ft . ' . -i " " 'V , - - i : r . . . .... -..:....; ! ' ;; : '' ; A WEEKLY NEWIAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTy! ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914. VOL. XVIII NO. 38 THE PRIMARIES SATURDAY Gudger Carries McDowell Over man, Giles and Schenck In-' dorsed Delegates. The Democratic primaries for selecting delegates to the comity convention to be held here Satur day to select delegates to the State, Congressional, Judicial and Sena torial conventions were held Satur day. The primaries were held in the county precincts at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. In addition to the delegates to tne county con vention precinct committeemen were elected. Unanimous indorsements were given Overman for the United States Senate D. F. Giles for the State Senate, and Michael Schenck for Solicitor of the 18th district. The primaries passed off quietly. the greatest interest centering in the fight for Congress. Estimat ed vote of McDowell, with returns yet to come in from Broad River, give Gudger 11.248, and Reynolds 7.606, with one vote and a fraction divided between Harrison, Merri mon and Moore. In Marion town ship Gudger received 74 votes, Reynolds 69, Harrison 18, Herri mon 8, Moore 2. The following is the list of dele gates of Marion township to the county convention which meets at the court house in Marion next Saturday at 2 o'clock G..S. "Kir by, S. E. Dobbins, George Carson, W. E. Landis, W. F.,Wood; P. R Caanon, A, Blanton, C. E. .Warner, W. W. Neal, G. S. Tate, A. E. Neal, J. W. Pless. K. M. Gilkey, H. H. Tate, W. M. Good son, W. W. Guy, Tom Barnes, J. W. Winborne, J. D. Blanton, J. W. Grayson, Ben Corpening, W. A. Houck, S. C. Elliott, L. J. P. Cutlar. COUNTY PRECINCT VOTE. The precinct vote of McDowell county for county convention fig ured on the basis of 21 congres sional convention votes, is as fol lows, with Broad River yet to hear from, which-will probably give one vote to Reynolds and one to Gudger: Marion Reynolds 2.259, Gud ger 2.423, Harrison .589, Merri man .261, Moore .065. Old Fort Reynolds 1.494, Gud ger 2.564, Harrison .084, Merri- mon .056. North Cove Reynolds . 466 Buck Creek Reynolds .691, Gudger .207, Merrimon .034, Crooked Creek Reynolds .482, Gudger .451. ' ( Nebo Gudger 1.400; Turkey Co ve Reynolds .085, Gudger .848. . Higgins Reynolds .321, Gud ger .146. ' Udar Cove Reynolds -.394, Gudger .072; - v " - Monfords CoveReynolds .718, Gudger .215. r ; Bracketts Reynblojs .058,VGud er .408. ' Glenwood Reynolds .419, Gud- CTCXf QZO TT - n. m - m- '. ,ouo garrison .U40 merrimon .090. , Dysartsville Reynolds ;219, Gudger 1.646. : Total convention vote Reynolds 606 Gudger 11.238Hamson 1A8 Merrimon .441, Moore .065. LFor the above convention fig- pl vulCQ are apparently correct, Ihe Progress is indebted to W. E. andls, campaign manager for vjruwus minis countv.J l School Commencement June 1-2. y the -graded school commence ment this year will be June 1 and 2. All class work will be completed Friday, May 29, when the annual reports and promotion cards will be given toill children of the first seven grades The high school Reports wilb be issued Tuesday, June 2. The. high school pupils will give a play, "What Happened to Jones," Friday night, May 29 A strong cast of characters will present this unusually interesting and laugh able farce, and all who attend are guaranteed a pleasant evening. The annual contest in Declama tion and Recitation will take place Monday night, June 1K and the graduating exercises "on Tuesday night, June 2. A complete pro gram will be published next week. WEBB AND -PAGE-WIN Barnes-Dysart. A quiet wedding was performed Monday night at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Ben Martin, on Garden street, when Miss Louise Dysart and Mr. Charles Barnes were united in marriage, the ceremony being per formed by Rev. J. C. Story in the presence of relatives and a few in timate friends. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Barnes left for Salisbury, Baltimore and other points for a stay of a . wees or more. Miss. Dysart is the youngest daughter of Mrs. J. B. Higgins of this place and the groom is a son of Robert Barnes of Hankins. They will reside at Sevier, where Mr. Barnes is agent for the C. C. &0. Railway. Their-many friends wish them all happiness on life's journey. . Mass Meeting Called to Arrange for Fourth of July Celebration.. The undersigned committee has been requested by numerous enter prising citizens to call a mass meet ing of the men of Marion and sur rounding vicinity for Saturday evening, May 23, at 8 o'clock, at the court house, at which meeting the plans and organization will be effected for a Fourth of July cele bration in Marion. ; v Every citizen who can possibly attend this meeting is requested to do so, and to take part therein. COMMITTEE. Close Race Between Gudger and Reynolds in the Tenth Other Returns. Gr-enaboro