to V Business 'locals tOCAL AND PERSONAL' h & Tate's L Mr. and Mrs. B. G. r : ; Mrs- A- J, Gilkey has been quite W ANTED-A number of regular board- lU ith Ia2PPe for the past week. ers.. SDecifd . w "J bUO fflOUlQ. - Eagle Hotel. . Ladies,, don't fail to see the fcigassort-m-nt of white and white-enamel kitch enware jnst in at Gaston & Tate's. COAL Car load of good "coal. Give us , ynr order. Phone 15. Quick de livery. A. A. Burgin. Ladies: Jiave you tried a Thomson glove mung jorset T! If not. now i thA Congressman J. : Graded School Matters. Colgate & Co., of New York City, has furnished every child in school with a sample tube of Den tal Cream, provided the child ,has signed a pledge to care for his teeth rinittr. Tn nrlrli tinn n . LrudiTP.r I .,a. spent a few hours in the citv v u , mien comPos,l,0D. terday. . 6 clty Jef wth a large twenty-Cve cent size .1 f TA a 1 lJ Judee M. H T.,,.: t.i. . uw ul v,ream as ursi prize fordn rrr-r "4 '' size tube as second Sundav nUrS nere Pri. has been conducted by the .Un .. ... teachers, the subject being "Care v "ueris, oi uramute- of the Teeth." As soon as the vine, was a business visitor here prizes have been awarded, the best uruay. compositions will bo sent to the T. T T Jil a 1 1 I - t- , - r.-.-wff m.Mio . wuciicr returned lasi wmpauy. 1 at stonTT6 50 ? S6ek f rom a visit in Florida and . If the interest which this contest ; - Havana. CJnrm. ' !m ctimniafiJ ;n I ' . , unwuiBKU IU hUO MID Ul VUC EGGS FOR ATCHlNGr-PuU-blooded A Kanipe, who has been th is kept up, it will do much pnze-winning Si 0. Buff Orpingtons, ill at his home for the past two for the hea,th f the children. tl.60 for 15; j i. Ti".? weeKs' 15 ab, out again. : : Miss Mfirv HrntAf o fAonUA. : WANTED-Everybody to Beethe "Mov- the Old Fort Graded School, spent l:r.l """e-xp!n8e: A Saturday with friends in Marion. --v,u nnu vtdij uuuar purcuase of Dry Goods. Gaston & Tate. flit's -lorn T F rat t -v.- We beg therefore that all parents o-operate with the teachers in their efforts to keep up this in terest. Joe Giles left Sunday for Golds- "A",n?H,urote?t,on' 106 boro. Whr h P"001 W1" maK0 a Prenminaiy ex. NOTICE -Having just made a change tion as clerk at the Kennon Hotel. JSl in our firm we are desirous of collect- w Xjr v throats of the children this week ovwuuw uuo urm prior to r eo " " -" i iu a view lu lucauog me cnuarcn loth. Prompt attention to this notice M-.aucBy en yesterday for iJlonda. dRfwtitrA ?n tVtocn f- will be appreciated. P. A. Rdd & Co. Ane.V expect to be awav about two nhA I I wu uv u t wiu uaii y v t in- uiunins. I ntoAri i ui i -jr uuiu paruub aaa teacuers vauk Anv.i i i. -Cj. X. anSier. OF I vhftrlntt ago for nf attAntinn tvViAn ViAkr They will arrive about March 1st We a visitor here during , the week, should be under the treatment of'a uuy in large lots ana can save you ivir. pansier tormerly resided in physician for some physical defect express. Gaston & Tate. Mr?nn ti ui ... . iud acuuui aubuuriiies laKO mis ........ ATTENTION FARMERS 1 ! We will Will Blanton, traveling salesman opp.ortumty 10 lnank the Prons nanaie au tonus of Fertilizers this lor tne Keynolds Tobacco (W Ui fcUuw riaeir neany co- season for corn, oats,., pota toe specials nan: snAnf. fliA mcch-A uu u operation in making our recent and garden sp3cials, also nitrate of soda f0is ere entertainment a success. The oor nuu uiunare oi pocasn. ; lax us nayei receipts amounted to $36.00. We armmntAd; aa,n T0f. dl: m , . , P0 10 wve another entertainment --v i li iiuirK. iv i n nnn rvofxr y ir tA . ... - . . ' , AW4XV w oerore me close of school. uujr uow Kuoas ior me nrm or Thnnnnllonf tu cui vjotviLi co xarc. u: i oio ocaiuiuK ovorvvuero ior reel E. A. Thomas, who has been tations and declamations for use in . ; ; 1 1 i i .i . . i . u i : z . & O. railroads, about half on each road; huiw in bevenii aavs as ine result I preliminary coniesi ior po ideal location for anv mannfactnrin ?f a slight stroke of paralysis last prions in the 6nal contest at Com For Sale. No. 11. 