; ' . . s A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE. BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1913. VOL. XVIII NO. 1 V jmm 1 .llll ' ' ' '''llillla EDUCATIONAL COLUMN jr-- Maud Barnard, Editor. Let every dawn of morning be to yon as the beginning of life, and every set ting sun be to yon as its close; then let very one of these short lives leave its sure record of some kindly thing done for others some goodly strength or knowledge gained for yourselves. RUSKIN. walks. All of the pupils seem to be very much interested in the regularv work and our aim is thor oughness rather than rapidity. . A. D. Teachers' Meeting. Our first teachers' meeting will be held in the court house in Ma rion September 13, 1913. Seven meetings will be held this year Greenlee School. One of McDowell's best schools an all teachers are required to at is located at Greenlee. The build- tend at least five. The teachers ing is similar to the one at Nebo are requested to bring their copies and is in very good condition. The of the Course of Study" and grounds are covered with grass Every Day Problems." A pro- and we hope soon to see the flow- gram will be sent out later. arc f.pppQ p.t flnnrisVnnor .ViorA The Dahlia farm is near, the school A correction. building and Mrs. Tate has gener-r We find in looking oyer the list ously offered to donate bulbs to of first grade teachers as published the school and superintend the recently in this column that the building of tbe flower beds. name or iuiss n.isie Stacy was Misses Hayes, Williams and Bur- omitted. Miss Stacy is one of our nil Hvpl widft awnka tpinnh- most Dromisincr first errade teachers i j ii l j uo , i i of Marion were the ers ana are uuiuss au iu meir power tu uaa wuia. uvw aiouuuuj stuuui. D tt 1 ' i j , , . , , Bessie Huskins the week-end. to make this school a success. NEWS FROM fHE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County Items About Home People. (Correspondents must aln their name to all communications or Items will be omitted. The name of the writer will not be publlshe, how- ever. All communications mast be In this office not later than Tuesday. Remember these rules and heed, If you please. Editor.) S.:0, b?fcrs.!Te'c pa.rjn.K STATE NEWS OFTHEWEEK iir uricti lor tnc cat WO oougm in the neighborhood, and a beautiful Scotch collie kept tho drove well in hand. j Two recent ball games between Garden City and Buck Creek schools resulted in scores of 12 to Items Concerning Events of In--terest and Importance Through out the State, Hendersonville b trying oat two 2 and 20 to 10 in favor of Garden gasoline street cars, said to bo the City. only two io tho United SLata. George W. Young is yarding a I a rvi on ' fine lot of oak logs tolbe sawed byli.i . .u T' woodlawn the Clear Creek mill, which moves 7 muu """uwowa. u Woodlftwn. Sftnt. l' Fridav af- to his place this week. Dccn opened in Uiarlottc exclusive. ternoon and night a very severe Howell Allison and son George ' colored people. electrical storm, accompanied with are away to Transylvania on along- Asbcvillc banks will get $50 000 wiua, rain ana nan, wnicn aia term naming contract. much damage to the crops, visited Ben Gurlcy, Harlan Young, this Section. John Rllintt nrl ?Qtr .11 of Garden Citv, Rttended a picnic ing at Armstrong, spent Saturday at Woods Knob last SAturday and and Sunday with relatives here. report a good lime. Joseph Godfrey and Walter Some recent visitors to Garden Brown were in Marion Saturday. City were Miss Mabel Wilson, of of government money this bein in addition to the amounts allotted at other points in the StaU." During aseverc storm at Granite Falls, Caldwell county, Friday, lightning struck a house and tore; ' tin t li ron rnnmc Ktnt nAn 9 Wa Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godfrey