Newt, 17Ui- ' Returns received by the Daily News last night and early this morning from the congressional districts where there were contests yesterday,' indicate that Congress man Page defeated R. F. Beasley for the nomination in the seventh district, and that Congressman Webb has won handsomely in the ninth. The vote is estimated as follows: Ninth district. Congressman Webb, 10,000; E, R. "Preston, 2,500. Seventh district, Congressman Page, 5,000; Roland F. Beasley, 1,600. The result in the third district wbere six candidates entered was in doubt this morning with ex- Congressman Thomas claiming a victory over Congressman Faison and other aspirants. It is probable, however, that neither of the can didates received a majority yester day. In the tenth district the race seems to be between Congressman Gudger and Robert R. Reynolds, both of Buncombe, with the raana- gers ot tne two candidates mis morning trying to figure out a convention majority on the urst ballot but soem.unable to do so. . The following Congressman were renominated yesterday without op position: Small, in the first dis trict; Kitchin, in the second; Poo, in the fourth; S ted man, in the fifth; Godwin, in the sixth and Doughton, in the eighth. Senator Overman for the United States senate was also nominated without opposition in the primaries, while Chairman Travis of the Corpora tion Commission was renominated without opposition. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY STATE NEWS OF THE WEEK : ' Brief Mention of Some of the Hap- Items Concerning . Events of !n- penings In McDowell County terest and Importance Tnrough- . Items Abouwiome People. out the State. In Buncombe county Democratic Nebo, May H.-J. L. Padgttt and a nnminM Mtrrm ttrtrln ii.A M. Hemphill made a btuaneaa trip to uu.wi Hickory laet Friday. Mrs, W. Q. Hunter and daughter, I acicaicu oy jonn il Is&Vbcy. Ruth, were shopping In Marion, Satnr-1 , Tbe Republican State committer aV " I has rvn Miff? fn mt n fl?- Fred Hemphill and Frank Wilaon of boro Mav -G for th nnrm f Tryon spent Sunday In Nebo. lHM;.t!n. A MlB4 Lon and John Stacr of Glen Al Li pine visited their sister. Mrs. O. G. I Annis, here Monday. The long-drawn-out caw as to Willie Landis of DrsartBTllle spent I the ownership of Su Pctcr'a church Satnrdarnd Sunday here with his Mn Cline's townihin. Catawharann. aunt, Mrs. G. D. Taylor. tv ... (flMu n Dr. C. H. Hemphill and Frank Hilda- x, " JT C brand of Dreiel were pleasant rUitom rlul uureu w"cu nail in the city Sunday. of the real estate and the Missouri Mr. ana Mrs. W. J. Bowman and and the Tennessee Lutherans aro Maggie Taylor were In Marion Satur- to lharo cnnallr In rfmitntn? hmlf Weather Beport. Thomas McGuire, Sergeant U. S. Army, reports the temperature and rainfall ax Marion station for the week as follows: Maximum, Minimum; Bain, -Sunshine per cent - 85 degrees 41 degrees A trace 7& J . EXPERlfeNCE: Experience is never limited, and it is never complete. It b an im mense sensibility a land of huge (spider web v of the ' finest - silken threads suspended in the chamber of consciousness and catching every s air borne. parncle. in itrrtissue. It 'is x , the very atmosphere of the mindV J and when the mind is imaginative : f much; more when if happens to be that of ; a . geniusr-it tafces to itself 'the- fajrest 1 hintfrof life; itjanverti the very pulses of. the. air into rev- ' elations; -Henry James, f ,' - Al t flags look alike to- the Vera Cruzians.' day. Miss Fay Padgett has returned home from Mars Hill college, where she has been In school for the Dat term Messrs. McC&ll and George Crawford AriL V t a mm w ana sisir. Louise, or Mars inn. were here visiting Miss Padgett the Utter part of the week. and to hare equal rights as to tho church building. Tho General Conference of tho Southern Methodist Church last week adopted a committee report requiring that ministerial candi- The Nebo Community Life Club met dates pledge themselves to abstain last Saturday evening at eight o'clock from the use of tobacco. Rftsolti- and arranged an Interesting progTan U;nn9 ff.fA ,jAntjj ; for the Fourth of July. I. ... 0, , . . , Mr. and Mrs. Irorv Kerr of AlDeriHe " "u-ooepwra nauoa-wiuo sperft the week-end here with r!atlrL prohibition bill and approving tho Mrs. L. E. Sigtnon of Ridgecrwt ridt- action of Secretary Daniels in ed her mother. Mrs. J. YL Stacy, the banishinc? intoxicant. latter part of the wek. Eyerett L. Padgett attended the com mencement at Max? .JI.IU .coDege . Jast week. Ben Stacy has gone to Erwin. Term., where he has accepted a position. Mrs. Maud Poteat of Morgan ton It here spending th week with friends and relatives. Miss Alma Swann of Kealsvilla is I visiting her sister. Mrs. W. a Giles- Miss Clara Bailey went to Marion last week where she will spend some time. Bee. folks here Last week. Mrs. O. IL HUlngtoo. who'was recent ly operated on In the Ilatherford Hoa pital for a