A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 1913. VOL XVII NO. 21 BURKE COUNTY FEU Dfv Pitts and Hennessee Families Fight Deadly Duel at 6len Alpine Six Are Victims. - ; Abel Pitts with three knife wounds, the one under the arm being the most serious. , It was first reported that M. N. Hennessee was fatally wounded but this was an error. He. ho w- Morganton, Jan. 18. The blood- ever, has a broken iaw hone and a iest and most desperate fight this numBer 0f severe bruises about the section of the State has , ever wit- head and body, none serious, nessed is reported from Glen Al- Policeman Sam Bennett who pine, a little town six miles from made an attempt to stop the fight Morganton, tonight, asthe. result received a load of buck-shot in the of which six prominent men he abdomen and while his condition is mortaiiy wounaea irom pisioi ana serious, hope is entertained for his knife wounds. , recovery. The fight is alleged to have re- The affair grew out of a fist fight suited from a feud existing be- earlier in the day between Doctor twcen tne rnxs ana , nennessee Hennessee and Gorman Pitts, the lamines, wmcn reacnep: its cuimi- cause 0f the first fight not having nation tomgni in a pisioi ana Kmie yet been learned. After the first duel on the streets of Glen Alpine, g2bt Doctor Hennessee went to his which lasted for 30 minutes and in borne, and arming himself, came which one after another, was shot back on the streets, where he and 1 MA lt I down or cut to pieces wun, Knives. others of his relatives met the Pitts Friends of both families rushed and the ficht was on. It is said to the assistance of their friends, tbat Doctor Hennessee in addition only to find themselves engaged in to having a revolver, also had a a bloody conflict and received pro- Winchester rifle and a long phy bably fatal wounds. All the avail- sicians knife on his person. The Bble physicians in Morganton were Pitts crowd too were expecting rushed to the scene and telephone trouble it seems and were likewise messages state that several of the armed. octal JfctvjF Grand Lodge of Masons. Meeting'in annual comraunua tinn with an attendance of over 500 At the meeting of the Twentieth delegates, the Grand lodge of Century Club at the home of Mrs. Masons last week in Kaleigh trans- Pescud Craig pn Morgan street, acted considerable business. It the Club members began a review was decided to postpone action on of the art of sculpture and paint- the code revision until the comma- ing, beginning with its earliest nication in 1014. period. The subject for this even- Grand Master W. B. McKoy ing-was The Madonna. The Ma- declined re-election and the officers donna, by Mrs. E. A. Thomas; elected and installed are: Story of Sistine Madonna, Mrs. Graml Maslcr. Dr p. M. Win Hudgins; Murillo's picture of the tester, Charlotte; deputy grand Virgin Mary, Mrs. Giles; History master prof J T Aidcrmanf of Madonna of Chair, Mrs. Bird; Henderson: senior crand warden. Poem by Eogene Field, Mrs. A. p.p Hobgood, Jr., Greensboro; Dl 1 I - t l A. A, I - omowu. vjpiesoi buoui veuiy janior grand warden, A. B. An- fiveof the noted Madonnas master rfrews, ,Jr.,Rlcieh; grand trens- pieces of the most famous artists urer, Leo D. Heartt, Ualeigh; of the world were used for study Lj secretary, John C. Drcwry, and observation. This program was one of special interest to all present and it was continued at the meeting held with Mrs. D. F. Giles. At this meet- ing Mrs. Pless read an excellent Kaleit h. The appointive officers namfd by Grand Master Winchester and installed at the same time were: grand lecturer, K. S. Ed wards. Topia; senior grand deacon. Dr. C. naperon painting; Mrs. WinborocJr Pr:d Kiiwtnn: innior nd The Ancient Mosaics of Ravenna, deacODf QeortfoS. Norfleet, Win- wnen tne wors oi an were por- ston45alpm; Rrand marshflif H. A. trayed by minute particles of glass r , GIlnton. ffrand DUrsuivant. wounded are being brought to In tne affray, according to an hometimes 10,000 tiny U a B well.. Vhi takers; grand . am - a niDfiuo urura i m-u v f in rm K a. . tjrace Hospital ; here. ! eve-witness, t lere were at least 100 Sheriff Berry, with a large posse sh0ts fired including several loads of deputies, left for the scene of of buckshot, but fortunately after - a rm . -m m - ' Ibe conmct ana automooues are on the secoDd shot fired from the the way to bring the wounded who Winchester rifle, the gun clogged are abje to be moved to the hos-ana refUsed to fire, thus probably pital nere. I savins? several lives. In addition Telepnone messages state tnat to the sfrots fired there are at least Dr.E. A. Hennessee is shot through 10o knife wounds on the six in the lungs and bead and cannot live jured men, mute evidence of the until midnight, while three other bloody affair. men, Gorman Pitts Ervin Pitts . and