v ; ; ; - A WEEKLY; NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ' ESTABLISHED 189& MARION, N. a, THURSDAY, AUG. 13, 1914. VOL. xvm NO. 50 1 - T - minatine each; tl.OO. EDUCATIONAL Q0LUMN-: lSi2SE!S2-S2lSr,:& Maud Barnard, Editor. ranged $1.00. -. Amonff the Schools. . county grains and grasses, named and arraneed. tl.00. Armstrong school has made a I First collection of McDowell Conntv decided increase in its enrollment woods, 3; second, $1. this year. Last year the attend- , gest model hen house 2. j ir.Zi. I JO6 collection 01 leaves 01 McDowell ance rangea lriyn sixieeu w twenty (nTll. frttflfl and over forty are in attendance 0f each ir v Best description native birds, $1. b sewing -Honse dress, wash goods, by girl un der 19 years, $1. Kitchen apron, 50c. Child's wash dress by girl under 15, $1. Hand-made, fancy white apron, $1. Tailored shirtwaist, 50c. Pieced quilt block by girl under 11, 50c. Hemmed tea towel made of flower sack, 50c. Darning on cotton stockings by girl NEWS-FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some oCthQ'Hap- penings; in McDowell County Items, About Home , People. WHITE PINE White Pine, Aug. 7. The school here is progressing nicely, with -Miss Boea Honk as teacher, and with the interest T.Tf'-0 thaMHE' FARMERS' INSTITUTE. W. W. Giles of Glen Alpine wm In Bridge water Sunday. . Bob 8eaU made a business trip to Experts Discuss Practical Subjects at Marion Interesting Wo men's Institute Also Held, Quito a number of oar firmcrt attended tho Ins tit a to which wu held in Marion Friday, Aognst 7. this year. The teacner, Will Jjan- dis, of Dysartsville, is working to ward enrolling every child on the census roll. AH are id school hov except five. Theeaehfer and com mitteemen h&ve planned improve ments to be made ori: the, school house and grounds. At present the school is handicapped, by lack of sufiicient play grounds. It is hoped that the public spirited citi- j under 19, 50c. zens of the community ' will soon Best patching of a garment by girl be able to provide the land needed ttnde 15 50c; by girl under 19, 50c. c tUl ,..e ' C-COOKING ler 19, 50c; by girl under 15, 50c. Best half pound of butter, 50c. Best cake, $1. Best cookies (dozen) 50c. Best menu for dinner for threshers, $1. Best display of canned goods, $2. Largest variety of canned goods made from tomatoes, $3. . D ACADEMIC WORK Composition, $1. Drawing (three pictures) $1. Best copy, 50c. Original poem, 50c. School song, 50c. Paper cutting, 50c. Grand prize for school having best exhibit, 3. Misses Pearl Williams and Mary Greenlee report an enrollment of seventy one in the Sugar; Hill school this year. TeacHera and pupils seem interesteouittmprxw ing the appearance of the school room and grounds. Shades and curtains have been purchased dow ers and ferns have been placed in the rooms and some work done on- the grounds. There will oenn ice cream supper at the school hppse next Saturday night to raise funds to help with these improvements. Grand prize for school bringing larg- Last Saturday a number at ; tnumberpf pupUa.to.aoi paradiv$2. pupils and patrons libet with the teachers of the Glen wood school bhildren's rarty. ana me aay was spent in urou tauie i Mrs. J. Hi. wuy gave a very work on the school yard. Supt. enjoyable party last Thursday af- Morganton Monday. Gordon Rust of Whitney U herevUit ing home folks. Mrs. George P. Coulter spent one day last week In Old Fort. lr mT,A Mm Q T T-mAA V and enthusiasm manifested on the part protracted meeting at Harmony Grore I A- rtncp, J ames P. Kerr and oi Dotn teacner and pupils it is possible bandar. . I n. xoang wcro in caarru OI to prophecy an unusually good year for I Mr.' and Mrs. R. P. Rowe of Glen Al-1 the meeting. inisscnooi ine jnrls nave onranlzed mne soent Saturdar here with Mr. T tr r i j? tt j-luuio