CALOMEL IS MERCURY! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE “Dodson’s Linr Tone’’ Starts Yoiir Liver Better Tliaii Catonet anil Doesn't Salivati or Main You Sick. Listen to me! Take no more sick- ening'y salivating calomel when bilions or cbnfliipated. Don’t lose a day’s work! Calomel is mercuiy or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contwt with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and “all knocked out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour just a spoonful of harmless Dod son’s lAver Tone on my guarantee. Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug store ajod get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son’s Livei Tone. Take a spoonful to night and if it doesn’t straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store ajid get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomd because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spo^ul of Dod son’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waat« which ii clogging your systm and mak ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It ie harmless; doesn’t gripe and they like ite pleasant taste. Do You Want a Car? Of course you want a car. Everybody wants one these days. Life is too short to spend a good portion of it getting from one place to another when a car will whisk you there in short order. Come in and let us demonstrate our celebrated Buick, the car for service, for pleasure, and for light operating expense. Everybody who rides in a Buick falls in love with it. It is just as natural to love a Buick as it is to love your wife or your best girl. We are selling them for only $1020.00. Buy your tires and other supplies from us. Let Us do your repair work. MARION GARAGE, F. H. HEMPHILL, Mgr. MARION, N. C. ^0^[^z=::30£=iBi0E==a[0i^ “AS THE TWIG IS BENT SO THE BOUGH IS INCLINED.” time to impress best friend, if HE wtT? ACCOUNT WILL HELP HIM TO INCREASE IT. money QUICKLY PILES BANKS hYs MONEY BANK WITH US. WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST. MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK MARION, NORTH CAROLINA, ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼Tf VVT YVV VV VVVVTVV • ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼TVVWVW vvwwvw Mortgage Deeds, Warranty Deeds and Chattel Mortgage blanks for sale at The Progress office. Work Begun on Addition to Schoo for Deaf—Cemetery Moved. Morganton, June 9. —Work was begun this week on the addition to the main building of the North Carolina School for the Deaf—the^ kitchen addition for the building of which the board of trustees of the school recently made provi sion. . It will be finished during vacation, as will the new dairy barn wMicb is being built. Daring the summer steam ceilings will be put ifl the dormitories and study balls. The Western Power company has just finished moving at its ex pense what is known as the Conley graveyard on Paddy’s creek, near Bridgewater, to a hill near the Hilliard school bouse, a distance of about a mile from the original site. When the proposed dam is built across the Linville river the entire valley in which the burial ground was located will be flooded, hence the removal. The Conleys were among the first families to settle in western Burke, then a part of Buncombe county, and attached to the grave yard is much interesting history The oldest headstone bore the date of burial 109 years ago. It was found on taking^up “Big Bill” Conley, who was buried fifty years ago, that the stout pair of home made shoes which he wore—“brb- gans”—were almost as good as new. One of the unknown dead was found with skull turned face downward. The number moved was eighty-six. Progressive Platform—American ism Emphasized. Chicago, June 8.—Ringing dec larations of Americanism ar.d for preparedness, military, spiritual, economic, and industrial, are key notes of the progressive national platform completed today in co operation with the republican con vention platform builders. The progressive platform leaders hoped to present their document to the convention today or tomorrow at the latest. The “Americanism” planks, mi nus direct reference to hyphenism, declared in vigorous terms for up holding American rights on land and sea, guarding “the honor and influence of our nation” and main tenance of “the integrity of inter national law.” The platform also declares that the supreme duty of civilization is to make peace permanent after the war, for which this nation should be prepared in every sphere. Re garding military preparedness, the platform declares for “a navy re stored to at least second rank in battle efficiency,” a standing army of 250,000 men and “a system of universal military training—a citi zen soldiery—controlled by the national government.” Regarding Mexico, the platform asserts that “every resource of the government should be forthwith used to end these conditions.” Other platform declarations are for woman suffrage, regulation of industry and “just distribution of its returns; conservation, re-estab lishment of the American merchant marine, national highways deyelop- inent; a permanent tariff commis sion and a protective tariff. “SAFEIY SffiHS PEOPLE ARE TOO PRONE TO FOR QET VALUABLE SUGGESTION IN SIMPLE WORDS. Suggested That Law Be Enacted Re* quiring ^'Safety F^st" Sign to be Posted in Front of all Engi neers and Drivers. In all probability a more appropriate and valuable suggestion was never made in two simple words thac “Safety first.” It is indeed a fit com panion phrase to the now classic ad monition, “Lest we forget.” But, of the two, the former is the stronger. With “Safety flTwt” always in mind, the little we couW forget would not be worth remembering. The besetting sin is that we are too prone to forget “Safety first.” This is the pity of it, and it seems to us something should be done which would in large measure prevent forget- fulnesis. We have in mind a more practical and effective method than merely the printed words “Safety first” posted indiscriminately for the eyes of any who may be sufficiently interested to give the suggestion a passing thought. There is ddnger of such so- called education becoming one of ridi cule rather than of adoption. This for the reason, the general public has been told to “Watch its step” until this un official advice is as sounding brass. What about the individual who pulls the throttle, the bell cord, the lever of the eelctric car, the elevator, or who handles the wheel of the automobile? If the insnrance commissioners of this country would recommend to the leg islatures of their States the enact ment of a law requiring the words “Safety first” to be posted in red let ters directly in front of every engineer, motorman or driver of a public or pri vate conveyance, propelled by steam, electricity, or gasoline, the greatest possible stride towards the elimination of preventable accidents would be the net result.