-A c. r k "? V"'! 14 oao of tiie i-. 1 . ITze Tenderfoot Farmer as one of tiiese experimental .f-.r , - , t - . - Miiu put iirccn , , uta uuu ica ner shavings. His theory . was that ltTdrin't matter what the cow ate so' long as she was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had not entered into his calculations. - ' . It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such cn experiment with a cow. Rnt m?nv f ,-.. a l self regardless of digestion and nutrition. II- miht dmost as well e-t shav ings for all the good he gets out c his food. The result is that the stomach ' grows "weak , the action, cf the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and the man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies, of nerv ousness. To strengthen the stomach, restore the activity of the or gans ot digestion and nutrition &nd brace up-the nerves, use Dr. Pierce's Golden $7ec?xcal discovery. It is an un failing remedy, 'and ?as the confidence or physicians Q3 well as the praise o thousands healed by its use In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discovery" is' a temperance medi cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free from alcobot as from opium, cocaine and other dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. . ' , lV v?-.- - n Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit." ' There is no medicine for stomach, hyer and blood "just as goodV' as ''Golden Medical Discovery." ROOST IS QUITE COWEfJlEHT r.ide or Two Four-Inch 'Pieces C1 i Feet Long, Nailed To-ether j With Fivo Crosspleces. 1 - Select two four-Inch p!ccrs e!x feet long. Lsy tt cm parallel nnd r.all flvo .crosspieced, thrco feet Ions and thrco inches v.ide. to these, The Iet3 mar to mado of 2 by i stuff tho desired ; t r- fT ffijfn trm fin rOt -T. I m Convenient Chicken Rooit, length. By means of lone spikes se cure them to the parallel pieces, says the Iowa Homestead. Place these la roosting quarters for chickens and they will Boon be perching upoa It at night . ' . ; Poultry Feed. Cora is a good poultry feed the year. around, provided the birds hare plenty of green atuff during the warm months, v . . - Last as long as the building, and never need repairs never need any attention, except an occasional coat of paint: Just the thins for all kinds of country bull dines. Fire-proof Handsome Inexpensive. Can be laid right over wood shingles without dirt or bother. (4) U . For Sale by C. "W. Buchanan, Marion, N. C. HAW kA .:WQR1C IM; CICERO ntiMd xowr kas . a. wd" tuorkl m eues xve btitc thorn, ikro vn. true wjrtciusn . Breeders for Next Year, This Is the seasoa of the year to buy your breaders for next, as uotr the large breeders are selling at bar gain prices In order to have the room accded for the growing stocld Coughs, Colds, and Watery Eyes Cured In a Day. , by taking Cheeneys Expectorant alfso ! cures consumption, whooping coueb, droppings from ' the nose, and throat, Bronchitis, and 'all throat and lun? troubles.' Cheeneys Expectorant a liquid preparation, tested for 50 years. Thou sands cures made where all "else failed. Try it. Safe, sure and satisfactory, Druggists 25c and 50c Griggs "I should say that tho two keys to success pluck." Biggs finding, some one ton Transcript. When you have a bad cold "you - want the best medianeobtamable so as to cure it with aa little delay as po&sible. Here is a druggist 8 opinion, I have K)ld Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen years," says Enos Lollar of Sara toga, Ind., "and consider it the best on the market " For sale by all dealers. 1- -"-V : Of. 1: 'if For Infanta nnd CliiMre:;. - - .LCOHOLl PEK CC.1T The Kind Always You Have D ought Ut Bears tlie Signature '-"TTV7 - ... linn .Sajr S toivh.Dlsitra Yoms jCaivdsxas Jr.niil ncss end Lo ss o r S ux?. IX For Over . pre NEW YOnK. Years r i - 1 1 ITiViS -i ; lhirty mm mim Eitrt Copy o Wripra. 