- ' .. . I . . . - ESTABLISHED 1896. t ' - ; ' 5 . GO N C E R N I N G "TH E R I N G , The 'Manipulation" of AffairsVote Buying, and C orru pt io n i rv - ' - : Politics in McDowell Is there such a? thing as a "Ring" in McDowell County? O, it's mentioned in a 4 4 joke" now and then, bnt otherwise nobody for. a minute entertains an idea of such a thingexcept a : few suspicious 4 'cranks from the country' ' they would tell us. But I agree with the nih-meh-put-of-teu .n the county (that is my estimate of the proportion) who believe we " are blessed(?) with just such a jewel(?) as a "Ring" in. McDowell County, the influence of which is far reach ing Do we neei it? If we do not need it, why keep; it?-:just for the sake of wearing the pre cious tW it in the sense that the ,ox wears the yoke; for a "King" in Cthe affairs oV a county, or town, is a curse which discourages and disgusts hundreds of good citiztens from takioer the active interest in public affairs which they otherwise would do - it does that nh at least. To name lw 'B;ii-b.,...J nt ,i,; ;;j '' . r.,; "'V"u "l ". lse'r- nounn .q tiia ntifr thof hoc. , " 7 Vv ouu, tu oiu rnyme . oegms: but -k S S - -I I . ' 1 - still a ring" can be both seen and .are- slick, too: but To deny that , an evil exists;- or to try to mininize it's hu rtful conse quence, is no less than an effort, under cover, to defend it. , But Sbme would sav "vnn'rp n pessimist I am nothing of, the kind. I am simply optomistic enough to believe that the people of this county, if iven: the right sort of a chance, and treated with proper consideration, (and they will one of these days take their own opportunity) will remedy any evil, if in theif i powerand 'put ting off the ring' is easily in-their power -which is brought sufficient ly to Jtheir attentiphM; When the agitation of the vote buying scant 4ftl (a curse born and reared by the "Ring Masters" for the honest masses never favored it, though good men - were caught "falling into line" with it) was commenc ed in McDowell County two vears. f about town sneered at it, saying in substance:; 4lt'siolly.The whole sale vote buying business fn Mc Dowell County is here1 tb'stay.'' But they changed their minds when the poeple by the hundreds began to boldly pledge themselves against it,; and against, everybody, who favored it, and now no man can buy an elec tion with " boodle and booze" in this county. But we didn't put off the "ring." What was the result? -Next: day Bfter election it was commonly known, to a moral certainty, that money and liquor were used in both Turkey; Cove and Brackett t'; townships on - election" ay and nobod.y was indicted, v Why ? .Be l. "Cause that ''Maffic Rinfr'' Worl Koon ; touched by the guilty parties The men' and liquor went out from Ma- vri6n and the few Democrats and them who handle the balance of I A, WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. DEVOTED 'Marion; SSSeSglneS nepuoiicans and certainDemocrat should be elected, and certain ones of both parUes defeated, protected the men who used this money and liquor. A few men' tried hard to have the matter pushed to the limit inY the criminal courts, but a 4 'quietus" had been provided for by he touching of the "Ring." One party (no matter which it be) will, or course, not undertake a contest when the leaders who have such connections as to handle the balance of power are in collusion with the other side. The same would apply to another outrage practiced, especially "in some parts of the countyr in connection with the last election. For no Republi can and no Democrat, of intelli gence, would dare to attempt one certain thing which it is commonly known, to a moral certainty, wa practicedUn connection with last election, unless he knows he has protection from some of the lead ers 'on the other side4. There are only a few such among the headers "72" ' V" r tn harm a few such can do when benefit plan"-. We'll help vou and you help us." and let the i ,m . - r -.1 to the- 'bow-bows." 4 V I " . - - - We are the chiefs" and who, or what; is ", the main influence behind are jntel- McDowell county man's mind as the mention of uch a class is made. A person whose mind does not readily, call up at least a few certain men in this connection might do well to dperi hiseyes, "pinch himself and wake up, " and come about town and take in the situation -while he is being often "honey-(uggied" by some of the chief "manipulators." Why, it is heard on every side, if a person wants to get something through he'd better get; so-and-so, -Vhe manipulates things", he hr a pull;" "he's on: the inside." Throughout ttie county this talk of "on the inside" is heard. On tiie inside of what?, :The people know, too, that a few Republicans and Democrats get together before nominations are, made and "mark lambs for the slaughter," in their