lllliliillltll m ^nem Albmri it aold m9mrywhmwm in toppy rmd haga, Sef tUy rtd tint, lOc; hand»om* pound jind half-pound tin huntidorm—and— that ^ clmvmr cryttal-mlaam pound humidor with aponfm-moittonmr top-^that k*»p» tho tobaeeo in 9ueh gplmndid condition. P. A. puts new joy into tbe sport of I YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it’s cer tain-sure you’ll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolleB cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch! You can smoke it long and hard v/ithout a come back ! Prince Albert^ has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pif)e and cigarette enjo3mient! And t^t-flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-backi Introduction to Prince Albert isn’t any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for supply of P. A.” You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it’s the cheer- fullest investment you ever made I t>RINCE the national joy smoke R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. PERF SMOKELES The Weather Man Makes Mistakes He may mix a January day in a November week, and the fur nace man may have an Es* quimo's idea of comfort But the weather man’s mistakes, and the furnace man’s shortcom ings won't interfere with your comfort if you have a Perfection Smokeless .Oil Heater. Clean. Inexpensive to buy^ inexpensive to use. Handsome. Durable —and light enough to cany anywhere. Don’t dress in a chilly roomt or shiver oyer a cold break&st. Get a Perfection. It’s warming 2,000,000 homes today, Ask any good department stofe, far niture or hardware dealer. "•o Aladdin Secarity OU— fyr beti reouMm. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BA1.TIMORB Washington, D. C. ^ Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk, Va- Charleston, W. V*. Richmood, V». Charleston, S. C. If you wiil subscribe to The Progress or renew yonr subscrip. 4ion at once we will include four istandsrd mBjtazines, all one jear, for only 25 cents extra. Write or ^bone If you have a news item, person al or any item of local news of in terest Tbe Progress will appreciate your giving it in at any time. Tbe small item is appreciated as much as the larger ones. A stick mak^ a quart of fin- wasHing'' blue—saves the cost of less bottles and boxes BadJeeth Reduce Physical Effi ciency. A recent investigation' made by the U. S. Public Health Service in connection with studies of rural school children showed the 49.3 per cent had defective teeth, 21,1 per cent had two or more missing teeth, and only 16.9 per cent had had dental attention. Over 14 per cent never used a tooth brush, 58.2 per cent used one occasionally and only 27.4 per cent used one daily. Defective terth reduce physival efficiency. Dirty, suppurating, snaggle-toothed mouths are re sponsible .for many cases of heart disease, rheumatism, and other chronic affections. The children are not responsible for the neglect ed state of their teeth. The ignor ant and careless parent is to blame for this condition—a condition which hampers m^nt^l and physical growth and puts a iprmanent han dicap on our future citizens. School teachers can and are doing much in inculcating habits of personal cleanliness on the rural school child but this will fail of the highest ac- complishmeot unless parents co operate heartily and continuously. This is a duty which we owe cur children. Chan^ln j Seasons Brin j Cokfs. “Stuffed-up head,*’ clogged-np nose, tiget chest, sore throat are sure jBlgns of cold, and Dr. King’s New E^acoVery is sure relief. A dose of this combination of antiseptic balsams soothes the irritat ed membrane, clears the kead, loosens the phlegm, yon breathe easier and real ize yonr cold is broken np. Treat a cold persistently; half-way measures leave a lingering congh. Take Dr. King’s New Discovery until your cold is gone For 47 years the favorite remedy for yonng and old^ At yonr drnggis|;, 50c. Cirtridge Explodes Injuring a Woman. Statesville, Nov.^.—Mrs. J. E Deitz, wife of a prominetit busi ness man, was painfully hurt by the aciidental disehftEge of a ca'iber cartridge, while superin tending the clearing away of trash in t ie yerJ at her home; the hireiid boy set 6re to a pile of leaves when several large caliber cartridges that had been accidentally dropped in the #ard exploded. One of the missiles struck Mrs. Deitz in the right arm. $190 Reward, $100 .The readers of this paper win be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of HcA's Catarrh Medicine that they offer Oiie Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c. A Prayer for Rain. Old darkey prescher praying for rain—“Oh, Lordj we beseech Thee to fling open the windows gf heayen and send forth Thy refreshing rain not one of dem drizzly^ drazzly rains, Oh Lord, but one of dem old fashioned gulley washers what make de corn grow long in the ear, shiny in the grain and big in the butt, for Oh Lord, if there is one thing I do despise it is shuck ing out dem pesky little nubbins. Rheumatism fallows Exposure In tbe rain all day is generally follow ed by painfnl twinges of rheumatism or nenralgia. Sloan's Liniment will give von quick relief luad prevent the twinges from becoming tortnre. It quickly pene trates withont rubbing and soothes the soT^and aching joints. For sore, stiff, «xhansted muscles that ache and throb from overwork, Sloan’s Liniment affords qnick relief. Bmises, sprains, strains and other minor injuriee to children are qnickly soothed by Sloan’s Liniment. Ghet a bottle today at yonr dmggist, 25c. “Barber pole” signs have bron painted on all Southern* Railway crossing gates in a further effort to attract the attention of reckless automobile drivers and so prevent accidents at crossings. MOTHER'S REMEDY FOR BRUISES Children’s Bumps, Sprains and Minor Hurts Quickly Relieved by Sloan’s Liniment. It is the very nature of children to hurt themselves—to come crying to mother with little fingers braised, with heads bnmped, with sprained ankles and wrists. They ari§ painful hurts, too. But their pain and sting can’t survive the gentle use of this liniment. A single application of Sloan’s Liniment and— the little fellow’s bravely kept back tears give way to smiles. His hurt is relieved. In eyery home where there are chil dren a bottle of Sloan's Liniment is a necessity. Aching muscles, rbeumatism, lum bago, stiff neck, bachache, chilblains, etc.^^ can be effectively relieved with Sloan’s Liniment. Cleaner than mussy ointments or plasters. Sloan’s Liniment can be obtained at all drug stores, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Sloan's Liniment H/LLS p/\jn Ladies’ and Men’s Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a Su perior (banner We do all kinds of dyeing, clean ing, pressing ^d* repairlog. PALM BEACH SUITS cleaned and pressed, 50€ a suit. PANAIVIA and STRAW HATS cleaned and re blocked. Our prices are reasonable. Beaux Monde, (Under new manaj^ement.) S. C. Robkets, Mgr. Crawford BIdg. Main St. Forty Years Experience in DENTISTRY My WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Plate Work a Spieciaity. Dr. R. J. BURGIII, Dentist, Marion, N. C. Notice of Seryiee by Publication. State ofNortt Carolina, / In the Superior CoUrt. County of McDowell j Jannary Term, 1917. Louisa Mace, plaintiff, vs Robert Mace, defendant, The defendant, Robert Mace, named above, will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced m the Superior Ctourt of McDowell (J)unty to obtain an absolute divorce bv the plaintiff from the defendant; and the said defendant will further take notiw that he is required to appear at the term'of the Superior 3ourt of sidd wunty to he held on the sixth Monday bOTore the first Monday in March, 1917, at the (^rt'house of said county, in Manon, North Carolina, and ani|per or ^deuw to the complaint in said ^tt&on, or the plttQ^ will apply to the CJourt rw tne relief demand^ in said com- plmnt SMd^plaintwiUbftdepoeited with the ‘Clerk of the said ConM more ^ prior to the commence^ ment of the said term of the said Court. This 13th day of October, A D. 1916. Thomas Moreos, Clerk of the Superior Court. Be carefal you don’t overlook our big club of four magazines which we are sending our sub scribers this year.