- - - v - ' , r . - 1 .- 4 . , X A WEEILY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 5, 1914. VOL, XVIII NO. 23 SCHOOL HOUSE WARMING Formal Opening of New Graded School Building Friday Night Dr. Joyner Coming. All arrangements have been com pleted for the formal opening of the new Graded School building Friday night, February 6, at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. J. Y. Joyner, Statfe Superintendent of 'Public Instruc tion, will deliver the principal ad dress. Prof. N. W. Walker, State Inspector of high schools, will also deliver an address. '. The following well known edu cators will be present to represent their respective schools: Dr. J. I. Foust, president State Normal Col lege, Greensboro; Dr.fD. H. Hill, president A. & M. College, Ra leigh; Prof. Flowers, Trinity Col lege, Iurham;.Prof. A. C. Rey- nnlrl! nrpsidp.nt Onllowhfifi Train SmrSnW. Hnllftwhp.fi: Snnt. H,r- verdict of judgment for the de ? ' I C 1 il 1 IV i.M! A ry Howell, Asheville CSty Schools? ,eDaaDt lae Pnun-wiiing to re- "t- - 1 T7II J "I 1 A r ioya uraraner ei ais. vs ' Court Adjourns. The civil term of McDowell Su perior Court adjourned Saturday. The case of J. Q. A. Michael vs J. L. Leach, trading as Hickory Steam Laundry, resulted in a ver dict from the jury of $2,000 dam ages against the'defendant.'' This case grew out of a prosecution by Leach against Michael a year or so ago charging, him with embez zlement. In that prosecution Michael was acquitted by the jury. He then instituted the above case for damages foe malicious prosecu tion in Leach charging him with embezzlement. The jury again vindicated Michael and found that Leach prosecuted him without probable cause-and l with malice, pnd gave damages against Leach in the above amount. The case of W, Hicks Morris vs w . A. . garrison resulted in EDUCATIONAL COLUMN Maud Barnard. Editor. ed School; E. M. Hairfield, Mor ganton Graded School; Supt. J. C. Crutchfield, Ruther ford ton State High School; Supt. W. H. Cole, Hendersonville Graded School. McNeeley et als., judgment for plaintiff for $25.00. J. H. May vs Western Union Telegraph Co., judgment for plain- The high school girls will sing tifffL$5??- , T . o n. vv . xresiey vs d. o. oewan, judgment for plaintiff for $38.00. An Acre of Corn in the South. Walker Lee Dunson, of Alex ander City, Ala., made thisTar a yield of two hundred and thirty- two and two-tenths bushels of corn on. one acre, at an average cost of 19.9 cents a bushel. This is the'best showing of any corn-grower in the United States and probably in the whole world. The champion of the great corn state, Iowa, grew 136.70 bushels on an acre. J. Ray i Cameron, of Kinstbn, N. C, ma db 190.4 on an acre at a cost of 33.19 cents, and E. C. Morgan, of Marietta, N. C, raised 127.8 bushels on an acre at the low figure of thirteen cents a bushel. . The record of this 'Alabama boy and these two young Carolinians tell an eloquent story of the almost unlimited capacity of the South as j , a corn producing section of the nation. jn. kj. unrisuan Aavocaie. t a herself an energetic and enthusias tic woman, and the people of Fair- view wish her mVich success in her work for thetoming years. Friday afternoon when the school children's task had erided, after playing for some time,vthey were called to their respective deks, and prizes were delivered to the foil owing for perfect attendance during the five months: Minnie, Jessie ard George Dobson, and Johny Gardin. The leaders in spelling: Mary Jarrett, Gallic Hensley, George Dobson, Minnie Dobson, and George Gardin. Af tr these prizes were delivered the "candy" was passed which was en joyed most by the little folks. in two choruses, and a choir com posed of local talent will sing an anthem. Now let us show our in terest in the school by attending the exercises Friday night. ' No charge for admission. There are seats for 500 peoDle, and it . is earnestly hoped that not a seat Good Attendance at Teachers' Meeting, Although the rains had made the roads almost impassable the teach ers' meeting last Saturday had a good attendance. About fifty teach ers vjfire enrolled. Mr. McGuire I I 11 A. Ttwisrona to look nnon the reau exwjiieut paper ou uur Sabbath school -atrtbodisUlnPu.,ory ttend8ce Law" and ur. xviu inauu a umk uu wrai V The Methodist Sunday School. church last Sunday morning. There were present 187 people. Hygiene." Prof. I. C. Griffin continued his will be vacanf.when the exercises & r,' -ZZssion on "Every Day Prob- begin. L . lems." With the out hnes wh ch hOihas prepared for . the