- - ? i : ' : ": ' . I . ' ; - -yy-.y. :, (i v -U : . A WiifcJU.Y NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF -THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896; MARION, N. vCX,'. THURSDAY, JULY 30,1914.- VOL. XVni NO. 48 -.4- ' KA-tim 0ttiSm:: A; Pleasant Gathering. tuuoniiunnu uyuuivuv A;m6st enjle meeting of old tMaud Bernard. Editor. friends took place at the I6vely, Schools and Teachers Beginning improved home of Mn 'nd Xlrs. . Work July 20tH. i 5 B, B; Price bnjhe evening of Juijr Z Hankins-Maggie BiitiidS) 23rd ;in hono of their . guest and lia Gibbs. S l niece, Mrs. John Carson; of ; Knox? North Cove-Ellen Carsonahd ville, Tenn.,' and . eldest daughter Addie Elliott. : ; . , the late Dr. B. A. Cheek. ). Chapel Hill-Olivia Patton and r ,"1' " Pasanana saa.eveni;, Vera Corpening. 7 Mi Stroudtown Delia. Williams; Jennie Hunter and Estelle Wilson. Woodlawn Louise Brown. ' r Harmony Grove-Maggie; Go forth and Iowa Sigmbn. Sugar Hill Pearl Williams and Mary Greenlee. Glenwood Cora Lou Butt, Ada Brown and Pyatt. Pinnacle-1-Leon Gilbert. Siloam Mattie Tate and Mrs. Charles Steppe. Belfont Annie Glass and Madge Brown. Bethlehem Mamie Goforth. Graphite (Up oer) Cheley Sig moD; (Lower) Annie Gibson. Cowans Julias Parker. Sandy Flat Effie Cannon. Vein Mountain--W; P. Hill. Laurel HillMaggie, Taylor, Carlyle Bath Hunter. Fairview Mamie Stacy. ; ' Buck Creek-rrHannie Bidd ix. . : Sunny valeFannietjibfph.' Armstrong Will Landis. ; Pepper's Creek Arthur Vess. Mt. Mitchell Lola Washburn. ; Curtis Creek Dora Gibbs. Catawba-Daintry Graham. Dome Vance Snipes. '- Stone Mountein-HZelda Yelti)n. Head 'o the "River Winnie Wil son. v : White Pine Rosa Houek. Tom's Creek Blanche . Hbuck. Jackson's Creek Beatrice Sim mons. , N EWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief M ention "6f Some of the' Hap openings in McDowell County I Items About Home people. : Tom's Creek School. One of the best little schools in McDowell county is now in session at Tom's Creek with 'Miss Blanche Houck a& teacher, v The school has also, for the dark; clouds of sorrow had overshadowed that home late ly, and saddened hearts. A loved one had passed from out its portals never to return. Mrs. Carson had only a few days to visit in-her old home town and Mrs. Price and sister, Mrs. J. C. Brown, knew of no better way to meet many friends than give her a surprise by this informal gathering. We all en joyed the warm hand clasp once more in this old world of tears and changes. Mrs. George Conley and Mrs. Ben Price greeted the guess and served refreshing punch on the large, beautiful porch. v Then a hearty hand shake followed, while soft strains of music from the par lor, made by Mr. Gruber and Mrs. Cooper, finished the hearty wel come. Mrs.- Gruber, with her magnificent voice, sang sweetly some dear old time melodies, bring ing back to many better and brighter-years. Later, delicious cake and cream fas served on the- porch. Rev Mr. Moore of the Baplist- church made some touching remarks ex plaining the object of the gather-1 ing, after which Mrs. Carson ex pressed her thanks for the kind-' hess and tokens she received, and last as a farewell, was urged to play some-old and difficult pieces taking niany of us back to her childhood, and proving life, with its manjr' sad changes, had "not taken the gift of music from her. Many thanks to the kinihost and hostess for such a pleasant even ing. - . 1 X " ,T. , : - SUGAR BILL r Sugar mil, July 27. Sugar Hill school opened the 20th withMissea Mary Green lee an Pearl "Williams as teachers , -Mrs. J. ' Preston Babb of Lenoir la visitin-r relatiyea here. ' " . Miss toise Crawford Twaa Bhopplng I brand. m Marion Tuesday. !fc Miss ..Lncile Ashworth of Fairriew visited friends.here last week. . Mrs. J F. Jonas' of Marion visited her parents here last week. Henry and Robert Farr left Thursday for Morganton where they haye accept ed positions. 