: t V - , - - . . ' , - .... . . : . i ,- .-. . . ; r ; v. -v., . . vo " . .j : '. . . . . . -f- - , ... - ... ? . . ... . . - . -. -.' . - , . . . ,.-..., ' . . - - i i , A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ' ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1914. VOL. XDC NO. 8 . I . : : z FAIR OPEN ED YESTERDAY Thg-Constitutional Amendments. Featured by Splendid Exhibits and iftl organization .has .'been j-eaturcu j ? M n . r formed to carry on a campaign of Good Attractions Mcpowell information in behalf of thero Fair is Successful. posed constitution amendments With ideal weather, the- third to be voted on by the people" of nnual McDowell County Fair H?01 Carolina on the regular elec- a Lpta vesterdav. and is orov- uoa ' -November 3rd. These :L fn be one of the most success- amendments were. proposed by BLANTON-NOYES Pretty Home Marriage of Popular Young Couple Here List -Thursday Evening. The social event of the season so far in Marion was the marriage of Miss Lucile Blariton and Mr, Robert Jackman Noyes, which 1.1 fairs in the history, of the in- ?f took place Thursday evenine at the stitntion. The number of exhibits lnP cai parties and home of the bride's mother, Mrs. most all of the departments ek- tSJf Jv 6 C?p,e. by the, Minnie Blanton. . Thtf "ceremony eeedthat of former years; Jin- vu.n prBUl- was performed amid a scene of rare tries have been received from all P1' parties. Con$e. beauty and before a large number parts of the county and visitors 4""lu cl" Pes are 0f relatives and friends, are gathering in law numbers, "ff en.n the. wmmttees of The ,ors were -1 -.a.-.-j Jr.. citizens wbo have interftstpH thom. muA ntrannMiH'H vkklktuhv w m.x m.ii i i nror cw-t ttt itK -ama rt -t wuui that could be desired, and with fair ves lively in the adoption of and shaded riKhts radiatintr sof tly weather prevailing large crowds T L ' many colors added much to the are expected daily to view the ex- 1 a,iy ena?rBea beautif ! simplicity of the white hibits and to enjoy the amusement f vr0.ina x-ress asso- and een co,or me. features of the big exhibition. . i "u uu the ceremoDy Mrs. J. W. The Educational exhibits are un- 74 V1 propos- pless ; sang Quy d, Handelbot's usually ffoodf a large ..-number of cu uu" D"eny siaiea, are uBe6ause with much caSQ and the county schools being represent- ' , I rare sweetness of tone. Miss Julia d with splendid showings. Some r... . . "t"0" w"",u Burt on in her own skillful Mrs. Mmmo B1id(od, and has al- NEWS FROM THF milHTY ways been a great favorito in so- cial circles. Scarcely week has! Brief Mention of Some of the Hap- passed since. her engagement was penlnci In McDowell CountA- : announced list June without some social function being given in her honor. In ber mother's home aho will bo greatly missed, haying al ways been so helpful in maintain ing the well known hospitality of rUlud Mln GurU Tat Uit wtk. this home. For two years she P Kcarcth Jtutk Gctx taught in the graded school, where HonUrana Oiftoa Jarrett r?xil prt she endeared herself to the children ot1 UT9 , , . Mi Undo Ray Conley of Glca AIpLro in her charge, and the school j, .v . Items About Home People, - D&2DG CW ATXa. ; Bridgwater. Oct. 20, HIm Bella Bright tpcat tb wV-eo4 la Ilk toy. Miat Cora Loa Butt of Bsck crvk w st.tutQ , V JJ. 7 tno oride and groom lelt lor Mas- wt fine fruit is on exhibit and . P rendered the wedding march, and 8achusctlSt whcro thcv wl mako authorities vcrv rolnetkntlr nmnt. Icr.nj.