9 i v N f - ... - - X ESTABLISHED 1896. Social JVetv On last Saturday nu , Mr., a p uft .7; &"w auu ruooueueor much pleasure Snn iVArs A Hewitt ftntni.fo Mo A .r . H uro oun their house W" 7" r T,itt.W f Tr.:7' T 1"r" . "r. Inenas relatives as- M Obd " -n . . nuuert Corpemng of Newton. During the vuur or me evening Miss Lalla RookhXntle delightfully enter: -Present with several . - A1W3r. a spirited game of progressiva rlnminn fe. fUDd,to be .the Knif": rvcu ,'?uver t,u, auu mr. jorriftnino' hatr. T owioui iuegeque- i cueivea a gold stick pin. Jhose enjoying. Mr. v and M rs. Hewitt's Hospitality were Misses Mary Gordon Greenlee, Jennie Davis Marguerite House, Martha WhittenrJessie Ratliffe, Maggie Morns, Lelia Morris and Margaret Carlton: Messrs. Ged Giles, XW. A. McGall, Lester Morris, T. J. Hal- Ar11; Wi,mer Whitten and VV. 1. Morgan. ; Thursday evening, August 17th, Mrs. John Hopper entertained in Honor of her guests. Misses Whitt, Grose and Dorsett. "The yard, Dorch and house vwere beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns, .. parasols, and bowls of red and yel low flowers, all making a fantastic Japanese scene. Punch was served v by Mrs. -Pritchett and -Miss Jessie Ratliffe, both ladies being in Japan ,.Jvese costume." "1 y - At nine tables the voung people - enjoyed a progressive game called "Japan." Deliciousref reshments consisting of a salad course and ices were served by little girls in Japanese costume. Beautiful Jan- anese fans were given as favors to the ladies and minature Japanese parasols to the men. At a late hour thft flrilftstjc; Anflrtnr? oi, tilled with admiratinn fnr tlio o.f ;e tic taste of the hostess. On loof iT I.;. Un last Friday night Misses Halhe and Pearl Gibbs entertained wu . j - a number of friends complimentary tn T.hAirnocfo IWIco Twin. TXrU . sr-, of Branch and Miss Salhe Mark- Z 1 Tu Pior Was beautifully decorated with V , - - ferns and clematis where Miss Hanrno li kite rr.asAf.-.11 . J-j ft flu" pnwiuou at the punch bowl. Music and conversation made, the evening a ' . T . " , . r - "ome- . i iciiesu - ments were served. , Dysartsville, Aug. 19. mV. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor entertained a - number of young people at their home Saturday . evening in the honor of their nieces. Misses Re gina Matthews of Old Point, S. C, and Cary Taylor. . . A number of games were en joyed after . which refreshments wre served. - Those present were: - Misses Myrtle, Grace and Mamie Oowan. Mafirie and Lona'Goforth, Lillie and Junie Laughridge, Edna Metcalf; Messrs: ; Neal Duval, Crawford and, William Landis, Carson Jaret, Dr. Roy - Long, . Herbert Mangrum, Clyde and i-rnest batterwhite and Sam Up ton. V; : - . ; v.-.. - ;; ' Weather Report. Thomas McGnire, Sergeant XL S tm7w TevS7t8. tne temperatnre and rainfall at Marion station for the week as follows: , r . . ' , Maximum, Minimtuxx, Bain, " - - " 1 Sunshine per cent . 90 degrees 63 degrees .97 inches .64 MARION, A Birthday Dinner. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. . enwood, as Zt' x, when quite a nom. ? ?. the birthday . iuo lormer's father ' n n Brown. ' ' C' The dining-room was tastefnllr orated with flowed anTer"s and the, Ung dining8 spread and artistically arranged A lor u;tuj. : i arranged. !D the oe table conS tuB.iDBngyre.69, this being the aere of tho mcf u -ueraonaae was served in the morningnd at 12:30 the guests were ushered into the dinihg-room where each partook of the bounti ful feast. x After dinner the guests assembled in the sitting room and on the long veranda and the hours of the afternoon seemed only too short. At 3 30 delicious refresh ments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. Then at 4t20 after having spent a most enjoy able day, all took their departure leeiiDg graierui to the kind host and hostess