lb 'it t r v 3 s My Life saved by Pc-nitna. " Mr. S. S. 3 o hnson, Qreenville, - Hi., writes: . "I was for '-i . five ytfeW trouble dp W i t h ca tarrh. Two years, ago : naa one f oot; I had tried Beven , doc-, tors and .al so went) i to ft catarrh f. Specialist in v fit fctfuis, - : and took e v e r a 1 kin d s bf J f Mr.? 8.8. iJchnson. medicine a day. I could not walk more thaa dre(Lyards without Testing. My friends told me to take Peruna, ; and I did so, I now fee! that Peruna f hat saved my life. It is the pst medi cine on earth, and I would not be Without it" Ask tour Druggist for a Free Peruna AlinanatoM9l2. if mmm V !; tlli MVS :&&SK&mm:9 4JE -Hankins Happenings. Hankins, Feb. 23 Mr. and Mrs. William Hall havfvretarnpd to their home id Illinois aftera short visit uuong homefolks here. Mi&s Kate Hall has' returned Home after a visit to her brother The Prettiest One.V The purtiest woman that I erer see, . Ill tell yyu the truth, jtut between yon an' me; . . "... - " 8he isn't no dazzler, and eome . might . " Kot stop to look twice, but she's my ' choicH all right. I She's not so blamed strong for the thing The Fountain Head of Life ") Is TheSfomacbV at Spruce Pine. Miss.Daisv Rarnno u A the caU st vie; ,. . i "ma VLiO UiVAdb I ov. s .. . ... . snoppcofni ,v:i .t- oaeuoni wear ner nair in a haii-buAhel --ii iu luo reaaiDg con-1 Piie- lesat Jiankins school recently. The beauty enopa never make much i n l . i - r . xrarner and Miss Carrift offn her. Tate visited at Marion and Bridjre- 8116 don,t havo ter gona made In Pari. water, cjaturday. U; J Mrs. Minnie DaTenDort.'visit .0?"1"11 anmna ,Ute a irienas ai, linville i alls recently. She don't keep a daubin white staff on -aiiss . Arden Burnett, who . has her note. been ill ior more than a year with 1 have heard of the beauties of Spain tlrorjsvl is RtiU rvinfino,1 frvk- and France. A , - But .thev A mftn Kn Kti weak mrxl inairl t!antli mmA . propcrir Ctcst cut food will tooo &a4 tbt tut blo4 h.g b wnk Jd imporcritbeiir &od tht tut wboU bodf b icaprccHr tatcScicotly nourUhed. Dr. PIERCC3 GOLDCX HUD I . US C O ijjt' AtalrM thmBtammd wtTTd2 prxmoem zMm now mt ' I , tfi tire tolc. rtorfi lt-ppfttti,rk9 partflci mvd ttuicAt$ tha blood, it l tk jr AWmalcn ' tlcth'balldcr mad. rcstorvUrm ocrrm. xaic, f mkM f atroatf I otfr cfir lit ,mlaf eod.sooi to jQdttmjet, . Thlj "DIfCOTerr" U A Dare. lrrZo f rmi- f A alxOlutrlr frets from alcohol and ii iojariou. UbJi eortaiaf dreft. .JIH ItT UiredAcnU n printed oo iti.wr5rm. It hat do rcUikiesM? Itii Mrrt noitromi. Itt cmj inf rtdleat U eodord by thm tdcn I & tbi fboc'i cf mtdiciae. Doa't accept m ecrtt Dottnrm ai a inhttlrof far ik:. ;- rcfflT Inowt coMrotmo?. Ait -roca Httexaoaj. licr et Laow ef many cure made by it dariaf oaju.40 rariSi U fywJvt . Worid'i EHiDCtwrr MetirclA4iro. lr- k.V. I'irr. l'rr ii-'.L, ki v ' ' - - - w ' w w r fT W . Grady Craig has cone to Little Rock Ark., where he has ascepted a position as clerk in a store. Most all the sick folks of the community, areamproving. Hustler. The Pupils';Knew. "These kids I teach aren't a bit slow," observed a school teacher re- would not ghost of a chance. I have gazed upon paintings of world's 'famous queens, And I've seen a jrood manr made-un actorines. But the woman who used to bounce me on her knee, a"1 a . a . . one a me. parties . woman that I erer see. Pearson's Weekly. The farmers of Mecklenburo cently. lIn fact,.l'm-afraid they I county are coins to reduce the rad tbe papers. 