Policeman Sam Bennett, are Ash ford News. seriously if not fatally shot, and Ashford, Jan. 20 Miss Mabel Sides of pieces were used in one portrait stewards R. a Cantw-ll, Wil- Mrs. w. . wood gave an excel-1.. w n RffCr, CW- lent article on Design. Copies of . . .. IL f , Rrftdlpv, several famous pictures wereshown RaiiiKhf grand hiitorimn, Marshall as perrect examples in design, ana Haywood, Ralcieh, grand Mrs. Ui es read the story wbict i Mjlistailt ffrana sccrcUrVf W. W. prompted the portrayal of one of WilsoQf Iu!eiub mem. The last meeting was held at the M. N. Hennessee and Abel Pitts ConneUy Springs and Miss Ada Sides of are mortally wounded, and others Greensboro, visited their sister, Mrs. J r ur 1 j C. Connelly, last week. WUam wavtaI TVMn vrr A AmnflAn 1 .1 Tiucu iDvuiycis daughter, Mrs. J C. Brown, Saturday Qf j Q Grifiin. the desperate ngnt continued witn night and Sunday. He was accompanied home of Mrs. J. Q. Gilkey on last J r Friday afternoon. The program lhe bavoy lheatro win reopen being The Masters of the Fifteenth aDoul ine 01 coruary wun a and Sixteenth Centuries. Twenty ntgn-ciass enieriainmcni in mouon members were oresent at this biffh- UJ,cturvs A company or expen- I A ft lv entertaining meetinc and all eDCed men backcd ln0 rolina " I t'I n f r ft 1 found the social hour and the study rum vxmpany 01 snc- hour equally delightful. ville, of which C. N. Justice is The next meeting is at the home manager, have taken charge of this theatre aud it is their intention to show three reels daily of the very . 11 1 v.- - a n u I .. I fcnives, and men lying weaKened nome oy ms uiue granoson, v,nanira Mr and Mrs L q Uriffin were best pictures as well as the latent in their own blood tried desperate- Brown. at home to the members of the hn illttmtpd enn nd music lytoend the lives of theiiL an- Woodo:Marion gpent the day here last Bible' Class of the Presbyterian These gentlemen endeavored to tagonists. Friday, bird hunting. the local hospital. Their condition is serious. inree or tne wounde9 men were gk f. Bradley, or Forest Uity, was a brought down on train No. 16 to I pleasant visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown Sunday. Mr. -and Mrs. C. E. Laughridge of Bostic, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Emma McOall left Saturday for Union Mills where her sons Todd and Claud are in school. She was accom panied by her little grand daughter, Lonnie McCall, who will enter school there. . Mack Lonon and Green Chapman went to Marion Saturday. . The school here ' will close Friday, Jan. 81. An entertainment will be Morganton, Jan. 19 The des perate fight between the Pitts and Hennessee factions at Glen Alpine last night has been the general sub ject of conversation here today. . Dr. E. A. Hennessee, who was thought to be dying when brought to Grace Hosnital here last night. alli4 t.Vnc mnrmncr nd wq tolrP.n given. The public is invited to attend. , t 1 o 1. . M. C. Caldwell, and daughter, Lizzie, w -uocwr uuug s oauuturiuui, at went to Johnson City, Tenn., Sunday. Statesville, on an early tram today Izi will enier scnooi mere. . tur breainieuii. nc racivcu iuui bullet wounds either of which may prove fatal, one feeing in the cnest, in the region of the lungs. In ad dition to this his jaw bone is bro- Sunday School, Tuesday evening, ghow lhe famoua -NicU Carter January 9. Thirty-eight guests en joyed the hospitality of their pleas ant home. Several interesting con tests were held which necessitated the sharpening of the wits consid erably. Then the guests were ushered into the dining room where pictures last week, but owing to a a series of unfortunate circum stances, one of which was a bad machine, their first effort was- not a great tuccess. However, they wish to state to the public that the shows to be iriven in the future the hostess, assisted by Mrs. P. A. I wf n be real ones. A new outfit Reid and Mrs. John Hopper, scrv- ied delicious refreshments. The whole evening was one of delight ful social' enjoyment and good cheer. will be sent here from headquarters in Ashoville and every thing thor oughly tested before the formal opening. W. V. DcFarlcy will re main hero to manage the theatre. These gentlemen state that no Garden City Tidings. Garden City, Jan. 20 School reopened January 13th, after three weeks vaca fcirtTi. Thft avfiracra attendance for the ken, both ears are multilated, right I last month was 80. This is a decrease hand shattered and all tendons and ton account of so many families moving muscles on left hand severed. He away and several of the pupils have the 'marks- of i 10 wounds; gone tochool elsewhere. We have our j- :i.u 1 W largo ueii crecwu, face. His recovery is considered extremely doubtful. . - - : Gorman Pitts was shot just over the liver and slashed'up generally, anc Erwin Pitts "was