" H, " K - c- 51 " , . i . . s , . . v s : "-.VV V , ' 'J-- r j'.A .,7: v.T j - " . ... . ': i- .-.- .?-...;:. , . - . . - , ' . v . . v ' ; ; - . v- . vr , - . v - ' - 1 ' - " - f-v' . -1 :. - . v . . .A ' .. ,..',.' i, . -. .-.- - ; 4 v t ! . . . .. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER' DEVOTED -TO THE BEST INTEREST. OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. 'a, THURSDAY, FEB.. 6, 1913. ' ' VOL.-XVII NO. 23 V MP- - ) J) Social Jfet&s dist church held their regular busi ness and social meeting at the home of J;' W. Streetman; Jr., Tuesday iuK tt. R TWcr. rlAlichtfnlW evening, January 18v After the entertained twelve' of her friends bsiness of the league, ..the, mem- Wnod. niirht. nf boIt i ' De rea.Q ana aiscusseo wo iwo social game of Forty-Two. This noted Bible chaj-acters, namely ivioses ana iraui. j ine Daoersreaa game being charmingly informal brought forth much enjoyment and. merriment from all present. Dainty refreshments were served late in the evening. In the, after noon at 3 o'clock Mrs. Dysart had been the hostess to twelve of her friends. Both functions were ed with gracious hospitality. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Numerous Small Bills Are Put tie- fore the Legislature Solici tor's Salary, Etc. N and talks made by the young men and women were, excellent and would have done credit to any Christian society. After quite ah interesting and excitihgx discussion Moses' side won. , Mrs. Streetman the young people by her cordial hospitality. Delightful cream and On Saturday last Mrs; Giles en- cake was served. tertained a number of f the Marion ThevLeague will discuss at their ladies at Nebo High School where next regular business and social for some weeks Mrs. Giles has meeting Esther and Deborah. The been conducting a class in special young people of the town are wel- studies. The guests going down come at the .Sunday evening de- on the 10:45 train, returning at votional meeting in the' Sunday 6 p. m. The afternoon wast spent School room of the M. E. church in playing "108," similar to- "42." at 7 o'clock. At 4 o'clock tea was served by the a , . W , hostess. The day though informal a,n4.lafut rl a"e0?n,Jt.he was especially pleasant. Mrs. ?"&S CUfr held its Giles returns to her home in town f ortnightlytin jat the home of the middle of this month. - U TS-; G Gnffin- h of the afternoon was a very pleasing Mrs. P. A. Eeid was hostess : to one to all, "Current Events," the a number of her friends at her roll call being answered with the home on , Wednesday last. The various things being done by the main feature of the afternoon was ati ve, prominent : women of our a soeial game of cards. Beautiful country. - The papers for theafter: bowls of hyacinths and narcissus noon were The Parcel Post in were used as floral decorations in America and. England, by Mrs. the sitting room. At five o'clock E. Hudgins; Child Labor in the tea was served in the dining room Mills, Mrs. Giles; Notables Who where the twelve ladies were: seat- Passed Away in 1912v Mrs. Pless; ed atone long handsome table each The New Theatre for. Children in plate being marked by a place car New York, Mrs. Geo. L White. and a bunch of white hyacinths At the close of a very pleasant and and narcissus while a large bowl instructive meeting, tea was served. of ferns and white hyacinths mark- The next meeting, which comes on ed the centre of the table. This St. Valentines Day and is at the pleasant social affair was most en- home of Mrs. D. E. Hudgins, will joyable to the guests of a gracious have for the subiect, "The Noted hostess. Lovers of the World" with a Val- ; entme roll call. In two weeks time Several weeks ago a number of the subject for the afternoon will me . young maies organizea a ciuo, . purely social in its nature; they de cided to call it thp "T. and N. Club." The first two meetings were with Misses Lucile and Nellie Blanton at their home on Hender son street, and the hours spent with flving needles and pleasant "chat passed rapidly. The hostess, " on each: occasion, served dainty re freshments. Last week Miss Julia , Burton entertained the Club,- and, notwithstanding