A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N.-C, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913. VOL. XVII NO. 40 GRADED SCHOOL FINALS Appropriate Exercises Mark Close of a Most Successful vT.erm Seventeen Graduates. The eleventh annual commence ment of the Marion Graded School has just closed,- with appropriate exercises held in the court house. Seventeen graduates, twelve girls and five boys, received diplomas. This is by far the largest graduat ing class in the history of the school, and it is believed to be the largest class in the state, enroll ment considered. OnThursday evening a contest in recitationvwas held, Miss Blanche White winning the medal offered by Mr. Houck. Those contesting were Misses June -Laughridge, Thelma Hicks, Mary Poteat, Blanche Irwin, Blanche Houck, Blanche White and Ellen Carson. It was generally agreed that each of these girls renaered her paece very successful ly,"ahd all were complimented very highly. The judges, Mrs. D. E. Hudgins, Rev. B. S. Lassiter and Mr J. M. mates, some of . which were very fitting and others very ridiculous. .It remained for Will -Pless to donate to the successors of the class certain interests for which te class of 1913 claimed the pro prietorship. HesYicceeded in mak- ng several good hits." His pa per was gotten up in almost perfect legal form, showing an inherited talent, which has' been most sue- . cessfully developed. STATE NEWS OF THE WEEK - . Items Concerning Events of In terest and'lmportance Through out the State. The Highway Commission, The highway commission for Marion township was appoint last week, and in naming Messrs. A. Blanton, Dr. B. L. Ashworth and Geo. M. Carson to -constitute the commission Governor Craic made a splendid selection. The commissioners met Saturday and organized by electing A. itlanton chairman and Dr. B. L. Ashworth secretary. The highway commission for Old Fort was also appointed last week, the Governor naming II. A. Tate, P. H. Mashburn and F. M. Bradley. For Ncbo the following have been recommended and will Half a million dollars have been voted for bonds since April 1 for new school buildings in North Car olina, according to a statement of SupU Joyner. A conservative estimate based' The class exercises were closed on reports from the eastern part with a s6ng written by Miss of the . otate places the yield of Blanche White. The song itself Irish pota toes in this part of the was sA.t in a vArir inll7 ,t.nn and State at about 50 per cent of a the words expressed very aptly normal crop. tne feelings and emotions of the Secretary of the-Navy Daniels young ladies and gentlemen who and Villiam E. Gonzales, editor probably appoiDtcd durint? lhe were oiaaing lareweu to tneir 01 me woiumoia oiaie, naye ac- wee q Hunter J L. Pad teachers and to each other. cepted invitations to deliver ad- RCtt an(j j Hemphill Thft dinlomas wp.rft awardp.d hv dresses at the annual convention of . . " " . ".. - 1 I . . . I ax a joint meeting 01 in cora- the chairman of the Board, Mr. B. the JNortb Carolina Fress Associa- hftM . Mnmw a B. Price. Mr. Price delivered a tion, which meets in Asheville July BlaDlon, chftirman, was authori7.cd most impressive address to tne ana lQ advcrtiso for bids for lho pupils, filled with good counsel Preparation for road work in of the three townships. The bonds and sound advice. Rutherford countv has been made will bear interest at the nt of si After the class had received by the purchase of a traction en- cents and option will be reserved their diplomas, Supt. Griffin came gine, three roacf machines and a to pay them off in equal annual Ut wk. J !L Uaphill taad tb NEWS FROM THE COUNTY. Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell Count) Items About Home People. RAttx of tb ymrUtr will I V tX.Z.Stm rw. cr. All oVmraab(Loa. tas l ta li'.i oSnt NIUlO Nbo. Jaa 2.MUkr ft:!! Wllica and lion tacy. of the Fta! Nortaal CollTr. (rrr:boro. ar At hone ca tbHr racatioa. Mi Iowa fcliaon U rliitlcjc rrla- tir jj4 friemlt la Grwcbcro acd QiUonTiUe. N. C Mi OUt Annit vu ahxpicK la Marion ose daj ljt wwk. FrM Bryirm cf Hickory TiotM Mr. nil Mr W. J lijwtava Ixtt wtk. Mijw Mml Stcy. a tadrst of Little ton FecuUe Cc4l, U at bctn for htt T cation Mr. and Mr. M. L. UlUbraa of Bridf?watr tWiM lhe Uttr' parrsU, Mr and Mra. M. C iiaon. dcrlcjC th Qtxit a nuabor of onr toy ac4 rlrU ttnUM the cotnmerorT3ct Marioa 11. . A J A. 1. I - V la uiuu mo swgo auu auuuuuau tu power piow. ou pennienacni v ai- insiaumenLS alter nrst ten vear. honors for the vear. Miss Marv Gilliam, of Lynchburg, Va., found -pof u,,;.,. u v,;ttef i i : t L 4l: ti . , , o-vwow, uiuft yuw uijjuw. ujcuus iur hu cany uciuuiuk uiioi vuiriy years. iiir. uianion nas very (hfficult to reader a de- distinction in scholarship amons operations. sent out circular letters to a hon- CISlOn. I U mitle Rrn o n ma wA rA o c-V rvl a I . t . n . n.m J 1 t 1? I 1 I m, . , . j i vuceiao, nM anoiucu i As a Tesult ot liutlalo iSiU s area or more icaainc oona nouses The contest m declamation was sh:D at the State Normal Colleee. kv:M thm.mK.,t th iTnit f.fi.. .ml the first number on the program Greensbor0 n. C. Miss Thelma down at Henderson last week and hopes to receive m.nv bid. and to r naay nignn. j. yy. ness, jr., fjicks won the second honor, and u:n:nr 0 man chnm ko kutn I 1a uhlf to rpAriilr dinom nf tht Tl " "XT T TTT I I BIIIIUK C UiOUt OllUn UUJ KTiJl,lA i - r " - - was given ine scnoiarsnio or r,uza- sued for $10 QOO damages. A sec- bonds. "riTurrr i?: uhariotte' y- ooddam.Be ..u aiso brouBht air. oonu UiiuoiL was awaraea ineu;ciL ;ni;o t con- young woman when the wrecked. tent a was and Fred Green were the testants, and each acquitted him- University of North Carolina sen witn mucn nonor. ne juages, scholarship, the highest honor to xiev. J. & Aaams, jrror. x. be won by any in the High Brogden, of the State Department gchool. Mr. J. W. Pless, Jr., or n,aucauon, itaieign, . ana was awarded the Washington and Z ' " 7f. " T i Rev. B. S. Lassiter, gave their de- rirr .iQ; J6"" of the raded 800001 cision in favor of John Gravson j u u mittee, a beautiful set of James I will consider bids for each Yancey. Again it was very dith- Miss Mary poteat has air. tiuagins preseniea 10 ner, on com- In the circular letter. Mr. Blan ton says: "The undersigned will receive bids either open or sealed for these bonds at the oQice of the Marion Highway Commission at Marion, N. C. until 11 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, June 14, 1913. I will be pleased to receive a bid m 0 I ... irom you ior me enure issue or the fur- cult to say which was the best de- ther distinction of having attended claimer, for the boys all did well, goi every day, without being one of the judges declaring that tardy, since she entered the first there should have been a medal for grade This is a distinction equalled each Contestant. . U 0a Mhor KiK cnhnnl nn. The boys and girls who com- oil in the sta so far js known. peted for the reciters and. declaim- j. W. Pless. Jr.. also has the ers medals were trained by Miss distinction of being one of the Sarah Copelandt of the Graded Vftnnfyoct trrarlnatfts of a hurh school in the state. After these