i i : ' : . A WEEKLY. NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST 'INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, DEC 9. 1915. VOL. XX NO. 15 7 1 v Building at JOId Fort - h -The new griaded school building r t Old Fort will be f ornlallopened oahe3ateTof Fridae vening De cember 17th. ; Exercises befitting 5btieasi JwiU dress of the day will be delivered bStat Y. J oyner Dr. Joyner " will be introduclby perintendent of McDowell, D. F. r Gilesnow County. Superintendent . of Wake. Short speeches will 1 be made:by Dr; D. H; Hillv -president of the A. & M. college, Dr. J. I. Foust, president of. the State Nor- -mal, and Dr. W. P. Few, president of Trinity college. A qumber "of City Superintendents and.? County Superintendents pvili bef present , and short responses will be made . by several of them. ; The folks at Old Fort are taking much interest in this occasion. For the?pleasure of visitors arriving at Old Jb ort on tram-In o. 11 automo- one tours oyer tne ; new niguway are being-arranged The building Committee w ill . also arrange other entertainments. 'y vi? The oew' building has been erect i ;J Social Affairs. : , j Mr.: vand iM rs. , H. - F; Little en tertained at a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday evening :for the office force and overseers of . the Marion and Clinchfield mills. ' Those presr ent from the ' . Marion mill were Messrs. A. aF. Hunt, S.. L. Cope- land, J. . G. Hickerson, E. ;S. Brown, S. N. Bradford, R.- O. Wylie, J. RFrye, J. T. Laughlin; from Clinchfield mill, W. L. Mor ris, J. M. Ellis, W. A. McCall, j.;F. Miller, - J. B. McLaughlin, J. : C. Hunt, : and Miss Beatrice SimmonsV.. The guests were re ceived by at the door by D. D. and. Hi F. Little and: ushered into the: reception ' room whereSthey were" pleasantly entertained until 7:15 when they were escorted . to the dining room. v The tables were beautifully decorated with emblems of the day, and all were served to a bountiful dinner. ' NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brjef:Mention otSome of the Hap- penings in mcuowen bounty Items About Home -People. Nebo, Dec 6. Mr. M. M. GUbert of Free Lecture and Field Meeting. STATE NEWS OFJHEWEEK . - Remember the meeting for f rnit Mrs. John Decker was hostess to the Twentieth -Century- Club growers at the graded school build-' ing Thursday night, Dec 9. Mr. Szjmoniac has many beautiful .1 t .... . . . views uiusiraung mo ranous phases, of orcharding. The best Henrv. N. C. after spending ' several varieties arc shown in natural col days here with friends and relatlTea, 0'ra. Also th hot nrrttrV 11 .u svuu u n vua m . . T ? lt Donglas Annis and family of Erwin; IUK K. cm;, h is ireo 10 an. Tenn., spent a fe days last week with lncro Will also bo held meetings iiir. ana Mrs. m. u. oigmon. as icaiowa: u. u. .ince a homo Mrs. T. W. Alexander was shopping orchard Thursday morning, Dec rKnM V 0, at 10 a. m., and at Mr. SorrcU s Ernest Beach visited his mandparenU r?. j4 V rt- . - , in Morganton during the Utter part of Stroudtown, at 2:30 p. m.; and at last week. - , , Gukey and Winborne's peach or- Mrs. M. A. RndlsiU. after making an cbari at 9:30 a. m., Dec. 10. extended visit to friends and reUUiea .-Tjicro will bo a field meeting i?