- ed her resignation at tho' end of Bercrlj Bcrd of CcaaeUy fipiiri u last year. In church affairs she hc rpev&z ' daj with aoa has always been active, always ren- . . . j . , . , Qjda Parker of Olen Alpic wvi a dering her services gladly and TWtor la Bridwatr Satnnlaj. free,X. Mr. 8, P. Tat5 Tst Eailaj la- Mr. Noycs has been very popu- Marion. lar ever since his first coming to p- Blddl of Barnrrlll U btra Marion a few years ago. Ho is V ,rtJ , 4k rs Tbe little Adaiai chlldrw .wbo Uto j ,u uu.uuu. .u beeatpcadi eg the taacwr tcmatlLdr JbOrCSt Service. irraadfather. H P. Tat.. Kr rtsrfil Immediately after the reception to their home at Lancaster. S. C wheru wa tho bride and groom left for Mas- T wu nlT ahopiiig 13 ' . , - - - ' tWP.P.n thft St.at-.Ac" fnr "Tncnrro. I , . .... . 11 a w r 1 1 " M? I - - w w fS WVW WW A X & LA & M. I J A. I . . 1 r V the collection or an kwos or xarrn n .... o.t t, .f . aunnB lDe ceremouy piayea son.y an extcnded vhit at lho bome of products is the best the fair has ,yu and Tery effeotiveIy the "Venetian tho ver shown. The Midway, with varied at tractions, is in full blast, furnish ing amusement for the large crowcl of visitors in attendance. The feature of the free attractions will be the balloon ascension daily. The fire works display will also be 2. This amendmendment pro poses to increase the pay of mem bers of the General Assembly from $4 a day to $6 a day, and of the presiding officers of the House thereof from $6 ta $8 per day. 3. The third amendment has for Love Song." Must Carrio Tato Marion Saturday. Mrm. IL L. IUd41 aad cti Trraaia groom. Ballew of Marion Junction wt fin. Marion is to bo congratulated day her. Pill. Promptly at 6:30 Rev. Lloyd D. that for the time being Mr. and Thompson took his place beneath Mrs. Noycs will mako their homo the arch of roses and white ribbon hero. to receive. the bridal party. First ... ... v . i r r ti came Misses Annie Liaune ana Lyceum uuurse lor niarion. IIANKIKS. Ilankliu. Oct, 20 Tho rala Uit wk caosnl th Catawba rircr to Rtl oil banka, drstrojteg corn cm Mrrral farni cT . . V I . - f i . fa Nelle Blanton followed by the ArroCements have been made SiZS-Si 7ill also be a . , groom and his best man, Mr. Mar- Wlth the Alkahest Lyceum System, La extnt tnat it caa act b nd until pleasiDg feature of the nigh at- . , cn . . ... n' vin Andersofa, of Washington, D., of Atlanta, Ga., for a scries of co- rrpalr work U doa ca It- tractions. Yesterday was McDowell County Day and Dr. H. Q. Alexander, President of the State Farmers' Union, made the opening addess. Dr. Alexander is an interesting speaker and made a spendid ad dress which was well received by the large audience present. An interesting number- on the program for today is the singing contest which takes place at the court house this morning at 11 o'clock. Friday is Educational Day and the grand parade schedul ed for 1 o'clock promises jto be one of the best features of the fair. The program for the week fol lows: PROGRAM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. 11:00 a. m. Singing Contest. 3:00 p. m. Auto Tournament. 