- ...... . . . ; . ... . ,. . 1 -i i 1 r - - " , ' ' , "V. ' - ... I .. ': , t , ' ' ' . v.: - . - -" ,;! - ." ' - "., 1 . . . . , - l .. : - " .. ' .. . k y ., ,M . " m , A WENWSpAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. . T MARION, N. Cfc THURSDAY, , SEPT.t3f 1914.. VOL. XIX NO. 1 ROTH CLAIM BIG VICTORY the British losses numbered French Troops Fall Back--Ger-mans and Russians Each Claim : Many Prisoners Captured. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY The conditions and spirits of the British troops at the front are de scribed as excellent arid reinforce- nietits havft hftPn cont nn fr mnro While the whole world is awaiV- than fill tKft a nA ifc ing definite news, from the battle casaaites line, the French war office contents Germab aviator has appeared itself with the simple - statement over Paris and was engaged Sun"- tbat,as rcuii, ui, - tulUAiJs day in droping bombs in a popu- Bridgewater epent th ; week-end here movement of the German army lous- Dart of the citv Sftrftml h her mother, Mn'-J; B. HIggins. ' and in order to accept battleunder bombs failed to explode, aword-LS:4ifr unfavorable conditions, the French .L . ,Hattie Martin of Bridgewater were the . . . . xuk w fcuo aucuunis, ana ioe oniy crnesta of Mba Kit Drrt Ut week. J. W. Biddix of Marion epent ..Satnr day. and Sunday here. with K. D. Barnea. Miss Daisy 'Barnes spent the latter Brief Mention of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County Items About Home People, HANKINS; Hankina, Aug. 31. Mrs. W. F. Barnea and little daughter of Na&hriUe, Ten cu, are jiaiting Mrs. George Lentz. Mrs. Ben Martin and children 'Of part of last week at WooMlawn with Miss fcdna Brinkley. 5 Mrs. J. Y. Finley of Marion is ?isi ting i j.; " J troops again nave reurea. ; two persons injured by them were is fourthcoming regarding what preparing for a siege are considered the most momentous should the lines onoosing the Ger operations of the war. mans be broken. Knormotis stocks While Berlin claims; a German offoodhave been placed in the reUtidfZLh Viciory over iuo juiauS iu Estate warehouses and sheen find Joe Gardin of Johnson Cltr. Tenn.. Prussia in the capture of 70,000 cattle in vast numbers have been "tnrned home last Friday after spend men, the Russians claim an im- uaa 5n na Berend days her with friends: . , portant victory over the Austrians A British official statementsays wtffi the (ia He an s de. with 30.000 we hnt u imrroylng. v . - - - 7 vua6 OI x men comprising John andvWalter Aneroaol C prisoners. - the crews of the five German war- were visitors at Hant Sunday. turks mobilizing. ships sunk off Helgoland only 330 Rome, via Paris, Sept.' 1 (1:20 were saved. m.) A telegram received inl A Berlin, dispatch says the Ger visited the" UlUrs- parcnta,'. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gorpening. dnring the week. Chapel HliU Ang. 31. Mies Laura Hicks, wh5 is teaching at Btnmdtown, spent the week-end here with rel&tirta. J9e Oorpening of Black Mann tain spent Sunday with his parents. STATE NEWS OFTHE WEEK Items Concerning Event? of In teresttnd Importance Through out the State. In splu of bad weather a Urr Several of the young people of Chapel I crowd attended the Qiihiq Coaf Hill attended the ioe cream supper at Stroudtown last Friday night. Mrs. C D. Oorpening and little daugh ter, Florence, Tidied' friends on Clear Creek Sunday ' John Hmith returned lst week from Baltimore,4 Md., where he has been tak- erate reoaloa at Pit aborts a few dayi axo. The Charlotte Led cf TZXx hafa celebrated the formal epnlx of lhr handsome Lew home. The summer coufertaces of t!io Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Lake Jusaluska hare doted. Tne Dixie Knlttlnx mill at r&ratt Ing treatment." - Quito a large crowd attended the ice I City are maklug preparaUous