JANUARY TERM, 1913. Judge C. C. Lyon, Monday, January 20th " ; : ; 4. James fluddieqton et als. ys Baxter Hardy.! Protest by defendant. Eaney vs Southern Railway Company. In Re Will of Dinah Bright, deceased. r Mra: M. B. Poteet et als. vs Horace Forney. , Carlton vs Fleming, and two other, Fleming cases. A. Blanton Grocery Co. vs J. S. Hall et als. ; T 7. 29 34.. 116. Tuesday, January 21st .:4 ; v , 86. t Christie vs Morphew 88. Bennett & Co. vs Dysart et als. 39. Samuel Kierson vs Morphew , 41. S. G. Good vs rantf Admr. et als. Protest by defendants. 42. Camp.vs Swafford. C 45. Washburn, et als. ys CC. & O. Railway. 47. Williams & Murchison vs Allison & Lail. Wednesday, January 22nd 48 Williams vs Hutton & Bourbonnais. , 51. 55. 56. 57. 58. 65. 67. 69. 75. 77. 79. Westerman & Terrell vs Champion Fibre Co. - James-Reel vs Goforth, Ex. 1 Mex Denny vs M. C- Caldwell. - Gabe Denny ys M. C. Caldwell. Jim Denny vs'M. C. Caldwell. " - . ' Thursday, January 23rd N 64. Bowman, et nx. vs Southern Railway Company. J. S. Beard vs Southern Railway Company. McKinney vs Rader. . Morphew vs Jim Gudger. Friday, January 24th 71. Martin Ollis vs R. L. C. Gibson. Monitor Milling CompahvsVS Morphew. Putman vs C. C. & O. Railway. Flora Rhyne vs Western Union Telegraph Company. Monday, January 27th - - 81. Patterson vs C. C. &JO. Railway. Protest by plaintiff. ShiflLet vs Southern Railway Company. -A. Blanton Grocery Company vs P. M. Proctor et als., Corpening vs Southern. Railway Company. -Holland vs Western Union Telegraph Company. Tuesday, January 28th Brown-Hewitt Lumber Company vs Morphew. (Motion.) Grant vs Morphew. Bivens vs Brittain. Autrey vs Morphew. Wednesday, January 29th - - Morphew vs Grant T. A. Porter vs Riddle Frank Elliott vs Catawba Furniture Company T. L. Epley vs Abernethy, Lyerly & Company Eliot t Simmons, et als., vs Geo. Flemming Thursday, January 30th 104. Oglesby vs J. A. Poteet, et als Corpening vs Southern Railway Company C. E. Howard, et al. vs Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway Marion Lumber Company ys J. C. Marlowe Friday, January 31st 117. A. C. Tate vs W. H. Gilliam 122. H. T. White, et als., vs Mattie Lackey Morris, et al. Protest by deft. 125. Lisenbee vs Meacham. 80. 87. .88. 89. 91. 92. t$6. 97. 98. 103. 106. 107. .108. d09. ,115. The Charlotte (Da ally Observer CogIb)0.CM 0 SoreTlmroati; " Sloan's liniment gives quick relief for cough, cold, . hoarseness. 8 ore throat, croun, asthma, hay fever and bronchitis, . ' HERE'S PROOF. Ma. AX.BEBT "W. Pxicx.of PYedonU, Kzn., iniVes : M V tu b loan's .Lini ment In the family .mi find II so cellent relief for colds sjhI Lay Istst attacks. It itopi couching soul saecs- , ing aimoet Itmantly . . i RELIEVED SORE THROAT. Mm. I. BasrwT:,of Modello.ns-.-wrltes: I bought one bottle of yoar Liniment and itdidmeall tba jrood In the world. My throat traa very aore, and it cured xne of xny trouble." GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. Mb. W. IT. St&Xoe, 8T21 Elm wood Arenue, Chicago, writes t MA Ut tie boy next door bad croup. 1 fare the mother Sloan's IJnimeut to try.' She gave him three drops on sugar before going to bed, and he got up without the cronp la the morning." . Prlco, 25c, BQC; $10 O Sloan's Treatis on the . Horve sent free. V? t a?V' FOB SOCIAL SEME CONFERENCE MEETS IN CITY OF RALEIQH FOR TWO DAYS IN FEBRUARY. mm. NOTABLE SPEAKERS Tho Aim of the Body U to 8tudy and Improvo Conditions- Affecting Hu man Life To Hold Meeting In the Rilclflh Auditorium. , Raleigh. Eminent people la North Carolina and soTeral ot prominence oaUlde tho itato will convene In Ral eigh February 11 and 12 to organize a North Carolina Conference for Social Serrice. the frultlnr of an idea that baa teen crowing for sometime! in the minds of tome ot the state's most progressive thinkers. To study and Improve conditions affecting human life In North Carolina is the aim of the organization, and its purposes are to be effected by Investigation of con ditlons of life in the state, awakening the DcoDle to the Importance of re forms and securing adequate remedies through bodies of citizens, religious denominations, public oflcials and leg Lslatnres of the