4 p. m. Balloon Ascensiom 8:30 n. m. Fireworks display. FRIDAY OCTOBER 23. Mrm. J. W. Halt and Mias Dalrr Baroet Tinted relative and friends at Sprue Pina lajrt weV Mr. and Mr. J. 8, Uo?pr tpat last wwk hrro with rrUtirrnu Mr. and Mra. Tbotnaa Enlrr tzl nriiroti onr) cnaniol lorriclof inn nuu j m rtf Ko; rr Ihenthe bride entered upon tcrtainments to be given at the ft IVU Vm iJ T vr. - UU V UlttUJ,, V a. . a I . - . ... these matters referred to boards of r Y ftnnntvfiommiSSinnftrSnnrlthfl W d' inuoniB. xoo nog cere- nenent Of tUO Library t UDd. Ibere erning bodies of our towns. Every mony was Used- will be five attractious. aa follows: POM;ftn fv on.roi a ccamhin ie Miss Nelle Blanton wore a, gown The Cartwright Brothers, a quar- j u j u-ii of blue creDe meteor, -veiled with tctto in instrumental music; Tho children of Marion Jnactica ar riait congested with thousands of bills Dla crP 1,ea w " r; lne f mrTOtJ .t which should either be the subject Sllver D?aaea unantiuy tace, who rmorrow a qur w of g- u f n?fnrm iomUt5nn nr nf lnl a sweeping panel court train. She vocal music; Rev. Roland Nichols, botBefo2kj hm self-government carried an armful of yellow a famous lecturer; The Boston R, D Bamca mado a busines trip to 4. The 4th amendment changes chrysanthemums buc unto jl luauuiaiiuu vi uu Governor to correct an error. 5. The 5th amendment empow- ers tbe vieneral Assembly to pro- vide for special or emergency Miss Annie Lyrics, entertainers, furnishing Marion Monday. J. C Domett tnade a boiinces trip to Altapam last wek. was gowned in music reading, etc; Tho Alkahest yellow duchess satin draped with Favorites, a concert company, one rich cream lace, made. en train, of the best known companies do and carried white chrysanthemums, ing Lyceum work today. The bride's wedding dress was of For the five attractions, a double judges of tbe Superior Court. The an exquisite quality of wh.to season ticket, admittmB two and m0roioc. believed to be incendiary, Necessity for this ought to be ap- aucness sauo w uq a .odK a. i , " ""n ,T Darent to every citizen red ,ace- The bodico wa3 almost W ' SD 8 0 6. Tbe 6th amendment merely entirely of real lace and pearls, $2.00. General admission will be strikes from the Constitution a few with collar in Medici style, but 50c for each LttcUon i .nd 10 cent. witn aeep giraie 01 .sanu. ner i hnnA tvrA most beeominfflv and above the actual cost of the! ... ht Article on Revenue and Tax- f u .P - r," cnKofufac nno rWifrnpd in orange oiossoms ana long i u 1 1 e j: - - - - - - - -, - - - State News. Fire at Monroe last Thursday SOld I f?Mtrrrv1 r n 1 hntlnM VinrMt w ym mm mr WW. . w M . M w- W Investigation is being made of an epidemic of hog cholera in Jones, Duplin and Onslow coun ties. Fifteen hundred animals ham in ono aon ana suosuvu fi ovAr , - Da. and w, roe , used W boom lor A CJC,one at Concord Tbnrtday to give tbe Vienerai Assemmy pow- 7 , ; " tne cniiarcn 10 reaa. 1. is no pea er to reform our present inefficient p-u" rcr vuo auot the children to read. It is hoped I ft ' n almA hntZ Her br dal bouauet .11 Aw;n. ;n r.tnW. Vk. fU!rnooD destroyed tevcral bouses 10:30 a -E .SS nV wUh ' ShWer ' S$?? Ul? S' 'Sf 1UI UUU V4 t UVIU wwkAm wAfUivU W U t I - - 1 " ' 1 will also help out a most worthy ncss section. Tbe First Presby terian and Episcopal churches wcro damaged. Rev. 1L L. Davis, superintend ent of the Anti-Saloon Leagne, his at last aroused tho local o (Seers to 11:00 a. m. Address in court a rtA t RRr. nn "Hies of the valley, tied witb tlow i m i . m ai b ma mm-M mm mm mm v -m h house, by Dr. L. A. Williams of the $100 f or gte and county pur- ered white tulle- Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held. The house was beautiful in its decorations of relate university. noses. It alsx faxes tbe rate in 1:00 p. m. Street Parade. . cities and towns for all purposes 3:00 p. m. Exhibit rooms open t. YKe. on the $100." The only way to school children. 