wub wmca is proving sue- xvowee moiner. .i . RfT,i nnrtn. va wJ jAVin xf u 1 v I cosscd farm manngement at length. made and pictures placed in the school from EUchorn. Ky., where he has been emphasizing the importance of the room, which makes it more home-like seriously ill in a hospital. and pleasant for the children. , The boys - Mr. Taylor of Elixabethton. Tenn.. have organized a "Clean-up Club" and I spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. are working very hard to have a beauti- and Mrs. C. D. Hemphill. ful appearance for White Pine school. Bill and Joe. Following Is, the honor roll for the first two weeks: Luther Flinn, s John Lee Armstrong. Harris, Annie Sue Harris, Frank and Armstrong, Aug. 10. The school has Oeorge Harris, Gorman Ledbetter, Flpy been in session for three weeks. We 3 tractive talk on soil building. , ,r , i . - . , am aiKiiuuuu KMiuu .lit, uuv. M.u4ivu .i&iwuu swum Kicaui utooecu niui . . . - the school. i oung lectured on 'riant Diseases Messrs. G. C. Byrd and Win Landu &nd Insects giving the fanners made a buidne&a trip to Marion Ust information that 13 much necdcd9 Saturday. for as a rule our orchards arts nrcr. Mr. J.C Harris recently moTl down lectivl mora or lri on irvnnnt of I m w near me scnooi in order to Keep us clearing up of lands and the ad vantages of the long row and tho blind ditch. He encouraged tho farmers to keep their boyi on tho farm by making country lifo in teresting and attractive for thenx. Mr. Kerr then gave a very in- Annie Sue Sunday at Clifford Wilson, Cora Lee Wilkerson. Missex Rosa Honk and Harris spent Saturday and Sugar Hill. Millard Harris and little son, Worth, made a business trip to Forest City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Harris of Ma rion are visiting relatives here. Roland Harris and his mother of near Spartanburg visited friends here dur ing the week. A very successful meeting at the Baptist church here closed last Sunday, up a choir to sing A very interesting Sunday school is being conducted at White Pine school house with Mr. Hemphill as superin tendent. y the lack of such knowledge. Mr. "Kerr spoke again on tho subject which is attracting sa much attention all over -North Carolina children in regular attendance at school. Mrs. S. W. - Conley. who has been very 111 for the past week is slowly Im proving. Mr. C. C. Byrd and famUy have been I todav Poultrv n visiting at wcodiawn ror me past week. The Sunday school people are getting in the Contention of Mr. French talked a few minutes about "Better Live Stock." The Institute was a success and the farmers demonstrated tbeir in terest by taking part in the round which con ye nee at Hall town the last August. Mis Lula Hall and Mr. Jay Elliott were auietlv married at the home of the! . . briaVs pareataMr. and-Mrt. TX T. rT . ' tt-ii -v a t f The women's lnsUtuto was better Woodlawn,Aug. li. One of the best frjends witnessed the ceremony, which attended this year than usual- al- WOODLAWN schools of its kind in the county is now was performed by Mr. D. C. Wheeler. in session at this place, being taught by a m nt m f a. a. l I . - i two oi alciaj weu s moei. emcieni teaca- i suuau mux M. S. Giles and Mr. D. E. Hudgms ternoon between the hours of four era Mlsse8 iodise umwn and itnei sagar Hill, Aug. 10. Among tbevisi Wilson. Tne attendance la large and tors at Sugar Hill for the past week regular, un last Friday a literary have been Roland Morris. Neal Morris Societv was organized with officers as 12 o'clock a bountiful lunch was Quy and J ohn Daniel. Games and follows: President, Robert Hensley, jr. ; served by the ladies.' After the stories iurnished the amusements vice-president, Essie Huskins; secretary, of Marion were present , and both and six for her grand childrer, m3de talks in the forenoon.