state. The initial conference will meet in the Raleigh auditorium, and the body will be welcomed by Governor Locke CralfL One of the principal address es will be made by Dr. Woods Hutch In on, of New York city, who U one of the best known medical writers In America, as well. as one of the coun try's foremost physicians. Local BDeakers Include J. Y. Joyner. W. H. Swlf T. W. BIckett, Gilbert Stephen son, Rev. Plato Durham. Bishop Rob ert Stranee. Dr. W. S. Rankin and R P. Beasley. In addition to the genfral discus sions for the two days program, there will be many committee meetings tn which several committees win map out the detail of the work to be lnaug u rated and will discuss means or ac comnllshlng the ends thus foreseen. From now nt!l the time of the meeting unceasing efforts will be made by the tLh invention of movable I. ivu ,v types occurred a trifle less so that the general objects of the un Un renn o, tu.. dertaklng will be understood when the J conference convenes, xnn i 1 I wwv jcttia uTw wiuicu tuuiiikc.jr i FaUl 8hootlng Scrape. greater progress than the world THIS IS THE NEWSPAPER AGE T v .CORROBORATION 0f Interest to Marion Readers. Tor month Marion .citizen haresa n these columns enth aula tic pralt-i cf Data's Kidcy IH1U by Marion rwi Jer;U, Would thewo pro ml B-nt people rtcia xnend a rrmedy that hjul cot prorra re liable? Would tby confirm their state ments aftrr yran had elapc4 If p-r scnal experience ha1 not shown the remedy to be worthy of endorsement f The following statement shoal J carrr conviction to tho mind of every Mane a reader. Mrs. J. Brown. Garden and Sprlrjr Sta, Marion, K. C , says: 'AU I evrr said praUlnjc Doan's Kidney Pills was correct and I willingly confirm my for mer statement. I had nervous at;d dixxy iipellj and backache-i. My kidneys were also weak. I cjw-d Doan's Kidney Pins, procured at Si rvei man's Dmz Store and they strengthened my kidneys and bock and made me feel better la every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mflbum Co . Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United State. Remember the nsme Doaaecd take no other. 'UROLIHI, CUKCHF1ELD k OHIO EULWAT CUICtirUtD ROUTt (n effect May 12th 1912, Eastern Stand ard Time, 8onthbonn4 Na 5 No. 8 Daily Dally 1:10 p xa 8XO a rn 1-5 pin 820 a a 3:2? p va 9:41 a 23 3:3 p m H:i3 a'xa 6:47 p ta 115 a Q 6:54 p xn 2Xi2 a za 10A3 p m 2 3 p xa No. 1 6;15 a m 23 p xa 7:49 a m 3-31 p ta 8:23 a m 4)1 p xa 10:4-3 a xa 5:40 p xa Northbound No. 6 Na i Daily Dally 423 p xa 12:10 a xa 6:13 p xa 1:44 p xa 6:43 p xa 2:13 p xa 8:03 p xa 3-34 p xa No. 2 6.03 a za 3:34 p xa 8:10 a mi SUl p ta 8:17 a xa 3:49 p xa 9.01 a xa 6.33 pxa 10:42 a m 8:13 p xa 12:17 p xn 9:4 p ta 12:43 p m 10:13 p xa Dante SLPanl S peers Ferry Johnson City Erwin Enrin AltapaM Altapaxe VI anon Thermal Spartan burK Spartanburg Tnermal Marion Alia pass Dp Ar Dp Ar Dp V Dp Ar Dp Dp At Dp Ar Dp Altapa&s Erwin rErwia Johnson City Dp speers t erry Dp St. Paul Dp Dante Ar Granite Falls. Noah Mathla was Through train service dally between Dante. Va., and Spartan burr. 3. C. making connections between all points north, eant, weet and south The Carolina. Clinchfield and Ohio had made in all the thousands of ihl by AhUr "?"er?e:ir nhohU I Railway. ;aincheld Route.- rerve. years previous. Printing has been the most considerable factor in this progress. THE NEWSPAPER OF TODAY REACHES MORE PEOPLE AND IN FLUENCES MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER FORM OF THE PRINTED PAGE. It covers the fields devoted to all other kinds of printing. They coiion muis. Maims uvea only an hour after being shoL Both were em ployes of the Rhodhlis mill. Holler was drinking and started to shod Galther Teague. when Mathls Inter ferred. the bullet taking effect in the left eye. Holler escaped and has not been caught. the right to vary from the time showa sbove without notice to the tmblic Patrons are reoneeted to apply to near- et agent for definite information or to Czias. T. Man-del t. r. p. i J. J. Caupios Vlce-Prre. & Traffic Hgr. Johnson Citv. Tcsa Subscription Rates. Daily Daily and Sunday -Sunday - $6.00 Per Year 8.00 Per Year 2.00 Per Year he-Seimi-Week!y ObsiBirver "Tuesday and Friday $1.00 Per Year The Charlotte Daily Observer, issued Daily and ' Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washington, D. C.