'?a':yf,.':'i-.-X'--i'y-,--t.-. . ';' : :- ' - 'i; 1 -- '-"'' ' .-. - v ;''--v ' '' : - - ' . v ' -. . - k 1 - 1 , - - - . V ' ' ' . . n ' 1 " " . , ' ' . " - ; A- . v. - - . : - . . x . N . ' . . - r v . , . 4 -. . T . v v . ' - - . ... ... , : , , ' , , ... 11 ' - - ' .. .. -- ; . . ' - - ' y - " A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER! DEVOTED toItHE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELC CX)UNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY, 9, 1914. VOL. XYUI NO. 45 EDUCATIONAL COLUMN Maud Barnard, Editor, r-- Visit of Corn Club Agent, State Corn Club Agen't T. : E School here to aJccept the position Browne, of Raleigh, spent Friday of pommercial teacher in the Fay in Marion making plans for the tteville city schools. This will work in McDowell. Mr. Browne us much regret for Miss Sinclair with the teachers Friday h talked afternoon upon the importance of their co-operation in this great work. He says the State is expect- ing an enrollment of 250 boys from McDowell county next year. We have 68 boys now and there ls . no reason why McDowell county cad? not lead in the corn club work" in another year. " v 4 Second Week of institute. ThASArmd week of the teachers' ru institute is proving as interesting Ucf rV wnrV. Thft mpm. r -B" : r: Z Oers 01 ine uouniynoaru Hi mu- cation visited the school Monday afternoon and expressed them- selves as being well pleased with xrnrlr hftVnor done bv Mr Allen the work being done Dy Mr. Allen and Miss Royster. Tuesday was "School Day" and the regular schedule for a one-tether school was carried out, with the teachers :i a mu, Af .u were present, tho thoroughly ap- predated and enjoyed this special feature of the institute. T For the Teachers. AsusualthemerchanUof Marion are trvma to make these two weeks i .--jVl:- pleasant ior ine reauuersauu uavo demonstrated it in different ways. P. A. Reid & Co., Gaston & Tate, The Davis Pharmacy and the irst National Bank have presented tick ets for cold drinks at the d rug stores. This week Supt.. M. S. Giles, J. Wt Streetman, McCall Bros., The Marion Bargain House, aild The Grand Theatre have given tickets to The Grand. Visitors at Institute. Among the Visitors at the school this week were Misses Ellen Craw ford, Lucy "Davis, Jennie Davis, Marjorie Pratt, Mary Gordon Greenlee, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Giles, D, E. Hudgins and G. M. Carson of Marion, T. W. Stacy of Nejbo, Miss Cuthbertson of Char lotte, T, E. Browne and E. E. Sains of Baleigh. Meeting of Board of Education. The Board of Education met in regular session last Monday. Com- mitteemen were re-appointed to fill the term of those expiring this year, and money was apportioned for building a new school house in District No. 7, Old Fort Township. In the afternoon'the board visited tU J a -LL'lUL --3'-iIlllnnrt hnnCA last MondftV- fifWftn ud lusLibUie lo note lue gouu wuriv y : ; . , uu wuwu, iujruo ucuuw, being done there, new applicants for pensions were Essie" and Maymle Wiseman and Sarah before the board,- iB vel widows and Wilson; Messrs. O. J. Wilson, Buskins Engineer Easterby Killed in Col- two Soldiers, and all were appfov- ana-Marion Hawkins, NeU Bufr; Joe ' - - 'i ;u.'u'j-' McGhee, Mack Lonon, Green Chapman. Hsion ed. Seyeral names have been drop-. 08C4r, jeph and Charles wiUon Engineer J. F.Easterby, .of irpm.e-.roH;.oo,iacwot;of , Tho Concord. Sunday BchooIU-pro-Southern railway passenger train death during the Past year. The gresslng nicely. Goodttendance and No Ui tinm k.lW.