for the pleasant hours ....... ... pent and wishing that manv more such days might -Wnr m fhi lives. ' ... .1 Those enjoying the kind hospi- tality were: Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J N Yel- ton, Dr. and Mrs D P " Lnnt Mr and Mrs T I Pdtt T ivirana Mrs. d. li. Jfadgett, Rev. and Mrs. A. P: Snrroi ana Mrs. A. Jr. Sorre s. Mr. nnH Mrk BiHSnsleyi:lVIisses, Zelda Yelton and Ada Brown and Messrs. Clyde Sorrels, Fred" Yelton and Van us Brown. . - One Present. . - ; ' n TV, To 14-"he people ot the United States oro- duced more whiskev anH mm nr1 smoked more cigarettes during tfie fiscal year 1912i ever before in i,;of- irw i:8 f , iJiciiuiiuary annual re- port of Royal E. Cabell commis- . sxoner 0f internal revenue, sub- mitted to Secretary " MacVeagh yesterday, The consumption of Lu:u j.j :. i . vy man. cry waa Oiueeuea ODIJ Dy the year 1907, but beer drinkjng fell . . . off by a substantial percentage, TU; 11,210,624,084 cigarettes, exceed- mg the record of 1911 by nearly Amn7Arl f M.en. officials who were unable - to ac 7 1 1 HlVtUUI V count for the enormous increase. ; Stored in ; warehouses the coun try oyer, are 263,768,070 gallons 1 ... r ' ! of whiskey and rum, the greatest on record. In Kentucky alone are stored 158,000,000 gallons, which exceeds the amount of whiskey and rum in the whole United States 11 vears acb. The record nrndnrtihn - w vw u of these intoxicants for: 1912 was 133,376,458 gallons, the' nearest approach to the record of 1,344,- 0S100O cmllnns in 1907. -- - - - The consumption of beer for IQIO nTflBVnn1n AO 1 HQ 7QQ K iviA rvoo uuij uj xvu, i ty uat 1 Cio, a decrease of over 1,108,000 bar rels as compared with 1911. . . . ' xt -r t . . . A great State Fair at Raleigh has inst XUD 11711 X1CU1IUU1J1wN JX. LI1 I reached this office. The book con- tains 164 pages, outside of the handsome, covers printed in two colors and showing the dates of . , . - i i the Fair this year to be the week Of October 14 to 19. v N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 1912 Masked Robber Enters Enpress Car - and Holds Up Messenger . Messenger Arrested. ' Ashevillo, Aug. 15A lone train robber, masked and armed, board ed Southern Railway train No. 13, Spartanburg to Asheville, at 10:30 o'clock tonight as it was leaving ing Biltmore, three miles from this city and covering the express mes senger, .:F. Carr, of Marion with a revolver secured a package con taining $3,500 in "bills. The rob ber then commanded Carr to get in the express chest which he had just rifled and locked him in it. It is presumed that the robber left the train as it slowed up for the Asheville yards. When the train arrived at the Asheville station express employes found Carr locked in the chest. When released, the express mes senger was unable to give a de- senption of his assailant, saying that the masked. was completely me tram wns nn h u-w . . v !' L?' VfaCt . wh,ch. tbe uuparHnen. say tbo robber Vkm AUO express mea-rj senger says he had just, finished ftrrnrtrrirtrr Vtto aUo. 7 T T prCpara. t?,7 totIeavl the train at Ashe- ' , , WaS confrontd b a masked stranger with a loaded revolver, who demanded his moncv. .. ra,r5WHa inai no roocr then bound his hands and forced him (Carr) to get into the chest, which he locked. The alarm was quickly given ai Asheville and several policemen were sent toward Biltmore on a special train. Other members of the force boarded train No. 35 which leaves Asheville at 10:50. It was thought that the robber might have attempted to' escape on this train. At midnight tonight the police and express officials were still without a clue. - Messenger Carr, up to July 21, was a clerk in the Southern Ex press office at Marion, N. C, when he was given the run from Colum bia, S. C., to Asheville. 