1 I A. W. Hogan is haying his dwelling house remodeled, t James Bright is on the sick list. B. M. Bright has his new 'dwelling house almost finished. The threshers are beginning to thresh wheat in this community. Dean Crawford made a business trip to Marion Tuesday. J. F. Jones has returned from a bnsi- ness trip in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Harris spent Thursday in Marion. C D. Hemphill spent tha week-end in Hickory on business. v.; aits ien .&iaxun . ana . cnuoren are visitinff relatives at Hankins. Mrs. Annie May Flowers of Marion i visited her aUter, Mrs. Sam Glbeon. here last week. STATE N EWS OFTH E WEEK Itemt. Concerning Events of In terest and Importance Through out the State. A charter has been issued Tho Misses Alleta McCalL May East and I Trv T??t?lf T7l 1 r-iTa linn s D! a 81X5111 T Morgan- Bluff, Mitchell county, capital S0,- Mrs. W. Kenned v of Erwin. Tenn.. 000 b -E- F- Wilson, J. E. Etehs is visiting her sister. Mrs. M. U Hilde-1 and others for holding a county Bill and Joe. and district fair. ' CoL W. W. Phifcnone of Chsr- Mvsterious Affair. onlybeeh in session two weeks b the teacher and children have mail- Mr j. h. Young had a close call fested their interest and energy by last Saturday night. In company making the scol room attractive ;Vess he was riding and home like, with pictures, cur- south'; of 4own towards Crooked tains and potted plants. ; borne cVeek and when near the old camp- worK has been done on the grounds eround cravevard his horse sud and an all-day working and picnic denly shied tb one side, then is planned for the future. - Then lurched, to the other, and , when we expect to see one of the -pretr -Atknd in. reared ud and fell to the tiest school yards in the coin t f; " ground, Vinning one ' foot, which -r- . nj Lt. . ''M'i remained in the stirrup, under.the Tomato ClubGirl? Ra.seMoney. ; The night was. quite dark; The girls of the GardeEfCity an'a Claud, who was ridincr a few 8TH0 U lVQ WN. Stroudtown- Jnlr' 27l StrondtmrnM018 foremost citizens, died it school opened July 20th with a very his homo in that city, .Wednesday good attendance, V The teachers are night aired 65. He was born in Misses Jennie Hunter, Delia Williams Fort MilL S fi in 1Rn Tl.A and Estella Wilson. , h " L T" 'Z , , r.T The IMiea Aid Society of the Me tho-1 u fcJrvmiuco1fc in dist chirch will give an Ico cream sup- BUU w" mcmocr OI CXCCUUTO perinthe grove at the church next committee or the board of aldermen Saturday night, August 1, the proceeds I of Charlotto at the time of his to so to finish ; paying for the carpet I death Everybody Invited. , ... , - I I .Inn vital Vt U 4 Woody FoteetSof Canton ii home on """" ' uj ma wo ... I J 4 & t tit t a visit. - ucparuncutoi ncaun anow u kks Miss Annie Seagle of Bridgewater births and 3,535 deaths in Korth was tne guest of Miss Mary Turner Carolina daring the month, tho during the week- Honeysuckle utu. ' jt: 3,218. The department estimates man, who has-been attendieg school "at that in the courso of a year, tho Ed Hogan of Union Mills spent the Berea College, Berea, Ky.t Is honvj to births in the fitatfl tyr tnf?tK latter part of last week here with home- spends few days with his mother. I uv ?o tr vn-v njw.ij.j. folks. Jake Bowman 'of Black Mountain . . . . . J.C. Crawford made a business trip spent the week-end here with his mother. , P&Oaa nd too to Marion last week. The members of the Farmers' Union ucr raw " mo unilCQ dlSlCS U J. M. Brown of Marion was here on from the different sections of the county business last week. I held their annual meetinir at Stxxmd- Misses Mary Greenlee, Pearl Williams town school hooe Ust Saturday. Moch