faj 0 rv v ' ESTABLISHED 1896. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION P. H. Mashburn Named for Repre sentative,' Ji A. Laugh'ridge for Sheriff Resolutions. - ' The -Republican convention met in the courthouse Monday at 12:30 o'clock, according -to announce . ment. J. O. Crawford .was made chairman and C.C. Lisenbee, sec retary., Before the convention was called a Republican caucus was held, at which a few- Republicans from the different parts of. the county were present, and the slate as made up before hand and voted for at the Marion caucus Saturday evening, was given such backing as to guarantee its going-through the convention without a hitch.1 It was really amusing to see the faith ful Republicans of McDowell coun ty sit back and hear three or four men. nominate, the .different candi dates, and see them nominated by acclamation. In , fact, the I whole convention seemed W be in sub jection to those who had previous ly made out the ticket. ; . : John Yancey placed in nomina tion for the Legislature P. H. Mashburn. This nomination was seconded by J. C. Pool, who spoke at length as to: the Republican Dar ty making Pink, what he is and giving him all the wealth that he now possesses. . Consequently, though Mr, Mashburn had refused to run, he was told to run 'and be could not refuse. In commenting upon Mr. Mashburn's qualiBca tions, Mr. Pool declared that "This year the lowest 16 wn Democrat in McDowell county can. beat the best Had in McDowell county for : any office, except Pin k Mashburn. Mr. Mashburn was nominated by ac clamation. . ' , :, ' Chairman' J. L. : Morgan nomi nated J. A. Laughridge for Sheriff, and upon themotion being second- cuiur. xjaugnnage was unanimous ly nominated.' Geo. I. White placed in nomi nation W illiam'S weeney for Regis ter of Deeds. This nomination, upon being seconed, was likewise oiled through the convention by acclamation. ,Vv ' air - t ' .-. . . - Ks. o ones arose to .: place in nomination a man - for ' Treasurer. His remarks were to ,the effect - that he greatly appreciated the long support given him by the Re ") publican party, but before retiring he wished to tender, to them his successor, naming W. H. Hawkins as the man; Mr. -Hawkins was nominated by acclamation. A. B. CHalford was nominated for surveyor in the regular order, and: was the: next medicine for; the machine, by unanimous nomina tion. v " Dr. Geo. " I. White placed in nomination B. G. Gettys for cor oner. Mr. Gettys -strenuously t)pposed-his name going before the . convention,:, but - nothing doing. He likewise was nominated un animously as scheduled ' a . For , commissioners only three names could be heard J. M. Ka- uiJo, ucu. vv. wjumy ana j.' vi; lyatt and Dr. White moved that Mher be nominated, by acclamation, and it was done in ' the . usual toanner. . , The convention went on ;" record then as being opposed to vote buy ing, and expressed its willingness j to enter into the same agreement A WEEKLY, NEWSPAPER nwnrirn MARION, with the Democrats that' was hnA two years ago. ; A series of resolutions fered. by C. C. Lissenhpft adopted, as .follows: .We favor the - election of nil members of the county board of educa tion, and all other - conntv ffi direct vote of the people. .lhe recent enormous intrpA assessed valuation of property in our wamy maues tne present tax rate bur densome to our people; and w f the,most rigid economy in the adminis tration oi au county affairs in order that the present tax rate may be ma terially reduced. . - iCWe are opposed to the creatino- of any more salaried officers forhe county, and favor the reduction of RaUri where; it can be done without impairing We are opposed to the nresent math. ods of assessing supervision of a county assessor, and are in favor of the assessment of real estate by three good men in each town ship who know the value of the pro perty in their township. " "We are heartily in favor of good roads, but are opposed to anv Txnd is sue for road improvements, unless pro vision is made for an equitable division of the funds arising from snoh 'rit among the various 1 townships of the county,- and unl ess such bond issue is authorized by "a vote of the people." Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards 1 : J Captured. " v - ' Des Moines, la., Sept. 14Sidna Allen, leader of the "Allen clan which shot up the' Carroll county courtho'useat Hills ville, Va., March 14, killing J udge Massie an3 others, and his nephew; Wesley Ed wards, tonight are manacled in cells at the city jail as, a result of love affairs which led detectives to them. Both have announced , their willingness to return to Virginia without requisition. Edwards, for the love of whom Miss Maude Iroler, . of Mount Airy, N C. had ; innocently led detectives to Des;Moines, was cap tured tonight as he was returning to his boarding house; after having worked all day with a paving gang. Just as he boarded a street car de tectives