- tn M, pension money Will be paid out to mnch Interest Is being manifested. T 11. from ;Od??bvto Ma;, V,. . . . . tfcfcmber. Sunday tnornlng, July 5th. the .uper- non, jn. U., was killed last imaay morning at Koyster wben his train ran into a shifting engine. The fireman jumped and escaped in jury. Three passengers f received minor injuries. Engineer Easter- 5 "ome was at JBiacKSDurg, o- Marion. y- auu ue was wen Known iu 'ijJf?-fi Mr. Easterby was 36 years of O. Jenkins, of Morcanton, was se ?ge and is survived his wife and lected as nominee for corporation . infant child.-WSlM- commissioner.--- y ' - -;v" MISS Sinclair Rp.sifrns and Mice Merideth Will Fill Vacancy. Miss Moffiitte Sinclair has fe- sigqed her position Ir the Graded Proven , herself to be a most f011? aw vidti wUtt jears service m the Graded School. Not only in . the the third grade but also Jn the commercial depart- ment of the high school she; did rK oe nara to duplicate. o xne position sne nas accepted is a Mlss jlLe Bright of Rntherford Col Very lucrative one, and she could lege waa the gnest of Mrs. G. C. An- not afford to refuse it. -In the social "'l?f a hf nnr fnrnlwee. Mies K?nM?r y?n n,5cc: . u M UiKM- ai!su' aua Jsayewvuio is u oe congratulated upon this addition to its social life, Miss Katv Lou Merideth. ori w?. . . - - ' rlf n' K C- h?s n fill the vacancy in the third rad.e; Sh has accepted. Miss Merideth comes, to us from Meri- ru ftnd brinbs with her .Snn?u very high testimonials. t MlSS:Fanmd Bobertson. of Bow- nd, a graduate of the State Nor- mal College, has accepted a posi- - . Pletes the .faculty for next year. R5Win. JL I m Mflainfl. ' wuiiuing b kuuu niQgiiiigi I The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the McDowell Building s& ijoan association was neia,-atu the court house last Monday night. . I u. Jii. xxeai, secretary auu treasurer, i read his annual report, showing 2,237 shares in force as compared ago, and this number will be con- siderably increased wnen stocs in the 20th series is closed this month. The association has been in ex istence for ten years and has ma tured six series, amounting to $54,600. Stock amounting, to $2900 will mature in October. I nnu nmKA rt cViofoo n fnwai now are aouDie tnai or iour years , ii.i. ago and the association has had a I most successful year. At the meeting Monday night ff?rte an1 i t a4-f yd nf V a oo. I V4"vv'; " , sociaiion were re-eiectea as ioi- lows: Thomas Morris, president; R. F. Rnrton. vice-oresident: J. E. Neal, secretary, and treasurer; D. E. Hudgins, attornev; Thr: Morris, R. F. Burton, D. E. Hud - gins, J. U. Gilkey, J. L. Morgan, - - i i r . ' , . . . i. d. JCi. iNeai. ana a. niaawu, ui-1 . rectors. Pension Board' Meets. board met! The county pension in regular annual - session at the ";- : ru-j inemanoewusu school to ice cold lemonade. In the af are Wm. M. Blanton, chairman; ternoon all enjoyed an outing to the S. P. Tate arid T. Y. Ly tie: "Flat Rock." A bible class will bo or fru. C4-t MnVrAnf f Snoiolicf q conventionbSocialisU xhe convention nominated' H. J. i jiiver. oi snaviiie, as cauuiuavo I iorruniieu owwswuow.i, ,buu. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief Heiitionof Some of the Hap - penings in McDowell County Items About Home People. BRIDGEWATEK. Bridgewater, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. J. K- Middleton and little son, "James thTpo Misaea WilUo Bell Lee, Jessie Folk, Alleta McCall, and MayEastofWilaon, La., are spending eome time at the Rnt ue . Marion,flpent here. thony dnring the latter part of the Misses Carrie Tate and Eddie Young .,1. W' s. . A 1 M1 Mrs. Homer Robinson of Newton spending a few weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Tate. Miss Carrie Kiricaid of Glen Alpine was the guest of Miss 8adie Seals Sun day. j. w. Ballew has returned to his work at Elkhorn. Ky.. after a week's visit with homefolks. Misses Pink Tate, Belle Bright. Net- and Sadle s and Messrs. Jay