and Bertha Morris. W. M. Wilson. I to oar retrret Mr. Alexander could not Ernest Koon, Fred Morris and Lawrence be present but the impromptu speeches Crawford spent Sunday in the Cove. were very much enjoyed by alt They 14.4 per thousand. A largo part of this difference prejudicial to Korth Carolina is that the vital statistics in this state are gathered now so much more completely than W, Jit -JEortnueand daughter. .MJsawere;..readered, in such a .manner ain the country at large. Carrie, of Clifton, 8. C ," is spending showed great interest on the part of Home time here for their health, . the people. Dinner was served at 12lGoY. Graip Extendi Time for Fn- B. A. Allison left Monday for Transyl I o'clock after which a private focal meet-1 Tnrrlnv Rifi yania county where he has accepted a I lngvwas held. ' 1 1.1 I S ' J. D. Wilson was in Marion on busi ness Saturday. Miss Louise Crawford and Dean Craw ford spent the latter part of last week in Butherfordton. Mrs. Cland. Wilson and sister. Miss Annie, are visiting relatives and friends C E. Owenby and Charles Strond Kalcigb,, July 24. Governor spent Sunday in Morganton. Craig this afternoon issued another Stroudtown school opened Monday, Uroclsmitlnn ftirtWitr.1.!K July 20. with an enrollment of 65 schol- j.. t 4. T 4. 4 , . ars.r The number increased, until on dat0. for JaStiw of 0 Friday the enrollment had reached 81. special session of the legislltaro The well has been renovated until the axing reduced intrastate freight water Is now usuable On Thursday rates to go into effect the latest the boys put in some good work dean- extension of time being to August the grounds look more inviting. We! V . , . 4 Bridirewater. Jnlv 27. Mrs. T I are exuectincr trreat thlncrs from Strond l ufc u lukraaiaw raio cum Seals and Mrs. M. L. Hildebrand spent I town school this term and hope the peo- mission, J udgo Justice chainnan. Tuesday in Nebo with friends. - Iple will cooperate'with the teachers In I will have completed its - inrestigs- Miss Donnie Cobb of Morganton was making It a grand and complete fuoccas. I tJoa ft0 dcGnitelv declared what i a t nere a lew uavs last wees. s I urover ureen spent iasi weea in Taylor of Monranton were the guests of The people are hoping soon to have lujwcixu wuoojuio act Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey of Ashe-1 only a smsU amount of work to be done U nca ii. aiciurao, a wcu- ville visited the lattes grandparents, until it is ready for painting. in Union Mills and Butherfordton. BlUDGEWATER. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Tate, Sunday. Miss Gladys Atwell of Marion is the Tomato Club gave ywdsvaheadr did not know any- supper at: the school ; husci ; last thing had happened, until Jim Saturday.night at which ti called for help to extricate his leg fifteen doll& was! realized T?his from under the horse. Not until will be use4 to b he:Ttiad freed his limb, . which had fits, etc Astring andfurnfe paralyzed feeling music for the oasion what had taken place that he" had Greenlee. School. . . . Lut fh hin wHH enm The Tomate Club gi keen-ede blsde, the gash being an ice crm sapper long arid deep His horse was also school ho;usSatu baljr slashed;" MivTonng says he Proceeds to go toward! buying cari- did 'not see or hear , any one ap- ning atfits.$VpSi' ach iim and at first thought the tu " m. , ;- horse tad got tangled up - in some Ihere will be an ice crem sup- barbed wire, Jjut when the doctor Per at Hankihs school next Friday- disclosed, the nature of the . wound, mght, JulF 3lf & MSWS i the mystery was intensinea:ana is ryet without exDlanation. Mr.-Yoang has since beeh in bed, utr renting . ; .