: ,- GREATEST MED1C1IIE Oil EARTH FREE IF IT FAILS Youri;JVIoney Back if You are not Satisfied with the Medicine We Recommend. LITTLE MONEY FOR STATE Only $1,354,1 00;5 8 Received for Public Buildings, Customs, Internal Revenue, Etc. , We are so positive that our rem edy will permanently relieve con stipation, no matter how chronic it. mav hft. that, toa vffr to furnish the medicine at our expense should "-ceiveu "J A prominent citizen of Evansvlllo, Ind., writes: MI was III for flvo months with a pulmonary trouble, and had the best of doctors. I had hemor rhages and was In a very bad way. Through the advice of a friend I tried Vinol, and I feel that it saved my. life. It Is all you recommend It to bo. I believe It Is the greatest medicine on earth. I have advised others to try VlnoL. and they have had the same (Name furnished on re- Uke no chances. J W. Streetman, DruKjnst. Marion Raleigh Dispatch. North Carolina paid the federal government for the fiscal year 1911 in excess of the amount of revenue the Si m : produce satisfactory re- government, $5,962,876 60. J-jy Suits wcai receipis irom ino biaw, Quest) It is' worse than useless to at- derived from internal revenue, cor- W tempt to cure constipation with porat.on tax and m.scellaneous was tsathartic drugs. Laxatives or ca- 5,316.977il8. come and get a bottle o VlnoL JLw.:b.V, . Disbursements made by the na- , tttoSr X cause a reaction, irritate, and wea- Uonal government to the state for cough, we nrlll. cheerfully return ken thebowelsand tend to make puDiic ouuaings,-custouis, internal every: centpaia.ni iot iu ins mo - i r roronna I fa-esir ntr corviPA nnh in OUT faltD. and prOYC Uiat juu wuuauauuu uiuio uuiuuiu ajsj- sides, their use becomes a habit health and marine hospital service, that is dangerous. essay office at Charlotte and rivers Constipation .is caused by a weak- and harbors amounted to only $1, - ness of the nerves and muscles of 354,100.58 the large intestine or .... descending The above information was furn colon. To expect permanent reiiet ishedby. Assistant Secretary of tht1 you must therefore tone up and Treasurer Bailey at the Tequest of strengthen these organs and restore senator Uverman, who wanted to Good, strong, vigorous birds axe them to healthier activity. know just how the balance sheet lenUai for egg production. The elm- We want you to try Rexall Or- between the state and federal gov ggsn her'uu" IZ "Vol derlies on our recommendation, ervment stands. The result shows sufficient to warrant her being used They are exceedingly pleasant to that the state is not being burden- as a breeder. I have seen a number 4.u i i. j 1 j j of 200-ezs: hens, with ion, narrow .b mm m w m r amm mm mm mm m m m v b v m r mm w a bm w m r m a a w m mm -awn w mr m m-m, mm a mm rnvwa w v m - wmuv, w&u vMwu . vuuuj , huu ixv uivu api wi tavivuii iiuiu ku are ideal for children, delicate per- federal government. Sons, and old folks, as well as for the robust. They act directly on Damage Suit Against the Southern of Unusual Interest. The suit brought against the Southern railway by Josephine Stewart and Cora Stewart, -has been transferred from McDowell Superior Court to the United States court at Asheville. The contention of the plaintiffs, says the Asheville Gazette-News that they were in the passenger de- POMTLPCElVilERlT aiiBiBBB-BBMMBBBpSlSB FOWLS FOR EGG PRODUCTION Good, Strong, Vigorous Birds Ar Re quired and Should Not Lay Many Eggs In Pullet Year. the nerves and muscles of the bow- fcls. They apparently have a neu tral action on other associate or gans or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness, nor create any inconvenience what ever. The,V may be taken at . any time, day or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habit Hal constipation, if not of surgical variety, and the myriads of as sociate or dependent chronic ail ments, if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of time. 12 Single Comb White Leghorn. heads and sunken eyes, which Indicate low vitality, and, moreover, have tested a number of them as breeders, and have yet to see one that was