3 Tke Stu mas xjwiz 15 sist&ui" reminder yf tfie necssttt -oif -WCUre needs. ; Tlie First NalSoirial Bamik , Capital and Surplus $66,000.00 - ' ' ' W.A. Conley, Presidents , ; ; B. B. Price, VicePres. . Geo: . I. White, Cashier . ' . i - J. E. Neal, Ass't Cashier Pay 4- ver cent on Saving pvr- I What is believed to bo the light est practical automobile is a new electric , car wcighinc but 550 carry two persons at a speed of 20 miles an hour. . GRAIN SPECIALS. Si'T DoIJrt otr SlanJard Grade of CEIXBRATTD FEU- i ti.i.;K?, tv-ot anj o-o. utich it rx.i i:tr ererywhert, we rninufictureany recUl formula of fertilizer. Let tit know your r.ervlt. tit cja ic? jly ii.et. , We sr heaJouincn for ihe bnt mJe cf ilacd rii!er ar. J i', Ground Limestone tad il Unequalled Tcnncucr AclJ We tre not in the Tmtt. PitreJse test foil le v mfrl 11 rfimrr!ifftf at in r f r V will thin nni ir k or a irr tf fof you- Orvjcr ASIIEVILLE PAOaNG COMPANY Abbeville. N. C LT IT WILL PAY YOU TO INSIST ON IIAVINC OCR COODS vavr trrmn -rxvr so coo o iw'VV meet comrrtition at to prices Wc will h!p o (f?'rf load. Write for pier if yoar nerciir.t ttcn't tjyp today, wc ahlp tomorrow. Sod for oar bosUr Saved By Mis Wife She's a wise woman "who knows jost what to do when her husband's life ib In danger, hut Mrs. R. J. Flint. Bralntree, i Vt., Is of that kind. She insisted on mynsirig Dr. King's , riew Discovery, writes Mr. if. "Tor a areaaini congn. when 1 was80 weak xny BUY A FARM Notice of Service; by Publication. Korth Carolina ' ' : In the Superior Court; McDowell County Special Proceedings. .; , . 7. J. Souther, J. C. McKoy, C. A. v : McKoyV W.B.McKoy, Minnie Mc-o Koy, Christian Mackey, M. M. v Tate and E. C. York,-Petitioners, ' . v - . vs. NOTICE. T. P. McKoy, R. M. McKoy, G. N. : McKof , I. M. McKoy, N. H. Wal- . kerr7harlotte M. Walker, Louisa . . '0 '. M. Walker, Emma Marion ; Wal , ; ' ker, Kosadell Melton, Mary Mel- . ' ton Nelson, V. St. George Walker , . . ; and A. 8. Melton, Defendants. ; The defendants, T. P. McKoy, B. M McKoy, Q N. McKoy, D. MrMcKoy, N. H Walker, Rosa- dell Melton,; Mary Melton Nelson, and A. SMel ton, villtake notice that an action entitled as TElbove has f been commenced in the buperior Court of McDowell county," State of North Caro lina, for the purpose of selling certain lands, situate in said county, in which the defendants have an interest, for, partition among the owners thereof ; and the said defendants wilr further take notice that they are requiredto appear at the office of the Clerk of the .Superior Court of ; McDowell county. In Marion, North Carolina, on Saturday, the 2nd day of November, A. D.1912,at 10 o'clock a. m., an4 answer or demur to the Complaint which is now on file In this office, or the relief demanded therein will be granted by the Court. . ' - . s This 5th daypf October, A.D. 1912. C. - Thomas moekis, :f' r , Clerk Superior Court. V Notlcel . . .This is to certify that A. M Hnger has filed lo cation in my office for 50 acres of land in North Cove township, McDowell county on the waters of North Fork, adjoining the lands of E. E. Eng. lish, Zeb McGee, and others, Beginning at Eng lish's and McGee's corner and running various r courses and distances for complement so as to 1 include all vacant land between these parties : Entered Oct. 5th, 1912 , : C. A. DALE, E. T. Id tho West Florida Country, this is not the Florida that you have friends all I been reading so much about, but some Ovo 'hundred miles frcm the thought I had only a short time to live, muchly advertised countrv. This West Florida country is elevated and it completely rared me." A quick ancj hthy. no extreme heat in the summer, nor cold in the vr inters. Tx?UaUodm1DVforemffia?r Fruit, VcKcuWes, fi, and w.tcrmellocs. uUuma onccci, Esh tzA throat and lane troublea prip, bron- oysters arc in abundance, h'ZX and chickens are extremely hih and chitis. cronp, whooping cough, quins, this is a good climate to raise them in. This part of the world his toasilitis, hemorrhage. A trbl vnll ncvCr been advertised for sale before, and no extravagant literature is convince you. cis. nu.i.w. wr- irftt- n rtnt . . n .t rnnr.n, f.rtlh of th nrft rrH hM lts urowths are here just the same, with a climate seldom equalled ar.i a ,f rtf c; never excelled, liheumatism. catarrh and tuberculosis are altars re- - a,. j