'The othe- diy I acreage of cotton this spring. The proposed the following problem to movement is to. have the Wilson my. arithmetic class: JPlaa put ,into ' immediate effect. "A richtman dies and leaves $1,- This requires each farmer to pledce OOOiOOO. One fiifth is to go to his himself that ho will plant one acre wife, one-sixth to his son, one of food crops to every acre devoted eighth to his brother and the rest t) the cultivation of cotton. It is to foreign , missions. What .doeslasplendid schemaand, will cq far each get?" toward solving the problem that has approve of ' Postmaster General A lawyer said the smallest become critical, with the agricul- tiitcncock's suggestion that the w 1U " uiass prompuy. uase lurai mieresis or ine &outu. government buy and- operate all auvA .v"-"ou President Opposed to Government Owning Telegraph. President Taft last Thursday in- iormea uongress that-he did not Almost Lost His Life. Yon can RAV cmodbvn tr rTitimMnTi - 1 Z 1 I a KT wjuin cicar coascienci n you usevoam lv..1.l. rn vi r 1 if it r-nnlrl h cor, fV,f . sJlJP imcn wm never permanently cured by their use. For f 6 o.puouio iu merci- gaie Dy au dealers. m w w u'b u r - v no ww a mam m m uu wouia oeneub ov receivmc ser-it - . .v BO'onufwwiuiwMu, telegraph lines as aa adjunct of the postal system. Mr. Taft said that vice at a less price than it now paid he might think differently of the plan,-but that he was not con vinced such would be. the effect. i he writes.", that caused severe nainsin my chest, so it was hard for me to Mrs. Cornelia Woodall breathe A neighbor cave me several I i . i . . . , Dr. Kine's New Diirv lQrowD irom B DUKgy in Itaieign whieh brought great relief . The doctor and her arm broken. Alleging ine medicine-, for coughs, colds, or any throat id 11.00. xti that the bad condition of the street ui wouunnu uuiwrawjucwij cureu w reapuusiuio ior lliO acciuoni ua " I suit was broucht for $5,000 4 a damages. The city authopities got cold feet and compromised by pay ing $1,400. Chemical Bill Passes. and see backache fly and and all your Washington, Feb. 21. Support- any cause, apply. Dr. Thomas' Electr best feelinsr return. Mv son received A K j u 0ll Pain can t stay where it is used. great benefit from their use for kidney , . i,- , , and bladder trouble," writes Peter Bon-kbut opposed by the insurgent and .xrtw k dy, South Rockwood, Mich. "It is cer- Mrlo Mr,w;rt- f u krt0, " wao tainly a great kidney medicine." Try it. v.u, county physician to devoto his 50 cents at Streetman's drug store. day passed the .Under wood chemi- whole tim tr hPlth nrl?t?nn ;n -7 cal ' tariff billi by a vote of 178 ito, iuA nntw w;. cnrni.w ; o rnn Among, the birds the swan lives h or tk . J, - county. His salary is $2,500 Stubborn Qa?s 2'. "I -tt j wider J&ajreatxaen! of two doctors" xn tz qwccai A,TW5 JtwtDcra one;i cf wrninly-tttikiZ . Iu$cd lt,irt,oriClwtckttUforc Vnmnzzh.thizz Now, , the icvercpiin, that had) been la my.5Idc. f0r ye has gone, and I dem't suffer titalL' I -arafe tUnz better. this: TAICE IF: MB WomanTonlpt if you are one of those ailing troincn .sutler. froa. 01 the jtroubles so commoa to;vcc?en, JJ, Cirdul Is af builder cf.iyonunly suxacth. Ccs:posertC of purely vegetable IngrexJItxits, . It acIs, ftulrfdy ca Lt j womanly system,-building:; up nnsirpnzV-tcaJn pp the womanly nerves, and regulating?. the wpreanly . sys5 Cardul has been in succtssiul ,use lor more pua Mjears.1 .Thousands 0! ladies have writfen 'totell ot( LhCj l?ecef;t thcyiP received from It Try It 'for your-tropblcs, 4Beia. today. - far Special wfinKaoa. t&4 M-pirt book1" ltco irt rtiUKXSlor Shocking Sounds in the earth are sometimes heard; hfnr a iciiiuw caimuuHntj biuu warn 01 ine i or lunsr crou Die. trnca ouc an coming perils Nature's warnings are Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J. W. kihu. x iiHb uaii pain or acne m ine oacK i otreeunan warns you the Kidneys need attention J if you would escape those dangerous maladies. Dropsy, Diabetes orBrigbtfs disease. Take Electric Bitters at once n rvri n a in r to toe. the longest, at times reaching the measure on the: ground that it was great age of 300 years. The falcon has been khown to live 162 years. a revision upward-instead of down ward. He Won't Ump Now. Children are much more likely to con tract the contageoua diseases when they have colds- Wh6ping cough, diph theria,1 scarlet fever-and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. - 11-.