i 4. K 0 rr What Milam IS Milam is a vegetable remedy made from a formula successfully used for 46 years in all troubles arising from impure, impover ished cr acid blood. Contains no alcohol, mercury, potash or other dangerous or habit-forming ingredients. Beneficial to the stomach and digestive organs as well as the blood. A true tonic Al T rV..T TT! V" What' IVIIIam DOES Cures the men desperate blood diseases. Duild3 up the system, eradicates uric add. thus curing rheumatism, gout, eczema, etc Beneficial in all run down conditions, con sumption, catarrh, anaemia, failing eyesight from impoverished bipod supply, creates appetite, aids digestion, and is a gen uine RECONSTRUCTIVE TONIC ENDORSEMENTS FROM RELIABLE PEOPLE CTpttpJI- mJ,estinlati0IV.a edsend to humanity. u. Jefferson, 37o Woodland Ave., Roanoke, Va. Milam is a crraTifl mori?irQ t 1 . .... v u Fe x nave when oniy a lew DOtUes. but the effect has been splendid. I feel bett-r and stronger and more able'to stand up under my work? For some ye "rs I have been troubled with excess of uric le d to s5?h Jn tent that I could not eat tomatoes without breaking out wiUi a ?a1h To my my surprised pleasure I can now eat tomatoes Ao my SASSSiT eVil c--nCes.-Rteve.Sl?.,K wnotnilainmorethanthree or four days when I Hwu2See f decided improvement in appetite and diJestiSn ffittTSlluifmp1?? rV"" restored. I have great laitn m Milam. Rev. R. L. McNair, Charlotte, C H UrteAdd troubles -fW? recommending Milam for Yirffinia troubles C' T- Barksdale. Ex-posUnaster Danville. l lh 15lh 1 commenced to use MlUm. From the flnt the fenM 1 denvcd, w" noticeable even to my f riends. My catarrh! trouble ij nearly cone, my diffestlon better than Tfor YearmVmV Jfve it an LnXiun'1 no, euraaUra- J cari contclenttoi r ci e it an unqualified endorsement. Rev. Nathan MarnarZ Salem. Va.. returned missionary from Japan. r irU .1 was both surprised and cratified at the trreat benefit I de rived from th use o' Milii. I have onsc en ttoualV i?!oS mend ed it ever since. R. W. Thompson 1 W W. Main i SL VchS!Sai't IteyoMa. CriS Va0 'inebt ln tb WOrld Mr ,L ,L For nearly cicht years I suffered with rheumatism at tlm unable to wa k. I am now ukinc Milam w"h bJnJ it ?. J suffer no pain and am able to walk with eaiiT-- Mu5 Ira IL Prtston. Abincdon. Va. Ir K- mSlTifil1! hav9 Ji11 tlkin Milam the boils have quit coratnff 2hX ,7 i'.mch imPved "d I can eat almost anyth njl 2ft - Rev I r' nrLvri?h it Srnn? ft Ped in almoVt eferi way! j tiuuuui iuiiitrrnce oi ri. uarouna. BUY SIX BOTTLES FOR $5, AND GET YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT BENEFITED ' For sale by druggists and most country stores-get it from them. If your dealer cannot supply ypu, order direct from us. THE IVIELAffi MEDICINE CO., Inc., DANVILLE, VA Modern Irreverence. A Massachusetts school girl, tour ing Italy with a party, has sent friends at home a picture post card from Rome with the message "Went through the Forum this morning. Oh. you Cicero!" Submarines Dive Deep. Deep diving is the special mark of progress in building submarine ves sels now. The Salmon went down 144 feet recently, off Prudence Island and remained at that depth 20 min utes. III o in 1 M Write Now to the NortlaerHa Pacific Ry For Rates of Fare, Full Information and Free Illustrated Literature about the seven great Prosperity States of America Minnesota, Wisconsin, Norilj Dakota, Montana, Idabo, Wash ington and Oregon. L Locate along "The Scenic Highway" the Standard Railway of the