announcements, Rev. town- Whitcomb Riley's poems, bound in I ship issue separately. handsome red Etrvntlan leather. "The successful bidder will tx Miss Guy had charge of the class expected to deposit a certified check lor one per cent, or amount : t i excretes iur tuis year, auu vo ner , , , r . , i . Vwr, t- is due much of the credit of their investi lioQ h purchaser and dc- Sh rUUr rip la hU autt-uiotl1. acootapiJfl by iwreral txkxc U4:r Tb trip w&. moch enojrrd by all. Mr. W. J. KeaaeJj-of Erwia. Trca.. hjui return! haxxx aftr a rUil hr. Mwfrr Chjn Higraca U rcrndln a few dy with hi iriftrr. Mr M. HiMebraad. t Dridgwmtr. J. L. Padgett aad tUajcbtr. Fay. at tnd church t Uartaoaj GrcmiSutvdjij. Joph Haatrr of llArlicjctcm. Kf . U at homo for awciU. MiMr Carriet TaU aa4 ILIW Yoticj; of Bridrwater p-at Suadajr with HLw EtU Wlljoa. F. N. Sijrtaoa Utl Saadar for Thrall, Wah . wher he will rwraca hU wtjrk aa operator. U. Tat haa rtural hoo froo KaahrilU, Taa. MUs Kita Sixnoa U rUiUc rvlalirr In Hickory. Mr. M. A. Kndltill and wo. Ioy. wen shopping la Markm SAturday. Mr. and Mr D. A. Ansi. Mn. G O. i7rat Saaday success. The court house was packed to its'Xitmost capacity, and raanv were turned away. The order was ex- livery of bonds. Right is reserved J- D. Taylor :taiM th ItcralCar to reject any and all bids." ricr' coareatioa at Coaler' Sprier Friday. bchool. Miss Copeland is a most capable and efficient artist, and all the girls and bays showed that they had had the very best of training. The entire community is indebted to Miss Copeland for her earnest and efficient work as a Twentieth Century Club. cellent. The people of Marion are The Twentieth Century Club enthusiastic over their graded will close their season with the school, and give it most hearty next meeting, which will be held suDoort. The truth is. there is no with Mrs. P. A. Reid. Saturday. J. C. Story was called upon to de- institution in the town to which June 7th, at 3:45 o'clock. Eugene liver the Reid historical medal, the people give such united sup- Field will be the subject. ' wmcri naa neen won oy miss iien pofL The town, a few weeks ago, At their last meeting Mrs. W. Carson, whose subject was "Mc- voted . larre issu- and F Wood was hostess, and despite trainer in elocution and, declama- m w handsome, new, modern, up-to- the down-pour of mm, a goodly , between the estates. mis is con- date school building is now being number of members were present. sidered one of the highest honors, erect'd 0n the graded school The date of this meeting falling so from the fact that it represents grounds, and we look forward to nearly upon the one hundred and original work on the part of the the next scholastic year beinif even tenth anniversary of the birth of '.mi 1 m i winner. iviiss neima nicKs, better than the one just ended. Ralph Waldo Emerson, his life whose subject was "Marion", won honor roll, 19 12-'l 3.' and works were chosen for study, second place in thiscontest. Mrs. The following pupils were neither A sketch of his life, an interesting tion. Immediately following the. con test in declamation, the graduating class entertained the audiencewith their exercises. The president, Mr. Robert Nichols, with a few well chosen-words, welcomed the friends and patrons of the 'school, and introduced Miss Thelma Hicks, the historian of the class, who read in a very charming way,' a well written history of the class. She succeeded in getting off several anecdotes, personal experiences of the class in general, and of some of its members in particular. Her paper was well - received by the audience, and generously