worth pot at Morgan ton with the inten tion of boarding a train for Mari- while breeding from. Judging from the nn. and wViiIa in iho wo?? performance and living powers of her I .u .i j . . , i muoviu6, oixj a m. writer in an tablets, 10 cents: 36 tablets, 25 r"v wcro PPfWa ana iusuiukj change. Mnf H faMofe- K( nntc QaU Dy 801116 men: that the ticket agent A hen used for breeding, especially In Marion onW ftt our rft Th F ef usied interfere or adoor fr Producer of males to head the ID. Marion only at our store The - breeding pens the neat season, should liexall Store. , J. W. Streetman. f - ?;VV' T:fc 7 nt only be expected to lay a large orn tnwri art har vKat n.vm I - i -. .... vuvuuv, vuati vucj ncia iiiipjiauu-1 uumuer oi eggs per year, out ucm ed and forced to take the insults, eE bould be high In hatching power anrl for t.M tKxr oclr rl.m.me ; and 1116 cteki should live, and. furth- T" ..1 ;rA;r" r r 6 ennor. they should develop into good vuo smm ui ?iu,uw eacn. slied birds aulcklr and the oulliita should lay well. Perhaps it might be One ProHvSnm M,!n!n A.. we" 10 n the method that Is . fcW .u.,,fca, n..y UMd byjU1.la Krdfnc from ectd FOR DYSPEPSIA You Risk no Money if You Try This Remedy. We want every one troubled E AMD LEM I have on hand a good stock of high grade Portland Cement I also cany Mantels, yindows and Doors, sev eral kinds of roofing, nails and wire, Lynch burg level land and hillside Plows, Gandy Belting and a general line of Tools and Shelf Hardware. Agent for J. L Nissen Wagons. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo o i qEQRGE:WASHIMGTON.Hn I MOWEVIN'TME' bank o o o o o o o o o o o da 'to r 1 MHY3.QNT YOU e Km o o o o o o o o 1b o o o o ACCOUNT? ! IrYOU'WILL 3E BETTER 'Satisfied o o Is required to be a good to lay at least ISO Contain B ism uth-Subnit rate and Pepsin carefully combined so as to develop their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They tend to soothe the irritable, weak stom- layers. with indigestion and dyspepsia to k.4i- The hen h wm u a 1 w a w mm mr. mm r rm wm w vmt ome to our store and obtain a box u3I t J ? ' 00: winUr W Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. They .r".rT5 . T urre.Dl !5f?iinJ' '.V -Tb'5"t '! n. A, , . - usuai year ui uuiy 1, lyil, tne I u"; luaw.uer.eggs uJiwCu weu grand aggregate expenditures for Z' !1 lxt6d .r fVtA ennnn4' ' J Al " 111 b fertlU the support of the army and the and, 30. per cent of the fertile eggs will maintenance of the; War Depart ktch. It is then required that 90. per ment was $1,896,893,428.85. cent of the. cWcXs will, lire to nre . . months, of age and that, the cockrels at lms covers all the expenses of this age be well dereloped and weigh the atmv and the exoenditnrA nn from general purpose breeds at to soome me lrnraoie, weas siom- . - . . . leastaiz mubi rh en. . t A . . . . river and harbor work. wh?f.V ?q I .? pounds each, and, finally t that acn, to sirengmen ana invigorate , . , 7 uie punets be good, layers. If the pul- the digestive' organs, to relieve done, under the supervision of the leu lay well during the fall, then I iausea and indigestion, thus pro- af 118 well as, e aintenknee h" brother, as 1 .4.. V u of the general civil establishment fr-Wri. We try as far as possible moting nutrition and bringing .S " 1 wiwoiisnmoni to t.t the males along similar lines, about a feeling of comfort. of , the War Department, claims of as to producers of plenty of strong If you give Rexall Dyspepsia a"l "!2LL.. .Z. L' 11 Tablets a reasonable trial we wilt no inciuae ex- return your money if you are not vmdMtot the Panama Canal, Wtisfied with the result Three !fhlcb th.e "y is constructing, or fiies, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. for fions, which are handled by Bgmewfe ypu fiap phtain, toll Inor Department. Tj'oiTfifAWii" T "w"fiwm.i. otate News i 1th o o o o o o o o If Adam, 4,004 B. C, had lived and earned $10 a day until now, he would have earned less jhan 22 million dollars. If he had found ONE dollar and put it out at ONE per cent compound interest that one dollar would now amount to $664, 597,604, 