4 - A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF McDOWELL cntimv ESTABLISHED 1896. - J MARION,: N. C, THURSDAY, DEC 23. 1915. VOL. XX NO. 17 V - "; . I V " " ' . NEW SCHOOL BUILDING Dedicated at Old Fort Friday Eye n i ng M any Noted Educators Present Reception Notwithstanding the Inclement weather, a large crowd filled the auditorium of the new graded school building at Old Fort on last Friday evening, the occasion being the formal dedication of the new building. The exercises were in the hands of Supt. N. F. Steppe, whose successful labor in this com munity has brought about this splendid achievement a school building modern and up-to-date in every respect a school of which the citizens of Old Fort are justly proud. The exercises began with an in vocation by Rev. W. H. Goodman, followed by the chorus "Carolina" sung by the high school pupils. Mr. W.M. Treverton, chairman of the building committee, present ed the keys of the new building. He spoke of the interest manifest ed on the part of the citizens of 4he town and the pleasure of his committee in their finished work In accepting the keys Mr. J. M Kanipe, chairman of the schoo board, thanked the building com cnittee in behalf of the schoo board and the patrons of the schoo and pledged loyal support to the ,educationaLjdev-elopment of the town. State Superintendent. Y. Joy ner was then introduced by Supt. D. F. Giles of Wake county. Dr. Joy ner congratulated the taxpay ers and citizens upon their magnifi cent new building and told of his visit to Old Fort many years ago and the old building then in use. Dr. Joyner's address was along .general educational lines. His ap peal to the people in behalf of the children was very effective. Several colleges sent renresen tatives to bear greetings; from The State Normal College, Pres. J. I. Foust; Davidson College, Dr. L. W. Lingle; A. & M. College, Presi dent D. H. Hill; Trinity College, Dr. E. W. Knight; Merideth Col lege, Dr. E.McK. Goodwin Supt. Byron Conley SDoke in warmest terms of the future work of this school for the entire county in ' helDing to train the rural teachers. Following the exercises a recep tion was heldi at the Charles Hotel in honor of the distinguished visi tors. In the receiving' line were: Supt. and Mrs. Steppe, Dr. - Joy ner, Dr. Hill, Supt. Conley, Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Lingle, Miss Bar nard. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Dr. Knight, Supt. Giles, Miss Wom ble, Dr. Robinson, Messrs. Kanipe, Marleyi Mauney, Travertdn, Foust and .1. Ed. Kanipe. Misses Craw ford and Greene presided at the punch bowl. The guests were taken to the dining room where a de licious two-course luncheon was served. Pink- and white carna ; tions, galax and mistletoe , were used in the decorations. Th nfttv hiiildinff dedicated on this occasion is built of hard brick with stone base, very effective in annftftrance. The inside is finished in hardwood in Early English style, and plaster :sand . finish - There are eleven class rooms. SnberinteridentVoffice, teachers'-rest room, l and an audi torium with a capacity of fi ve nun . I 1 dred. A verv lftrcrft hjupmnnl oo been constructed for general pur- poses. Each class room is en ninn- ed with patent single desks and the hni minor ?o )iaaf nsl tV. ..-. i T w- I ctL Av CH steam and;hghted by electricity. The total -cost is $16,000. The growth of the school has been ofoorlrr Knfitj , steady but exceptional progress has Deen made during the past four years under the superintendency M mm m . - V - or Mr. btepp; The history of the school has been one of out growing its quarters, adding new rooms until the point was reached where Misses Eetelle Wilson and Faye Pad no more additions were possible. Sett speat the week-end with homefolks. A bond issue was voted without much opposition, and today Old T?rn.f 4. t w j ort can bpast of a complete, mod- ern, well equipped school building. There is ho doubt abodt the CO- operative spirit of the community and thA nrirU ih nonn10 V,Q n f, . ,r 7 - uw ouvrui. Home for Holidays. Among the young folks home from college for the holidays are - " orpening ana Mary lancey, from . , , ... . . , balem College; Miss Aannie Gibbs. from Bristol, Tenn. ; Miss Jose- phine Bird, from Fassifern, Hen- dersonville; Miss Mabel Tate, from the btate Normal at Greensboro: Macolm Sinclair, Tannie White, Robert Morphew and Carl Buch anan, from Uak liidge; Will Pless, rom Davidson, and William Lonon f rom Donaldson Military School at Fayetteville. Clinton Landis and Liwrence Morris will arrive today from the Universitv. Chanel Hill, - j District Stewards Meeting, TheMorganton District Stewards met in annual session at the Marion Methodist church last Wednesday " salary was designated and an every- member canvass in interest of be- nevolences was recommended for the Churches of the district. A laymen's rally was held at the eye- uiug iiuur ttuu tupiw vi yiuu ju- terest to the church were discussed, There were delegates and preachers present from Morganton, Old Fort, Henrietta. Burnsville, Thermal City and other places. Last year was by all odds the best year the Morganton district has ever had. Camn Fire Meeting. Last Monday evening the CamD Fire Girls had a ceremonial meeting at the home of "Jaunita (Mor?ie White). As soon as tne memoers amvea a canoie lighting ceremony was held by the! guardian. Nantabala. -JCW kee (Mary Hndgina), who lighted the Trr ( t Bobbitt) who lighted the candle of Health, and Jannlto (Margie White), who lighted tto candle , or urn.