and officers surrounded it. Edwards was trying to escape by crawling through the front end of the car, when officers caught him. The arrest of Sidna Allen was ef fected earlier in the day ; A visit by Edwards to Miss Iroler; in her North Carolina home about a month ago and the acci dental loss of a letter, put the de tectives on the trail. The fugitives had been in Des Moines since April 28. Allen, under the name of Tom Say re, worked as a carpenter, and Edwards, under the name of Joe Jackson; was employed with a city paving gang. ' .. Allen: was arrested at the home of John Cameron at Eleventh and Locust streets, -where he and his nephew had been rooming, by Detectives . Baldwin, Lucas and Mundy, of Roanoke, Va. The arrest occurred a few minutes after Miss Iroler stepped into the Came ron home to meet Edwards whom she was to wed tonight, according to an arrangement made when he visited her in Virginia. Unless there is some unexpected hitch in the plans prepared by Di rector Waller' Page and submitted to Postmaster., General Hitchcock today, actual work on road con struction under the provisions of the Simmons good roads bill, will be started in North Carolina this week. v - - . v :: xyj int. Bhii INTEREST OF THE PEOPI F fir iLnnwri . ' ' .N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT. HAZIN&RESULTS IN DEATH Isaac W. Randof Smithfiejd is the Victim Gruesome', Tragic Death on Athletic Field at University. Chapel Hill, Sept. 13. Isaac William Rand, aged, 20 years, son of O. R. Rand, of Sraithficld, mem ber of the freshman' class of the University of North Carolina, is dead and if our sophomores, -A. H; Styron, of Wilmington, W. L. Merriman, of Wilmington, It W. Oldham, of Raleigh,, and A. C. Hatch, of Mt. Olive, are under arrest at Pickard's hotel hero to night charged with manslaughter. The sensational affair, which has stirred staid old Chapel Hill as nothing has in many years, is the outcome of a hazing jaunt or little joy party of the sophomores on the early morning of Friday the 13th'. The tragic, gruesome death of young-Rand,, the most promising of a bright family of boys, is due directly to the old system ofjiazing which for vears has pxistvl In colleges and likewise w hich for years the public has been assured semi-annually, at least, that it had been stamped out for all time. ' The sophomores, according to the reliable evidence, -have this year been a little more bbistrous than for a year or so in the past, this disorder becoming so great last Sunday night from firing pistols, etc., that, residents could not sleep. During the early hours last night a few of the boys decid ed lo have a little special exhi bition and going to the " room of Rand, dragged him and his room mate, Robert A. Wcllons, also of Smithfield, from their beds, allow ed their petition to put on - their shoes and while in their night clothes they were hustled to the atheletic field where they were put through a series of stunts. Near the old entrance to the atheletic field the haziog party found an old oil barrel which had been used for liming the atheletic field and Wellons was placed on the barrel. He got through his stunts without serious mishap. Rand's time came next. Uncon scious of the short time of his life, the youth was hoisted to the bar rel and shivering in his night clothes was told to sing. Ho said he could not. "Sing Home, Sweet Home, damn you." shouted ono of the masked men. .VI cannot sing," replied Rand. "We will make you sing," came the retort from the sophomore who lighted his flash light and gave the barrel a nush.. The barrel upturn ed, Rand's feet went forward and his head backward to the ground. One old bottle was lying near the barrel and when the boy fell the side of his neck struck this bottle and a gash more than an inch deep extending from his ear to his thorax was made. 'l have hurt him," said one of the mob who again flashed his light. f v , ,Yes you have killed him," re plied Wellons. The members of the mob then hastened to pick up the dying boy and carried him to the gymnasium, a short distance away, where they laid him on a plank and under the pretext of seeking medical aid de serted the dying boy to tho lone care of his roommate. Wellons' " v--'w vr i j.. vU4 II. 19, 1912. frantic cries for aid soon brought A. R. Parsley, a student and - the college began to bo aroused. But Rand's bright life was gone. He never spoke a word after being kicked from tho barrel nor did it take long for his lifo blood to stream out, Every bit of evidence b being prepared by the State and private prosecution and a hard 'fight will follow to convict the boys, Appalachian Forest Reserve's First Payment. Washington, Sept. 14. Tho first check to bo signed in payment for lands for the Annalitrhiari EVct Reservation by the Secretary of r f . ... Agriculture will be made payable to the. owners of the Mt. Mitchell tract in McDowell, Buncombe, Yancey and Mitchell