MorKaoton. Misses hlizabeth .rn . of Armstrong spent Sunday with Greenlee and Hartley IJutt, of the ,Draatcs wcro "J. the latter's parents. rvnoxviue iienerai Hospital, icn- miss iwmsiora uuisose, dtagn- . Misses Mattie and Eva Snipes I ncssee; .Miss Mary lassiter and tcr of the late Kev. McKccly Da- guests of Miss mr3' oruwn, 01 .uariQu. Iks? ftn Kpiscopal clergyman, and north cove MacDowell of Spsrtaa- The Girls' Home-life society has The Faixview School-Life Club Fnk mottofMarioni.vi.it- North cove. Sep, 2-There . bo burc.S. C. will be married ip Wn nnmnimd .d h .n Bnrnll. bas started, work in earnest and IDire a ? " - ---- PPrt the -shoot how. on Pep- tcrabcr 10th in Grace Episcopal Z:: s .-"-.1.:. already have their fair exhibit , ' Pr crk next stard.y niRht for th. church. Monnulon. ment of thirty. So far," this is the largest class in the county. The teachers and patrons are mak ing plans to put water works in the school building. This will started Thft nrpcidpnt Minnift r"11' Ul -oul vreeK, spent ounaay benefit of the school JeM, Corpninff tk f I, . r- started. Ine president, Minnie wlth relatlves here. uwwn.P- v'i J T10 Merchants, and Fartncra1 iooson, is very entnusiastic and Sn:Des SDent Sundav in u doine d work. n hM bank of liakersville, Mitcbel! conn- makes a good leader for this work. North Cove. plUhed a irreat deal toward beautif vinir ty. was chartered last week to do On locfr. T?rif1ov nnitA a niimKor I the school mround- In rnrnml Yn n I.- i n r. Ktr TV, All teaCnerS Can get CarClS I0r I rf tmnnrr artrl 1rlA rns mm I Th rrrwl frmni aMm ttaII rtlAjawl I .t : 1 ... mpn trrpot. rpl tn thp cnhnnl . 2 .... . Jruu6 , H?-0 t . I ,7. . . . . J auiiiorizira Capiiai IS 5,WU WlUl & ineir pupil s moioiy reporisii inev nvianon eniovea a mcnic at Mrs. wim me new roaa oniu woDRioeapen- ,rt aa i ; . w, and children and Greenlee is to be will call for them at the Suoerin- E. F. Greenlee's country home, cer place. We conld have better road. r; fp ! y vT5 v t consrratulated UDon havinsr such a ,qfj VSunn.vside Farm." Diflferent if the eood people were all interested in u "UdKins and J. 1. Moixso, " icuucuu a uuiici i - . . ..I . . I 1 1 i progressive faculty. games were played after which ice roaa work. an 01 .uanon. cream was servea. Among those uuam Mcuaii waa a vuuor taenrsi xhe ML Airy News tells that L off an Hill School. nna nir Qr,f 1 f onri iar .ni fomsu Cna.rani... c pm a iff t tv,- w . Maoy born to Mr. and Mrs. lioss Loean Hill school is progressing Mrs- Johnathan Nichols' home waslG.; J. F. Sprague and family, of for Rntharford Collet to ouUr chooL ernar or aurry county, weigh- uei.y witu iraiaa via xjuu xjuiiu wUpn R: nf U:R snnQ nfl ftnft Hnncrh- littlft Hancrhtr f mm T?nnnlrp V. from Mim. ertLi nf Mr nml Mm rhilrl hnrn tn Mr f EV.. . . J T1 1 " - ..-ww " , vs, w , O - - - I ww. .. .w " . . WMw - I w- as principal ana miss ueizora ter, together with their families Mrs. Jacob Hassler and daughter, Q. W. Uonley last Saturday and Sun- harU who have if rand children Mr I nvioman lit1 tit?izicTU n r . 1111 1 u u 111 i n n f at r a w rtr ft .A iAr.vrj! i l inn it..AVh . uisv..a a n Liiiav. i , . . , i Itu, u in i j u xj xi: t- i r r fo.ii c-vornari is years old and bis f 1 1 miPTRSL I1HS UKKIl SI1UWI1 III LUH I vuu . ti vj cwmw x u viuva auu ouuu I ajlvuo, miaoco uisirj auu ill a I I v. . tuv.vai ui uiai iuu dm nil w-4 wife 47. Marion. A on. Hat eevHral daya, U able to beoataKaln. i i . . TTTi,, ti . tion in lUIeigh last week, F. H. Studfnt wlw Brown of Garden City waa a . . . t, ' " visitor here last Sunday. Hobbs of bampson county, was phnnl npnrlr thic xrpar thA narpnt to0 possession of the dining-room guorite House, Marjorie Pratt, here lat week. " "w. 5 , -" r.v , j 1. 