A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BEST INT^^EST OF TOE PEOPLE OF MdX>WELL COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1896. MAMON, N. C„ THIWSDAY, iPRC.1916. VOL. XXJt-tHO. 3^8 DYEING Perhaps you have some ap parel the color of which is not suitable for fall or win ter wear; or you have tired of its present shade; or it is soiied or faded: lf «o, OUR DYEING will make it suitable and serviceable a^ain for months at a price that is nominal. Let us show you. Ladles* ai?d Wen^s Garments Cleaned and Pressed, Beaux Monde, {Jrawford BIdg, Main^t, Notice of Trustee’s Sale. Take notice that the nndersigned trus tee, will, under and by virture of the power of sale contained in a certain ^eed of trust executed by Robeit Har- ■din (widower) to the undersigned trus tee which de^ of ti^st is recorded in Book No. 21 at page 8 of Deeds of trust of McDowell County, conveying the lands therein and hereinafter described, as security for certain indebtedness in «aid deed of trust described and due £. B Clark, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness ac- •cordihg to the terms of said deed of trust, and demand having been made upon the undersigned trustee to adver tise apd sell said lands for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, on Fri- 4ay-the l»th day of January, 1917, be tween the hours of eleven o’clock a. m. '*nd one o’clock p. m., offer for sale at cash to the highest Mdder, at the court house door in Marion, N. C. the equity of i^emption of the said Bobert Har din in and to the following described tract of land lying and being in Me Dowell County* Nebo Township, N. O. Adjoining the lands of^ J T. Hemphill and others and being described more particularly as follows; Beginning at a stake in the south mai^ »n of the Johns RJver road *and runs ^e north 178.5 poles to a stake and sour- wood on the south basnk of a deep hol low; thence north 83 west 74 poles to a stake on the i^de of a small ridge in an old field; thenoe due south 174 poles to a stake in the center of the above men tioned Johns Biver road; thence with said road three calls as follows: South ^8 15 east 5.48 poles, south 79 east 14.72 ix>les, south 64 15 east 20.36 poles to a stake and (dd stump on the south mar gin of said road; thence with the south .margin of said road north 85 15 33.60 poles to the beginning. Containing 80 ’ acres more or less, and being a part of tiie James Vaughn tract which G. Q. Aanis and Maude Ajmis, conveyed to Bobert Hardin. This 16th day of December, 1916. T. A. CLABK, Trustee. Let the-Fir« Start. The preventive firemai^ Is not so sp^ tacular ta fi^re as oW fashioned firQ but he is more.useful to the community. Just as science is giving Itself to the tajtk of preventing sick ness and plague so the ibain work of a modem fire department should b« removing the conditions that make Sres prpba^^e. New Ywk and all other progr«w!ve Ami&rlcan*^clties irlreaidy have the protection that comes from the preventive fireman whose daily in spection reduces the ^re hazard whopi«acbea the gospel preven tion wherever he goes. As 90 per cent of our fires are preventable, the field of prevention is practically unlimited.— Le«le*s. Constipation Causes Batf Skin A dull and pimply skin is due to a sluggish bowel movement. Correct this conation and clear your complexion with Dr. King’s New Life Pills This mild laxative taken at bedtiifie will as sure you a fulli'free, non-griping move ment in the morning. Drive out the dull, listless feeling resulting from over loaded intestines and sluggish liver. Get a bottle today. At all Druggists, 25c. Rural mail carriers areto receive back pay. The Postoffice Depart ment some years ago interpreted an act of Conarress in such away the carriers were not paid their full amount as intended by . Con gress. This has been corrected and the carriers are to receive the back pay. North Carolina caari^s will receive theirs in a few weeks. VENG&PWCE ALL . HE aQUQHT Whctn Crowd Learned Nature of Christ- Bias ^t It Left 141m to Commit His Crime. ft wa« Christmas aUd a stout man wttli a large package beneath his ATp hi^^ed through the crowded thoroughfare, closely pursued by a small man of haggard aspect, with^ a thick stick in his hand. , On i ax^d on,' fel^tlesssly,. forlorn man dogged the otter, and those who passed him heard an occasional woi‘d drop from his lips, indicative of despair or awful terror. Finally, some , of tte crowd turned and follow^ the pair, determined not to miss the fun. The crowd grew larger, and finally a bold man went up to the person ^ haggard coun tenance. “^Vhafs the matter?” Tlie little man turned. “Matterr he echoed. “See that man with a bundle? He is my next-door Neighbor, and in that bundle he has a comet which he has bought for his small son fo play upon.