1 Charged with having robbed the express car, Carr was arrested by special agents of the Southern Rail way Saturday night pending a pre liminary hearing Wednesday. He denies his guilt. Chapel Hill -School Notes. . Chapel Hill School, Ang. 16. Today ends the first month of the schooL While all are not in school who should be, yet we feel the month has been a successful one. Eighty-four per cent of the enrollment were here every day. We have seventy-two on roll, with an average attendance of sixty-one. Only fifty tardies with seventy-nine absences. Next Friday afternoon we contempl ate having a Friday evening exerclaa. Th! J exercise will be composed of songs, re citations, compositions, etc The pat rons will invito t ,rurLr'r:ru7r1 oucul4 W ia! . a i the first for the year.' but we expect to lust ivi uo uuy wo tj. repeat these from time to time TT RmWh UM -1 . TT O Cf t" Jlt , I H. S. Smith killed a lanre rattle fm&kn I v c-w. uwg niia wee:, ne tells us it had eight rattles and la th i m t- it t-- ri -w v k a k - . r r x1 - , : i largest snake he has seen for a long time. . , - . we are giaa to have a new.blacV m.- . Yon see the examples will be easily soivea on tnis one. Qnr motto Do what yon do." xnemuerson or Mr. and Mrs. J D Jknison has been quit ill but is im- proving. - - - " Wreck at Morganton. . -.v.(,UUWVU nuir. ij. n est bound passenger .train No. 15, aiorganton, Aug. 19. vt collided with somo rnnawntr .J this morning about 8 o'clock one tnile cast of Morganton. Thofrnmht train was shiftirg at thft MnrnLJ-D- Adj of Lancaster. S. ton Manufacturing company, when they mado a flying switch and there being no brakeman on the wua rau on aown tbo main o met ,a . . line. When it was noticed that they didn't stop the cngino ran back to catch tho cars, but just before reaching them nassonr train No. 15 came around the curve h fit full crwno,l ll'l.i . .t I them. The freight engine was then within a few yards of the cars and by the sudden stop it also collided with them, thus causing a double collision. Tho engineer and fireman on the passenger train seeing there Was going to be a collision, threw on the brakes and reverse and iumned vcr slight injuries. Those injur- ed arc I. Allison, engineer, and T. w. -Muse, Greman, both of Ashe- m iiviiie: iMr. nnH ir v i e.ii ww.. WB . . J V. It ... t rV. , ; ; TlKbJkaX ot VV ""J. of btatcs- " ry, oi urcxei and "son, of Conley Springs I In a few actions of McDowell county Mr- not well known. Ha i mndisiat Vein MounuinnndU well known in th Af-tK.-r, .-.i well known in the southern, and .m other parts of the county. He L, at thewo or us who know him well can testify, a high toned ChrUiiin geaUe man of high character and sound and high ideas, and a democrat, who has always been true to his pirty, and withal a man in every, way compact and worthy to represent McDowell county In the next General Aatcmbly. Mr. Flack states to some of us who have lately talked with him that b by not Wn, and Is not now, a-candidate for this office, and will make no effort to get the nomination, but that if his party should call him to this duty that he would make the race cheerfully and put forth every powible effort to roll up for his party a handsome majority. He staU, however, that ho wonld not have any person vote for him Inthaprixaarie without an Idea of how he stands upon a few propositions, bat that ho would have it known that he favors good roads, and thinks the time to go to work upon the roads is now, and that no ono sec tion ought to bo given any undue ad vantages over any other section, but that a good road ought to bo first built through each township in the county to the county seat that all sections of the county may te made to know that they shall have somo benefits from tho ex penditure of money for roads. He favors quired to give much more time to the handling of the affairs of th hnndlinc? nf thA 9 .V. and