25 acres of yahiable land at the junction of the Southern and O. C. if you expect pretty flowers and choice vegetables this sea son. If you have not decided on what to plant, we would be pleased to show you our assortment of flower and Garden . Seeds We no doubt can amlst you in making a election. The garden or the flower bed depends for. its aaooees on th quaII- ty of the seod used. Our ttock U frh each tcoa. and each rariet j U rmthcr from planU of eUbliBhed merit Erery kind of id will bo ' fotsd la r 15." Bortment. ED. MOR."RTa. Thonc Jto. 40. Marion, f. C. IT plant. If interested write H. W. Dy- Sunday, is improving. art or D. Loucas, 'Marion, N. C. 1 "t rdillentfOP Sale. A good dwelling house and lot," also One store house and lot with 25 acres' of land, good garden and, fruit trees, at Dysartsville, N; C. Will sell cheap on easy terms. " , 1 rou will enjoy I "Chalice of Cc the new fill m rrs. . xne prize oi casp given away last Saturday night by the Savoy Theatre went to E..P; Foy, ; he having guessed nearest the num ber of beans in the jar. . m 1 1 m. mencement ior meaais. ne pre liminary contest will be held about the first of April. Formal writing Jessons are being conducted at the same hour in all grades every day. This work was becrun bv a writinrr snfviftlict from The McDowell chapter United Chiefly WAhonAtnrnntlnnMU ... I w ..ww U..UUW xjaugniers ot tne confederacy will work in this subiect until all tho a . 1 . . . . . I m meet in tneir room in the (Jlnb ;uMn OM u:u- vuiiuivu i4 yj uuiu aj rvitbV? lZfcJlj Duuaing next Monday afternoon at and rapidly. 6 o'ciock. A full attendance of tne members is desired. Pnlnhln R0.f.i nA r h. 1 ij jj uuiu viu 1 ui it WAT cm E Of all . repaired kinds Vr properly for ( Ng-A an( sale W ,y Optical Goods. ; Marion, Watchmaker and Jctueter. - JVorth Carolina, . . iomii 99 in columns. Weather Report. Thomas McGuire, Sergeant U. S. Mrs. Carrie Childs left Monday The recital given by the pupils ior Daitimore. wneresne win Rnp.nri 1 t t: t. n mi 1 V I ui uxarguunio ureoi, XUUrs- rial Story abOUt tO a week or ten days studying mil- dv ftrftn?no'. wq r rmt . 1 . w - " P ww wuww. "UW,J "" nui jiuuMc uow snowing rapid strides in music in goods. Miss Martha Whitten will th lit f aw mnntho be in charge of the store during It was remarked by a connoisseur Mrs. guilds' aosence. that Bartlett's MGrand Polka De J. L. Walsh and J. C. Pool at- Concert" rendered by Madeline tended tne runeral of Mrs. treorreM"asnourn was wonaerrui tor a i ... - i Ammrr rarxnvtn fhft f amnara fn ro onrl 1 ffoi in cr ot. "KViroct. CXtrr loef nroalr I chllti flf AlAVAn tTAWIl Trc fainfall at Marion station for the week Mrs. Harding was a daughter of Finche's solo was complimented by the latter and daughter-in-law of a; her technic being remarkable. the former. A husband and seven Miss Mae McCurry, a visiting pu- children survive her. The two-story dwelling house of J. S. Peak atNebo, - together with honsfthold furniture, etc.. was dft Notice of Sale of Land Under Mortgage gt by fire aboat 10 0'clock cS of ScDou f - - Tuesday morning. The loss is es By virtue of th authority ' given in a 'certain timated at about $1500 with $800 Ynnitmrf fiAH. rlatea the 2nd aav oi Janaarv. i mt ... . 