*’ But the crowd Waited no longer. It surged ahead and left him to work out his own salvation, and when peace had been-restored ilie remains of the battered man and a battered cornet lay ^iipon the pavement. Cough Medicine for Children Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottaville, N. Y, says: *^About five years ago when we were living in Garbutt. N. Y.. I doc tored two of my children sufferiog from colds with Chamberlain’s Cough Bemedy und found it just as represented in every way. It promptly diecked theircough- ipg and cured their colds quicker than anyttiing I ever used.” Obtjuiiable eyerywhere Notice of Trustee’s Salei Take notice that the undersigned, trustee, will, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain de^ of \;mst executed by Bobert Har din and wife BalHd Hardin, to the un dersigned trustee, which d^aed of trust is recorded in Book 18 of deeds of trust of McDowell County at page 522, con veying the lands therein and hereinafter described, as security for an indebted ness in said deed of trust described and due B. Winfield, default having been made in the payment of the said indebt edness at maturity and demand having been n^e upon the undersigned trus tee to advertise and sell the land for the purposes of satisfying said indebt edness, on Friday, January 19th, 1917, between the hours of eleven o’clock A. M. and one o’clock P. M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cafeh, at the court house door in Marion, N. C. that certain tract ot land lying and being in McDowell County, Nebo Township, ad- joiniug the lands of J. T. HwnphiU and specifically or more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning at a stake in the south margin of Johns Biver Public Boad and runs duo north 173.5 pol^ to a stake and sourwood on the eouth bank of a deep hollow; thence north 82 west 74 poles to a stake on the side of a small ridge in an old field; thence due south 174 poles to a^^atake in the centc r of the above mentioned Johns Biver Boad; thence with said road three calls as for lows: Sonth 8815 8 « '79 east 14.72 poles, south 64 15 east 20.3o poles to a stake and old stump on toe the sdnth mugin ' 45 east 38.60 poles to the beginning. Containing 80 acres more or 1^. ^d being a part of the James Vaughn tract which G. G, Annis and Maude Annis 5onvey^ to Bobert Hardin. - This l«tlijdar of ^ T. WELLS, Trustee. H« Knew ^There’s lots of money In sto^ka." •‘Quite 'right! That’s where mine went”'^Prinoetoii ^ger. Stop That CoiUh A hacking cough weakens, the whcde system, drSns your energy and^ gets worse if neglected; your throat is» raw, your chest aches and you feel sore all over. Believe that cold at once with Dr. ,K;ing’8 New Discovery, j The Booth ing pine iKilsams heal the irritated mem branes, and tlie antiseptic and laxative qualities kill the germs and break up your cold. Don’t let a cold linger. Get Dr. King’s New Discovery torday at your Dn^i^st^ 50c. ^ NOTICE. Notice is hereby ^iven that the 'Undersigned will apply to the (iovernor of North Carolina for pardon for themselves, they hav- inij been convicted of conspiracy at the July Term, 1916, of Mc Dowell County Superior Court. This, the 13th day of December, 1916. Joe Pakker, Harve Prestley, Willard Cannon. Forty Years Experience in DENTISTRY Neglected Colds Grow Worse A cough that racks and irritates the throat may lead to a serious chronic cough, if neglected The healing pine balsams in Dr. Bell’s Pine Tar Honey— Nature’s own remedy—will soothe and relieve the irritation, breathing will be eader, and the antiseptic properties ^11 kill the germ which retarded healing. Have it handy for croup, sore throat and chronic bronchial ajB^ectipn8. G«t a boitle to-day. Pleasant to take. At all Druggists, 25c. Winter wheat was sown the past fall on an estimated area of 40,- 000,000 acres, an Increase of 837,- 000 over the revised estimate of the area sown in the fall of 1915, the Department of Agriculture states. The condition on Decem ber 1st was 85.7 per cent, normal compared to 87.7 last year. state of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County, b«.‘ Fra.nk J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of th# firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can no* be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken in* ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all dn^gists. 