especially its finance so tht n O " v IUUULT. I items dealt with by them shall hare the KimflMninrLiltt.nt!m i same personal attention and inrestira uon tnat a man would gira If dealing with hU own nrivata inLrrt TT favors the pubUcaUon, at the court house. door, and In the newspaper, all exemp- tions from th mr-n( i medUtely after they aro allam!. .r M V V. HUH), f. f H the publication of all moneys rant for . l-ti it , ' . .. oil nnrrv. mnA .11 ,v I coxmiy uxax xne people may know int I how each and crery doUar cf tLr wuucj 0 -CWCV. --,j-.x..i . . . money is expended. - v . . " y --ww-wtsiT- rroommena ill r. r iocs u cxnapeieni tna worthr to crrr tho banner of Democracy In McDowell ca?1?,dt of Dct3" pgi. -wHwBTO. (Signed) G. a Conlev. G. W. Chrw man. W. M. Goodnon. J. IL T.l t i ? Morgan, IL A. Gibbs, 11 A- Ilaney J. organ, IL A, Gibbs. I. A. II.r.f- J I J OT? v f'Jr ir' J. G.tton.M.L justice. W.p Irg. J F. Jonca. -W. U. llcowTQ. a Tf Tkmn. X TT1 tl i AOie' a11"1 orwr, ku uanoa, I. w iUo T,a ttoa HcCurry. SiS16 QoK Carson, A- M. uensiey. . , VOL. XVI NO. 51 . Acd Seriously Hurt by Fall ; Singing Convention Opens Friday Other Items. J. D. Adams of Lancaster, S. fV 1)0011 vistUng hU alner'ln-lrt S. P. Tat, rttarccd . 0I?? " accompanied by his three little children. SA; Mattye Mayo and Johnsey, who have spent several months hero with their grandparents. Hattyc Maye Ballew ar.d little sister, Mary Alice, were shopping in Marion Friday. Millard Tate of Marion U xhu ing his shier, Mrs.J. Q. Ulack. burn. Mrs. Ikn Conley of Htnkini has returned home after a week'a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Tate. ' Little Alice Silly of Hickory vbiud her cousin, little Alice Lycrly, last week. Mrs. W. Lycrly spent Thursday in Hickory. Miss Olen Yelton has entered school at Mars Hill. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilson of Glcnwood, visited 'the latter'a parents Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Tate, last week. JUyc Brinklcy of Glea Alpine, as the guest of Mrs. G. a Anthony one day last week. The singing convention "will be gin here Friday, August 23, and will last through Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Thornton and daugh-tcr-in-law, Mrs. Jcn6ings, of Hickory visited at Bridge water last week. Dr. Boscoe Mousertpcnt Sea day in Marion. Mrs. S. IL Bait happened to a bad accident last Sunday after noon she was leaning against a porch column when it gave way and she fell to the ground about two feet, dislocating one shoulder and breaking one of her arms and a lower limb. Dr. Kirby of Mari on and Dr. Mouser were called in and they reset the broken hoses, Aunt SaJl.N" as she b called by most everr onp. i mr?-. tv,-. -w w; . w v. - Ai i I years of age and we are afraid it win oe somo time before ahe will be able to be out again, Mrs. Anna Bell TVT-i- n9 nr, ganton visited at the home of Mrs. J. It. Rust last week. Mr. and Mrs, S. P." Tate were shopping in Marion Saturday. Brrrrc Greenlee Hews. L . -The Grr.!. SUCOay JCCOOl U tTOCTt"lzz tSfrlr. . . ' VUisoagTOWil cf Grre2a fIVr. . 7 . rl UriNrnleo school hoz jojed a movie;- .ton re how at tho i m . . . ... short stay with her brother In Mcrgxa- wiw ic.fc cunuav it , f , t T rtTirne4 ' hca ucin hU work In Tccnrse, MUjn- IVwie and Mao JoMcf Tcr !atJrJ: wfck wlti their srxdaoit -sirs, j. Jordan. X. JCTIU- ktuiH,M- . ft-.-v-w.wci, wz f Oifto-, a C, a rtdUc at 7 ' T: . -Hie- i 4ir-.4 cju rt:umM hot-io rroa t orwt City. Mrs. L. IX Walih and two chTidrrn of HcnderonTille ar vldtlzx tUHt na4 fricsdj near Orrr-lc . Irtha Padgett wHl 1cto day for a two we rL-li Irs Ashevillo and IIrnr7-C!V U a crowd from Grtenloo eTcU tcHLln-.r r-... AT'T tho Children's exrrcie at CU-xr Crvtk 1-1 Sasdajr Tt McCr:?bdl Ucrm a-1 UzUTz- chxn-t will wlim carkx-wl cf hcrt next Thnnd-y. next Thursday.