, - A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER .DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLR or M.nrwr, , r ESTABLISHED 1896. : . MARION, Nf C, THURSDAY, NOV. 14. 1912. VOL. XVII NO. 11 ' i v ;--r": " ss . . NGE ES LITTLE IN STATE ELECTION OFFICIAL. TABULATION , RECEIVED IN FEW COUNTIES ONLY; ' ESTIMATES . ARE-. BORNE OUT In the Senatorial Primary As Well As the State At Large By Later Figure ' i ...' I . . '' '':.. . , .' ' . '. r . . ' r i . V ' The Informants Are Very Carelesa In Reporting Raleigh. -With the added vote of a few counties, : the res ult in the : sena torial primary is unchansed; Senator Simmons having about 25,000 majority. No table is printed because the changes were too .inconsequential - to tuLlie necessary j a . new ? one. - A few counties have sent irL ; their majorities but few of : their total vote. - It is therefore impossible to say how. many votes were cast in the senatorial pri mary. -" - , ' " - The sweeping character of the ..vic tory makes the : difficulty ; of; detailed statement -greater. The e Democratic headquarters will "wire a local v lead r in as county asking how s the county went And that gentleman will tele , graph - the senatorial vote, say . "the . county is safe," and that's all that can be secured. The majority of the state ticfcetli equally unknown. There are estimates from 50,000 to 70,000. -fhese figures indicate the htghest and 1 lowest guesses. There is probably not a state officer ."who has received less than 60.000. The electoral ticket has been given substantially the same majority. The general i assembly ' complexion is unchanged. They are pretty nearly all Democrats. Former Lieutenant Governor R. A. Doughton brought .the good news that E. S, Coffey, conced ed the opposition, was chosen from the Boone district. " - North Carolina 'Newi Enterprises. r The secretary , of . state granted charters to the Hart Brothers Com tary, of Wadesborot and the Pink Hili Tobacco Company, of Pink Hill, Lenoir county.: The Barth Brothers Company is a' general merchandise corporation witfi capital of $59,000 au thorized and $6,000 naid in. W. V. Hart, W. H. Belk, of Charlotte, . J. Ef Hart and W. L. Little ? of Wadesboro, tire the incorporators. The Pink Hill Tobacco - Company is chartered - for ?6,O00, but begins with $750.' George Turner. Ivev, B. Smith. . Thaddeus . A. a Turner. Lrinnf p Smith and W. J. SJmith U1 are the charterers. . , freshman Held on $500 Bond. On the charge of an assault, Gordon Rhodes, the freshman who. on the hight of October 28. shot and serious V wounded Frank Powers, when :, the latter attempted to haze him, was hound over to .the next term of the uperio? court under a $500 bond. At torney Rauss; of jKinston, counsel for Rhodes, waived the'- right of exam ination. The case will, be tried in the January tevms of the, superior court of Wake county. ; V ' l. ": . r the Next : fttat ftnfl . ; v- ; - The next state senate in North Caro na will have but - three Republican Members in it." And there will' be torty-seyen Democrats. The three dis- wets wjlth Republicans.' elected ; yae gators are the twenty-seventh, ur- and Stokes,; John WV Hall; the entyighth, , Davie, Wilkes and adkin A t nmnt.n 4vi.4.mi. ) lery' Madison; MltcheU and Tancey, ere will be 106 Democrats and 14 Republicans. . ' . W: F. Brown, of; Rocky Pass, ast Friday butchered a . pig ten onths. old which weighed '340 Pounds. ; Pretty good "porker." you