--1 neir Old Fort on Friday if tcrnooD. giving holidays, returned to her home , . A j .i . . , at Henry. K. O., the latter part of last Pmbcr 10, and an illustrated week. '' . ' . lecture at 7 d. ra., with another C. M. Heniplkll made a business trip I field meeting the next morning. to Marion Saturday. Q.D.Taylor spent Thanksgiving with Farmers Union Elects Oftlcers. his mother at Dysartsville. I ti i 4 .t MlssFaye Padgett of North Cove " uiar uu-cuuk u! uic spent the weekend with homefolks , aicuowen iounty -farmers union Misses Iowa and Chelev SIcrtnon and 1 held at the court honso In Marion Saturday afternoon. The program Hattie Taylor were shopping in Marion Irst Saturday, the following officers consisiea or-papers ana aiscussions aiuraay. , . . w0rft i. ,nfi :ncfwii A, relative to Russia, was full Of in- ory ierr nasmovea nis lamuy 10 . . pl F. Corncninir- nrcai i! . . ml 11 til MKnOU. lm " " leresii mrougnouw xne roil can wt , Jnl? r. I? M;ilr tWnni. brought forth many interesting last Saturdav 8nndav wIth home- C..-M. tPool. secrctarr-trrksurer: current events in tne country un Items Concerning Eventx cT In terest and Importance Thrcjh- . out the State. ; .'.- . As the rtjult of the rtccct ch eapo of 15 convicts from a Ban combo county convict camp, all tho officials employed at the cimp, eight in number, biTO .been dis charged. The young man Tally of Char lotte in the recent wreck in Salts bury is still in a critical condition His leg was amputated last week The condition of Mr. O Mar Gsrdncrof Shelby shows continued improvement. William P. Stacy. New Han over's present representative in the general assembly, has been at pointcd to the iedgeship mide va cant by the resignation of Judge George Koundtree acd received his commission from Governor Craig last week. Judge Stacy is tho youngest man on the bench, being only 31 years of age. folks. ed at a eost of something over $16, 0003' It is pro'houhced one of the jnost attractive and best arranged buildings in the btate. It is prp- yidetf with fi rst cFass" iu rnishings jthrougbbutr iThe auditonum has 400 comfortable opera chairs of the latest Resign. All class rooms are fitted up with individual desksu The building is steam heated and electric lighted throughout. The public is cordially invited to the opening exercises. ? - White PinfivSchhnL - The most successful school in its bistqry ;;M iss; Rosa Houk as; teacher. Miss Houk had the community co-ope ra- eople in her work and der discussion. "Peter the Great" was the subject of a most interest ing paper by Mrs. Pes. cud Craig. In the deliniation of the character of Catherine the Great, Mrs. J. C E G.. Goforth, chaplain; J. A. Henley, conductor; J. 'Fleming, doorkeeper. The inemlxrs of the Farm Demonstrator Bailey made UdU1 Sutiss. - tion of vsie has prbvenj herself to be one of the best v teachers in the county, , this -being her second "year in that wmSSiy ; IThis: school -has led V the county in the first Community K Fair.: Much work of improvement Ehas also been done. V The" well has ' , been put in good healthf ul'fcon f ditio stum i and a good road made to the build- ;M ihg. -;f Congratulations toT. Miss ; Hou! and JinaoyJ go fishes;: f or Sheinhiur : ; A Friend : NE ALSVILLE Kealsville. Dec. 7.- Mrs Fields War lipk of Erwin, Tenn., spent last week executive committee are J. "..roou with her another, Mrs. Joeeph Poteat. . G. S. Tate and . W. C. Morns. ;tfss Ellen Carson ;of Marion ,visitedJW. ..Thmiirtn -lrtA nr. Story s6cceedeTin proving to her at thehome,of Mr. and Mrs. T. wJani2er ad Ircturer and VL K. audfence that at least one wdman Wilson Saturday night and Sunday. - u:, , , . .1 VYVint M9 AINU UUIUCI lULiik. m i i onrfTa iims m a rT un m vt' tvt a has succeeded in holding down a .L t mans3?D- J.nemanyanai)eCUiiar Mrff w,t pnfonf ,nAnfihnWM.KA hi rtrv intrnrlir t!L- rlnrnr manners and. customs of the Rus- in Marion with her sister, Mrs. W. S. and V. S. TliO mason rave an in- sians were set forth in un interest- Giles. terestioc account of the meeting ing paper by Mrs. WxY tho culo Farmcra' Union in uienwooa last wees on ousiness. ; Miss MUdred Wilson was shopping in Durham recently. Marion Saturday. Lhe next county meeting will be Jake Epley 