- Thla was foUowed by the Camp Fireoong. "Wohelo." Nantahala presented the . v..v j yery intefeiting- A piano solo was H2Li w firnM wood ana t t t. wniuu a ooiwwv- k j t ka (Helen Lonon) and sang by all. Nantahala, gnardian. then told many interesting stones, after which refresh- mento ebnistingof toasted marshmel lows, nuts, oranges, apples and candy were served. Nawaka. Solomon Gallert, of Rutherford- ton, candidate for congress in this district, was a visitor here last Friday. Mr. Gallert is of the opinion that the ;Democrats will redeem the disirict next November and he expressed muion i uu pleased with the encouragement he L received with reference to his candidacy'for the nomination. MCJO. rnntl Tiir- nnmm - www mi Brief Mention nfS . .,.w. v. W. I U U penings In McDowell County . .. - J ' . Items About Home People, ' ? r,'uu so.-Rey. Mr. Bradhaw ui xucwjry ana iter. A. f. Borrela will conduct a revival meeting at. the new Baptist chnrch, beginning December 27, and rill continne throngh that week. TTT" tit it vanco wllaon 5u very m for th ?f ' w but u taw" Marion sktnv " flQreiw ouer or Marion spent Sun- h . MlS3 Easie Hemphill has closed her col at Cowan's and is at home. Mrs. R. A. Hemphill and Miss Essie Hemphill rrere shopping in Marion Sat- urday- Nebo Hi8h ool will close Wednes- day for the Christmas hoUdays. xrM T T. wn. a u. t -i. tie, were shopping in Marion one day last week. Lee LaVendar spent the week end in Marion. GREENLEE arftAn. OA xc. .r ... Cireenlee, Dec. 20. Miss Mollie Wll- iiams, who has been in school at Ashe- ville, is home to spend the holidays, Misa Mar7 Greenlee and Ethel Hen- n . 81,6111 a1" and ann day with friends and relatives here. Mrs. E. A. Allanach of Crestmont was a welcome visitor in Greenlee the latter part of the week. A. T. Ledbetter spent Saturday in Asheviile. Misses Belle and Margnerite Dohecrl were shopping in Marion, Monday. Misa Clara Bvrd. who has bean in school at Asheviile, was a welcome visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tate Friday night. Miss Annie Silvers returned home last week from Marion to spend Christmas, accompanied by Miss Nettie Cnrtis - Joraan, wno naa been oq hc Ust for a fw days, is improv Miss Essie Ledbetter is visiUnc in Marion. Fred Hnnter and family have moved to Glenwood. f? wU1 1)6 Christmas tree and Thur8day u 1 at 7:30. The pnbUc Is cordlalJy Invited to attend. Tom's Creek School Closes. Tom's Creek, December 17. Tom's Creek school closed last Friday. The teacher, Miss Blanch Houck, deserves much praise for the splendid work she has done at this school, this being her second term here. She has taken great interest in the children and has , u f - fuflnflMt:rtn - ... xh s school has ed in a f7w of the j i 4i t Progressive school. One tbinK .':,,.; ,u ,u:k;. . f . ... wasftwarded first jze$20. This money will bo V , . ... tt i i We wish Miss Hoack ranch sac- cess m her future work, beheving her to be one of the county's best I teachers. H. I t , I MlSS BeSSie Tate entertains. Qn Ffid evening Miss . . , - - Bess!e Tate entertained a number 01 ner irienas uer uuiuo uu Sweeney Hill. The decorations were in keeping with the holiday seasQn hol,y and mistl0toe being ftnd lhe VlRht3 wer0 shadcd . After piayiDg Rook for a whiie and singing several songs, thOv guests were called "into the dining room, which was beautifnl- fjA vohartK i fTp.rp.nt kinds j u, " mk ""i of fruit were served. The guests then departed voting this one, of 1 the most enjoyable or recent panics I . Interested in Marlon. E. A. Thorne, of Bclding, Mich., who his recently made frcqucDt in quiries ibout Marion with a view of locating here, in a letter to The Progress, says: 'I have enjoyed your paper very" much the past year and feci as though I were pretty well acquainted with your city and its people. I expect to come to your state as soon as I can arrange my business affairs so as to get away, and I shall surely want to see Marion. "Wo are all frozen up here in Michigan. Have had snow since the week before Christmas and north of us they have cood sleigh ing. Iyaat Friday it was six de grees aoove zero and today it is very cold." Big Bear Killed Near Old Fort. Old Fort SenUrvel, lCUu A big black bear was killed last Monday evening on Jarrctt's creek about Gve miles northwestof town. Bruin's tracks were