own party, and then go on and help nominate and siffer them up" ( defeat) because they want cer tain ones on the other side elected for certainreasons; For those who do t hot knoQ this aiid also what influence jis at the bottom of such doings, itis time they should know, and the citizens and voters of McDowell county have plenty of i sense to - spell this matter out for themselves, for the plain "Al B. C's have for some time been before them, if they will only use tiem. , ; : -. ,x -What's the remedy? Let the people say in their hearts, "Down with the Ring," and down every thing that touches it." . Let thera come to the county seatto their own court house and cut loose from the : "ring," the. "manioula- i- tors,'? and the "jugglers." Let the LnAnnlA VinWthoii- rttxin in Ktk parties hereafter, - and ; those - who "juggle" With the 'other 'side, '.be- fore nominations are made, (or any put on the back wherfi filse.' Anrl as to tte'iise of mbneyand liquor TO THE BEST - wpFQ, THE PEOPLE OF McDOWFl l rn, n. c, Thursday, april SCHOOL MATTERS Commencement Exercises Will ba Held on Nights of May ' 23 and 74 1 xne orehminary contest in decla- u4vu uu i cunauuu was ncid in the. auditorium of the Graded School last week. All the pupils of the high school wer6 required to enter the contest, the entire faculty acted as a committee. The following were selected to take part in'the Gnal contest, May .23: Girls Ellen Carson, Mary Po teat, Thelma Hicks, Blanche Houck, Aramie Bomar and June Laughridge. fv . Boys J. W. Streetman, Jock Lonon, Cecil Little, Ben Price; John Glenn and J. W. Pless, Ir. The commencemehr exercises will be held on the nights of May 23 and 24. R R. .Williams, Eq., of Asheville, will deliver the an nual address. matfrtrt nn3 4.. a i 1 The contest in declamation and recitation will be held on the night of the 23rd, as stated above. Mr.' Hudgins, as usual, offers a gold medal to.the best declaimer, and Mr. Houck one to the best reciter. The pupils of the 10th grade are contesting for the gold medal ' of fered by Dr. Reid for tho best' es say in North Carolina History. . 0 It is very " likely that several scholarships .'will, bo,1 .offered to 'those pupils of' Ihc-IOtb 'rade who make the highest marks The primary,. department will close for.this term, Friday, April 26. No public exercises will be held. in elections,; and the corruption practiced in last election,' let tho Grand Jurt be a Grand Jury, indeed, and take such things in hand. If they don't know how to get at it let them come into tourt in a body (A grand jurt to behold in McDowell County I) and . wia wuuiij 1 nuu L hand to the Judge a report thaU they, or some, or even one,- of their number, have understood tht. tain, ; corrupt things liavo .. been , . practiced m an election in Mc Dowell county, and that t e Grand Jury desire a, special charge and the directjon of the Court as to how they shall go about the difficult investigation of the matter. No judge will refuse to tell them what to do, and how to do it, and some "knees will quake" that day, and I if they are not landed (on the "chain gang") the first effort, let the Grand Jury still act the Grand Jury and they'll soon.be landed, if the last bit of this rottenness is not stopped. I would have it understood, too, that I have no "ax to grind" for I never expect to run for any office. I simply want to see th.s "rot"cut out. It's a cancerous soro that must bp "cut out" or the affairs of this county will surely one day be come "rotton to the core." "Jug gling!' in politics, then "juggjing", in the courts' how soon? Buy voters with nioney or debauch them with liquor to vote them then the buying or debauching of witnesses and jurorsrhow . soon! Shall it not be stopped now cut outroot and brancl-very thing that even smells of tho ?RW." The people have the power. . Let them use it.;:, - ' ;.. . W. T. Morgan. Marion, April 8, 1912. - it, i9lz -Beio by AdipteTbT: munity Assembled. Iicsocd, That in the Resolved, That in tho death of lX0?' Uhas- Aycock, this bar and COmmnnitr Vimca ..: J irreparable loss; that the loss tn the State is felt to bo tho indiridn.l and personal grief of all who have heard of his great good works; and to those fortunate enough to have heard his wonderful voicr, felt his noble presence, listened to his burning eloquence-and words of truth, the deepest," the most sin cere, the most puie in each in dividual is by this sorrow stirred with a desire to emulate the puojty and unselfish devotion of life and work. No lawyer of his period sur passed him in c-lquf nee. Ncstats man exioeded him in unsHfinhness, and none wore s6 irretly love-l while living. We, therefore, make these ex pressions of our Kormw. iThc foreguing rmJutions hav ingbeen ad..ptHl bv t!i Marion bar, were off.