- At Albert and Walker Blanton and though it wasn't what one wopla expect' in tho progressive county of McDowell. Mrs. Hollowell . addressed the ladies in tho morning explaining the purpose of the institute and giving a general talk on sanitation. of Garden City, Miss Fay Padgett of 'SV Then Miss Paris, who is the do- UXt. U1U ALT. CAA UUKIil Ui iCUCI, O. ,. I fc. I r - t 3 work had bfeen comoleted a ,'num- of thafternoon. At six o'clock Daiy Qood- marshal, Beatrice Corpen- Mr. and Mrs. Prwiton lUbb tpent lwt " ZZZr iJmnnnntinn In ber of games were wjoMW refreshments were served in the 55rittc' Ra?el a?' Mr. J. C. trawtei ; - breJkl " emoostuon m children. Aim Tt-rnrxm vaII m af t- T.ntVior TTpn1V ainiug room, wuiuu was uecorateu It waa voted th&t the fi0cietr be called with msp?. Mrs. lonc. Mm. TTnin T.uaMn rwi'ofv a Vvv IMebO High oChOOl ... Daniel, and Miss Barnard assisted corn club and sdrls sewine cluh is in Nebo Hisrh School will onen Mrs. Guv in entertaining the little view of organization. txtj j a a. nW iMT'AArj,-- y ..1 a Ai a. James woronn is vismnjr reiauvee " CeSW Zmm?U- m.KA T homefotoat Dysartsville. ncavcr as pnuwwuAruug uames xwuuerw vviugiuu, iuwm Miss Marv Green left here one dav corps of teachers has been selected and Garter Hudgins, Hid win ifless, last week for Globe, where she will this year and the dining room will Edwin Story, Albert, Barksdale teach. PAn?rTr William Vool Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ollis, or Plum nprenn nor,.kl lJUr fttfWa TV A rnVtl At orwl Wllllom rVkTrr,. tree, are here visiting relatives. ton; Mr. Thomas Morris and little son. Glenn, spent Sunday here with relatiree. James Bright who has had typhoid Is very much better. At the school building next Saturday night, August 15. will be an ice cream supper. The profit will be used to make the bulldinsr more neat and home-like and to finish the well which dug. Erery body come. health of the girlsl?iMr State Collaboratol Baraca Class Entertains. Misses Louise Brown and Ethel Wil son spent Sunday with homefolks at Ashford. The pews were put in the new Pree- At the afternoon session Miss Paris demonstrated the making of msyonaise dressing, which was eaten by the ladies later in1 the afternoon. Mr. Hollowell then talked on 'The Care of the Infant." A round table discussion proved I t t ?fctt- J it rrw is being xnu pruutaoio aua enjojaoic. icq isaies aiscussea now to get jwiwr- 1 L I MiftA Tinljifl Crawford wait at hnm to works WW IUO QOUSC, ecrCCUlCiT a numoer or ner mends last Saturday night. The eyening waa indeed a mott Mrs. York of Greenlee who took " enjoyable one. irhe guests were: Miss- the prize on bread making told - es Bertha Morris, Annie Wilson. Peail bow she made her bread. Williams, Mary Greenlee, Rosa Houck, j Miss Ren a Jimeson of Gardeil Miss Margaret-ietr Scdtt State On Tuesday evening of last week byterian church at Sevier, yesterday. Faye Padgett; Messrs. WiU Wilson. City took tho prize offered for tho Collaborator pf ttjerhjirblina the members of the Baraca Class Tomato Clubs, camel -upfrom Ka- of , the Methodist church entertain- leigh Wednesda8nlhrahnual ed the Philathea Class and the offi- visitation to the clubs of itbis coun- cers of the Sunday School at the It will be ready for use by next week. School Kid. Claud Wilson and George Crawford. BRIDOEWATER. Bridgewater, Aug. 11. Miss Nettie ty. She srnt d?harsaay at Green- beaatiful borne of Mr. and Mrs. Hemphiu and utUe niece. Zelma Geer. A i-LmLtJs. ttiz rvu i u onoay in lorganron. uCmuUsirauug,i .wivu x. hj. jauuius. mo iarKo pwfuu Mrs. C. Gibbs and children of Knox the girls of thatscEiiofc " -was lighted with Japanese jan terns, which added much to the attrac tiveness of the place. A number tointibffitb the Sames-werepea after vwhh -r..v-;t .;,! Vv .. - , : guests enjoyeu iuo ucuuiiui department of the mhci AndAred bv Misses Decker. The CountvVFair. We wish Educational premium list bfihe i McPo well Blanton and Phifer. . The singing wum,y u air wnicn nas just oeen oi jyiiss jrniier was esmyj cu issued. TvtK&n ril ibved; Miss Gladys Goodson pre- pUnft vll 'l- AkA at the nunch bowl. Misses ruvo mmmmnmir'v(eA Marv Douclas W thisyeaip -and ariy we expect some? good ex- Mrs "Rlantn in serving the ices. hibits. The premium list follows; A AGIttCTrLTTjRAIiV: Corn ninVi QinV &K r Twelve stalks offcOrnfixowii bv one $1.06. 