beat it? - ' 1.. i yio.y4 oi otatesvine, , was nere during t,hft ' : . RETURNS FIGUR GHA uregon r laces Senate in ;Demo . ; cratic Control. . - Washington, Nov. 9. The posi tive announcement of the success pf Harry, Lane, the Democratic candidate for the Senate,: in O re- gonassures Democratic control of the upper house of Congress and politicaP branch of the ;Nationai Legislature and the "presidency in their hands;for:the first time in 18 years. r,The addition of Oregon to the Democratic list gives that party 49 Senators or a majority of twol.tj:':-: -- - : fin addition to the election of successors to Democratic Senators now sitting 'Democrats will dis place Republican Senators from Oregon, New Jersey, Kansas, Col orado, Montana, Delaware and Ne vada, and will fill the vacancy, in' Colorado with a; man ' of their choosing. " ; The contests in Illinois, where two benators are to be chosen,and in Tennessee and Michigan, remain to be decided. ; The" Democrats make positive claims concerniner some of the States, but whatever the result: in any or all of them. Democratic control of the Senate is assured and the Democrats will be able to shape legislation if, har mony prevails among them. Teachers' Assembly Nov. 27-30, lne XiortQ uaroima Primay Teachers' Association which meets in Greensboro November ,27-30 urges the primary teachers of ihe State to join in making this the best meeting of its history It is desired that every county will have a good 4 representation. Let the teachers of McDowell county aid in making the western delegation by far the strongest that has ' ever attended the Assembly. ; Among the good things the As sociation offers are the addresses by;Dr. Northsworthy of Columbia University, whose -reputation is known in this State, having been heard with sa much pleasure and profit at the meeting of the Asso ciation in Raleigh two years ago. Her addresses alone are worth the trip. - : : ' - During the Assembly the Mon tessori Method will be presented by Miss Annie E. George, a pupil .of Madame Montessbri. There will also be a game festival conducted b j MrSr Bertha Payne Newell of Ashevllle,:a kindergarten teacher of' wide experienced t C'-'"''J'K': The evening sessions will include all departments of the Assembly, when there will be addresses by such men as Hon. E. T. Fairchild, president-of the National Educa tional. Association, add Dr. George pV Strayer of Columbia University. The railroad rates will be on the certificate plan one ,and one-half fare plus fifty. cents. -Every teach er is urged to secure her certificate from the local agent before leaving home, otherwise she cannot have the, benefit of tlje half fare return ing:, v; --;v , :'. - . ' 3 .-. ; NOTICEI To the Teachers of McDowell county: In account of my resignation as Coun ty Superintendent I give notice that the teachers' meeting announced for Nov. 16th will not be held until a later date. Full announcement will be given each tVi riAxt meet- cate with each one. personally about the hn Honntv before I turn over the work to my successor. - D. F. GilES, County SupL cnD nn m nn nn thim u ii i w y li.i y rnu . -Will' kalk0r u LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE OF THE TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY GO ON RECORD. FOR THE CHILD LABOR LAW ine Meeting That It to Be Held In Greensboro on November 223 Will .Have a Number Consider. of Questions to .Raleigh. The legislative committee