counties. JXortn Uarolma. Tho amount of this payment will' be $55,000. The secretary of the treasury will be called upon to honor the check some time this month. Uuder the law of 1911 which rcrcatctl tDC National Forest Itcscr- auon commission, two million dollars is appropriated annually for purchase of available lands. Approximately 300,000 acres of land in several states have been ap proved for purchase by tho com mission at an estimated cost of $1,000,000. Lsnds have been approved for purchase by the National; Forest Reservation Commission to become sections of tho Appalachian Forest Reservation in Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia and New Hampshire In North Caro lina the total area approved by the commission is 53,985 acres. . Tho National Forest Reservation Commission was created by an act of Congress March I, 1911, which authorized the commission to ac quire lands of the watersheds of navigable streams for tho purposo of conserving their navigability. More Room Needed. At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the State hospital at Morganton last week. Dr. John McCampbell, who has filled out fivo years of tho unexpired term of Dr. Murphy, deceased, was unanimously re-elected superin tendent of tho hospital for a fall term of six. years. SupL McCampbcll's report for tho quarter ending August 3 1, that the close of the previous quarter May 31 there wcro on tho rolls of the institution 570 men and 705 women, a total of 1,335. Twenty seven men and 21 women were ad mitted during tho quarter, one was transferred and 14 died four tnen and ten women. Remaining at the end of tho last quarter wcro 503 men and 778 women, a total of 1,371. MItwill bo noted," 'says tho report, "that tho total number of patients, including those away on probation, is far in excess of tho number of beds, there" being only 1,232 available. The demand for, room is far in excess of the capacity of tho house and wo arc now admitting only about half thoso applying. I am unable to say whether insanity is on tho in crease in this district or not, but tho indications are that it is.? Treasurer Jonca annual report trill tw puLlishcd next Treck. , VOL. XVII NO. 3 LATE NEWS OF INTEREST Interesting Reading Matter of Local and National Affairs . in Condensed Form. Joo Gradv, a well known car penter of Morganton, wis ttrcck by a freight train Monday night near Drcxel and fatally injured. It has just been learned that tK Southern Railway his appropriated 00,000 for improvements on the Southern passcngcrsUtioa at Ash, ville. Fire which originated from aa explosion destroyed five autos and practically demolished another ma chine in the garage of 'the Meck lenburg Auto company at Charlotte Saturday. Tho loss is cstirnited at about $7,500. Owing to "the absence from tho State of Dr. .Iounh. Hrr?A tv, State geologist, the inspection tour of the Central Highway, which was to hfivc begun Mon lay, has bc,pn postponed. .President Var ner has reports showing thatptrU of the highway are yet a long way from being completed, and that u another reason for delaying tho tour. . Hon. Locke Craig has accepted an invitation to deliver an address in Asheville on the night of Octo ber 10 for the United Commercial Travelers of America, the occasion being a special program of enter tainment that the Asheville coun cil is arranging for visiting travel ing men. The . Western North Carolina Fair will bo in session, and a special social rocftiegfor tho merchants and traveling men oa the night of October 10 is to bo the climax for entertainment that is to be provided. Tore Up The Jail, Morganton, ScpL 13. Bob Snipes tho alleged slayer of John Brittain, in Bar:e county some 10 years ago, and who was arrtsted in Los Angeles, CaL, and brought back hero and lodged in jail mado a desperate but ineffectual attempt to escape from prison this morn ing. In some manner he tor a heavy picas of iron from the cigts where he wai confined, and after getting out in the corridor of tho jail orocccded to demolish every thing in sight and dog several holes in the brick walls. Armed as he was with the bar of iron and being dejpemte tho officers wcro afraid to enter tho building and bo carried 6a hb work of destruction for several hours. He was finally however subdued and placed ur.df r heavy guard. Snipes is almost a giant in size and the cago in which ho was confined was merely a play, thing in bis hands. Tho Western North Carolina Fair to bo held at Ashcvillo O:lo bcr8, 9, 10 and 11 as adfcrtlssd in this paper, promises to bo a most successful aOair and will bo of material benefit to the agricul tural interests of this section. Many folks from this county will no doubt attend this fair. The Haywood County Fair will bo held at WayccsriHe October 1, 2, 3 and 4. Tho catalogue bus orer 700 premiums and OJ arcs c He red for races by Western North Caro lina horses. Several aliriicna are mentioned in an ad. in this paper.