7 '-.-a - -j Thev are raisins lambs in Wa- tancra conhtv Tillman Adams re ports to the Boone Democrat that he has raised six lambs from two Twelve ears, lolMni' grd this season and has sold the hoy, 11.00: mMdxjxM 'a mmu$ llomk for $34.06. andW. S. Ship- he a memberil3&& &C tQ the . North- Best 8ditkm11nnnf): each srcimeu showing seed pod pressed iambs are1 bringing about T $5 v; per UQa mountedgivixi-methodo ville, Tenn., are here visiting relatives. W. Lyerly, B. AAbernethy and B. Martin were in Morgan ton Wednesday on business. Mrs. . E. Geer and children of Shel by are here visiting Mrs. Goer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. HemphilL Mrs. J. H Tate has returned to her home in Marion after spending some time here with relatives.' Miss Nettie Hemphill was shopping in Marion Friday. S. M. Gibson has moved his family to Winston-Salem where he is engaged . In bridge wort. r Messrs. R. D. and Will Schoonwaker of New York City were the guests of Misses Sadie Seals and Norah Ballew lastweek;; .'-''." Mrs. W. Lyerly of Hickory is here yisiting her sister-in-law. Mrs. B. .A. Abernethy. . . - ' Jlxs. .Ben Martin, and children , have returned home after spending -some tiine in Marion: . ' - , -Miss Lillian Hunter spent tho week STROtfDTOWN. Stroudtown, Aug. 10. On last Sun day J. W. Horton killed a rattlesnake in the road about 80 feet from the house. It measured 3 feet and 2 inches and bad rattlers and a button. best loaf of com bread. A community club was organized with Mrs. York of Greenlee as president. Some of tho out-of-town ladies present were Mrs. John Pool and Miss Pool of StroodtowD, Mrs. Qaney and Miss Uahcy of Keals- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Elliott and family ville, Mrs. York of Greenlee, Mrs. of Garden City visited relatiyes here Sbnday Miss Hallie Tata of Greenlee spent Sunday here. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Elliott, August 7, a daughter. Mrs. Chaa. Poteet of Cacton spent Sunday here. Mrs. McDufile of Durham Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Stein, for a month. Mrs. J. B.. Norton of Morganton waa the guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. F. Elliott, Sunday. . Miss Ollie Poteet has gone to Lenoir to spend a few months. Honeysuckle. Harris of Carlyle. Mrs. Conley of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. C F. Barnes of Sevier spent Sunday afternoon here. Mrs. W. McNeely and Ulas Annie Barnes, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. W. Morgan. Mrs. Vance Halford and little sons of Montfords Core are vWting relatives here. . Mrs. Geo. Gordon, of Johnaoa City, Tenn.,. returned home Sunday after spending several days here with rela tive, The County Singing Oonyentltja will HAKIOKS. . , . TTnVJn, Ang. 10. Mj. and Mrs. Ed take place at Hantown church Angus! Gannon and children or .Johnson city. 11. and zz. Tenn:, are visiting relatives and friends . - . - hfirar - Mra.-rBen Tlartin anA 'children of Bridgewater, - returned home Sunday, after spending several weeks here with here Sunday. Joe Mathls killed a rattlecaake rar here one day last week that measured i - . ...- - - - five feet and seven Inches. :- Percy Barnes of Marion .was a visitor. Doo little.

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