ok. me worux Carolina Teachers As sembly, la sessioa in the office of Sa DPrtntpnricnf r tvii t. . elded to recommpnrt to tii .a,M www. wauAs u Kr- which meets in firponcm xtk'I 26-2S, a minimum school term for each n av a Tlti,l picture, fall of life and ! u all tl ty ttrrxt district In the state of six months. incidL-nu, cf tchoDl Uf two .generation S frca C- to W -'cy-To accomplish this the committee will ago. The pnplls were highly pleased RJelchw 3upL HulcMa cf recommend that the General Astern- oiy pass an act authorizing the mln-1 uuum ierm. oi six mouths and that iuuus oe raisea oy levying a 5-cent state tax on the hundred dniiam. th.. to he apportioned from the state trcas- ury by the Board of Education. The six-months term wJU be exclusive of Bpevmt tax levies Dy districts. The committee also recommended v . .... ""al' " " .'' duiu ljh iiiHiiM inn lmir t nnA l tlonment of school funds.' rr iflo commmea endorsed the rec ommendations of the child labor com mittee in regard to raising the aee limit to. 16 years of children employed at night labor In factories and pro- hibiting the employment of women at nigni laDor, and recommending tho employment of an inspector to enforce the laws by state hispectlon. i r it h I vmer recommeaoauons 01 tne com- ... TTr,lf 1. I J tlon of tparhpr nr:T .r, ,v.i v. a state board of examiner ' . A minimum professioaal aad schol- arship req.ulremeat for teachers after a fixed future date. . . An amendment providing for a mor businesslike method for the employ- mcut ui icacaers, ana a minimum . . ... .... " ' w-mmmmm. mv perieace for cOuaty aad city superia teadeats after a fixed future date .Amendments to the compulsory at tendance law providing more 'effective machinery for its enforcement and the recommendation for an active campaign for Its adoption by coun ties, townships and districts. Endorsement of county farm-lift schools and agricultural and domestic science courses in rural high schools. Union County to Have Fatr. Monroe. Union county la to hold Its first fair, at this place November 15-16. It will be under the auspices of the Farmers Union. ' A good list of TitItph hora Vicon no nr-f V Kv mnr. chants and other business men of the town and county. The farm and school ftxhlblta will ba shown In thn hall over F. B. Ashcraft's store and the live stock will be exhibited oa the vasant lot of Fowler & Lee's stable, - Good Roads Sentiment. Scotland Neck.-Now that the elec tlon is over the. people of these parts are turning their attention to the bet terment of conditions and one hears considerable talk of good roads, a question that has been greatly in the back ground for !the . past several months, so much so that some were saying that the good people of Halifax Improvements. The three combined tvoneSlna fn thl nd nf th HmtT. neath, have recently enmpolyed from the county commissioners the ser vices of the county convicts. Burko County Poultry Show. Morgantoa. The premium list for int liurse rouiiry taow wnicn wm m v - i - ta . ia be held in idcrganion roveaiDer 213 is just' on tno press ana is & very ncaii , . . 