5t .4 ft - '-"y w' int Bto 1 im hR5T;OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. . MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1912. VOL. XVI NO. 39 vV a r a n p h q runni hmai q MiSWilliamsAddresil r a Gem-r-Medals, Prizes and The eleventh year of the Graded 1 " ""i. ' r T--'- 1 ' ' " ''I 'V''.'"' - 1 1 lOCUUUl UaillB lU JtlOSG- last: WeCK with very, appropriatexercise Thursday andiday nights&The ?JSla5?teJSB? tiecoraiea ana ootnignis w rvrJ ATTrt nil Ami v rim - AtMAnn - a vJ 1 . frienSl creditable and entertaimng as well Thursday night the annual - con- iMJS . . - '. vife?ty 'Js-a i f xv ..ivur .i - - - - , w- ; , I yYaauciu, M iiyuu&me of the children follow: Jack won 1 thejTeciter's J M Houck: and John Glenn won toe declaimer's . medal, offered by D. E, Hil(nnsJ&The proeramme was interesting throu contest beingfvery spirited the young ladies and the young gentlemen Rcq uitted themselves With mhnhonnr: : Mr: MA nrK""Z .7 ' ' some otherJpupiIsvMisses GibbsV Effie Bradshaw; Nellie Blan- ton and Hannie : Gibbs, : furnished dftltfrhtfnmnsira -children sang Come .Where the T.;i;o T1 n . . -. Jrida.y:night the graduating ex- ercises were held.. "The .invocation was mad-Rev; jlra Erwin; of the Methodist Church, after whichlHrfen:stran Mftn Rnrcrin. Al he chfldrenf sangiMoffiRi I ho npooiHarit ; nf f ho ynloec .T-Hr I Prl Oihh!. . i TTor :n.r w:fn. " . Bir t .. iii i i .r --- Bill inn in ii i i. - . v c m ru i inr i -" "fjfer?; - witli wit a making ;;m hits. She read her paper well and held the ; attentionVof - the arge TinrliAnft T.hTrtiifrhrnt: .t--Mioo-'H.rhali. - "w Bradshaw, ihe propheV then essay- ; in tHeiitrirftWfiV prepared in:well"read.ThecIass difficultthin from LiszC "Rico- t a YTrrV t v7 orth e Council No. CGI, Lin - ... sr. -j .H'.Vfus -Hiszw - x"gp- J s Grant, J H Yonng. L C Black weld- vn p(,.fln in r-r;j,-. r.oi Wi 1, written byjMissDaisyiGlad- letto.! a. nnmber :whlch nhnriHn aT.sandi!n:nnnLn .rw n-u 1U0 a,ls on.last tr,da May 21. tlen, was readi by; the. author.: It provedItoibetmbsfeintrtinff Paner and eiatertaid thanien f W,-,K;4: twa ;nrt " w t t . - i ilas6n?comDC bCar vuiuuftuwuv. , xuu.oiu4iuft uo . , . . . , - -" .. . , I rie rioiiana, ciosea ine cia lses.- the speaker of the evening, -Hon; t -;t- xiiri -11"'v"mJ ;r R. R. . Williams, of Asheville. Mr. .".r w " r v uw uvi v .ytt'ii.-''v-.'---:.'---;-: vviiiiams is a juaiurai orator ana ltr tibitlRdfto ect indeed, v but in X the? hands of Mr.WlllianiStftPrOVedi;tOnbexa ' new and most interesting one. ; r : l?PaS.f wi nir nn m s nvviv n. r nnp. upils Bf, chairman of the Graded School cbmixiily etisse GarrieHolland. Daisy f (Gladden, - E Bradshaw, I iPearrGibbs and" John, G certificate was granted- Graf ton SmWmS-- ' Supt. griffin then announce the sclipla sftyof rM Caliha liwyyiic 1 fisyuriaaaen.-; xaese scnoiar-j Bnipswere.ottered the pupils at- taming the highest scho M Mr i?D:H tohe rostrum and w propriate remarks he presented the tiri ?n nAlllnc m 1A Vjilkey and Maude Burgin. : lhese Prizes ; wera off p'ren bv thia teachers of the sf to the pupils of these grades. iThe medals won .in the ': contest in declamation and recitation were presented by ;Mr. W. T.