-l-lJJ-i1 I.U 1 B Ma fT, nm'oir m,M Ma writes, 'but this wonderful healed soon wm-findmbtMng ;bet r:, .t?68-18"01' ;rnnmng sores, ra hinshjdv Is ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, bruises, ; ec?e ;denSSltte it. Only-25 cents at MfftfAtet w WiAr atreetman s arug store Chamberlain's Couirh Bemedv .has won its irreat renntatinn and oTtAnnlvA sale by its. remarkable curea of -coughs. oojas ana croup. it , can - be depended upon. Try it. bold by all dealers. No more limping for TomMoore of !rv.hrn. Gft. "T haA n. "hnA nnm cm Tfmi wW instep that nothing beemed to help till win? I used Bucklen's-, Arnica Salve." he mm; .Operating Over 7000 Miles of Railway JICK ROUTE TO. ALL JPOrNTS. Mort-Sotiih-Ecnrt-VSest. i Through Trains Between Principal Cities ?j?xlr?.Q50rtp- Affording First-Class Accommodations, Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all" Ttjtnaugh Trafo;. For Speed, Comfort and Courteouj f tnpjojej, Tnvel.yia Ihe Sgucrn Rateo, Schedule and other lnfonnUoo iarclihtd bj uUattej Ihltaitct.'tJ. Only TluW That WiU Relieve uralgia." . The piercing pains of .Neuralgia, 'R, L. Vernok, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. a S. H. Hardwick. P. T. M.. Washington, D. C J. n. WOOD.'D. P.JL AAhrrille, N. a W. II Txvloe. O. P A. j. IrQVerpy lSinOUlSgrace, . UUl.vne ; auo vhoi aiauaww lotii iur wmu mu ut same cannot always be truthfully England and Wales shows an almost y?chftenj follows, bad ..cold or Bom ui- wconui , , 4 nnnrinnnns nftP.rftasft nr rAmftrnnorPQ . rr r . : . c DOC DOC Blamed a Good Worker. I blamed my heart for severe distress continuous decrease of remftrriaes -UP W axe frequently almost un continuous aecreaseot remarriages hijcarable and few medicines afford during ine year :.oruw. any rcHef to the sufferer. T : rl T1 ; v axn a juru- mui-earner - ana I . .. , Mil MIMIW11U ttliVA litWWflfWflri I ZZTf? been a user of the, Dr.iMfles WEvansDanymea.t?w "7: JT medicines for years. nSS TLifeiPiuoievCia lament. ;ot one.caso Uf. miCO' - AnUrtfflia . ,US '-. I ? .1 ' r- . . ... rru Ujf on .nrrirAn North Wilkesboro Methodists mo" eveiraip .pes. Jneaianc. ) orlintinop a hiimner jcrODoftfruitlhav vy-w-r:v,', " v.- "arp'T-w.:rr " - TT.1Jcc.MyoncffrQar,ncAntlriAxn this ye,ar. , . I at a,cb5t.of about$12,000. " i uPOldid forime." Chaxlxs1 Hildirbrandt, -a J l II f 1 I Prize Colfectlon:" t&YlQ iKS.-i.WS. -fcibii varieties In all. .r IVrftf to-day; Mention this rape?, to cow portage end peeking eoa weeire UyaiuDio i m . rain.iiMnuE w i lis hit uik . .... . . i ik . Vin. r vi... o 1) Doian's CReffuiets: h cure constipation v Box 201 HI VVoodvill. Ohio. fhem. .,25 Scents per box. LwithoutLOTping, nausea nor any .weak- --t,.;; ,iV(l :Mr bnu. . eninge:ect. ask- your aruggis ior i 4I i rrr-7"',', f rf "S4.' I a noli ivt I 'navi.rnFn mnr LPWinTnin(f tn .t vain, why not do-asjiic. jJid.'rficht heciitive committee of the ' T0 .r? aJ'tiai.'iwith Dr. ProgressiWRepublican League of 'Jf: us Texas;todayndorsed Taft for re- -cr matter-how-stubborn the con- nomination, and specincally declar-1 ,test, they will come:out victonous, Roosevelt. ' You jndge a man , ijot by; what he promises to do, but by what he has done. This is the only true test. Chamber; Iain's Cough Remedy judged by this Pfionle everv- where speak of it in the highest terms stand on their record, which long. list of cures extending. back a reneratinn. -xDruaait everywhere .veil them. If first package falls to penefit your drug qisx win return your money. MILES MEDICAL- CCW ; Elkhart. lod.' Chocolates m - 4BP SATISFY TtevMost Exacting . . - Connoisseur of-Sweets i DeHeious-Satisfyiiig 'i; J: J: 7, MAN u of praise. J? or saie uy au utsuao. 3 C i1