1 11 1. ' - .4 In hvtVlAt Ota trTnr ntlMM t. This association adopted thret years rra t If a In If 13 I finaV TTlft fift ftf civins cold cash prizes ia place of tha mttflmrr silver cuds and that tha poultrymea sanction this plan la pror - 1. - . en Dy ine nuinDeroijuxmuiia.. Nebo School Notes. Nebo. Nov. 12. Thacl.ua room work tho Nebo III?h School is well ort-an- ucu aow. anu s nrA ihn i f h( ntrmK. tjt . . ..... tion of tho county fair, crumbier In inoTintr more lirclr and a .bUhr and more PAtkfactory clajj of work U Ulng done. Daring tho past month a Woman' Betterment Awociatlon h&& bora or ganixoJ, and now plans are being ar- both in.!Jft Rnc ,nt.Mf,V.V-.V,. Librarr ml rt v.U,, V..f eluded, also, among tbek, PW The new depot Mgcnt. Mr. Brock from Morganton, comi into our cotumcr.lir with a familj, inclading foar childrca of school age. . . , Rev. Mr. England, Methodist tnlnliter of tho Lenoir circuit, was a weloocao Yidtor to the echool TacsdT momlnr Hr. x-agiana maio an tDlcmtlos talk r T . . m m ol rexnxnisciencos of early chlldhoo4 la connection with hi school errrier.r,Ht hth Mr. England's remarks and will iErV. be glad to welcome hita arivla. rLA p.l m CfOOked Creek News. Crooked Crtck. Nor. 9 W nrn to report better corn cron on th than was expected aad the beautiful fall davs aro enloTrd br r11 f.. f. Imr iuia uu mui UlTS DHTO finihea Mdinc and are r.th.Hn, ceo. ' moet ready for kilUag Tho school at Bethlehem, will la Monday, the 18th. All chill renin reach are urged to attend. Garret and Stevea Parker of South Carolina ar on the crek gathering com. , The Democrala have showed thp'rhan.l And Woodrow Wiljoa sweet tho UnA Teddr llocnvt irmK11 l .uJ - w m. uw avi vuCt,u Mriujwwn CCwi, xunner xacts to prove their fat. The Imocrat hre swept the State RhlU-aas now just shut your taouta I i'O more to try to break tho South. AA Ra Mrrviwn AmnfVtr...it v, And withal thim a t ' Tr,,. l ..u " . I .uuu4KWUViUWUUkT IUOT uaUCBiTliU I rp V.tft. iwo.yeare, x uiinic s eaonga. For Democrats to bear their ital?. So in 1014 wo'll ri-M? in power And Republican officers wo will devour A VoTEn. Greenlee News, Greealee. Nor. 11. TUsr. Tt T. rw. gtt preached bls'last fennon for tho year at tho Methodist Church Sunday afternoon. Old r Jack Frost has come, and th farmers have about fiaUhed sowing grain and are now busy gathering la their corn. . v The Greenlee school opened but Mca &7 tor, the Winter term, after two I trcnths vacation. I W. W. VUh lft PUtnrrliv fn- tr dersonville to purchaae a pair of mult-. Mksea Clara Byrd aad Lna Browa of Garden City vWted rebitivea and Mrs. It. W. Tate viMtnl relatirea and friend3 in Qrdeo City Saturday I f 1 4 . i a.. . Oulto a crowd entered th mm hnV. Ing at S. L. Dobbias fa.it Saturday. Wake an. 'Fnn Maker.- and again or ha "Jack Frost" destroyed you? MaLLNDIa. Rutherrordton News. Ruthcrfordton, Nor. 11. Tha election 7 JL 7, y Iwn" ;alt old nSn XlUOCrauc TICXOTT TOr OU Rutherford, electing all tho count t ofH ccrs by a majority of about (VX). Locke Craig rrcelvil .VSG majority far roTer- nor. Iloa. J. 31. Gudger, Jr.. received a majority of M3 over his otrrxjneut Slaton. Simmons recrlred 1CD3 Kltrh hn ciart 221. ririr.'z Simmoaja ma I . unrf.ftMitf7 t r r. . . t .j fof ator; ComcM . , , . , . , for thi lcgiilaturo woa OTer hia cr I 1 v - J J Everybody ia no, happy orcr th tt.uu. wuha cot tea 1 kuu gom op . ar. ana zirs. a. kj. usram or it raLv 1 tIIIc, were recent visiters to oar town I . ... 