-Morgan: TOa "" a" k n.,.:" ,,T.Y This mprll wc ka t L -7TT . rf w " VJI I T0;4::V; - r,L:A: - Cv W . Thft rnnntl.n p B. Price w v. T -V- :-, r - I Dsle- by MrSjV:LC. Birdr: Possibly no where m North Carolina : has '-v ancelbeen"m cA tTftk:n ti r RafUs. Sowersj Martha Bobbin, M!ft t?, Albert Blanton, Ray Curtis; Mayo Margaret Neal FAA Mr.iTini0u tta t?o uUui a i j. u en mcv;urry,rvjeorgia -p4, Radar. Mttm aif1Pn 55ri Hn. Uins: Marv SwppTh .TnQtiW Samuel Story, Mary Hudgins, Ruth . .. .- ... . Hoorftir Minnm T?rUc Wood, Blanche Finley, John Po- teat, Morris;Laoghridge, Joe Storv. nl: J " . t-t ' , - nut " - - . ! " Wil- nntnnlimfintarv tn Mirinn SiuAoni mi . , . . -m r r ' - - - "J - ne -naieign JNews 3c Uoserver of last Wednesday in its account of Peace Institutecbmmencement, had the follow ,nmnl!m(..t, imss Durion: n . n A . . . " I "A verv vounff and a :vorv tal. ited mrl -Miss Jnlii RHrfn nf mWp..!m will nnArf lr : Thft itr. WH HiU. Taylor, W G Hnnter, T E Salter- w tji i liCCiLt wmi a. nr.n itJ7kL.ii iiv i mm i . - i - - . . . -J . no ifit OT IVir. ttrftW ftV that Nnrth n. viiuc. c4u uavu ion , uu uoivikUci such great promise. r 7 , ; iir r. Du Liiis.niirri -coi7iniimp.nt lo Miss Burton will be read with in- - ,ur;ou WM1 wf , . " Wt. hn Kar mnr onc hoVa , -J-'.. ..... ."--.-1 - ; c r - - -. . ' of - the commencement speakers and was awarded the declaimer's medal. :,V 'vr ; r r t 4 Miss Kate Mae Streetman took r- . . . . . . - . and her work was reported es'pe- r; . " n - , , . - . dally commendable. Miss Ha'llie Gibbs took part in an elocution contest at ; Davenport tied with one of her competitor, for the medal. - Her competitor won by drawing straws: V : .. , dmi c d W &S!c" PAf:?. r? I re vv.a5nington,:iiay54.---xne nsn natchery- bill introduced m tne house bv Hon.: J. M. Gudger" jr., tuay was favorably - reported, 1 This" measure - Provides for the ap- I pi-opriation of $25,000 for" tho es- tablishment of a hatchery tor game fishes suited to the fine streams, of f if p-tnhliRhrr.fnt is not snccificd. I fKn tVint. ?t. ehnll hn m thn conrrrccaional district. - - COUNTY CONVENTION Gudeer Gets ; OvefTwo-Thirds of County's" Vote Underwood Has - : . Lead Uver Wilson. : McDowell mnntr n,mnor , ' hftlH thn r rAnroT,t!nn M,h Uof - . tivu . took V,4 ftn nv;nfo 1 . I gates to the state convention were instructed to cast the solid" vote of lt wou,d appear that uoyner n iacy, w. r. Woo4, Wl A- Graham: r M Hmwn ndWilliam R. Hoke. I T?jr con- tress - Gudecr carried thaomtr against Reynolds by a vote of 12.93 10 6-07? The delegates were un- instructed as to corporation com- missioners. For nrPciHpnt tho t ct. TTV i son 7.42. The convention endorsed J - W. Pless, of Marion, as a dele- gate from the tenth district to the JJffP?! ?tata DTentioa be held at Haleich Jane Oth were named n tt n0n cr-n 't. " t t n Bird, J W Pless, C E Prwtwood. E H J Q GllkeT 8 Kirby, r J W - W Landis,, W K il Uilkey. D t! 3 Peland, DE Hudgins. J Harmon, 5 A Conley, Byron Con ley, Ij P Crawford. J C Sandlln. W C ttU w Wbridge, . -wt ... or w vjtoioxin, x& n uennesaee, j. 11 Tat W H Hill. J D Bianton. A Blan- n, Ben e Brown. L J P Cntler, J Ld. ? E i . ' F IdtUe, S L Dobbins. Following are the delegates to the congressional convenUon to be held In - ... - ' J 1 D L Carlton, f m Bradiev. T r TAht. wnite, U Frestwood, J Li O Bird, M . . d m.X. tit 4 ti . r, - m.. the hour for the I xx x urocikcbb. " it iU. iucxi tUTT, x r&uK Chapman, W K 31 Gilkey, H B Craw-1 ley. Lee Miller. WiU Wilson. John Bird. . .. . " S ' T t t,, ? Hennessee, J C Conley, J E Wilson, J t TinA a T)inA. tt a rr t t " . 