the clouds and rain, a dozen Club members met and enjoyed the hospitality 'of Ihe young hostess. The meeting this week will be on Friday afternoon : with Miss Sara Copeland. oe An Atternoon witn loog fellow" and quotations. Later will come The Former Women of the White House." ;; On Friday evening the hospit able home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Howard was aglow with festivity when ; Mrs. Howard entertained sixteen of her lady friends. In the large; halp anJ!iption ropms, tastefully decorated m : hyacinth blooms and potted fernst the hos- tess, assisted bv Miss Annie Laura piantbh,. greeted each guest. After .an venjoyablel hour - in' the social me Fortytwo, ah exceptionally tempting tea. was served consisting pi salads, sandwiches, ices, cakes, ripe stawberriesX and bon; bons. Each guest was then the recip of a dainty favor, i the ' handiwork w xne nosiess. xnese preuy giiis - . were greatly admired oy an , ana added to what already was one; of the season. v . , : '.' The young people of .the Metho- it Nebo School Notes. Nebo, Feb. 5. Miss Eva Stacy, one of Nebo's most attractive young adies, on Saturday last passed from' this lonely life of ksinisterity to encounter the life of double blessedness with the person of one L. E. Sigmon. Mr. Sigmon was the former agent for the Southern railroad at this place, but now is transferred to ttie office at Ridge- crest. Miss Stacy is a member of the 1912 graduating class of Nebo High School, and the first of her classjto win a life partner. C We bespeak: them a life of happiness m .tne companionsnip or eacn other. J ': ' H-: : : ' -X -:X X".Xr '. . The honor roll ?. for ttie) week January 27 to 31 is as follows: Madge Brown, Neal Duval. Ma- mie ijrotorth, Uaintry Urabam, Edith Lonon, Fay e Padgett, Cheley Sigmon, Elsie Stacy, Maggie Tay lor, Effie Cannon, : Alonzo Davis, Delia Gibbs, Cossie Patton, Laura Hicks, - Carol Thomason, . Ethel Alexander; Myrtle Brown, Ada Conley, Fred Hensley, Belle Hunr ter, Berry Hunter; Tracy. Sigmon; m . '-Oil- V T-" ' a TTT'I -f YT -a' lorn otacy, ljoitie v nson, name Taylor, John Rudisill. ; ; iFire which swept the riverfront of .Savannah, Ga., for two blocks early Sunday morning did damage to the extent of $1,500,000. ' -: , Senate Tuesday. Petitions were received from Gas ton, Cabarrus, Cumberland, Rockins- ham, Rowan and Watauga counties for 8ix-montbs school terms. The . following bills passed - final reading: -. ' Senate bill to amend section 350S of the Revisal, so as to make the mini rown punishment for horse-stealing four months instead of fire years. This was-opposed .by Wakefield and Watts. , House bill to amend the Revisal, section 93, so as to require notice of refusal to pay an account bv an ad ministrator to be In writing, the Sen ate amendment not to apply to tran sactions prior to enactment. Senator Studdert was added to the Committee on Penal Institutions. House Tuesday. , Raleigh. The Stewart bill amend. ing the divorce' laws . passed . the House Tuesday afternoon, it " origi nally provided that separation for two years be ground for divorce. The com' mittee had amended hls, making the time five years, the party abandoned without cause having the right to re marry. r; m ' . . The House passed the Justice ant! trust bill, which applies the Federal anti-trust law to the state, k en acts the provisions of the old Held anti-trust bill of the 1907 session and .provide! machinery for the Attorney General tc enforce the law. - , ; . number of blllspassed final read) ing In the house. : ""' f - , .