—Insurance Vindicator. BUILDING SAFER SCHOOLS ANSWER THE ALA^ Marion People Should Not Delay If yvur kidneys are inflamed, Don’t stand aronnd and do nothir, T " fire it will soon be Like a control. You will get the alarm in tim^ Backache, or dizziness or disordera * the nrine. Heed the warning. Give your kidneys a rest bv more carefully. Doan-8 Kidney PiUstohelpstao. out the cause. ^ Profit by a Marion woman’sejperi„„ Mrs. B. H. Bomar, Sween^ Z' Manon, says: “We hare naed Doan’i Kidney Pills and haye always fonna them satisfactory. Whenever I feel an soreness in my back or other symptoms of kidney trouble, I take Doan’s Kidnev Pills with good results.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’g B^idney Pills—the same that Mrs. Bo mar. Poster-MilbnrnCo., Props Bnf falo, N. Y. All Over North Carolina People Are Aroused to a Desire For a Better and Safer School Building. One of the best signs of the times Is the awakening of the people in re gard to “Better and Safer School Buildings^” From one end of the country to the other, and especially In North Carolina, people are being u*ous^ to a desire to have their school buildings safe for their child ren. Insurance Commissioner Young is especially gratified that nearly every new school*building to be erected in the State is to have the Double Tower Stairways, as advised by him, and no stairways or other opening between the floors on the inside of the build ing. This will absolutely care for the smoke panic that causes over 80 per cent of all the casualties in school fires. With the discussion and pub licity that has been given to the mat ter in the State, this is not surprising, but it is suprising that the Commis sioner is receiving from nearly every State of the Union requests for the pamphlet issued by him showing the proposed safety suggestions. MEN All men look neater and feel bet ter when their clothing is neatly cleaned and pressed. We do all kinds of dyeing, clean ing, pressing and repairing. PALM BEACH SUITS cleaned and press, 50c a suit. PANAMA and STRAW HATS cleaned and reblocked. Our prices are reasonable. Beaux Monde, (Under new management.) S. C. Roberts, Mgr. " Eagle BIdg. iVlain St JOHN T. SCOTT WANTED BY INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. The University of North Caro lina is one of the oldest universi ties in the South. It was opened to students in 1794. Keen right on reading the home paper, brother and sister. It is the patriotism that leads to the right kind of preparedness. The Progress and New York World, one year, $1.60. Riches used to talie wings, but nowadays aeroplanes take riches. Some time ago there arrived in Asheville a man from PenniSylvania by the name of John T. Scott, who went into the insurance business. He seems to have violated about every law of the State governing the su pervision and control of insurance agents. The Insurance Department is "anxious to be advised of his wherea bouts in order that he may be brought back here and put upon trial for his many jnisdeeds in swindling the peo ple as well as the companies that he represented. This is a very striking case showing the importance of care upon the part of insurance companies in their se lection of agents and the caution that our people should exercise in patro nizing agents without being satisfied that they are men of character and standing. There is as much danger iu trusting an insurance agent v«rho is unreliable and without character as in dealing with any other unreliable business man. THE CL!!\JCnFIELD ROUTE CAROLINA, CLINCHFIELD & OfilO RAILWAY AND Carolina, Clinchfleld & Ohio Railway of South Carolina Effective January 16, 1916 Eastern Standard Time Southbound Elkhorn City Dante St. Paul Speers Ferry Johnson City Erwin Erwin Kona Altapass Marion Bostic Spartanburg Dp gp Dp Ar gP Dp Ar *2:10 p m 3:33 p m *8:30 a m 3:55 p m 8:52 a m 5:15 p m 10:17 a m 6:50 pm 11:45 a m *7:40 p m*12:25 p m t2:30am 12:35 pm 4:37 a m 2:04 p m 5:23 a m 2:45 p m 7:00 a m 3:55 p m 8:03 a m 4:57 p m ] 10:30 am *6:05 p m Northbound f2:00 p m*ll:00 a m 3:26 p m 12:07 p m 5:20 pm 1:05 pm 7:05 p m 2:20 p m 7;50 p m 3:03 p m +10*00 p m *4;30 p m *8:15 a m *4;35 p m 8:55 a m 5:15 p m 10:35 a m 7:02 p m 12:17 p m 8:30 p m 12:38 p m *9:00 p m *2:00 p m Spartanburg Dp Bostic t)p Marion Dp Altapass Dp Kona Dp Erwin Ar Erwin _ Dp Johnson City Dp Speers Feiry Dp St. Paul Dp Dante Dp Elkhorn City Ax ♦—Daily, f—Mixed daily except Sunday. Patrons are requested to apply to near est agent for definite information or to Chas. T. Mandel, Gen’l Pass. Agt. Johnson City, Tenn. It is estimated that the average manure pile will breed 900,000 flies per ton? If you have a farm or real estate of any kind you wish to sell, an advertisement in The Progress will do the work for you. THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION OF THE NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in the world gives so much at so low a price THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD’S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and THE MARION PRO&RESS together for one year for $1.60. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2 00. CHICHESTER S PILLS _ the diamond brand, a in Red and inetallic\\^x sealed -with Blue Ribbon.’^ no other. Bnj of yonr ” , AskforCin.Cires.TEB8 diamond brand pills, for 23 ye*»s known as Best. Safest. Always Reliabl* SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Take advantage of our splendid club offer—^The Progress and three magazines, with McCall pattern free, all one year, for only $1.35.