4. I A .U WLIi. f " I o T v .1 r I I ... and children co-oneratimr with the auu f X cau . s,"UfcUUU! reL' V1"". llVM3U; . om oor- ?' urj8.a'. WQOD" .Dn .OT w KCX At the .sute Farmers' Convca- -r-- consisting or nine nounn caKes. aon j-reeniee. or teachers, wnicn is tne secret or a candies and fruits and an abundance good school. The teachers are very of other good things to satisfy the active in imnrovW the school life inner man. The table fairly AqHrnRn tt. E. McCall of Marion Tiaiu?d hi elected president. Mrs.Cbu.Mc and making it attractive. The first gr?d under its burden, and the Asbford, Sept. 2. The school btber Vrl he darin th Kimmon of IUlcigh wai msdo Fridav afternoon was soent in LK"" IV' nu'u here at Ashford is on a boom. "T - president or tho .ortb Carolina .1 j. ' "u"J?r.rri Never has so much interest been . .. . Housewives' Lnnij. Mrs. J. G. lkylin of Wadesboro vice presi dent and Mrs. C. IL Hudson of Raleigh secretary and treasurer. The Yadkin Valley Herald is tho name of a now paper to be launched cleaning up ine scnooi groanas. the delicacies to consume one half : Yr irT:iT.Ij 1SZ vfu" Jamea Henne wm The New Era Literary Society has of the quantitysufficient remain- averajre'y attendance is abo'ut 85, bn8lnta JterdJ- i i j l J..U in(T tn havo fori t.toio dc montr I . . . . . I ueen prgamzea, aiso a sewiug uiuu - and still they come. Much has in Marion on C. and meetings are held alternately on Friday afternoons. A- well is being completed for the school, which will be a great convenience. We have every reason to believe we will have a very successful school year. C. B.- Chapel Hill School. The enrollment of Chapel Hill school is sixty-five, but the, average daily attendance for the past two weeks has been only about fifty eight owing to the rainy' weather. The Literary society which was organized four weeks ago has ren dered a splendid program each Friday afternoon since. On Fri day evening, August 29, the Liter ary Society entertained the Story Telling Club with an exercise con sisting of recitations, declamations, readings, stories and songs. The Story Telling Club of the primary grades has also rendered several interesting programs. We have already selected some of the best drawings and composi- tions.for the fair. By October 17 1 think we will have selected enough drawings compositions ; and" note hooks with the girls' sewing, em broidery and crocheting work to present a very attractive exhibit. We have succeeded in getting the school grounds cleaned off. very well, but we want to do some more work, planting flowers arid making mure. I 1 j i i j , , , , n ueeu uuuo tu ueauuiy vue urouoas, It had been prepared as a sur- Tha location hftr is irood and with prise dinner" on the occasion of L iittie more work we nave an Mr. JNlChOlS' bnd birthday. .It IS re cnhnnl Thft iAtmnrA wpII lay. needless to add it was a great day for him, and that he enjoyed it all to the fullest extent and did full justice to the meal, after he could gain control of his emotions. Many of his neighbors dropped in during the afternoon to add their hearty congratulations and wishes for many returns" of the happy occasion. Those present from a distance -w- 1 were: loyd JNicnois and son Grady, James Nichols and daugh ter, Miss Grace, of Old Fort; Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hemphill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nichols and family and Grover Nichols of Marion; Josh Wilker son and Mrs. Will Whitlock and two children of Forest City, Char lie Nichols and family, Garland Nichols and a host of other rela tives of Otter Creek joined in the festive occasion. We are glad to note the marked improvement in Mr.Nichols' health over what it has been in the past. A Friend. A late report from Washington says there is a strong possibility that ex-Governor Glenn will