Ballew, Eryln Pitts, Abner and Robert Seals spent 'Saturday in Ashelle. RobyConleyof Nebo was here on Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tate and little danghtert Virginia, of Hickory, spent the week-end with relatives on Muddy creek. Qaite a number of our young folks Spring, Saturday picnic. - Mr: land -Mrs; M; -fcrHllde .r-- , r --rrm S md spent Rnndav 7 7 . ... t juanuei xiaszin met wiin a miner serious accident Monday, by piece of mber striking him in the head, while snop. Aiecucai attention was at once given him and it Is thought that he will soon recover. Mrs. Ben Martin and children visited relatives in Marion last week. Miss Donnie McQimpeey of Fonta Flora was the guest of Miss Julia Bust the latter part of last week. Walker Lyerly attended the Shriners meeting in Asheyille last week. ' Bill and Joe. ashfood Ashford. July 7 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stair and children of Greenville, Term., hfe vising the latter-s parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. a Connelly spent laat Saturday with Mrs. Stokes Penland, at Ldnyille Falls. Misses .Ethel Wilson. Louise and MaQ Br0W11 are attending the teach era insutuie in iuanon uus wee. Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Swafford. ah n.M nf fl - , I day with Mrs. J. B. Lonon. i rruk tnu. a cronsAd hsih on thA Ashford hull Julv 4. Pitta won the srame. --PV was' enjoyed at the home of , Th nrftflfln ' Mrs. J. S. Brown, Saturday night, July were Misses 'Ethel I TT7I1 -rji t r .t ii.ni intendent . and V teachers treated the ganized next Sunday, Jnly 12. . The . a ., A.' M parents are requested w come ana to nnd nealsvuxe. , xrOQiQna ti- t a r nr v,f Sunday in Old Fort. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan and family (Continued on page eight) Lodge Officerst Officers were elected by tho TTnifrKt, f pB(M..w,Mi..u next term; and the-installatidn will take place tonight. The officers elected are: E. P. Foy, C- CX; H. H. Tate, V. C; B. P. Davis, P.; W. E. Laughridge, M. of A.; A. U. Wall, L G.; W. W. McCon- W. Adams appeared before Got neil, O. G, The master of Gnance, ernor Locko Craig yesterday to master of exchequer and keeper of I records and seals will remain the same. . At tho regular meeting of Ma- from the township and tho gorem rion ' Lodge No. 47, I. O. O. R, m in the construction of the last Tuesday night new officers for road from Old Fort west to tKa the ensuing term were installed as top of the mountain. The chief follows: Oscar ' Atkins, N. G.; executire advised the delegation of B. F. Cfcrpenirig, V. G.; Thomas h recent action in writing to the McGuire, secreUry; C. IL McCall, commissioners and adiiaing that treasurer; B. P.-Davis, conductor; SQch a course bo followed and ho L A. Holland, warden; John M. Kve assurance that ho U firm in Tate, chaplain; C. C. Boone, outer the belief that the road should bo guard, and J. M. GrindstafT, inner guard. At the last meeting of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 237, A. F. & A. M.. the following named, officers were installed for the vear: C. E. Prcstwood, worshipful master; J. F. Sprague, senior warden; J. F. Conniffe, junior warden; J. A. Laughrfdge, treasurer; C. w. Buchanan, secretary; Oscar Atkins, senior deacon; B. F. Davis, junior deacon; J.. Downey and W. Hnilfr. KtAWArd- J f CAxr tyler. Postmasters Get Increased Pay. Beginning July 1st all Grst. sec ond and third-class postofficcs in North Carolina were placed upon a new classiGcation and of course a change in salary. Of the larger offices, Greensboro, Winston-Sa lem and Rcidsville show an in crease in business sufficient to ad vance the salary of the postmaster. Rcidsville made the largest gain and the pay of tho postmaster