to cream supper Saturday, nicht by thai ufscture underwear. Methodist church. T. J. Swa&n went to AaheTllle lat week for eye treatment The sammtr drouiht hxs lertocily affected the hone 7 crop la Barry eountx. Drownlow JicWoa ot Headersca will maaaxe J. J. Drtlfs cxmpaixa axalast j. M. Gudxer. W. U. Cooper ccmprtts owatr si Wlimtaftoa. says that cotton may b4 Harrisqn-Witherspoon. The following from . the Ashe- villa Citizen, of AuroU SStb. will A TtrZZ Sl bo read with interest here: The Southern railway u punntag n 'Friends throughout the state coaildcrable amouat cf work arona3 Jobn and.WaitorAenof cariyie win be interested in the marriage In ,7551- . ere visitors at HaUtcs Sunday. Lf MU. nn.a.w;LNrn A t- I - 7. . 7 .f iuiw 66f j,.u, 1 uiuuo Wm IT T1mmm-n II ,1tA t thff f A HrM tfl. n . j- r ; I- uauwwu v iiuuiiik;. rion Htnr.T. ' V N. C, which wa3-0lemnjzedTha. "e,m " !' " John Gardin of Lynch was a business 1 day, morning, August 2 1 , bj Rev. I Canton Ambulance "Company, North Ira Erwin. pastor of the Methodist Carolina National Guard, muraed to church.; Thf ccromonr w W V" of&?iE!k iiiuj in iu simpucuy, oetng wii- sonmie. nessed by the immediate family and a few intimate friends. The bride la the daughter of Mrb. 12 Witherspoon, a promt Powers of Asheville. spent Sunday with many ,frieods: throughout; North . greatly incraed sttecdaactk . . - - . . ... ' 1 . . i . . 1 1 r 1 1 : ".. i.i v . . . ir sister, Airs. Annie- Wuliams. iauu ouuiu vnrunua. odd u tniKn iio com ia oxiioa county naa Mrs. John Davis of Old Fort sDentHv culture, vournr venmsn and ha ben damaged by the strere drought. ' ' V " W -r " I . . . . v . i.i-.tfrij O.tnhii imW urn Ma tn TneadaT ril her naraL t. - ' I. w..: l. l i. I oncaltlajt loft prc Sunday says: v . reaa. it is earnesuy reqnesieai :7..I the Uarolinas. N..b. h c... ts. Wabi . ... I I I ail. ill w m m IkAllllIU 1 1 u & uuob pai vji-i 10 curat biioii wuimicu Rome from Berlin (announces the man army is energetically pressing visitor here Saturday. $ mobilization of the Turkish army, the Russians in the neighborhood Hampton 'Morgan returned to Clem Following the advice of Jb leld 01 Aienstein, ii.ast Jcrussia, Morchnl R5rnn Vnr1.fi ft 1 frnltz it i stated the Turkish government will Graded School Opens Sept. 14th form an army of the first line com- The Marion Graded School will posed of 200,000 men, all Moham- open to receive all white children medans. V - - or legal school age, Monday, Sep tember 14. at 9 o'clock. No chil- n r . 1 r! I . . booms uroppea nrans-u.iy dren, will be reeeived into the first her sister. Mrs. AnmeVLiama. rrepares tor biege. . grade .after the first Monday in mons last week after Spending a few days here with homefoja. J. W. Hall of Sprue pine spent Sun day here with homefofys. Doo Little. ORAPHlTKnLI.E Mr. It. M. Walker, U, promlaeat llWklenbarc county cltlxea. dl4 re cently. Mount Airy Is enojlng a buUdlsg boom at prejenL The Appalachian Tralalnc school at Boca has opened its fall term wltb "A German aviator flew over L. . I ."' n 1 I ftf It f!rt tnK.rr wm rVrirt m Brandle spent Sunday at Black rWrwon, iprracrij gi ''-'-TZZ iZZZT . t-v.. a vr .-v. i . f u.j. wu.umw,u,1(.,..v., ; u-io.uk latpector for the Biol otical Bureau 0 Paris this aftenioon and dropped h?1,0111? in order that they may Mountain and Rideecreet: five bombs whichv fell in the most receive the full benefit of the school. Mrs. M. R. Allison has returned from young attorney of Hayes?llle- N. the UnUed Stales Department cf Arri- noU'f n.ftr Tn The Jcompulsorv attendance law an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. r RAth rotiriV noonlft bftloncr tn culture, who has charge of the en- T r v , L;i K n1 rwwririninr J-M. Powers at Asheville.'..