be appointed to the office which he has had his eye on for some time, that of Interstate Commerce' Com mission; that he may be appointed to succeed Judson C. Clements of Georgia, whose term expires next January; , r pleased with the work being done and are giving their heartiest co operation for the success of the school. A program is being pre pared by the pupils for 'Tarents' Day" September 12. We hope that every parent will attend. Rev. J. L. Smith conducted a series of meetings at Concord church last week. A number of our people visited the beach at Charleston last week. Miss Ethel Wilson and brother, Oscar, who are away teaching, vis ited homefolks here Saturday and Sunday. A-party was enjoyed by a num ber of voung people at the home of J. E. Wilson Saturday night. J. M. Gilliam of Gastonia visited his sister, Mrs. J. S. Brown, Mon day night. Master Charlton Brown is visit ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gilliam, at Old Fort. There will be a box supper giv en at Ashford school house Satur day night, September 13, the pro ceeds of which will be used in placing ah organ in the school. The public is cordially invited. Red Wing and Hiawatha. NKIiO Nebo. Sept. 1. Mia Etelle Wilson spent Friday and Saturday with M1m Eddie Young at Bridge water. Mrs. J. K. Stacy was shopping In Ma- under the Silisbury date lino tomo rion Friday. xmt very q, Yadkin Val- T. W. Alexander and Tom England , HeraW wi bo published twico went on a pleasure trip to Erwin and . . ... Bristol. Ten, last week. a-weck and will take over tho Cecil Little of Marion waa hero Thura- Sc mi-Weekly Post, a paper with day. several thousand subscribers. It J.. Wilson has been aeriDujly iU for will bo under the direct masagc several days, but glad to aay that he U mCQl 0f Mr. C. D. Hose, as bosi improving. , . - J? Mrs. II. D. Plant, after stndin t. ness manager, and under tho cdi- eral montha hero with her parent. Mr. torial direction of Mr. J. F. Hnr- and Mrs. J. F. Wilson, has returned to ley. and these will be aided by her home in Knoxville, Tenn. crfraJ enntrihntin ?tnwr Miasea Caasie, Rebecca and Delia Pat- ton have entered school here for the An CJ a Do rale and complete GOC term. umcntary history of North Ciro- J. F. Wilson mad a business trip to Una's part io the Battle of Gcttva- Morganton Friday. I k : 1 Jamea Setter of Morganton is hero f or I . . . . , awhile. 1 J u uewjauuru iauegrouna MLm Mae Scott and Pink WhUnant Commission, recently appointed by of Morganton spent Thursday herewith the Governor under the authority Mias Ethel Ajexander. Qf ft resolution passed by tho last Miss VallJe WUm of Harmony Ororo Gcncral Assembly. This decision waa called home Friday on the account . . . . . of the illness of her father. of lho Commission was arrived at Miss Edith Wells of Atlanta, Ga.. U t a recent meeting held in lUIeigh. spending a few day with her aUter, Hon. W. A Montgomery is chair- OABDEN CITY. Garden City, Sept. 2.- A fine drove of sixty or seventy cattle passed through Garden City on the way to Mitchell county last week. the property of S. L. Phillips of Estatoe and I. H. Greene of Old Miss Edna. Jamea Lewis of Erwin. Tenru will enter school here for the term. Mrs. Charlea Simmons and children are visiting her brother, Ivory Pyatt. at Ridgecrest. J. J. Lewis Is here from Horse Shoe. man of tho Commission and Mr. IL D. W. Connor is secretary. A report was scat out .from Washington last week that cx Gov. Glenn had been offered and T. C. Cuthbertaon of Aaherille made! had accepted an Important post a business trip to Nebo Thursday. nDCcr ln0 Federal government. Mr and Mrs. George Link of Spokane, cx-Govcrnc'r, who is in Mis- soon, ys nc qu now ocea oucrca apositioa. (Continued onjast page) i

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