1 A Dfinton. w w NmI. j m mar- j w Cowan Had- 1 vBtroua, bed t mtxriey, George L wu w w McCnnnii k p R F Barton, J WStreetman, J WPle&s, cl tt n,A;Jl nr-nv t t ?t G H Gardin, A B Gilkey, J L Mchola. Tate. S L Dobbin, .T C Sandlin,-T;w rv.i. tr tim.i. r r i w xavis, xx xx xaw, uw vauxcj. y x Howard. ;-i::;.."New; Engines. : " comotivcs havo jQSt been delivered to the Southern Rail way company at Spencer for use during the peach seasonV The engines: are of tho 1300 ty pe, among the largest and i lasiest .on inn roaa.- xt is saia wnen under lull speed only dry steam is permitted! to reach tho piston heads and that they carry loo pounds or steam in such a manner as to" equal 220 lbs. in tho orainary way. xno ucorgia pcacti erop will begin tamovo m a fow are for Dassenrrer service thev will I hn nspd to handln notches durinrr tho rush. For Gilliam for Treasurer, As the time draws nearer for the Goal fin", and the question arising on all sides, Vho shall be the men to look after tho welfare of the people," naturally wo become more enthused. It is up to tho people now, not next year, not next month, not tomorrow, how tho countv af- fairs am coin g to bo cared for. . xuo doodIo aro n cased with thn " . announcca mem- j m T t agnw tui lug VHTIUUS ULUCC3, II se" tho ire wero only one clean man "out of tho number who havo announced T,VJ W4U uuw ure wiicr : It is true, nevertheless, that thol.orrJfed T.0. L c'?5 "LIe?, theso offices shall fall, for various reasons. Tho writer's preference iu. xuu writers proiercuce county treasurer is Mr. Gilliam, I.r county treasurer is Mr. i i-.-: l i r rca?on .uecl,lse 1,0 13 a man lCd among US not for mmseir alone. Second, because he has nlwavs bAn fnr thn nni;ftln f the county. Third, because he pas been pulling for better schools. poitcr roaos anu octter edurches. Ho is a chHstian gentleman known throughout the county. Then again, is it not time for Crooked Creek township to bo re membered in some wav! Have wo been forgotten by the good peo ple of McDowell! Have wo not contributed to tho countv. our full . . . . length, in what ever we thought rightt - V Wo endorso Mr. Gilliam " ta. ileving bo" will go far beyond our expectations in evcrv rcsnecL knowing tho rjcoplo will bo more than pleased with him. Big Jr. 0. U. A. M. Celebration at . Linville Falls. It afforded tho writer great Piea?uro 10 00 Present at the cele- pleasure to bo present at the ccle- pratioa of the 50th annincrsary of the Jr. O. U. A. M. held at the Liivi X rj v- WUUV.U ilU. UU1. JLrflll- I oay was pcriect ana at an carl hour tho people began to gather from every nook and corned of.tbo surrounding countv until bv . . - - " 7" " I . . . , 7 Lt j VnV K ua auujuica.. j.ncn, prciiysoon. members of tho local council 1 . - . ... lCCttlCr Wltb vlslUn mcrabcra from other councils marched in a 1 . it UWJcr councils, marcnea in & bodr from thn inrtrrn hull AnmtA " ""W,,J iwuu uicir rcgaiia, near o tno speakers stand, which bad been erected out under beautiful shade trees. Mr. D. L. Carlton, mayor , and and an attorney of Marion, was tho first-speaker. His Subject was "Good .Citizenship". Mr. C. B. Vrcbb, of Statesville, Stato Coun sellor, was tho noxt speaker, and Supt Gilcs of Marion, followed with an address on "Community Upbuilding." ' Then camo tho