applaud ed. MisslHicks havingtnade pub lic the past history of the class. Miss Annie Baber 5 undertook, to reveal its future. -This she did most successfully. She related her experience in her efforts to read the future of each ? of ; her class mates in a very : interesting way. Her paper sparkled with wit and humor, and she succeeded in assign ing a fate to each of rherclass Walter Htacy of (Ilea Alpia U rUH lag hi aunt. Mr. J. K. Cri. Jay Uallw of Marion Jcactioa waa here oa Crosier-. Jiatarday. Arthur IWch of Mcrptatca rUitd Sr aixi Mn. W. A. IWch darla th wek. Mr. Dotoo of GrraJ rbilM hU taother. Mr faille Dobaoa. Sunday. Mr T. K Sair aal daahw, Mra. B. O. Cait. of Marica wrrw pleajxat ridtor hrve Saturday. MU ntllr Wll7n gaT a rrcrptlca Satordar erala which waa atteaVd by a larg aaxaber of her friradj,' Re frchmeaU wrrt? anrcd acd rstay la terwtiag gam wr played. AIL re port a dellghtfnl tiro Mast kss aad Kancy Bird is the teacher of history, and absent no r ta rd vd uri nn the entire account of his historic home. . l .1 1i - a. J A 1 I " ' I . ... is 10 oe compumeniea oa me spien- year and therefore constitute the brief outline of some of bis essays. did. work done in this department. Honor 'Roll: . v r Rev. J. Q. Adamsv then an- 1st grade Herbert Chapman. nounced the decision of the judges 2nd grade Carter Hudgins, in the boys' contest, and awarded Charlie May Epley. the Hudgins deciaimers' medal to 3rd grade Mary McConnel, John Grayson Yancey, and Rev. Frank Atwell, Rufus -Sowers. B. S. Lassiterithe Houck reciter's and several poems were read. De lightful refreshments were served. medal to Miss Blanche White. the exercises were interrupted here by Mr. D. E. Hudgins, who arose from the' audience and an- - Held on Serious Charge, Wichard Godfrey is in jail charged with criminal assault on 5th grade Nellie McCurry, Ray Lilho Reel. No preliminary trial Hemphill, Alna Rader. - has been had except that Godfrey 6th grade Edna Rader, Mattio waived examination and was bounct Gladden, Samuel Story. to Superior Court without bond, u -nATr,u cfn Mr. Godfrey has a wife and sever- U4UO u uou wwuui . .... . " . '-rij a.s. iu. v --I. .t t'4' ai children ijuno neei is a enp- V?- r , pled orphan girl, and has, been of representing the i5oam oi ju- em graae naroia unmn, Aima "u ving at Godfrey's home for some cation, ; who wished to express Mcucrry, iatie riuuman, Alice time. The rumors about the charg their: appreciation of the services Bobbitt ed assault are repulsive and on- w - .... o Miss Nan Guy, who has been a 9th grader-William Gladden, pnnUblo. meuiuer. ui un r uu, uo u. : The Marion chain carg, ontG t years, ohe resigned ner position lum graae iiien parson, iino M Monday to Hatherford at the close of the"tresent term. Hicks, Mary Poteat, John Elliott, tob. the chain gang bavibgrbcea After a few appropriate: --remarks, Amy Bomar. : . 1 abolished by tho bond election. tiiomi-son's rosM Thotapoa' Fork. Jaae 2.Mrm. Jew UaJley of Nebo waj tho gxit! of Mr. and Mrs. VT. C. Jaytv but Saaday. Mies Ada Howp waa thiyj Ic la Marion, Wedfictdar Ed. Tat aad littlo ona Brooe ard Ralph, of Kebo, rUited th forcaer'i mother, Mra. MatUa Tal, Mooday. J. N. Cathbcrucn la attcmSax ooort la Morgantoa Him Ma til 8ciptof IlarxaoayGnmt TWtd rclatirm acd fxieada tirro but "1 Fatxt Ehyoo of Morxaatoa 1$ a few days with hit grasdrwlber, Mrs. J K. CcthbertaoQ. Sara Hi chit, who baa twa at wctk oa the C C & 0. rsilroad la Tlrjiaia, U tpesdlag a few days ttrt with hocia-folks. jcormx roiuc Uaaklnt, Jaso 2, Ths peca cf U:U Tidalty ars all vrty aaxioca fr rl (Ocstiaaed cu lait TS) a.