'spent Sunday with home' W Stroudtown on the first Satur- folks at Glen Alpine. I rljivin fnrrh v . ...a. ' mt I . mra. i. l roieai is epentung some time with her mother in Morganton. ' The school at this place is progress ing nicely under the leadership of Prof. Stutts and Misses Ethel Pyatt and Maude Carson. The box supper given at the Graded Contestants in the Booster Store contest may secure 2,000 votra for every dollar paid on subscription to The Progress. Get bujy. Ask your friends for vot?s on renewal subscriptions. This Is the time to remember the Red Cross Christmas setlt. - f Notice! Jn tho Dlitrict Coart of th Utitcd Stats for the Western Diitricl or North C roll a. atSutwUIe. Ka. iT. Reading 4The Checkerboard,'! uan interesting story dealing with Rus sian prison life, was read very - ef fectively by Mi$s Decker. A salad course tonowea oy sweets was served by. Misses Decker and Shep- herdson and Mrs. Will Gray. Althorfgh coming after Thanks- giving, tne oans jsouci- ciuo: was delightfully entertained at the home School Saturday nignt was a great sue Death of Mr. James A. Jamison. Jiorfraaton New Herald, tal Mr. James A. Jamison died at his home on Roufe 5 Sunday, Nov. 20th. The deceased was a member money school improvements. of bis death with sorrow. U. p. C. Meeting. V; Lfi-Parker. ; CurfeWSlDecf 6MissHA.lice Parker ancTMr; Arthur I Morgan, 3 both popular: young people of this ? places were married at the home of . she Jb r ide's .ternbon at 2:30 b'clbcX. The bride ; was dressed in a ; brow n coat ; suit wito nai, gioyes auu suues w ma w;u. Immediately after, the ceremony the bridal party went in carriages thff tiome i of Mr GMorgah where a delightful reception, with a sixneourse dinner, was given in their honor. ' Foiv the occasion the tically decorated with ? ceder and fall, chrysanthemums. hiTheJbrides is the charming daugh ter of Mr. and i Mrs. W.t W ! Par ker, and the - groom a prominent young farmer of our ,commumty. Mayjoy go with them always. . :akS X. KT 't th nm of fortv dollam beintr W4 ,1Cfc"vulot,ulwu auv ml una. xiuuci b iwiaoi jj uuav hi- i a i , , . . j . ii t mLi . ;J realized.". This money will be used for had many friends who will leaxn predominating. Three tables play ed "108," dainty score cards sugges tive of Thanksgiving were used. After a very spirited and exciting game, the hostess -, ushered. C her guests into the dining room. ' Here also - the Thanksgiving idea "was car riedou t. .V Tlje' centerpiece was a half- pumpkin-Jilled - with the fruits of the season, and the place cards, done in sepia, were sugges tive of the Thanksgiving festivities Mrs. Noyse ' maintained her well known reputation as a hostess. N. O. PittA, J. II. Gilej, el aL To WHIUm Godfrey: Chrli Godfrey. Jr : 111 elf Ljtle and trifa. given xuune unknown: 8 A. Iirovns .and 8. W. Brown, hit wife: Henry Phillip and wife, giren nam unknown: Uck-norra heira ot Henrr Phillint: TJr.krctrn heirs at lawacdbalkiariiof Ja Iiowroa, decc.vd: WiUUa ' Moss Eowron, Jamrs liowrca and J0c7.i1 Bowroo, Executors under the will of Jam ps BowToa. drccJUMxl, and their cco-Mor In o2k; J. ' Wlm Korton and Franc Norton. hU wife; Un known hein of J. WU Norton: Mat- ria P. fiTklfe and wifv name ca known; Other nnknown heirs cf Henry Ohua:D V. Ilacier; And all penons whomjoerer owning cr ciaimiDgr 10 own any .cnUtc, lein-or Interest of any kind or character in and to th prenjli decrfbed la the petition In this procdin - Yon will take notioe that an actios "Mr. Jamison was C6 years of age I entitled at abore haa been ccmaenoed j .1.1 st lla the Ditrict Ccnrt of ths United auu 3umcu ujr xx:vcu wiiiureo, gute fa thfs Wera DUtrictof North rruL 4U rr three sons and four daughters, who CaroUna, at Stateiiie for t h