stabbed f in for the school children. t Miss Eula Brown visited friends in Greenlee Saturday and Sunday. , , Mrs. J. P. ' Gowani who has been visit ing relatives in Marion for the past week, returned home Saturday. - Quite a number 'enjoyed vthe party Mrc Mtnnift Rlnntnn Antrtnin- one 0fWhmrtnnHftnr. Pictures will be shown that C&U of son street on Thursday of last week. fed1aDy fa wnewer nm 1 uA will bo enforced. bled was given a spring-like touch Marion can patronize a good by a number of large bowls of picture show .and the new manager white narcissus and blooming white ment of the Savoy will no doubt Kp?ntii M Rlnntnn wm as. receive all the support a good. sisted by Mrs. Winborne and Miss Lucile Blanton. Tea was served at 5 o?clock, the' twelve ladies pre; j ent biing seated at one long table in . the dining room where much merriment was had. LATE NEWS OF INTEREST mmmmmmmmmMmmmmm fnteresllng- Reading Matter of Local and National Affairs in Condensed Form. Adam C. Jones, candidate for Governor in Sooth Carolina in 1900, committed suicide Wednes day at his home in Spartanburg. Two million Dickages were han dled by the parcel post system dur ing the first siven days' opmtioa of the system, according to figures prepared by the PostoQce Depart ment. It is announced that Mr. J. J. Britt, Third Assistant Postmaster General, will at the expiration of his term in Washington return to Asheville and engage In the nrac tice of law. Mr. Franklin McNeil of Wil- mington, who this week retired from tho corporation commission after a service of 14 years, was given a handsome silver waiter by his associates. v A public meeting at Morganton last week authorized the drafting of bills for a commission form of government for tbat town, a rec order's court, a chain gang for Morganton township, etc The North State Company, blch proposes to furnish electricity pow er to Morganton, Marion and ad jacent towens his begun the erec tion of a dam in the Catawba river. in the vicinity of Glen Alpine, to dovelop the power. An anti-trust bill guaranteed to have 'teethT' by ex-Speaker E. J. Justice, and a bill by Kcllum of New Hanover to put waterpowcr. electric and gas companies under rate control by the corporation -commission, were features of the Legislature Thursday. Deputy Marshal S. IL Hark rader, who wa assaulted and bad ly dUtigurcd on Tuesday night of ' last week while en route to Sorry county jail with a "moonshine1 distiller, will lose the sight of one eye as a result of the attack which resulted in the prisoner's being taken away from the oft cere and released. Petitions are being circulated in behalf of Solicitor W. C. Hammer, who is a candidate for district at torney. The Salisbury Post asji Mr Hammer's candidacy is being vigorously pushed. The other candidates ars Solicitor Porter Graves of Surry county, Mr. Chss, A. Webb of Asheville and Mr. Isaac T. Averr of Morganton. one lung, shot in the body and re- given by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gibbslast ceived a slight fraction of the skull Friday ; night. :.. It ; was ; given for the tViA Viand' of one A tn an sixth grades - a. .. " .1 : -I Miss ''Tjennie Bursrin left here - last of bis assailants. ,x50tu or xnese Mona . men are in Vjrace xiospuai, auu the winter there with her; brother, their condition is , very, : grave, George Bnrgin. ' ; esneciauy tne latter. . , v . ;' CLARS. clean place of entertainment deserves. Former Resident Dead. Yesterday the remains of Mrs. George Januins Tate, a former resident of this place," were fetched On Friday, Mrs. Guy Kirby en- here from Studley, Va.f for intcr- tertained at Bridge, Mrs1. Kirby ment in Oak Grove cemetery in was assisted in welcoming her I tho family plot. The funeral ser- guests by Mrs. John Newton, of vices were conducted in tho Epis Roanoke, Va., the, guest of the copal church at3 o'clock. Owing afternoon. : At 5 p. m.' all , were to tho fact that The Prooeess was seated at one handsomely appoint-1 ready for printing; a more extend ed table in the dining room where! cd notico will be" published next a very dainty tea was served. 1 week.- 1 The Methodist Children's Home at Winston has received a cash gift of $10,000 to use in the erec tion of a model home for girls at that institution. Less than three months ago gift of lhe same amount was received for construct ing a baby cottage In connection with the Home, The names of the two libers! doners hare cot .been revealed. Governor Locke Craig has is sued commissions in the N rih Carolina National Guard to Law rente W. Young, of Asherille as adjutant general, and L. U. Br lion of StatesvilK as qua terminer general, both; with the rank of a. ft am- m bngadirt gcocnu, - ami Oorcoa Smith, of Raleigh, as avstist .d iutant genital. ' 7 V s s

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