-. . I T 4 vt-'.u" rAji:'v one case two women were wouna- vw kvuiu,vi'u e(j . ' . the opening of school, September :kThe aviator, who signed him- H, and' continuing until the ex- self Lieutenant Von Hissen, drop- Piration of the law ped manifestos on which was writ- forcement of the Federal came lavs tn this section of the state. Is in Wil mington. . The Durham County Fair Associa tion are busy making preparations. The stzteeath annual conTeution of Mian TVirrAa TAt1 OTanf Qnnn.v a ft at- I I r - ' . I. J. U. . ) W T 4 W - There will be services held at the marriage , will , bo received with Upper Bchool boose by Rev. D.'P. Low-1 great interesL Directly after the The children are requested to dermilk of Marion Snnday morning at wc4ding breakfast thevcouple left the Negro National Medical Aasoda- ..14 . . Y . I I U UUOtJi. , , . . 1 . 4 'ill linn rlnmA ml T1tS v-awAflv ! v e e M e election of Dr. F. 8. Hargrave of as pretldeat. to succeed Dr. Brown 01 Blrmlnahax3 1.1 .. . .' t 1 tarVtArc fr"KA plncfiihAn. nnn to nA Xffaa ri.nto YVfn 'l. U.(Hn v. .- I V m n norifir aisDaica irom irarisi -w.w, - -1 vmuu vv. ootu uuwc .11 e r. l nccifTnAlAQftnQ fhr tVirv firt fl a v sister.' Mrs. Tom RafflelcL hear Old Fort. I Tk- meoiions tne aropping 01 a Domu ; " T. . -v.,- , G 4 M-m . ' I mutf Wofnwian afravnAAn a r L i ten: ide werman army is ai tne - Eaffleld and Mrs. S-A '"""'7 wuere w"'uu gates or rans; you can ao noiQing t " ; Robinson visited Mrs. Mary Measers I a .gmiui liwi wusoa bnt snrrftnrlp.r ' " - occupied last year to meet thsir Mondavatmdirecrest. ' ville, where tliey will make their a. a. butsavsno harm was done and of school. Book lists will be f urn- Jimddlx spent Satur ouisaysno narm was aone ana -p, day at Ridgecrest. Mutt and Jeff, that Paris remains tranouil. A ished, and desks assigned. There . . iU . , .. - i ... . i . i , I decree has beep issued by the mili- w e no cnange in wxt-dooks, habmony grove. tary governor of Paris ordering but some new subjects may be. Harmony Grove, Aug. 81-The box all residents of the district within added. " supper andOld Maid's Auction given action of the citv's defending forts The teachers o? the graded school to evacuate ana destroy iheir hous- we called to meet at the school - to buy oran for th; es within four days, and other building Saturday, September 12, preparations made for an entrench- at 9 o'clock. I. K. Jarrett of GraphiteviUe visited ed camp. Enormous stocks of ' The patrons of the school are relatives here Sunday. food ImvA hpftn nlftPftrl in the State invited and urged to visit theschool A number of -people from. Nebo at; food have been placed m tne btate tended the box eupper Saturdar Bight. - warehouses for provisioning Jraris. uunu6 vu. u... nw-.v TheBois de Boulogne has been new teachers, and to show the transformed into a vast pasture, Acuity that the homes of Marion filled with cows and sheep. The are ready to co-operate with the ftnimolo o .norrlrl V.TT rPCATUP.Q . scnooi. The beautiful surroundings of the Chateau of Bagatelle have given over entirely to sheep. The num- The bride is well known in Ma rion, being a sister of Mrs. P. A. Reid, and has been a frequent visi tor here. . She visited her sister this summer and has many friends here. Miss Crawford Entertains. On Friday evening Miss Ellen ber of sheep pastured in the parks Crawford entertained very plea- exceeds 10,000. santly in compliment to the Misses Boyle, of - South Carolina. The Misses Copeland, of Clinton, S. C, also assisted in the receiving line. W. J. Jarrett and daughter, Willie, spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. W. J. Snipes. A singing is held here every Sunday afternoon and everybody, is urged to come out and make Harmony Grove the best choir arohndhere. .. It will soon-he fodder pulling time and the fanners will have td get busy and save their .fodder. Miss Mattle Snipes of Marion ' spent Sunday here; Violet. War Summary, tKa- u. i?AnAw kas ' ova off 11 foil- rf TT - A " Miss Joyce Decker serred punch falling back before ;the-German f1J .. . . ,,;. advance is indicfed in m official statement issued by the French al?v ?e ,ha" K. t:u were passed, and r, u ' n.