Northwest. Get your friends to go and form a colony. L Ask about Low One way spring uoiomst ares, ettectire daily March 1st to April 15th and Round-trip Bomeseekers Fares, effective on first and third Tuesdays of each month. L Write now to A. E. RYAN, Traveling Passenger Agent, 16 N. Pryor St., Atlanta or J. C. EATON, Traveling Immigration Agent, 40 E. 4th Avc Cincinnati- n Bridgewater News. MlSS LoUlSC Dicnrt nf Xfarlr.rt The Sand-Clay Road. Where sand-clay conditions ob tain, the sar.d clay mid is m crMt to none for m!praxrlv hcav tmfiif on our country rumK; hut in onl-i for the sand clny road to U a sue cess we must tirsi have snd cN conditions and then, of rqual im portance, wc must have thorough ly competent supervbion in the construction of the road. .The claim has been made that all that is needed for a sand-clay road is water, mud, sand and clay. land.with proper construction the road will be waterproof, dustles and without ruts. Without proper modification a more erroneous statement was never mode in re gard to sand-clay roads. It is ab- solutely essential that both the clay and the sand be especially suited for sand-clay construction in order that the road be a success. A creat many failures of the so called sand-clay roads are due sole ly to the fact that the clays and the sand were not suitable for sand clav construction. As for the sand clay road being water-proof, it i an established fact that no road is more susceptible to the action of running water. It is true that it is practically dustless and without ruts if properly maintained. The claim is also made that sand clay roads can be built without the aid of a civil engineer, that they are not damaged by weight or freezing, and that they will not wash or cut. Whoever accept, these statements needs to be en Uhtcned as to the merits and de. merits of the sand-clay rond. It is true that occasionally an untrained man somtimi Uv - wm w u"u- and Original" inventor of th Mr and Mrs. M. L. Hlldorbrand clay road, but in order to visited Mrs. Hildcrbrand's nrpt . ,..t , . . . in Ntbo l,RtWL. ' uiui sana-ciay roads th . 'M'OVER 66 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE Trade Marks - Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Commnnica- tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest apency for securing' patents. . Patents taken through Mann & Co. recelv L spKial notice, without charge, la the , " ATiandsomeiy llhistrated weekly. Tjuvest hv culation of any sclentlflo JournaL Terms. t3 a " SS?.t.'f2PJPl2Uu,,'f L' by11 newsdeler niHIIJ & Co.38iBw. Jew York V Frets Riu,t. b . run CoirtnteedtoPliitt Erery Otrdener tad Punter should test the mr v a iiici i lss sis mv , V CW . Northern Grown Seeds. SPECIAL QFrtD J,) OR 10 CENTS IS 'J we wm MnH t VJT ipk.coDay:i:wu.5 COLLECTION ii lsu'"- ITirgoOTIIEKNy "cot Subscribe to The Progress. to. 1W ILM u4 visited licr sister, Mrs. B. Martin cident nnd sometimes by propor last week. rcasoninj:, will build a successful Mr. and Mrs. Alexander visited sand-clay road and, usually, he at the former's brother in Mnnrnninn once sets himself m n iU vi.. Sunday. ami ()r;mnl" ;r,-rt, .i , to build ie most J.'N. Yelton has boon nmlin-J""' "'fu,ren,cnl 15 comment a few days in Golden, N. C. a?. cxPcr,cnce enjrinrerinc suer- M. F. TntA nrt a T Ti. vsion. The notion that a rnrl stewards for Snow Mill frtti,i:J engineer is not npfapt- - - - v viivyvj - -w.