TO THE BEST, INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MARION, N. C, -THURSDAY, DEC 16, 1915. VOL. XX NO. 16 - ' - - - n Facts About the County. Chapel Hill, Dec. 13. -Mc Dowell has one. thing to bo very proud of; she ranks first in the EDUCATIONAL COLUMN Maud Barnard, Editor. School Notes. A Community meeting will be equipment per held at the Chapel Hill school on '.luw pi". Thursday, December 23. JZT? be,D 'u-t'! ' XlOfHl for imnrnrpmAnK while thA ? Miss Rosa. Houck,ho has fin- state average is only $8 per $100Q uw:rQuui:,Yv nii x-ine, is worth of school property." Such uuw imuK raimew. was the statement of C. B. Landis donn Jblliott has resigned as of Marion before the Rutherford principal of Garden City school McDowell County Club meeting in ana 5. Jb. norton has taken his the l. M. C. A. buildimr at the pjace. University on December 11. Mr. Messrs. B. F. Horton and Jock Landis presented several other iLonon have oust closed a very sue- very interesting facts about the cessful school term at Flat Creek county. in 'Broad 'River township. The It 'was decided that a small book- tpatrons claim that this is the best let of facts about each county school taught there for several would be issued as soon as possi- years. ble. Much interest is being mani- The new school building near ' in tbe county club work by the Clinchfield mill has just been JS 01 Mcuowen ana numer completed and the desks and black- V 01 the t xr tj ' : lc .rtf hAinir nnt, nn This is reMUCUl . : , , , . club, re&d a verv interestincr DaDer hAnoflt nf thA -rhi Frorriwir one ot the oesi omit anq equippea " Y. . ....... J mj . j" mm l 1 e r i 1 r , 1 - jl . k m r&cts .nooui vreaun ana iaz- iui. An entertainment will be given by buildings in the county. The school will open on I of !nn .5r Pntknafn Pnntn " A ' 1 nil UtlUU III JLltlLl;i 1UI u vajuulv. for WOrK January tSra . m , - I the school Fridav afternoon. December i " ti ri ter a series or speecn-maKing ana n. ... . Pttonnd Kffift Hinks as teachers. aussions, rerresnmenvs were served and a very nappy and profit- HANKIN3 A number of people from Ma- able social hour was spent. Hankina, Dec. 13. Born, to Mr. and rmn urn n annincr to nttenri the iit n i i c 1 oxr. u. vjt. xiomneia. jjecemoer llin. a r " - i iiibiuvfcu uuij uaa uvc uuj a , . .nnflnino- nf thA 0( Fnrtcrrfldpd 1 t...u-..j i aangnter. cdckm ouuamg airiu rururnuy C0UDty 1Djhe ytate has a bunch of Saturday und Sunday hre with home I night. Among the number are representatives who -are more in- Misses Eva Keeter, Elsie House, terested in their home county than '-L':'t,-'i "Ac 2 T 3 3 marina uecKer, mauu oaruaru anujare tl)e younc men of the two Saptr counties jibove mentioned. Womble of. Greensboro, who will Christmas holidays begin Decern- be the week-end -guest of Miss ber 22 and end January 4. Barnard, will also attend the exer- 1 rx ! tl in : r n .: cises. reaiures in i ne message oi rresi- STOP THE FIRE WASTE F!rj Proof ConttmctJon CoU Vary qtUfUor Than Uvo Ordinary (t tnflammabtt Kind. Fireproof con tract. on of bull 4 Lac aa a whole baa been ao redneed In coat In recent Umea that the dl?er en ce between the price of aach a boUdln. and that of the ordinary In flammable kind la far from bclnc ao erloua aa It formerly waa. Bat with out going to that expeme. the rlak of fire can be reduced In an almost Insignificant fraction of what -It now la. The treat thins to be aimed at It the laolatlon of the fire, the prevent Ion of Ita tpread from the point at which It originate. Thla can be ac complished aa rerarda the rUar fur nace and lfa neighborhood, by &re proof floor construction eparatlnc tbe cellar from the first story. A con err i or steel and tllofioor can be eajlly put In at an Increase of cost orer ordinary wooden Jolt conlrucUo3 that would hardly be noticeable In the total cost of a large bulMlnc In addition to this, and especially In placea where the sendees of a fire department cannot be promptly ob tained the Installation of some simple ayatem automatic sprinklers or fire extlmrulshfrti In basement nar the heating apparatus and also In kitchens and laundarlea. commends ltslf aa an obTlous safeguard and offers no icreat difficulty in the way of expanse The construction of a fire proof division wall aa a means of prevent ing the spread of fire Is recommend ed by some ran who hare tplallxd In flro prevention work. Such a wall may bo built or rick or crr.cri. runnlr.r rlcht throuth the boa- from folks. Miss Belle Hunt4jrof WoodUwn ffpent i Ins; doors are furclshd at all opn- Saturday aud Sundny here with her j Ings and can be entirely hidden with- NEWS FROM THE-COUNTY Brief Mentjon of Some of the Hap penings in McDowell County Items About Home People. MACEDONIA DyBartFvllle. Dec 11. Mra Mary Wise epent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Buchanan, at Gilkey. A number of his neighbors asftisted John Watkins at a "house raising" last Wednesday and enjoyed