-nnJ ua mHSH uieoting of our citizens, held at th court hous Saturday nt 8 p. m. Mr. J. W; Piess, roprenting the local bar, prcseuted them to the meeting with a eulogy upon th. dead states man. It was spoken to eloquently and feelingly by many citizens and solemnly adopter!. Th solemnity of the occasion was added xo bv tnlling ofvU : therchureb , b?l lin town. J For Satterwhite for Treasurer. Editor of Progress: I notice in The Procrrvs the announcement of Mr. T. E Sat- icrwhito for county t'easurr and I wish to say a word in his behalf. I havoknowaMr. Satterwhite per sonally all his life and I know of rvrk rtriA It t I: r hc.V . h ,s ccientiously perform his duty, let . "w 1 b 1 14 a J 1 1 U IS A man wtn a ccar business intellect and it be what it may. lie is a man ?rm?n Wllb ? clca.r ?UJ"DCSs record, He,s A0?1 christian gentleman. auu u imminaieu ana elect cJ would serve tho people well. Wo can not do better than to rnako hira our choice. I bclicvo ;that lam Oxpressing tho sentiment of all who know Mr. Satterwhite, botH Demo crats and Republicans, and I hope that every man will go to the pri mary and give him our undivided support. By so doing. we will he sure of at least one officer who will serve the majority. ' A Voter- Vein Mountain, April 8. . Parker-Gibson. Mr. Julius F.. Parker and Miss Effie Gibson were married lau Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. J. M. Gibson, father of the Gride, in Crooked Creek Township. Rev. H. C. Marley, pastor of the Baptist church, performed tho 9 , i t ceremony. Miss Gibson is a raostf splendid young woman, being ono of the county's best teachers, and . ... . has a largo circle of friends cot only in her own immediate neigh borhood but throughout the coun ty. Mr. Parker is also a McDowell county teacher and is looked upon as a most promising young man. Hejs ason of W., S. Parker of Crooked Creek. The young con pi 0 loft Sunday afternoon for Asbcville for ashort bridal tour. Their many friends throughout the county wish for them a most happy and prosperous life, " , . - VOL. XVI NO 32 COMMITTEEMEN MEET". McDowell Count School Coran'r?. Association urgan- ized Its Ofncert. , t Ane vx)mmiUecmea'a meeting which, was held in the court hocsu hero at 11 o'clock on Monday, tho Sth. was 1 very enthusiastic meeting was bid. Every township in tho county, waj well represented and every com. i..:uiau !mca to be intcrtnt notoolyin his own particular school but in th r1 fm t . . t . county. The different topics on tho pro-" gram for discussion were discussed by Committeemen. T. W. Wilson, George Dobson, George Carson) J. E. Simeson, J. J. Lffwi, Jako. Gallion, H. A. Tate, K: E. English, S. J. Dobbins, S. L. Brown and others. Pro. "L. 'a Broaden, State Supervisor of ElcmenUry Schools, addressed tho meeting at the clcrCs most inspiricgly. Prof. Brotrdcn is one of the most pro gressive school men in the Suto and brought suggestions and word of encouragement with him. Supt. Sigmon, of Burke county, was also avUitor and spoke interesticgly for a few minutes. Th organization of the . Mc Dowell County School Committee-' men's Association waa perfected by elecUng II. A; Tat Drti-denL i ttf Ur F. 0 i I cs,c r c t a ry ; "Vict-' presidents were elected for each township in the county as follows: North Cove, S. C. ConJey; Mont fords Cove, J. S. Lai!, Marioo, vwifcv uaijua; kjiu rort, A. L. 1 1 :i ... ... umuKcwa, n . u. lUbcro: Nebo. t I . . . , T. . T. W. Stacy; Higgins; A. E. Howe; Glcnwood, T. W. Wilson. At the next meeting of the As sociation it is proposed to have tho teachers of the countp present and havo a union meeting of the com mitteemen and teachers, h'o doubt a general educational cplift of tho county will bo felt by rcisoa of this organization. H. G Poteel for Treasurer, Enrroit Pnooiinss: I notice in your piper the an nouncement of M. G. Poteat for county treasurer, and I wish to say a few words in regard to tho rait- ter. First. I want to r tht T ihave knon Mr. Po teat personally I lor me past ten years, Hetshon- v, muj;ukjwu irusiworiny, ana I know of no man who would let ter perform the duties of tbisoiSco than he will, if nominated and eiecti. .Mr. Potest made an ex cellent race in our primary two years ao and, and I want V) ay to the voters of McDowell county, " both Democrats and H-?pubHcan that a more suitable youig man .ior tne piacrj cannot be found anywhere. So et us give him oar support in tho primary election. 9 J. H. Bicd. Marion, April 9. . - ' Map oHilarlon. N A complete and very valuable , map of 5larioa has just been drawn and published by.T. M. Fowler, of Pussaic, N. J. The map ap pears to be quite accurate, and the agent, D. Stomp, who is now canvassing tho town, will redoubt dispose of many copies to towns people. The map sells fur $2.00. Tho call of tho hour is: 'Taj your Poll TaxK

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