Orst discovered n the snow near Dcndroo, and it was not long until quite a crowd of Nimrods were on its trail. It was Goally overtaken by Big Bill Alli son, Jake Silver and Henrv Alii son, who shot it to death after 1 lively chase of two or thrco miles. Altogether eicht men took nsrt in the hunt, but only one dog was in ine crowu, reoaenog little or nc service. After beimr skinned about A. I 1 1 300 lbs. of carcass was 'divided among the capturers. North Carolina Publications. Raleigh, Dec 14. That there are 326 nowspapcr publications in North Carolina hiving a total cir culation of 1,400,214 is the show- iog made by the annual rcnort of the commissioner of labor and printing today. There are 132 of these publications owned by indi viduals, 30 by co-partnerships and 104 by joint stock companies. Names of ten publications and the editorship of sixty publications changed during the year. Total value of the plants reported by 200 of the publications was $1,438,540. Employes reported aggregate 1,. 466 persons with a payroll of 785, 802. There are 135 typsetting machines in use. Thjj special Christmas program whichj Mrs. J. Q. Gilkcy bad plann ed for the Pbilathea class at the Methodist church last Sunday was very good indeed. After tho les son Mesdames Chi Ids, Domgarncr, Pless, Blanton and Maud Kirby, and Miss Gladvs Good son read se lections from Tbo Song of the Angels Translated into Words,- mM Bella" read bv Mrs. Fludcrins. Then Miss Barnard, in her usual Attractive manner, told the story nf "Tho Other Wise Man" bv Henry Van Dyke, which is always a Christmas favorite. The Pbilathea has a number of interesting pro grams planned for 1916. V, Tho Tdifts Aid Socictv of the Baptist church wish to' thank the people for their liberal patronage ... . . at their bazaar, irom wnicn mey realized $184.00 START-tho new year right. Take .stock in the McDowell Building & Loan and own your own home. Now series opens Janpary 1st. Send The Progress for a year to that friend as a Christmas present. It will bo appreciated by tho re ccipent. STATE NEWS. OF THE WEEK Items Concerning Event : of In terest and Importance Through out the State. " Abel Fitts, a citizen of GIca Al pine, Burke county, died a few days ago, atd 90 years. He was a native of Catawba county bat hid lived at Glen Alpine for more than a quarter of a century. News comes from Ralcich that J udgo Mike Justice of Rutherford- ton will be urged by friends to make the fight for congress in this district It is stated that there is much sentiment for him and that ho may allow his name to go to the primary next spring if the district docs not hlDrrn la hft rmv with candidates. It is also stated that former Solicitor A- Hall Johnston and J. W. Pless "have been given a good deal of favorito support;" that "each has said 'much obliged' but talked for Judge Jus tice." Prof. T. E. Browne, in charge of the Boys1 Agricultural club work, states that a "Rotation club" b to be organized at once by the department of Boja' clubs. The method at present followed by the corn growers of North Carolina tends to exhaust the land of bomus and reduce the fertility of the soil ch year. The new plan of Prof. Browne Is to have each boy follow i standard crop each year, thereby mproving the fertility of the soil nstead of decreasing It. Schemes )f rotation for the mountain, pied mont, and coastal sections of the Late have been tested out by the state department of mirricnhnr nd the scheme will be recommend ed by the West Raleigh oGcc for he boys in the club. Morganton Fears for HerSidewalks Morganton. Ic 16. Judge Shaw handed down a decision this week which is giting the town au- horities grave concern and which may have the effect of suspending alj city improvements. For years here, as in other places. tho property owners bare been taxed with half the cost of permi- ncnt cement sidewalks. Upon refusal of Dr. E. S. War- lick to pay hi half for a sidewalk in front of bis rcsidcoco and of Mrs, A. C Avery, in front of Ho tel Morgan, the town brought pro ceedings to collect, holding the property liable, and under Judge Shaw's ruling nothing can be col lected and the officials fear a gener al refusal to pay for improvements. It is contended by tho fearful that the owners of the lot between the two in question had 'paid their part, so they will probably demand the amount refunded and if tho de cision stands in the Supreme Court tho town as well as other towns throughout the State will be swamped with suits. Attorneys Huffman and Avery for the town announced an appeal to the Supreme Court and the out come will bo anxiously watched by the city officials and will likely cause State-wide interest. IF you are looking for a safe in vestment, take , stock in " the Building & Loan.- New scries will open January 1st. LOTS of GOOD THUtGS to Eat fcr Christmas now on eale In Gattca & Tate's Grocery department. )

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