75c. EWl’s Fan^ily Pills for constipation. Lots of Sand. Because of the diflSculty of getting good sand for road work the California highway commission has hit upon the use at one point of what appears to be an iDexhanstftile feource-—the bottom of a river. Near San Luft Obispo a cable way excavator takes sand from the bed of the Salinas river and delivers it to a screening plant, whence it is loaded on cars. It is expected, says the En gineering Record, that each winter the pits made the previous season will be filled by fi*eshets and the supply will be nctver ending. Co-operation In Kansas. The ?tate ,0f Kansas road authorities and Ideal officials are johitly planning to Haisli up the good road between Lawi-ence and Leavemworth by pool ing state, county and federal road fUildi!. Food Values Food provided for the &aaSy tibte 4e« serves the cai^iiil thought of every hoase* Wife. J>o you use thought whm .bugdng b^ing p(^w4®r? Qf cake, bfecuits 9nd afl quickly raised flour fix)ds depeiids upon the kind of baking powder uj^. l^oyal Baking Powder is made fix>m cream of tartar derived from g^ap^. It b absolutely pure and has prpv^ its excel lence for making fpod of finest quali^ and wholesomeness for generations. Rc^al Baking Powder contain no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York » _ V/h>L,Wo Call Money “Dough." Probably money is called “dough” be cause we kiiead it to get our dailj* bread.—£]±change. Notice of Trustee’s Sale. Take notice that the undersigned trus tee, will, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of fcrust executed by Robert Har din (Widower) to the underwgned trus tee, which deed of trust is recorded in Boot No. 18 at page 581 of Deeds of Trust of McDowell County, conveying the lards therein and hereinafter de scribed, as purity for certain indebted ness in said deed trust described and due W. T. Sharp, default having been made in the payment of the' said in debtedness at^ matnrity and demand having been made upon the undersigned trustee to adyerfise and sell said ^lan^ for the purpose of satibfying said in debtedness. on Friday the 19th , day of January, 1917, bet.ween the hours of eleven o’clock a. m. and one o'clock p. m. ofEer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house doOr in Marion, N. C. the equity of redemption which*the said Robert Hardin had and which in the above mentioned deed of trust conveyed to the undersigned tilis-* in and to foUowing'described tract of lanft lying and being in McDowell County. Nebo Towtiship^ N. C. Ad joining the lands of J. T. Hemphill and otherAand being described ‘ more'par ticularly as follows; Beginning at a stake in the south mar- dc n of the Johns River Road. and rUns ue north 173.5 poles to astake and sour wood on the south baUk (^f a deep !kd- low; thence north 82 west 74 poles to a stake on the side of a small ndge in an old field; thence due south 174 poles' to a stake in the center of the above men tioned Johns Biver road; thence with silid road three calls as follows: South 88 15 east 5 48 poles, south 79 east 14-73 poles, south 64 15 east 20 36 poles to a stake, and old stump on the south mar gin of said road; thence with the soum margin of said road north 85 15 west 33 60 poles to the beginning. Contain* ing 80 acres more or les^ and being a part of the James Yanghn tract whi^ Q. G. Ani^s and >^aude Ani^ con veyed to Bobert *Hardin. This 16th day of December, 1916. B. B PRICE, Trustee. Executrix Notice. Haying been appointed as executrix pf the last. will and testament of C. A. Ja^ntn^ deceiased,^ late of MeDowell dersigned at Dysartsville, N. C:, on or before the first dajT of Dumber, 1917, or this notice will be x^eaded hi bar oi their recovery.. All p^sons indebted to said estate will please make ioitoiediate payment to the undersigned. This Dec. 1, 1916. Mbs. Mattie L. Jaqijins, ^ecutrix of last will and'testa ment C. A. Jaq.uins, dwieaeed. MY WOfiK SPEAKS FOR ITSElF. Plate Work a Specla||r. Dr. R. J. BURGIN, Wlarion, N. C. Danger $1^1 If the fire bell should ring woula you niD and stop it or go and help, to put o.ut the fire? It is much the same way with a cough. A cough is a danger signal as much as a fire bell. You should no more try to suppress it than to stop a fire bell when it is ringing, but should cure the disease that causes the coughing. This can nearly always be done by taking Chamberlain's Cough Bemody. Many have u^d it with tiie most beneficial results- It is espediJly valuable for the persistent cough that so often f^ows a bad cold or an attack of the grip. Mrs. Thomas Beeching, Andrews, Ind., writes: -‘During toe winter my husband takes cold easily and coug^ and coughs. Chamberlain’s Cough Bemedy is the best medicine for breaking up Idiese attacks and you can not get mm to take jan^ other.” Ob tainable ev^where. mm —and the Rayo makes old folks'eyes young again. Its.restful ^ow is sden>; tifically correct. Can be* Ulfbted without removing J lamp-^Muie or chimney, £asy to use — easy to fill' —easy to clean. , Use Aladdin Security —the most economical kerosene oil—fw beat re sults. 8TAHDARD OIL COMPAKIf (NewJerMr) BALTIMORE MDi •W«#hiufton, D. C. ^ Cbwlotte, mTc V, ' ^srlctton^a C . M

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