-i.H . or thequarrlehd Vital Statii Officelr Guire' nor tsi 13?fe anottlS aeaths inarand3fbir easy guest of Miss Norah Ballew this week. Mrs. C BlSincaid and daughter. Miss Lula, were snopping m Morganton Sat urday. : . Mr. and Mrsi.Whiteheart of . Greens boro are visiting Mr. and Mrs. ' W. W. Hemphill: Mr-and Mrs. A. P. Hunter spent Saturday : in Morganton with their daughter,' Mrs. C. LHolland, who is In Grace hospital for treatment ' ' George Simpson of. Conley. Springs visited friends on th creek Sunday. Misses Norah Ballew' and Gladys At well spent Monday in Morganton. -, Quince Simpson and W W. Giles of Glen Alpine are painting the Graded School building here.' t . : Mrs. H. P.'Bobinson, after spending some time herd, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8: P. Tate, .has returned, to her home in Newton, v . -' . "... iMisses "J Sadie Seals, Gladys Atwell, Cecilia1 and Norah Ballew and Beorge Simpson, Jay Ballew,tobert Seals and Boby Conley spent Sunday; evening in Glen Alpine. ' . ; t-: : Mrs. B. L. Biddle of BuTnaville is visiting her neicei the" Misses Ballew. Miss Mattie Harbison of Glen Alpine. Mrs;-J.; C. : Huck and- daughter. ' Miss' known physician of Columbia. S. C was shot and seriously wound ed by an unknown assailant about two o'clock Thursday morning as he was returning home from a hospital. It is thought he was at-' Annie of Conley Springs, were the guests of Miss Carrie Tate last week. I Mr and Mrs.' Eck -Abernethy spent the weekr-end in' .Morganton .with re latives ( '.'i1 ,""4 ,1 v v: ; H . Mrs. J. H. Tate and children of Ma rion are visiting relatives on Mnddy HANKINS. - Hankins, July 27. Mrs. Will Smith and lltts.danghter, Jennie Mae. of Ma rion spent Saturday . and Sunday here with Miss Annie Barnes. Mu. J. 5, Hlggln tpent on. Aaj tut lacked for bolitical reason, u h'.i. week liHSeHfcrTrith her danghter. Mn. hu been brought Into tho Charles F. Barnes. , -. v . . , . . Mr. and Mrs: J. Y. Barnes of Marion w"wnM PimPgQ rcccnuy. spent Sunday here with the latters pa I tT A ... . . ' . r I HnH H?H Tint ttlntn V.m rents, Mr.-and Mrs. J.IL Epiey. I "MW ww .m Mrs. Henry Johnson of Marion spent "0 ducked under it last week with Mrs. a McNeely. Mr.' and Mrs. Clarana) Christopher I at Cherry yrrinrt cemcterv. of Easly, S. C, tpent several days hers was twenty years old. There are mtny j last week with the tatter's father, James friends who will regret to learn of his Hemphill; . death.' There will be an Ice cream supper at Mrs. J. L GtHiaxa and children and Hankins school house Friday night, 31st. Mrs. A. W. Gilllara are vlaitln rtla- John and Walter Anderson of Carlyle Uvea In A eh ford. , were visitors hera Sunday. r There will bo an ice ci cao supper as vMrs. W. McNeely of Johnson CUy. Belfont' school liouao next Saturday , TennJ, and Miss Jennie McNeely f were I night. Everybody Invited. cuests of Mrs. It. D. Barnes. J3nn day. John Gafdin of Lynch has returned hefme after spending some. time here re nal rins the Brsart milL Tha mill is again In operation. , . - Doo Little V cnooiio cuixir -' Crooked Creek, . July SfT.Tha. pro tracted meeting at Salem church closed last Sunday there having' been about forty conversions (luring the tVd yreeka. ' Hcgh Bird,aoa of Mr. :. and "Ura. Juus Byrd, dlcat his heme here lrt Thursday mcrnin, after an illness cf two weeks, with typhoid fever: "He was buried Friday morning at U o'clock PfTTTT rTryM Bethlehem. July S7. Mrs. Fannie Hogan and two daughters and -Miss trice Goforth cf Giftoa. 8. C, ar rived here two weeks aro to rpend a month In the mountains School opened last Monday with the same teacher as last year, MUi Mamie Goforth. ot .Bytartrrille. Fcrty-srra pupils were nroHed-the pt weck and more are expected to enter soca. "We are txpecting a icccsfiil tmx Mia Annla Glbccn, who U tric!-lr at GrarhltcvOle. rnent the wrci-czl IhcroVitn her parenta. ueaia ior jyiariottiownsnipr'iueuiis w auo j. iuk'3 vvw