-. ,v auk church, met wiih the State board scssful road construction is one of uicwmus at Clarion Saturday to the pr nc pa drawb-icks in rf lJ7T: h-orovement in South Carolina. Pearl, spent T S. i MZ! . 1 ,s lM w? cstablisned that ton. clunnj: a wet spell the best of sand Miss Olin Yelton of Dysartsville c.,aj roads wiU cul through un spent Saturday and Sundav her dcr very heavy loads and a hnr with homefolks. freeze is exceclingly damaging to . v: r lu?we was a juror at court a sand-clay road. So is the action S P T v, running water. Xo improved day on fr 10 non sickly ruined by Miss Princv' PAttnn ma i c Wafm?C lhan lhc d-c!ay road. Bowers were married hero at Miss f. . .n wbcre. ProP ration's home Wednesday Jan. 17. CODaiuns obUin and where the W. P. Hirlrlln f h " , I traffic is not errnc;-i. i, .t has been here visiting relatives ro- na-clay road is the best tyne of turned homo Wednesday. country road that wc can construct Sunday herrathome:iar,OD SPCDt rraSreXtr: 'T Weldon McPeters of Mnrirm 11 above all other t3pesof road. was in Bridgewater Prid oS "TI ,D cr durable business. nday on sand-clay roada, the following Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. A P,.DtS must 1)0 ohscrvcd. The lo Abernethy, a girl, Sunday, Janu'- catl0D suiublc especially aryT J8tTn; M rrds grades more than three FrtlL inW1' f Shcl, st Thosandlay must ful- Friday in Bridgewater. nil the required conditions- th Messrs. S. P. and W. C. Tate ODStrucHon must be suervised jre in Marion on business last S:,n" . wwk.ij auu iticse roads A High Grade Blood Punr.tr. Go Ui J. - Sirvtmin d re "turn and bur -iil' nf B. H if (B-iUnic B!d lUlm.) Ii ,) pur. f.v and fundi ur Moi uild up y. ur H.r.uxJ. br.-k-,. ilun Mfttftii B. B B i yuinr,. txl to cur all bh1 cjt5vr Hiiiii tiumurm, such rthrumaiim. Ulcers, Eating Syphilitic Blood Poison, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Hlsings and Bumpj, Bone Pair!, Iimplc-s Old Som Scrofula or Kernels, Surraling Sorr Boik Cir bunder B. IL B. currs all thn nloo! trpoblcs by killing h ri. on humor and exjlling it fron3 the system. B: B. B. w orj'r blooH remedy that can do thu therefore it cures and h-U ii sores when all eke fails. Si rr urge ootue, with dirtxUor.ii for home cure. Sample frr by writ ing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (it. PROPESSIO X A L DR. J. GILLESPIE REID. DnsnsT Will answer calls at any hour of tlic night, :: :: Roods 3. 4 icd 5 First National Bank Building. Marion, N. CX W. M. McNAIRY ATT0RSET AT LAW MARIOS. ?. C. Office in Coutt House. were week. ShocMni Sounds i . . nvov ivftus mini Mrs. SofiA Simmon. u. t... M'?0301 and constantly maintain. seriously ill tor several iorilyot Misses Blare and Eddio YoW, roads bnt thorVhowt, "T Gibson and family havo moved from Salisbury back tn ineir nome near Bridgewater. In the earth are .ometimr hntrd K. fifSS; wore here bw buBllD KK&JSS"? Mfe? wiilcar from Isac piM'SfejSto and Bettye later." r. Jth luSk JS..- Betty n,y. l umdido. twu UCTIT. 00 ccnu t etrtnui-. dras .tor, t- jL. A.. HAflEy COCVTY SLRVtYOR. C E. HOUSE Assocmt A ivwacm xst Hum? Iwvt SlTJ-IALTllUS OSlcw la StrortJaa Wis. Mis fct DR. R. J. BURGIN DENTIST Marion, North Carolina Office in TOTEAT BUILDING. M. L JUSTICE. M. D.. D. D. S. DENTIST Rooms 2, 3 and 4. Strcctman Bulldtnx Marion. . y c. 1' FIRE! represent some of ihe stroncest and most rcJbblc Fire Insurance and bond ng Companies. be plcasetl vriie your business. to Burtons. Wood, . 'AG CUTS. Merchant Farmer Oank . . ; ' -.Eullfilax. 4

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