a delicious dinner. -The Macedonia school Is progressing f i mm mm m . mceiy wnn rai&s sarnie uorortn as teacher. Many things are being done to beautify the school room curtains put up, window panes replaced, etc On Thursday a Mothers meeting was held with several mothers present. Af ter the inspection of the exhibits, which attracted much attention, an old-time spelling match was given wbich proved interesting, and also that the Macedonia school children are bard to be spelling. There will be a box supper at Mace donia school house Friday night, the 17th. The girls are asked to bring a box and the boys cash to buy them. rhe proceeds are to be nsed for the To the Teachers of McDowell. sistex-. Mr.J--JLewiA. - - MUs Myrtle Brown visited lomefolka at Ashford last week. Miss Daisy Barnes epent last week in Marion with relative. Miss Delia Gibba spent Saturday and Sunday at Garden City with homefolks. Horace Stroud of Toms Creek spent dent to Congress. ITnrps that America's stAndino the week-end here with friends Xe uecemoer meeting 01 ine . b(J 0 , . eces. sociation will be held in the audi torium of the craded school build ing at Marion on Saturday, Decem ber 18, at 11 o'clock. The teach ers are -requested to be present and Percy Barnes returned to Marion one McDowell County Teachers' As- f . f fe day l.t wk after .pending . few day. that a body of free citizens be made j. j. rtL move4 hu ready and sufficient to defend the mill from Nebo to his farm near Han- country. kins. Ihe lumber business In this part Insists Consfress sanction and of the community seems to be picking i-. I i m , , a - B m mm m m m um m a. ma - a m l.hi ,arM. rr oil hoUormAnt, tuorlr. I - , . iniure are oeiier. v" ' Wftr and INavr I JAnartmpnt fnr muwjwgut uuuia, ixju -dfinuatft nat onal dftfftn55e. BED TOP -i . u nn.n A1nkB . omebwcsuieuuo wura, uu u.u, Dec a red the irravest threats Red Tod. Dec. 13 -We are havine agricultural wort, etc. ine cnier r . t th rnnntrv nparft ftnj eome cod weather. address Will be delivered by Dr. CQfAfw uori uoan rtu.rlj Utr n.fnrol. Farmers are through gathering corn l w. lniffni or xrinuy voneKo. aj a--: u. i , , uu aioevm56lIMu. Al c ..". -iV I " ua" O. E.udgins has sold a half interest iner prouiiueu, cuu,, - poured the poison of disloyalty -in- in hia mercantile business here to W. E. present. to the verv arteries of America's Hndrina In. parti tlOna. Th Ns.Uooj.1 1r Pro tective Association has Usued a num ber' of pharapblet on reducing Sre dangers, which can be obtained on application to Mr. JVanklln II. Went worth. Secrft-nry. 87 Milk SU Iknton. Mass. Safety Knirtncerlnc. KEEP SOHOOLHOUSES CLEAN. Bybon Coniey, Sunt. . jjfe Urcres Concress to enact laws Baptist Statistics. that would enable the Government A summary, of statistics for the to crush out such creatures of pas- t Baptist IState Convention, which sion; disloyalty and anarchy." met in Cnariotte last week, shows Ownership of adequate ocean 64 Associations with 2,136 church- transportation facilities declared to es and 26&V088 members, not in- be a question of independence, eluding 19 churches that have not Federal aid to industrial aud vo- TeDbrted to ? their Associations, cational education was asked, and The membership gain for the year some provision for rural credits was 11.48&, and there was a gain recommended, of 43 in the number of churches. Suggested it would be wise to ' Xhere were 17,900 baptisms, a provide a "commission of inquiry to gain of 3,187 over the previous ascertain whether the laws are as ,vear? There were 57B churches serviceable as they might be in the which reported, no baptisms. solution of the railway transpor- JMoney raised fo all Convention tation problem, purposes aggregates $208,195, a The States of the Americas are ain of $13,536 over the previous not hostile rivals, but co-operating vear J friends, the rresident declared. - . : - : - - ... , ';TUiiA'-A'1 O10'oitir urrimpn'c , missionary; societies, including the ' iunior oreanizations. They raised To Sullivan Bros'. Debtors: $42,598 for regularVurposes and a All persons indebted to Sullivan special fund of $6,273 for,the Jud- Bros, are; hereby1 notified that I 1 son! centennial and home church have levied upon all their store ac: building fund. ' counts. Payment must be made rnllment is 220.- to me at once, or I shall have to boo, a gain of 45, 785 with a net advertise atid sell. ;, srain of 68 in the number of Sun- I This Dec. 15th, 1915. .daV schools. 