5n7eiWt.theuo4ertignedby,T.L.Qaeen insurance, xne onein or -ue nre Marianna Hotel Sold. and wife. M. A. Queen, to secure the paymentof is not known. ATrnn lata with ail.-l mnrtm.irp.. flnrl rln. I v . v I 'PVta nrn o nit hftvi nor been made in the oavment of said I Thfl rfiftdlDET room that has DAAn I l i" -r rr . i-. .: attS date. Now, theretore, notice lslierebygjir- Opened for the UO of the men and cejver to Brnc0 C,ark of Rath(Jr. : ... .ir.i. imtAH nHIl ooll tViA . ho'polna'ftoi ttmi - tt man f ritMirrri n ft AtTifo -r . . HWiandatihecourthouedoorinMarion. ----- 4. en: IoraKn, IOr U.UUU. It IS COn as follows: Maximum, v -; Minimum, -Rain," -- Sunshine per cent Snow 58 degrees 18 degrees 1.24 inches .59 I inches . w - pil, and Miss Gladis Harmon and others wer3 greatly applauded. Miss Grant should be highly congratulated upon her untiring efforts and enthusiasm in making ' this the best concert ever given in Old Fort. New Spring Goods Arriving Let us show them to you Prices riht If not ask for your money back. P. A. Reid S. Co. y ..rii- Lai F3 after date. An tfTflt. r.hp ' ' wu wm nw w &!A ofouVtoWns :womeD is filling Nortn. Carolina on acuraay, uio xoi,u uny ui - :. , j j , uuticu ujr Ui xi. vrrajr, wiiu win v. -taw i gM okintofakeniaceat the court I a loner felt need and crivmcf satis-1 . . mvi, . " . .- d cuuviDuo uie mauzuremenu ior ine r'r-.rr faction and pleasure. With little preseDt Rt UdMU. plans ahe " to be sold are degeribed as follows, effort a small gymnasium might be wiH be made as soon as thosalo'ls to-wit ; ! A certain tract of land lying ana oemg Rfarted. The .healthf ul benefit t ) I 5 s i . in wvsartsviile township, McDowell countv, J. , , , . canurmea oy me couru " rK amii nn.- hftnniiiir on a black stump on be derived from sucn a source IS - MV1U1 o - - ..1 the south side of Mill road, Jessie Walker s be- JjQOwn Ky every One. frinniDST corner, .anu ruus uurvu , . p0ies to a post oak on the northeast side of saw mill road, thence forth SO 1-2 west 79 pole to i 1 Rev. Ira Erwin will nreach Mrs. J. W. Pless, Mrs. D. F. special sermon on Christian Citizen- maple standing on the branch at .a .bundle of Kjiies, Mrs. d.. vj. uriiKey, xirs. snip lo.nis c?un- mill roajd, thence. 3 Standing UU uiiuivu . 1 ui.iw - -w" w ar r o w . ..'-.' L IJ . t.'r .Kuna rrTl - TT 1 a? ITT TTT IT ill . . t - aaM ... roots forming aonuge over uuWl v-a.w j. Muafinns. jmxs. YY . vy . neai. aav at li o'ciock. - rne sermon will a.. 1 O nrOBt ill TM)18 tfl ft Ttlle OI BtOUe8 Ml J . .. " . I . . . .. ... Mrs. Ella Ellis and Mrs. W. P. deal especially with the importance in tho Anntw on 1 5 west 51 poles to a pile of stones in Rrvwu m" " , . the oldoutsiae udi :wuw-1 , i w . saw line 26 1-2 p.ies to a chestnut, stake on the j Howard. M rs. Minnie Blanton and of caref ul discrimination west nide of a branch, then . south 27 1 2 ples ,. . . . T " v ri . t I u t it. i . ' . R R Price and son. Ben. and Mr. intemret and execute onr law.i and Mrs: J. S. Hopper all went to Every soveriim citizen in town and Asheville yesterday to see Madame the surrounding community is cor- - ' I . . Sherry. . - . . dialJy. invited to hear this sermon. PlowMg' Xiinnie Agaim r-i and we arc ready for it with all kinds of Plows, Hoes, Disc Harrows and Peg Harrows. : We also have Ponllry wire, Barb Wird and - Wire Fence - Remember Zlhr,i Hardware . x west pme oi ; moi"j" """: . : : . , . ao at a nnip. t n rnr.k on west side of said branch V then north 80 feast crossing sai l b'naach 120 poles W. M Moore line to the beginning. Containing '( 3912 Wes. Terms ca?h. Record Mortgage Ded book 15, page 125. This the 8th"day of February, 1912. ; t ; -"Jesse B. WALitEB. ;. lLIlIOE The 'Price Coi,