adjournment for dinner which was a very elaborate spread of all sorts of good things to cat, such as tho good women of t.iis community aro capablo of cooking. ; ' -j. ; " Rev. J. L. Smith, of Marion, a member of tho local order, gavo an interesting - talk, as did Mr. Webb, in tho afternoon.' .This is a fi no neighborhood and tho influenco of this order is hav ing a very who!c3orno effect on tho community, bringing tho pcoplo into a cloccr bond of unity and purpose. LATE NEWS OF INTEREST Interesting Reading Matter of Local and National Affairs . 10 Condensed Form. . Senator Overman Tuesday bid the Senato pass a bill providicz $CO,000 for a public building at naynesville. The sUto rested its case in tho Myrtle Hawkins trial at Hrndcr- sonville Monday and the defense began introducing testimony. Mr. Roscoe Mouscrtf Hickory, who is w?H known here, was oco of thoso who stood highest in tho examinations of the J2Vrson Medical College at Philadelphia, and was given an appointment la the Episcopal Hospital in thatcity. Mr. Morgan, a farmer living near Rutherfordton, killed. Wilson Hovis, a negro tenant on thcplioe. Saturday. The negro was ordered off tho place, ife refused to go and attacked Morgan, who shot him. Morgan was released on bond. Sidna Allen, the Virginia outlaw, is under $5,000 bond to appear at tho rcdcral court in Greemboro next Monday, to answer a charge of perjury. Ho will not appear of course, but it is said an effort will bo made; when his bond of $3,000 is declared forfeited, to have the government offer $5,000 reward for him. At Waynesvilie Saturday Geo, Cathey, of Vneville, tAsinltcd Po liceman Blaylock, apparently with out provocation. The officer shot Cathcy and the wound b very dan gerous. Cathey is now in a hos pital in Ashcville, lie is a fight ing man and it is said he had a grievance against the officer be cause the latter arrested him on ono occasion. Majority of Stato Delegates Unin- x. ' structed. Raleigh, K a. May 27. Re turns from tho democratic county convention of Saturday now prac tically complete, indicate that whiW Governor Woodrow Wilson will havo more instructed delegates that Representative. Oscar Under wood in the stato convention - on Juno C by far the majority of tho delegates will come uninstructcd. ' - Omly about forty of the one hun dred counties instructed their dele gates for presidential candidates. Speaker Clark and Governor Harmon also made a showing of strength so it seems certain an at tempt will bo made to prevent any instructions for any candidate. The Wilson leaders are expected to insist upon instructions. North Carolina's delegates to a democratic national convention have been sent with instructions only once in recent years. Vatkins Must Serve Sentence. Raleigh, May 23. The North Carolina supremo court delivered ooinions in nineteen appeals "th la evening and will deliver a. final ' batch Wednesday noon and adjourn' for tho term. Tho court finds no error in tho case of tho state va F. C.;Watkins, from Buncombe, in which the Black Mountain police officer is under ecu te nee of eighteen months on tho roaa3. for killing. John Hill Banting at a -Black Mountain hotel in August, 1D03. So Watkins must now take up tha service of his sentence. Miss Lavina Parks, who hid never left Lcr homo town. Sunset, Mrr., is dead at tho family home stead there, a; the c jo of 103 yesrc.