-Senate Wednesday. . The senate discussed at consider able length, the question of whether constitutional amendments shall b submitted to the people bp this ses sion or by a special session 'next falL Petitions were' sent up by Senator? Brown, Coffey, Hall, I vie, Payne. Barnes, Peebles, Evans of Bladen. Bryant and Davis for a six-months' school term and compulsory-education law; by Hooka, from Woman's Club o! Goldsboro, for right of women tc serve on school committees, for bet ter laws regulating labor of womer and children and for a vital s Litis tics law; by Pharr from the Eclectic Club of Charlotte, for the vital static tics law. House Wednesday. There were numbers of petitions re ported from various sections of the state for the child labor legislation, six-months school terms and compu! sory attendance, better roads, searcl anad seizure law, and petitions for tUt state to provide for the expenses c! the state xmilltia In attending the in auguration of President Wilson. Bills passed final reading as fol lows: Gordon bill to require preparation for University and four-years reading medicine before persons can be li censed to practice. j - Senate bill to authorize the sum moping of jurors from other counties 'for the trial of causes In certain cases. . House bill to prevent Infant blind ness, f House bill to prevent the use of firearms by children; parents an? guardians vbelng guilty of misde meanor under certain circumstances. -,.-, , Senate Thursday. - , Raleigh. The Senate voted 27 to 1C for the appointment of the legislative committee of five from the Scnato and eight from the House and the com mission of five' by the Governor as a constitutional amendment . commts sion, as recommended by the Joint Committee on Constitutional Amend ments..' V 'V.I.'-' i ' V... A message from Governor Craig sub mltted the proposition from C. . '. C. Duncan' to buy the State's stock la the A. & N. C. Railroad for 949.950 In cash, .75 per cent of par value. V Among reports of committees was an unfavorable report from the Com mittee oa Education,' House Thursday. ; Petitions' from many part of the state for six months school terms, for compulsory school attendance,' child labor legislation; special school tax levies, woman's suffrage and state-wide dog tax. 1 . - ' A,1 message received from the . Gov ernor, transmitting , without recom mendation the proposition of E. C. Duncan to purchase the auto's stock la the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road Col, was referred to the finance Committee. Bills passed final reading a fol lows: , - Relative to the Issuance of bonds in Forsyth county fo rthe Roanoke, ft Southern" Railroad. To validate electric light bonds In Asheboro. To allow Red Springs to lssur school bonds. Senate Friday. LATE NEWS OF INTEREST Interesting Reading Matter of Local and National Affair In Condensed Form, It is expectrd that th Southern Hichway conrcntioa will biUrtf ly attended at Asherillo on Febru. ary 1 2. , Participants in tho Gtn Alnino Urn- nessco has improved ennucb to 1 providing for 12 peremptory challenge wrricxl from the hospital in Stats by the defendant In capital cases and v;nft tr, hU LmA T, .. The Scnato passed the Judiciary I Ktt1 .ra m-.j.- n. r-mmitt'- v I attio arts rfcoTenDff. Dr. Carolina Bar Association jury bills four for the. state, the state to stand oone at the foot of the -panel, and do ing away with the requirement that Jurors la the box must be freeholders. ; Petitions were received from citi zens of Northampton county for bond ing railroad employes; from citixens of Littleton for an appropriation of 120.000 for the Oxford Orphanage; from Farmers' Union of Halifax coun ty. for six-months school term and compulsory school law; from Order Councils at StatcsvUIe ton la. Pilot Mountain, Frankllnton and Asheboro for better child labor Law and compulsory school law. House Friday. In the House the Kellum bill passe4 by & good-sized majority, directing the Corporation Commission " to investi gate the receiver's sale to the A. & T. Railroad and subsequent division of the old Cape Fear & Yadkin Val ley Railroad,. Wilmington to. Mount Airy, by the Southern and Atlantic Coast Line, and report to the. Attorney General as to findings - that Indicate conspiracy to throttle competition in violation-of the Sherman antitrust law. The following bills were ratified: To authorize Commissioners of For syth county to issue refunding bonds &tnatt4. Saturday. pctdt the campaign bivinjr bn The senate passed tne bouse Joint l l-nKl r.,,. f inj: $10,000. in uracc bospttal at MoruaotoQ arc out of dacj;tr. . Judffc James E. jd, nf Greensboro, Federal judce, will 70 years old on February 14, 1915, and has announced that be will it. tiro on tho day ho is 70. He will retire on