on- lhe regular meeting Of the,U., . f-'rU detnnatica ot a certain trad of rrl D. C. was held Monday afternoon with, 5 host of friends, mourn bis Mut,(Unatls, 1 Md bdn la th4 at the hospitable home of' -Mrs. S.:C &ff? ffeorge - Gilkey. v The program, E11 Marcema and Khoda Jami- oaerCrek. adHnicg the Unda cf I . . - . . . . enn Mn . -T.illiA -Tnttirn tcr T?nrk Tannics-fl-4rn-vir? XX 1 frA. sucsestive ol U&nstmas, was lull l". , , " " : . . . TiDr -j othrA. cin of intPrt thronirhont. hnfii0rv Arthur sod J. D. Jamison of 'this :1.feaf?S mm. Miss Nelle Blanton was 'At Home'V Thursday! evening "to her many friends in' honor bf Miss Annette . Rudisell . of Lincoln ton and Miss Mary Henderson of Hick ory." -Progressive games were played at the several tables during the evening. - The hostess served delicious refreshments. - S Two: Marriages ,Ust Thursday. V At the Presbyterian; manse last Thursday at noon Mr; G.";;P. P6; teet and Miss Vashti Swanni both of this place, were united in mar riage," Re vlrJ.' O. Story officiating. 5X)n Thursday afternoon Mr. William Howard and Miss J ulia Walker were married at the manse, ;key- J. C. Story officiating. of the first Christmas, as recorded by St. Luke, was, read responsive ly By the daughters. Several in teresting stories and sketches were read from 4The Veteran." Possi- bly the most unique and interest ing part of the - program was Uho retelling by the daughters of anec- dotesV reminiscences, or personal experience of ' the Veteran under whose record -each joined the U. D. C. V The Daughters expressed their willingness and desire to help all worthy. veterans in neod, .that they may-have a happy Christmas. The local chapter has been honored by the appointment of Mrs. Pless as District Leader. A social half hour-was spent very pleasantly while the hostess scrved a delicious eolation. " , - place, and Marion. START the now year right Tako stock in the McDowell Building & Loan and own your own home. New series opens January 1st. D. JamiSOQ of I ed by J. U, Gll and Ida H Ollfa. hi wife, and N. O. Pitts ard Mand F. Pitta. hU wife, of Ula Alrine, North Carolina, the aatne ha tics brva e'.ectel by the Secretary of ArrricnJtnre, 'with Tho merchants of bur town have the arroral of the National Forest begun to tell tho public throuim I narration CommiMloa, and fonsd. thftrolnmnsofTho Procrrr almnt o!Ary lor tn penw cf carrjtr ino coiumns oi 100 rrogrcss, auoui ot an Act of Cocsrta cf th UtitM the good things which their stocks suteaaorortd iiarch i. mi. tirj? provide for holiday buyers. Rd. i'J? crs of this paper should watch tbc&t to, isi2 (37 hut. z:o, ch. tsi). advertising columns carefully all k'l resident dfcr-UrU the time but' with particular care cUkninj: to own. any rui, limcrln- during the next two wcekT ct inT m cL?l!LcZZz 13 ,., TllO McDowell Building & Loan aforr-aid. will fnnhe Uk notic that Association paid off its 0 scries ITIT1 ? J' ID October when $2300.00 was paid WwUrn Dbtrict cf ICcrth Carolina, at out to shareholders. Scries No. 23 vrriI- 011 tb9 l75h ftrr win oocn on januarv ist. rtow is itim r Am-wnt in rroofvn?r. or tho rlalctlS will an4r to th Cocri tar tie rvUef dccisia la :a rrucn. Th!i Rfttir lunrd br crdT cf CXnrt. directing that pnVUcaUca h cixl cro a week for tlx gncaxdns wcka in The the time to come in. ' Invest your sayings. - One dollar a month will givo rou pno sha're. This - is an ideal way to lay up .money for a rainy day. :A larro numbcr.ofUaProKTwa. residences have been built through ThU iih day cf Dccetnlr. is:. the Building and'Loan. .Come in now. For further particulars ap ply to J. E. Kcal, secretary, at the rirst hationarlhn By J. a OILU DepntT Ccrk DUtrict Cott cf tho Uni'1 ?Lat, Wcs.m Djitnrt cf :crth Corel: t a.