji ; - FOR flAVY FURS AND HlOE.jj wool on ctmmitsion. wrn lor nrktV U9i menuoning out ma. mm white s co. SSSS. ;-;-. . . - -,r? D- I3t2?l II o'clock 4' nC" fined and described as follow to-wit: oibu&te in saia conntr: of McDowell and in Old Fort township, and bcinir a certain.tract of land lyixiK south of the Southern Railroad, bonnd t. north by Southern Railway, east by Thomason heirs, L. p. Crawford, and others, south by B. II. Moore lands, west by Map Lynch, Jno. Boyce, 8. B. ff; H. . A. Westernan, and others. n n c,Vce na devised by will by " ou'ooury 10 jaiia u. Salsbury, and descended from her to J. H. Salabtxry. Said sale will bo mad tri mH.f. amount dne on the nntA SllKS8?? to-wit:-the sum of 12300.00, with interest th-r f Z1 0th day of October, 1911. and CofU of Sv. !IP: on of sale.'; Auuaaay or January, A. D. 1012 t t , Bank Op Old Fort. J. L. C. Bird, Atty. Mortgage. I 4ft Tfuoc Marks ' DcaiGNS Camnrnxenrrm. A r 11 SUO"!". RVYnrV LlUIi 1 ' ' . . . Wc represent" iornc or. the strongest and most reliable Fire Insurance and bond ing Compani Would be "pleased 10 vrite your business. Bvr.t;onS.Wo.od( . 'aclvts.