- y. progressive game was enjoyed c f or wmg has ; obliged thjavFrench left ... u , . v'. - riv. J.a, :tc: Ethel Crawford, served a delicious and sandwiches,-in an attractive Score cards an interesting ice course. to yield siow Earl - Kitchener,- British: Secre tary of irWarf mvesinSdetaUf the r- . l a -'.--'---' i ' ? ' part played .by JBntisht troops in 1 Services at; St.; John's Episcopal the operation in 'jBelgium chnrch next Sunday night at ?8 France These opera extend o'clock. . Week-day Bible t:lass. on ed from August 23 to August 26, every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. who Is a nstlTs of IlaleSgh.- " The "Dricktoa Brick Company haa been organised at D rick ton. near Ilea 'dertonvlll. with the following oScers: D S. Pac, president; C S. Calrert, vice president; J. C SherrilU secre- tary and r. en end msnager; J. !, Mc Dowell, trasjiurer. The new concern hss purchased 40 acres of clay, for merly belonging to Mr. McDowell. Durhsm wss visited a few days ago by a severe electric and rain stnrm. A shirk, elxht fet tn ltagth. and which wu one of the Uxgest ever rollmentOf about 130 students. A WM uaded a few days ago near number of girls are already in the Morehead City by Miss Ada Komp of dormitory, and several others have 'Tf?- . . , . . . . V , A. . T. GUbert Wood. AshevUle agent cf written that they are coming. Tbe the 4 iKjajtrUl department U dormitory is under the very capable the Southern Railway, Las been ad- management of Mrs. Winter. of ,hu appotosnt of director The faculty is composed of the nf,nrf( br th. sntm Vh fjOrs during the approaching fall aiX winter. 1 Nebo High School. Nebo High School opened Wed nesday Aucuat 6tb, with an en- , CHAPEIj hiu. Chapel Hill, Aug. 29- The attendance upon the Old Maid's Party at. Chapel Hill last Saturday night was , small owing to otner. attraction .. around, - out th echool realized the um of $10 10, which will be used in the, school rooms. I Mrs. Heart of Atlanta; Ga., Is visit ing her father, T.' M, Hicks. ' . Miss Thessa Jimeson of Garden City v ... . visited "Miss Vera Oorpening the latter ParJcs.McGinisey and Charlie ;Ta-Le-field of Et' Marion attended ihe.Old Maid's Party here Saturday, night.. . "Mm Sam Jimison visited her parents. Mr,' and Mrs. J ohn England, last week. llr. and Mrs. T. M. Beck of Linville following teachers: Prof. G. H. Weaver, principal: Miss Greene, assistant high school instructor; Miss Hobson, Tth and 8th grades, Miss Wells, 5th and 6th grades Tom's Creek School. la this school tbo tc-chen tad and elocution; Miss Giles, 3rd and PP' dome cood work. 4th crudes; Miss Chmman, 1st and h.tcr. S0C,"T b,c. 2nd Trades. ' .' . " . orpniwd since tbe bejr-nI- ot With u earnest and well-trained cnooia prozress.ne n.eeij. , in 1 . 1 . 1 ,.i 1 faculty, and with a principal who oro" mow wo uer mm has taught succcssfullv four years at this places and whose work sUnds wmmo. e wok PaPlu for itself, " we bespeak for Nebo are aoing m vnis society mere nas -High Sch'ool.one of the best .years f"1?? fa picn in its history. W. J. B. wblchY wf Fnd ScPr , ; . , 11. , In the forenoon the children Mrs. JLhL Cannon Hlied at her will entertain the people with red- homoin Old. Fort Friday,. August tationi, declamations, songs, ctcv 2U after a lincenng illness.. Mrs, In tho afternoon Miss Barnard and Cannon .was 76 years of aire and. is others -will - talk to the crowd- survived by a husband and several Everybody invited to come " and grown sons and daughters, - 4 bring dinner. . : IL B, -V.

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