teachers Dr. Joyner is one of the best . , . vv e are expecting reaL iuius known speakers in the State, known far Vic Antortflinincr oc topII nc in- structi ve addresses. Prof. Walker we to appointed? You have from.vour Sunday school. Shall WV TJ - "u w. 3 F'u doiq Denenciai ana interesting will have something interesting to say to all who are interested in high school work. Each of our visitors will have just a word to say about our school and the new building., Let every friend and the answering of that question in your hands. Mr. ijrimn win tase up tne re maining chapters at the next meet- TWt wish to ioin the a re9t which is scheduled for March 7. J " I mi i ? xne gamesana songs or .Hisses Scott and Meriwether were very Sunday school movement of today TOit.h its SO. OOO. 000 mp.n. women W W, W W W ) I . . 1 1 , and children ? Come and enlist as jesting mqeea ana oeing prac- building., L,et every friend and r tical can be used by any teacher to , .i , i . a pupil in this great world-wide , .... patron of the school come out , , . . , . make the recesses helpful recreation wors wuiuu is ueiuK pruseuutcu iu Friday night. Immediately after the exercises u i u j -ii trumpnei wnica snaii never can the school board will give a recep- F ... . tion in nonor or tne visiting eau- , . . , . nearts or men Deiore nis juage helpfi 4-U nk.;et;0 Ko pcnuua uuu uut a Willi O Ul WIUUUIO "He hath sounded forth the Uor teacber and -P'1 ahke Ashford School Closes Friday. Ashford, Feb. 2. The school at Ashford will close Friday, Feb. 13, with the following program: Addresses by W. T. Morgan of of Marion, and Rev. D. J. Hunt of Union Mills, beginning at 10:30 a. m. Dinner will be served on the grounds at 12 o'clock. Every body is requested to bring rv filled baskets. A declaimer's and reciter's contest will be civen at 1 o'clock p. m. This contest will close in time for the judges to go away on No. 3 if they desire to do so. There will be an- entertain ment consisting of songs, plays, drills, &c.. beginning at 7:00 Q'clock p. m. A striug band has been engaged to furnish music Everybody is cordially invited to come and be with us. Let us have a good day together. cators. McDowell Corn Club Record. A letter from Mr. A. K. Robert- ment'seat; O be swift, my soul, to son of Raleigh says: Bridge Bids Reiected-Commis- him: be jubilaDt feet: lbe ,?r Vu rur C y , 6 J I r.,- tA ; -w:. " - verv well as their averacre is lust Sioner Yancey Hesigns. In order to reach the 200 mark about the sameas the State average The county commissioners held set for our Sunday school we shall Jper acre this past year. The lat- their regular monthly meeting at need 13 new ouoils next Sabbath ter was 62-4 b yur bys beat the court house Monday and Tues day. Much of the time was spent in transacting routine matters. The bids filed for the construction of six iron bridges were examined but all were rejectedvand the board ( refuse to let out any contracts. The bids were all adjudged to" be too high, the lowest bid being $10,250. s Clifton R. McCall and William Sweeney were appointed members of the finance committee in place of E. K. Hild and John Yancey, who declined to serve. At the close ofjthe business ses sion Tuesday, John Yancey tender ed his resignation as county com missioner which was accepted. Mr. Yancey stated that his reason for resigning was that his business demanded all his attention and that he could not well spare the time to further serve on the board. The vacancy on the board hasnpt jvet been filled. : The appointment is made by J;he Clerk of the Superior vx)urt. day. L. D. Thompson, Pastor. Mbrganton Subscribes for Furni ture Factory. Morgan ton, Jan. 30. Morgan- ton citizens are beginning to realize the importance of the vast timber advantages of Burke County, and . . . plans are on foot to er.ect another furniture factory. Thirty thous and dollars stock has already been subscribed and it is thought the amount wrHreach $50,000 when a complete canvass ismade.. It is understood that the com mittee has propositions from out side capital for an amount jequal to -that raised by the citizens, and - several sites are Deing loosea over. In addition to tbis full, stock has been subscribed to build knitting mill.' If vou like this v Daoer. sena us a twentyrfi ye cents in. stamps and let It come w you lureo muuiua. the state average on cost produc tion by four and one-half cents per bushel, that is they grevt their al most equal amount at 32c per bushel when the state average was 37c per bushel. Your county also beat the average