4:00 d. m. Balloon Ascension. 4:30 p. m. Horseback Tourna ment, followed by Ox Race. ; 8:30 p. m. Torch Light Pro cession. " " " . . , - - 9:00 p. m.- Fireworks display. SATUEDAY, OCTOBEB 24. to increase these rates is by popu lar vote. It is further proposed to enable the General Assembly to classify subjects of taxation all subjects of a class to be uniformly taxed; also to assign "one sort of uroperty for . local taxation: ana another ior State taxation. n Poll- 10:30 a. m.- Balloon Ascension, tax is limitedito $2. in court 11:00 a. m. -Address house. . ';S':: 1:00 p. m. Stock Judging. :30 p. m. Horse Races. 8:30 p. m. Grand Promenade 8.f The 8tb amendment would leave the' incorporation of corpo rations ta the Secretary H)f btate, in whnsft otrlee am nle Dower is re- - -tmW mm -mmr -mm- -mm- - am posed.r - ; v'v'. ' 9;i The 9th amendment com mands: the General Assembly ' to There is nothiner that will' give nrovide bv general " laws for . the n V m rtro Til no cri ftxi- fft sr. f 1 nn or - ft 1 orcranizatioh of cities 'and towns, timA oc ti,A etc., instead of having each one to T;u come up before it with a contest. . peMaa 10. The 10th amendment fixes Are you getting these magazines? -.u iimif f fnft nhHe Al not, write or telephone; us. You school term at six months instead ean firet ThA Pmyrp:s and three nf fnnr. as it now-stanas. xnis is magazines all one yeair change. cause. many cplo red dahlias and other fall flowers. v rMrs. G. S. Kirby met the guests at the door. . The following were in the receiving line: Mrs. Blanton, Mr. and Mrs. R." J. Noyes, Miss Blanton, Mr. Anderson, Miss Nelle Blanton, and Mr. Jack Newton. Mrs. W. W. Neal escorted the guests to the dining room where Mrs. "Pescud. Craig, Mrs. Gaston Justice and Mrs. Marvin Gilkey served ices. Mrs. Winborne then showed them to theprcscut room which was crowded with beautiful crif ts. attesting tho esteem and popularity - of the young couple KMiss Maud Barnard did the honors of ' the present room and Misses Rena Neal and Joyce Decker serv- edpnnchvt;:J't"'ii:r - Miss Blanton is the daughter of Union Revival Meeting. There will bo a union revival meeting in Marion beginning Oc tober 25. The preaching will bo lhAr Aniv in v.,k done by Dr. G. W. Belk. an evan-L.u u u j- jr. gelistin the Presbyterian church, r--"" Dr. Belk served as pastor in Char- "iIcriC3 uavo u uucraieu ia ua lotte a number of years and has crant violation of tho law. Tho lately been employed as traveling sheriff of Nash is raiding thcsodls evangelist in tho Presbyterian Ullcrics, Ono man had made 1,000 church. He comes highly rtronv mended. Tho services will bo held w in the Methodist church. Tbe Daniel A. Tompkins, of Char hours for service will bo 10 o'clock oUc co-founder with J. P. Cald- p. m. Sundays. uu wvro wiaa jcara u cca- Tho combined choirs of the town tral figure in tho industrial world will furnish music under super- of tho two Carolines, died at his vision of a director. summer homo at Montreal, N. C, Let all christian people pray Sunday afternoon, ared C2 vcora. earnestly for a great spiritual hia death following aaiSSS: V. condition. whW,hrf been that-, of J. C. Stoet, partial paralysis, for about three Ivor D. Tnostrso. years. awakening.

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