i . iA licvcd and cured in numbers of instances. Tins land is extremely pro- mates China produces almost 10,- ductive if Dronerly handled., Wc are oflferinj: lands in tracts of ten nerps un to five hundred acres at twentv dollars ter arce: three dollars per aero down and the balance at the rate of fifteen cents pr cere per month. Also wo have some small and larce farms fully improved iu bearing pecans, oranires, fizs, all kinds of berries, etc, etc clos-e to the Administrator's Notice.. . Having qnalified as Administrator of 000 tons of coal a year the estate of Hennie D. Whetstine, de- . - " " ceased, notice, is hereby Riven to all per-J Fortunes In faces. sons having claims against tne saia There s often much truth in the cay estate to present the same to the wider-1 ing her face is her fortune, but sitmed on or before the - 20th . day or never said where pimplea, skin erup October, 1913, or this f notice will be tiona, blotches, or other blemishes dia- charge from Charter Land Co., Fcnsacola., U. S. A. indebted to the said estate will kindly ail, and shows the need of . Dr. King's make payment to the undersigned r at New Life Pills. They promote health once. . ' v - and beauty. Try them. 25 cents at J. . This the 19th day of October, lyia. W. Streetman'a. : W. Q. Hunter, Admimstrator 0 : of estate of Hennie u. Y het- - The man who' has everything m sune, aeceaiieu. i . . . . , . L ms wile s uamo utuu t, uycu uuj North CaroUna, ;)IntheSnperiorTOurt confidence in himself. McDowell county ) Jan. j.erm, iio. Henrv. Martin ) ' - I I have been somewhat costive, but - vs Notice or Summons loan's Begnleta give jost th reaulta I Bonmaine Martin J , . . ' desire. They act mildly and irgnlato The defendant above named will take the bowels perfectly." Geo. B. Krause, notice that a summons in the above en- Altcoaa, Pa. titled action has issued against said de- fendant on the 15th day of October, The final draft of the treaty of E Peaco teln Turkey and Italy January Term, 1913 of the Superior has been siencd. Court of said Countv, which said term . - convenes on the 18tn day of January, household remedy in America for miQ riofonii nnt -will also take notice : Q rw TV. that the plaintiff has filed a complaint F cnU gpraiiis. burns, acalda, bmisca. in the above entiuea acuuu o5c and 50c. At an a rug stores. defendant in the omee oi the Clerk, of the Superior Conrt of McDowell county, asking for a divorce absglnte from the defendant, npon the gronnds " of aban donment and adnlterv. This is to give said defendant notice that she is j a onnpir nnd answer or ae- A healthy inan needs at eight glasses of water a day. least MOLES and W& Removed with MOLESOFF, without pain or danger, no matter how large or bow far raised abovo the surface of the skin. Ar.J thev will never return" and no trace or scar will be left. MOLKS- OFF is applied directly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in alx)nt six days, killing tho germ and leaving tho shin smooth and natural. MOLESOFF is put up only in One Dollar bottles. Each bottle is forwarded posted on rccc!;.t cf price. U nUy txdr-4 in a plain CA&e. accompanied by fall dincctiosj, ar. cor.tsir.t rr .h r-:n-cslr to rtmovo elsht or tm ordinary MOLIli or V..VIlni- VCc k!! i:OI.!l OFF under a poiitivo GUAUANTIin if it till to rrnior ycr.r HUlAl cr WAItT, wo will promptly rrfand th dolUr. Ittrrs frcn j-rr-cn-.r t rr,? all know, together vrith much valnal:? inlcmatlcn. win t3 v-x: . ; upon request. Fleo?o mention thLi paper when answering. . Fudiud.v Visrmv.VTisa Co'.u'aky. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that di5onlers of tho requncvj ""laint o the . plaintiff stomach are their most commoaaliment. Sn5 to ovfSSd or the reUef prayed To correct this you will find Chamber filed as above recite oi " y stomach and Liver Tablet excel- for Dy tne V" T"" 1Q16 hpnf Tnev are easy and pleasant to T,Jfl Vi 15th dav JtiJ - - r . Clerk Superior Court. take, and mild and gentle in euect. For sale by all dealers. The Asheville Weeldy Citizen and The Marion Progress both one year for (pl.OO, cash In advance. - ,.r