oo final reports and I believe it will do even better this year." Two of our boys took district prizes, itom nouctc toox nrstais- trict prize and Joe Greenlee the second.. Next year we hope to .do even better than this. A iarge number of boys have been enrolled as members of the 1914 corn club. and if there are otherboys whq wish to join please send In names at once. We hope to enroll 200 members this-year. Fairview School. Fairview school closed last Fri iday, ending the most success fu term which has been taught here for some time.' Miss Rosa Houck r . a . . who has been, teacher, . has proven Bethlehem School. v The Bethlehem School will close Friday, February 6th. Friday evening of same date the school will give a public entertainment beginning at 7:00 o'clock sharp. The program follows: Sooc: Our School. Recitation, Golden Keep, Car mel Melton. q Recitation, How to Be Happy, Jesse Brown. Dialogue: Brown Eyes and Blue Eyes. Recitation, A Boy's Troubles, yUames Clontz. Music by band. Dialogue: Reviewing for Ex amination. Recitation, The Wreck of the Hespews, AdHie Lavender. Recitation, Dorothy's Valentine, Leila Halford. Recitation, Our Flag, Ella Lac key. Song, All Through the Night. Recitation, Give the Boys a Chance, Alfred Gibson. Dialogue: No Peddlers Wanted. Music by band. Recitation, God's Lamps, Tres- sie Parker. Pantomime: The Star Spangled Banner. Dialogue: The Way to Wynd- ham. ' Song;. The Gentle Spring. Recitation, Philip Barton of Denver, Annie Brown. Recitation, Noshi and the Morn ing Glory, Leila Melton. Dialogue: The Sick Doll. Recitation, . The Crowning In dignity, Elisha Gibson. Dialogue: Coon Creek Court ship. Music by band. Recitation, The Vacation Child ren. Pantomime: Annie Laurie. STATE-NEWS OF THE WEEK Items Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Through out the State. Fifty-two applicants, one color ed, took the examination for law license before the State Supremo Court Monday. It is said that approximately 000 students are nox in all departments of the University, all but 49 of them from North Carolina. The Governor has decided that the pardon mill has done enough business for the present and ho wjll consider no pardon applica tions this month. A fire which broke out in tho second story of the Model Steam Laundry at Durham Friday de- ' strojed practically all of the ma chinery of the laundry and did damage amounting to $10,000. Governor Craig has appointed over 100 delegates to the sixth an nual National Corn Exposition, which will b in progress at Dal las, Texas, February 10 to 24. In cluded in the number are VV. W. Neal and Rom Houck of Marion. At Elk Park. Avery county, Friday night, fire destroyed the Elk Park furniture store. W. W. Lineback hardware store, T. J. Riy's galax building. Attorney Harrison Baird's law uflico and the telephone office. Lov estimated at $20,000 to $25,000, partially covered by insurance. Marshal Chas. A. Webb has ap pointed John V.Jordan of Ashe ville his chief deputy. The mar shal's office force, in addition to Jordan, will be composed of J. F. Gardner of Randolph county and J. D. Poole of Ashcville. The latter formerly resided in Way no county but has made Ashevi)ie his home since last May. It was reported from Washing ton last week that C. C. Wright, superintendent of education "for Wilkes county, would be candidate for the Democratic nomination for State Commissioner of Agriculture next year. Mr. Wright was in Washington last week and evident- y is considering being a candidate. but he tells the Winston Sentinel hat it is too early to decide. While cutting timber in Stony Cove one day last week, Tho Old Fort Sentinel says Ed Allison was struck on the head by a falling tree, which fractured his skull. The injured and unconscious man was picked up by J. H. Eller, who carried him over 300 yards towards home. After an operation was per formed, relieving the pressure on the brain, Mr. Allison rallied, and at last accounts was still improv ing. The new express rates recently ordered bv the interstate commerce commission became effective Feb ruary 1st, and in tho future ship ments will bo carried at greatly re duced prices in tho vast majority of cases. Tb new rates call for reductions of as much as fifty pec cent in many instances. Weather Report. ThouL&a McGuire, 8eryent D. S. Arm, report the temperature aad rainfall at -Marion tUtioa for the week as followa: Maximum. Minimum, Rain, - . -Son&hlne percent A degree 25 degTeea 0.73 Inches .71 f 1 1 . , t X 7 Y V

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