full pay. This will citf o Junior President Wilson the appointm-nl ' nf some one to a good job, Itpsya $C,000 a year. The Citizen says a meeting la Central Methodist churcli, Aho- yille, Sunday nicht, closxi a cam- paien of two weeks in the interv-st of foreign misskjns. which has been conducted by Dr. IL K. Boyer, the missionary scrcur f Western North Carolina Confer ence. Dunne tee Dist two weeks mectincs hare lxea held in fifteen cities of this state: and the sum rf $15,000 has been raised amonjr the Methodists of the Conference for the support of foreign missions - resolution for the governor to ap point a committee or taree to con fer w4th oQclals of railroad compa nies In effort to settle contest over freight rate discrimination without retaliatory legislation at this ses sion. House bill to amend Revisal so to require hunters starting fires to ex For Ono Term of Six Years, A constitutional amendment which would restrict the PreWent of th United States to a sim:! Ungulsh them' passed final readings. I trm of six years and would Ur oodrow iUon, Theodore I loos. veil and William H. Taft fp.ro a ain seeking election, was p i roved by the Senate Salorday y bo narrow majority of one role After a t ree data ficht in which th prog revives joined with mtny Republicans in oprKninjr the m- uro as proposed, the Senate adopt ed the original Works r.soluti'n by a vote of 47 to 23. The lan- . i;uc which it is prtirwvd to in srt in the constitution in place of tho Orst paragraph of article two is as follows: Tbo executive power shall bo . veitcd In a President of the United States of America. The term of President shtll be six years and no person who has held the oGce by election, or discharxre its powers or duties or acted as President under tho constitution and Isws nude in pursuance thereof, shall, bo eligiblo to bold a?ain the ofUco by election.! The Vice President is also elected for tho tame term. Senators Simmons and Overman voted for the resolution. Senator Overman also voted for an amend- mcnt, -which was defeated, to ct t tho President and Vice President by direct voto of the people Sn ator Simmons voted satirist the smf ndrocnt. The resolution pisrd fer to seizor to bring into the itiuhow jyoes to the Housa and if it passes tlist body and b adopts br The following also passed: Senate bill fixing boundary line be tween two school tax districts in Wilkes. Senate bill to empower Madison county to buy land adjacent to court house for better fire protection. Senate bill to appoint magistrates in Nash and ratify their acts. Senate resolution to pay expenses of Vacation Committee on Homo for Wives and Widows of Veterans, Announcement was made of the consideration of all divorce bills by the two judiciary committees on Tues day afternocn at -3 o'clock In the senate chamber. H ou s e Sa tu rday. There were petitions Introduced ad vocating six-months minimum terms of public school; for compulsory attendance; ; for location of the proposed Western Carolina Tecber Training school and for chUd labor legislation. x ' Tho bouse passed the Joint rcsolo tlon endorsing the proposed Trans continental Highway, Atlantic to the Pacific' '"" Representative Clark of Pitt conn ty Introduced In tho house a drastic antl-clgarette bill. as follows: v , 'Whereas, the public welfare ' de znands that -the health of its citlxens be protected, and that tho ycung men of our state be allowed to grow to a fully developed manhood; , and whereas 'the use of tobacco la the form of cigarettes Is admitted and recognized aa very Injurious to ' th human system, therefore the general assembly of North Carolina do enact: "Section 1 That It shall be a mis demeanor for any person, firm or cor poration to mannfactnre or sell, of for the purpose of selling, glvlcg i away, or otherwise disposing of. any cigarettes, cigarette papers or sub stitute for the same; and a violation of any of the provisions of this act 1 shall be a misdemeanor runlrhable by a fine cf rot lc?s than 550. (Continued oa last pas) three fourths of tho but it will brctitnt a part of the uermascnt aw of tb Ud. E G. Guforth; of V!sTil! wKfi business visitor bre cV.?r- ? l uy. IV ;"