385,947,648. Money grows if you will lex it o o Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent withsafety 4 per cent The Merchants and Farmers Bank oVooooooooooooo.3ooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o pulleti ably as much difference between malts as there is between females. Catawba's Progressive Farmers. Hickory has just shipped a solid carload of eggs to New York. Those .Catawba county . farmers, Sweet. potato iarniers are beein- witk their cooperative creamery ' The little town of Troy is to let I ning to hunt barrels nd crates in their business ppcrat- the contract March 1, for a $20,000 5?JbJch;t9 ship lfeeirv last, year's crop M on Hie same plan .are . doing, a ffradedihool buiidinsr. The build- of potatoes. With-all other food- .KR0 thing, not alone for them- ing is to be ready for owupancy stuff sellingjsoigb,, there ought yesbut for ,tbe state. Their next SeDtember. to be a good demand for the -Ca- "W1? cpujd be j .followed . with uiwoaoptyjrTQpQ.yuwjf, uwer, counwes in. ino 1.00 a VinoVioi I ATOfW'"R"f- JState. Raleiffh Evening Timr - w mm wtmw w w W W 1 W A-S r I I fm A I CS prise SEEDDS --.. EUOXS2S SSECS SUCCEED I SPECIALOFFER: MaAe t tmOd Hew Bl. AtrUl WU1 .k. . make von our permanent customer, - -z - 4 r - t Trn 1 tQM.u tmaii tmm, ti th finest ; Tanip; nplendd : ffeioa, 8 berT&n- TT' GUABANTSED TO PLEASE. " V: Write to-day; Mentioa this Paper. to com portag aad pscklnf and recaiy Uiis i couecttoo or seeos postpaia. togstner wivn my nig lBstrneUy. iseauunu Beta una rut aook tolls ail bou iSew niletief of SMdi, Hanw . Mr .Tbelitles.to Janda in. , Western Kt. 7 "a ",OAiU"" Plinlthto .J llca?. fiernor elected in Tennessee of tne government's Appalachian . Hf ouuuuugca no forest, reserve, are being traced in mn fos re-election. Roview- the office of the secretary df state bis administration's achieve- at Ealeigh by Geo. D. Wright, of ments he says he has done his best, Asheville. for the lecal hrahcVi nt hn rtr-: i . .. r " . T r r t iu cmmwuK we suus-wrao liquor up. uuueu ou,t ueuanmentot laws, but proposes add itionallegis- aricuHure. ne lands being trac- lation to deal with pnimisens in ed s to title Just now are 18,000 difference to anti-liquor stotutcs" acrm mcioweu county, the con- Hooper says every open saloOn in lor wmcn ine government the state can bo driven out if he has already closed. lefHcTat.nrA k.., Notice or Sate of Land Under Mortlale Suteof Kortlv rolltui. I UcOowell Conctj Dy virtue ot tbe uUwiitj jttrvs In crrula onrt JwnJ, date4 the SXb Uy of Soretaber, 1X0, eieccua to the undmled by Dock Lat- fta and wife, Ua LatjIo, to cur U3 p7H&t of a note of ex en dU with uUl morgcac. defaaU tutTlcf m&dt let ibe payntct of uU oota, ao4 the &ae fclnj ooc doe twH montht after date. Now. therefore. doCi ta brtbxsiTCUatibeea4erlc4 will Mil the hoftipxtlcx dterU laud.M.the court bosMt door la Harion, North OtroUaa oo aatorday, the lOh day o t March. Wli, aU aale to taaa r4ace at the court hopfeaoor at 11 o'clock ra.. oa a14 day, leth of Marcfl 191S. The Uodj to b aoU are dancrlbcd a foDowa, U-wlt; cerrUatracof Uadljlr aa4,t?ic ta McDowtU ooooty, Jionh (QaroUa axvl la OW rort towiuUp, bdag a tract of laod cm the waters of the Catawba rlttr sdJaUUapdji of ,r;mx Ljtle. J . O. Lacaty aM other. Turning at theooruerof Cole Lytk, J. a lAelcy aad Bar Lytle Utxt ahd ruai eat,wh IOtty! UnetoattaxcUtheCne of the Roa Ji LjUe tra, thaace wuh aal tu lo the eouUe -sal4 tract rolcf aooih, theooo wh the otat4t ae to a stake at .the braach, Ueooe utih the breach to the togtaalaf ,'eoatalal nf is acre caare or kaal Termacaih. Ueo rdMortrre Deed Jjjoh No. lI,parS30. T ThU the tth day of febroary. 19iv WIU.U.UAWXWI. s I Ttu.rrxitja t TwciawjLC bxt nee n txc wean OUTiTAJtt. AD TOJ KIC M V IMPERIAL PLOWS AND REPAIRS SOLD BY GASTOiM fiu TATL - a Don't overlook that subscription- If you arc in arrcin rcmomber that wo can alwayt Ocd good uso for tbo money. u AND HIDES HIGHEST. BASKET PRICE PA10 FOR RAW FUR3 AH0 HIDES ml " "Hi ae Calal. WrBi fe arlee Huili HHI 1 C & LU. , LOUISVILLE, ' t . . . . . i . r3-- - wuwad uiUi fy ti v KY.