- and Atlanta, Ga. It sgives all the newsof North Carolina besides the' complete Associated ress Service. . The Semi-Weekly Observer, issued on Tuesday and Friday for tfl.OO per year gives the reader a full report. of the week's news. . The leading Semi-Weekly of the State. Address all orders to - ' j fine toserver Ceinnipsiiniy v T CHARLOTTE, N. C. V 1 t j. -Lf AND EIEDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID . TOR RAW FURS AND HIDES ' V J M M V J . ""I Comratelon. W1K1 lor irtc uicuuuning mis vau - 30IK1 WHITE & CO. iSHSSS 7 - J . I r If Work In Thli State Bctt In South. Raleigh. Out of 135.867 persons !n North Carolina who were examined laat year, 42,132 were Infected with the hookworm disease and 96,176 are special. IT IS UNIVERSAL, treatments were glTen by members of mi . . .i I uie uiu, woo m no instance roaae a Di3 is me newspaper age. ine press is the most potent factor in modem civilization. All the other factors have existed bef oro in some form. Only the press is new. At its advent began the modern era. THE MAN WITHOUT A NEWS PAPER 13 A CITIZEN OF THE MIDDLE AGES SET DOWN IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. He is as much out of date as the dodo, as much out of place as a bat in the sunlight, as much out classed as a Homan callcy by a the staff, who In charge or accepted pay from the pa tients. This Is the gist of the. annua report of 8tate Director John A. Far rell to the Rockfeller sanitary com mission for the eradication of the hookworm. The campaign In North Carolina daring the year 1912 was the best reported from any state. modern ocean liner, as sure to bo outdistanced as the locomotive is to outdistance the ox cart. SUBSCRIBE FOR THIS NEWSPAPER. Easily Fitted. V . Colonel Jasper, having anew, pair noes that hurt- his corns, decided to glrei them away ta'one of the negro holsters at tho hotel " ilverystable, and picked ont Zeke as a likely ob ject of his generosity "when he saw the old fellow shambling toward him wear ing si pair cluttered shoes that look ed like sandals, - , -Zeke. what size shos do tot wear?" he called tohim. The old negro stopped short la "ex? pectatlon."-V- -' "Any size, conne!! ho exclaimed earnestly. .-Any aUer-rJudge, Captures Whiskey Still. Loulsburg. Sheriff w. H. Allen and deputies, C. M. Vaughan, D. C. High and J. J. Lancaster, left in search of a reponea wisicey sun. Tne stui was found In the.garrett of the home of Bud Bragg, a white man liring about two. miles west of Frankllnton, and was estimated of 40-gallon capacity. It was taken, together with about twelve gallons of booze, and brought DacK 10 x-ouisDurg. Tho omcera say they destroyed a barrel of beer. Bragg was not arrested at the time of the seizure. v msion-fcajem. The receipts at the local ,postofflce for the year 1912 not Including postal money order re ceipts, aggregated over $101,000, an increase over the preceding year of over $7,000. . - luueiga. -mis -county will uio sirong sieei cages, costing - $ GOO each, for its convicts when, the latter arts on road work and in what are known as temporary camps. . The cages hold men eacn, ana are so arranged that the guards can b dispensed wiia, inej loor like small freight cars and are on low and very wide steel wheels. . agents Wanted i Woarlstock Liver Tablets TU Gnat EWJ fsxiSir Woaditock Rlicmatira Tailctj Ars!s. bus sjm! msms. ssaia Ur OUTFIT FREE-WrfU TUj - V Woaditock Ccv, WaiiLtc D. C 4 OVER OS YEARS vv . : U EXPERIENCE Tracx Mjinxa m DrS!N8 S t C6FTH1CKTS fr. U3t rrrr fvf New:: tiii. 1:&ls AXn Uurcn itaa-a A cU tciT f 1 Strengthening Glass. " sirengm or glass b greatly in. - Cautious, ooaii i mark - the rins Tom oeorgo to Grace 7" En-aSrd Young Man-No; X guess yoa hsd bet- uiako n -t rorn u. to Or You t PICHESTER S PILLS creased by boiling in a salt water solu- Gertmdo isftbe name of my second MVU uu utiu wujk lacooi graaaally. . I vajwjcow naamngton Btar. Il. 11 1- . - .. . . - !-JtR. Ar icm 15TS DISTtTiHI

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