1 liOIIDO;. FROM THE TARHEEL STATE Latest Ncvni cf Centra! IrsUrttt TXit Hat Bn Cctltcted Fron Mf TowTit and Ccuntitt, Durhin. A cosicjt for rctinutti tn Durtan If row oa, follow'sx craUc vi:!ory. Tb nosey U tta GCQtha dliust. ' . Klilox All iht cEcim cf n" iU"'la CiACff CZ CC CT. fT J Wtfl the bean! cf dircCcrs of the U'r. RaJelch. Frosx llowaa ccusty tlrrt loaea to the stiu !ertrtct cf ei :Uca a rcrcri tht lit S?setf lv$ Jcjt carrltd a i;ecUl !ecUca icr cbool tax of :S ec:u ca tb ;cll aa4 75 ceau ca projtrtj. Aibetcro,-CtIaJo!ph couaty kItm the Democratic tuu aa4 aiUcaJ wckcu a tsAjortty cf about :3. HcV & a 9TX lor cozrrM rtU aoct I tco nLajortty. The cccaty Utlet eT.cV rajhoro dlTUIca cf Us SouUcns Railway Ccrapxay r3ta!tte4 to tia Corrcralioa Ccniniljj'ca fcr a;;roTxl plans for a haaijot sew zxMttzrtr tatlca for Chapel HUI U U to cctt about 17.500. Wlaitcaaleci. Three cea Iztzr t&. oaa prcbsbly faLslly, la aa rx;lo iloa of a rai Uak al a local cachla hop. William LUrrtU tzZetsi a brckca leg aad lalcraal Injuries aat may die. Tercy D. IUatot aa4 J. IX. Haalla wert tadly barsed- Mouat Airy. Preiliest Taft a pointed Samuel K. Marshall rcttrra. tcr at Mount Airy. This Uizt a rttit tppolntxaeat aa a oca as Mr. Manhan cakes hit toad he wlU taxa of the oSlca. Dll Lis Uaer will ba no locrer than next March. Wako ForeiL V,orklac ca the rrV deace secured at the trial cf Gcnlom Rhodes, tha atadeat seaata ctt aal found T. E. Holdtsr. It cf Wakt Tor tat. guilty of being !a it aad acccrA Icsly re;aeUd hit withdrawal frca ichooL "Excuse Me." Xicaw Me," Henry W. Sa vau's prodactioaof linr-rt Hzgbnr, e;b,ii. cal farce, which will Wat Ibe Azl.ly r am la AbeTllle text Hatnnlav, No TC:alr It, (or a raatlaj aad tJht r--r-funaaaco row-vos coreity that la soSIciat to earn for tho jlay anajaal Intrrat, aad thla cxiaUaed with tU d aa hamcr, th ralrth prorocaurv na ture of I U clerer btaatioaji aad eitaal xaeata, aad lU xrrtwaUticra by a can that U ladlriJaally aad ccUcUry btilliaat, xaako a total that U lrreXa HUe. All the action cf tha farr Uktu place aboard aa Ofcrlaad liaiit-! l;x'.zt aad'tha iqtj t the eipcrieocir cf a numVr cf wtdiply coatnuUzg typ who takv up b pawwarr lliU a gVtU ca icy cf thrift ex;rteacr bric cni catrd or acventCAtl by th o. ?a ict cf a ft. Uac k. gut ! at a rtd aad chxrscVr latlcally wlity IalUa v?. Tkxct ala will c;a Tharxlay xacralar Marian price SOc. ;c $1; cTeaiaz J priors., Wc, 73c, $1 aad $1 Notice of Sale of Land. By virtao of thi. jnitaat cf tht J3n erior lXart. rtadtrrd jnth-S;tnAl Irt Ciin entitled. Thotaa y Hall, aad others, beira at law d Hlwin H ifn JdajNxl, aad J. W. Grayixs. aad eth ers, hrlra at law cf J II Urartoa. da- cmel. Ex Prte." oa th K-.h dT cf October. A D 1212. tb clrr.'-! CouiaiLMioncr will exrJ totals at th-j oiart hatu-o door la Marica, IfcDrwrU CAuat j. North Carcliaa. ca TharUT. XhfS I2 h day of IX-oraatcr. A. D &t 12 o'c! ck M . to tha hlhr: Uidrr f cxh. the- following docr.tl tr?--t cf Und, situate la soil cuanty, ca Thni Mila crrek. wtrm cf Arai:rs?, la t.-J 1 county cf McDowrl!. 1 :--. n r. : n ca a hickory 03 tha vr: tank cf Thrrv. crxk. JUrrey W. Actrvj't o-raT. aal rua-i e-wt 12 crc.-Jn- the crtk to a saiall s;a:h dk;"tha n;::L 13 J prt rvn C3 rI to a fvk la DtU iiilW;l't La5;thca w-; wi'.h .u 1 4 plMloswtiSo ok.f! J career; thrn aorth witx Glllvi'ft'lir. 1 fd pulei to a tk; th-a rrr-: rr;;a J. .a A.u'.rr'a lino li)r'.r t.) a la h i owa lin-j; ihra rcr::h a ; '. - 0. hi owa .-cmr; thca wi:h Lucrra la, r:!- to a t'.xkn 1 7. ir.'-rs, a xaap e. his owa a rn-r; th-a -.h iz er ml Zj p.!s to a i-r-o ; hi 5 comer; thra e v : r: UU., ? . unin: cor.t-Uai : C4 acrrs, l r crr.3 t:; cr let . ThLi llth i!ff :roTr-S-r J. U C. inilD. G . -

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