'T -y J. A. Laughrhkje, Sheriff. The North Carolina Insurance Com missioner is of the opinion that dan ger of cojtly fire could be redact If schoolhoue. at th end of ech terra were left In a good, clean condition. In a statement for the pre Jmt Issued by ComrnlnloaerJfoanr. he says: "Very frequently an lnvrtlratlon has shown that schoolhouse-s are not In good condition durtng the vacation period. It seems to be the Idea that ichoolhouses should be pat In order and cleaned up. etc., at the beginning of each term, but at the dote of the terra it Is all right to leave scattered about In the building, piled op In corners and stored in cloieta any kind STATE NEWS OFTHE WEEK Items Concerning Events, of In terest and Importance Through out the State. The First Methodtit church of Salisbury bit appointed a publicity. mm and instixctcd bin to by iptca in local newspapers to be used from week to week to wt forth the work and purposes of the chorch. Ftre tt the orphicie of the North Carolina Methodist Confer- cocc In lUIcich Monday raorctcff destroyed the barn, entitling a I OSS of $2,600, protected by $1,000 in aaranc?. The lire stock wera Mved. W. D. DtTts, of Wasbicgtea county, has brcn mtrried the fourth time at thi adrancfd ae of the bride only 3D. Mr. Dim his had 41 children, 33 of whom are still living, and bu 12 grandchildren. After January 1st only 'single dippctT or safety matches can bo used in North Carolina to conform to the "uniform tcatch lawpaned by the Legislature, This law wai adopted by the Sute aulhorittri at a precaution against fir lmv and njrrchanU ar now workit. o3T thir block of atrtke easy match. T. J. Knrtkon, who has railed The Mci server at Morj:nU3D for nearly four year, h motrd his pnn to Madjson iro he will establish anolhrr piper. Thogooi will at ft sjbicriMion list of The Mevvf.rpr wrre purchaacd by The News Hemld. Mr. Hobcrtson ts-su-d a k'ood patr, but the connty prorctUto be too small to maintain to trrs of lb same political faith. Thi State has chsriered the Alas ka VaJIcy IUilroid Com cany, bar ing it home ofHce in Drrson City. The cor juration purposes the con struction and operation of a rail road to extend from Br son City, on the Murphy branch of the Southern, to the Fallf, on Alula creek, a distance of 12 miles. The road will bo entirely in Swtia county. H. W. Elliott made a business trip to of . guch ti we afe4 ln lhe Marlon and Asheville last week. J. D. Elliott has returned from the Rutherford hospital and his friends are glad to learn he is Improving rapidly. O. E. Hudgins made a business trip Black Mountain last week. exercises and haa accumulated dariag the aesslon. The result la frequently a fire, started from spontaneous com bustion or other cause. "All school committeemen should adopt the rule of seeing their buildings are throughly cleaned and -put ln or Chicago was selected b the Re- ?cr l 100 dos ofvl,choo,nluT: . . . I In thla war many buildings will b m t a m w a. a. r . pu oncan national iommiuee lues-1 gATed rrom humlnx. day night as the meeting place of the 1916 Republican National con vention, to be held June 7, one week before the Democratic con vention in St. Louis. In oder to get anywhere with a wheelbarrow you should push it. Same way with business. Mystery of the Light Not Yet SoWed A report from tho Lenoir ex pedition that went in search of tho mysterious light in Burke county, says: ,lTbtt the light on Brown moon- tain is the result of local causes The McDowell Building & Loan was determined by the party of Association paid off its 9 series men who last week act out from In October when $2300.00 was paid! Lenoir to learn tho nature of the out to shareholders. Series No. 23 illumination to bo observed there. will open on January 1st. Now is Mr. H. C. Martin, who led the ex- the time to come in.. Invest your pedition, said tho light was not tho . , 1 , .1,1 ... m - sayings, une aouar a montn win rcilection ox a locoraottve head give you one share. This is an I light or anything else be could ideal way to lay up money for a think of. Somo of the local scicnt- rainy aay. a tiargo numoer oi jSts profesa to believe that a plcnti- now. For further particulars ar IocaIlty 13 thocaQW- Mother trip ply to J. E. Neai: secretary, attholiH bo made later to investigate ,First National Bank. 1 more thoroughly. North Carolina Applet In the North, At the ninth anncil Fruit Show of the New York College of Agri culture at Ithica, N. Y.t North Carolina apples added another vic tory to their long list. The Di vision of Horticulture of the North Carolina Department of Acricul- ure entered eight plate and tho judges awarded the bine ribbon to seven out of the eight. The va rieties which won first priz were: Stayman, Winesap, Gano, Bonum, Virginia Beauty, Rome Beauty, Missouri Pippin, Royal Ltmbcr- twig. Ask Congressto Submit Prohibition Washington, Dec 13. Cocgrcis will be urged at its coming session to submit the question of a nation al prohibition amentment to the states for ratification. This was decided on at a mass-meeting held hero lite ycsterdiy when resolu tions were adopted. The meeting was under tho auspi ces of the Nitionil Women's Christ ian Temperance Union. START the new year right. Tale stock in the MeDowcll Building & Loan and own your own home. New series opens January 1st, ... r aw ' . . . .. . , : v . --s. - .w j

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