tumor In her throat, returned home Wednesday much Improved. Je It. Walker and J. D. Walker have just returned hots, after vULting- friends axd rclatrrer near EUenboro. The farmers have about finished plant' Ing com. and wheat Is looking well. Beany. Contest in Tenth Will Go to the Convention. Ashevllle Citizen, ISth. The counties apparently carried by Mr. Gudger are Clay, Hender son, Polk, McDowell, Transylvania and Swain. Reynolds at this writ ing has carried Buncombe, his home county, Haywood, Graham, Ru therford and Cherokep. Judge Moore may have carried his home county of Jackson and Harrison carried his home county of Macon. Congressman Gudger claims that he will enter the nominating con vention with 148 votes, and he places Mr. Reynolds' vote at 142J Judge S. G. Reynolds claims that his brother will have 152 votes in the convention and that Mr. Gud ger will have 146. These .Ggurcs are given witn ootn candidates claiming Haywood. '; . GUDGER TJ5AD3 IN HAYWOOD. ?AshevilIef' May 19. According to a special dispatch from Waynes ville today, ' Congressman James M;:Gudger, jr., carried Haywood county in the primary Saturday by a majority ; of 60.- It : stated further that the manager in the county for Solicitor Rooert ';R Reynolds concedes the county.-to Mr,. Gudger by a majority of 30.. : jongressmanNGadger and Soli citor Reynolds ' each maintiining that he. is in the lead, although neither is claiming enough conven tion votes to secure tho nomination on the Grst ballot. v - - i . ' GARDEN CITY. Garden City, May 15. J. L. Morgan and others passed through our Tillage Tueeday with a drove of about one hundred cattle, taking them to the mountains for the summer range. Linville, May 14.- Isaac Oilea of Ruth erford College spent Saturday and San- day with home folks here. There was a singing Sunday at the home of A- IL Giles. A large crowd was present and an en jorable afternoon was spent. ' MUs Es&ie Rae Ooalev of Glea Alnine Mrs. Frank Curtis and son. Ray. of ttaciOD pent Sanr wltbher P"" hgh hoo, tt. wk-d with ho me folks here. Mr. and Mrs. a. P. Curtis. Misses Maud Barnard and Retyi Neal of Marion visited tne Tomato club girls Monday. Misses Dora and ??elle Gibbs spent Friday in Marion shopping. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Harris of Marion are spending several days with the lat ters parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. J i me son. Brace, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. I H. A. Glbbs, while playing last Friday eyening, happened to a serious accident, getting the smallest ringer on his right hand cut off He is getting along nice- John Elliott left last Tuesday for Jacksonville, Fla.t and other points to spend several days. Mrs. Charles Hanej and children of Spruce Pine, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Haney.. last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jlmeeon were In Marion Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. R. EL Bomar and Pearl Austin spent Sunday at the home of L. A Chapman. A larger crowd attended tho baptizing Sunday than has been at' Garden City for a numoerj of, years. Eleven weds baptized. 1 - 1 . - LAUREL, HILL, Laurel Hill, May 18. There was an educational rally at DTsaxttvUle last Saturday, t Prof. Brogdea of Raleigh and'Prof. Browne of the Boys Corn Club were there' and both made Interest Ins addrosdce. andt all enjoyed a nice plcnicrdlnner. . . ' Mrs.. BIddle Justioo and daughter. who have been with relatives In Gore- land county for aulU awhile.' have re turned to their home.:' , " ' i Jesso Pxioe of Marion visited homo- Miss Lula Klociid of Bridgewater was a pleasant visitor here Sunday. ' Marvin Wall of Morgan ton visited his father. W. a Wall. Sunday. Medsra. Jngarther Bradley and 'nil man Curtis spent Sunday on RgjjcII a creek. Linville. May IS. At the box sapper at the Wise school house Saturday night f5 70 was realized, which will go to ward painting Gak Grove church. A singing was held at the home of J. F. Jaynes Sunday afternoon. The choir Is practicing for the children day exrr dsos at Linville church the first Sunday in June. Roby Conley was a visitor here last Sunday. Mark Beck of Lenoir visited his father. A. M- Beck. Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Conlej and daughter. Mrs. EUen Dockery. of Rusk, S. C, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. A. XX. Conley. Mrs, Neva Conley and children spent Saturday withvl&s- A TL GUea. 'Miseea Lou Giles and Laura Berry are spending a few days in Morgan ton this week. Phoenix. CAT AW HA VALLEY Catawba Valley, May 19.Miss Laura Reel of Curfew spent Sunday and Mon day, with relatives in tne valley. R. ILMcCall visited friends oa Crook ed creek Satarday and S unlay. . Miss DonLa Pendergraas Is In the val ley aain after an absence of sereral ',.'' , . Fred Pendcrsraas of Lockhart, 8. (X spent tho week-end with home folks here, Minr.f?haha