will be increased from $2,300 to $2, 500, while Greensboro and Winston-Salem get $100 each. Greens boro is advanced from 3,300 to $3,400 and Winston-Salem is ad vanced to the same Ogurc. Among other offices where tho business warrants an increase in salary are tho following: Biltmore, $1,500 to $1,G00; Le noir $2,100 to $2200; Lincolntoo, $1,800 to $1,900; Marion, $1,800 Morganton, $2,100 to '$2,200; Newton, $1,'800 to $1,000; Old Fort, $1,100 to $1,200. Cleveland county voted $0,000 in bonds to bnild railroads. Forty thousand dollars of this amount goes lo Dnnjj mo in tern roan through Cleveland via King's Mountain and Shelby from Gas tohia. The other $10,000 will bo added to the . $80,000 voted by townships of upper Cleveland - for a railroad - lino from bhclby to Casar, a distance of 20 miles. This gives a total of $1CO,000 bonds to 1 I 1 Ml? do issuea ior rauroaa ouuamg. The Episcopalians of tho South will establish a summer colony near Black Mountain. Tho organization to forwardthq enterprise, , which is known as the Church Retreat, is being "promoted by Bishop Horner of Ashoville, and the organization expects to spend a largo sum for the purpose A gift of '23 acres of land, valued at $20,000, has been made to tho organization by Mrs, Florenco M. Wcathcrly of Bir- liningham, Ala. ASK GOVERNOR'S AID ni . r . , tti UIU "'i oiuzenj nam noaa dui it Wcrt Top of the Mountain - . Much Interest Aroused, Aimctti.tnL J. C. Greene, H. A. Westcnnaa. J. K. Cowan, J. EL Turner and D." ask that he uso his influence to hare the commissioners of McDow"cll county rend the monir rwflm' built toward the west rather than m an eastern direction to Greenlee . Mach has been aroused 10 100 wwusnip orer uio route of 11,0 &nd tbo indications are lhat Ur0 delegations will appear before the commissioners when tho umc comcs I0r aeciamg now tne mone 8hal, "P1- con' sirucu0D OI tne wesl wou,d resaIt ,n comply llon OI ono ox ino PO" d tne central highway of horth Carolina and is the logical coorso for the commissioners to follow, according to tho views of the .men who held a conference . with tho governor yesterday. However others residing in the township axo said to be bitterly opposed to tho expenditures of Uio money oa this road, believing that the fund should bo used in the construction of a highway from Old Fort to Greenlee. Good roads enthusiasts of tho township arc showing a great deal of interest in the action of tho commissioners. In view of tho fact that the manner in which tho money will bo spent will affect the central highway of North Carolina statewide interest is being shown in the question now under consid eration and many good roads ad vocates of various parts of the state are writing to tho commis sioners advising that they use tho money to build the incomplete link of the central highway. Petitions are now being circa- Uted in the county, it Is under- stood, by the men who are inter ested in the constructed of the two roads. Severe Storm at Morganton. Xtw-lltrU, 14. A wind and rain storm yester day afternoon did considerablo damago in the section from the mouth of Silver creek to the lower end of the Quaker Meadows farms. Several barns and other buildings were uprooted and wheat in tho stack was scattered over the 6 elds,' Sheds were blown down at Joseph Duckworth's brick yard and a fall-; ing barn on Thomas Walton's farm caught two horses but they wcro not seriously hurt. A falling tree damaged tho residence of J. A Lackey and tho barn on Ward r Goodson's firm was blown down. Dr. A. W. DulaV O. D., Eye- sight Specialist will bo in Marion July 13th at Hotel Marianna one day only. Special low prices will . bo mado on fitting glasses oa this trip. ....

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