r tiiso sraion t - 9 ' COT Vinol 0rcatc3 CtrcngtH ' ; Itosair Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.'X -9tl have I' used Vinol . for many run down,' weals or emaciated patients .with '. benefit One young woman was so weak " ' and ill she could hardly creep to my door for aid. I supplied Vinol to her liberally 'and in a month I hardly recognized her. She was strong; her color charming and iier cheeks rounded out." Mother yL : Alphonsa Lathbop, O. 8. D. r " Wei guarantee Vinol to sharpen the T ' appetite, aid digestion, enrich the blood . and create strength. Jvy7. Streetman,, Druggist, Marion. Also at the leading drug store in all - North" Carolina Towns. American mountain sheep are j the greatest leapers in the world. - Starfish can grow new arms.Jobsters riew claws ana iizaisucvu . Z Old'Glory's Call. ' : (By. William Laurie Hill) ; Amid the din of battle cry ; ; I hear the call; our country's call. . We would have peace with all the world, Would keep Old Glory still unfurl'd. And have her floating in the breeze ' And sail "our ships" p'er peaceful seas. But hark fa DeVpqt tells the world, "You have no right on land or sea, ! My submarines,:they guard the s'eaa, , : Your ships must sail just where please,; So furl your banners, take your ease Until rny-foes come to their knees.' . "Your ships must stay without my zone, Our allied foes, we would destroy. -.-, 'Tis ruthlsss,war we wage -today, And if you do not like our way , Just try our ready hand to" stay, Our submarines will say the Nay. ' Sons of tne Sires of Seyenty-slxj1 ' Pld Glory call'sl . OJd Glory, call! God. gave us pathways through the seas, He. bids us use the heavenly breeze Nor have we ever bent - our knees ; A king or Raiser's will to please. Old Glory calls! the tramp is heard. From Lakes to Golf; from sea to sea. Millions are ready for defense. - -We read the news with feelings ;: tense.: We seek no scrap but common sense - r Bids; that we'dri Tio aod fA Wnnf n. caII to arms "7 - To see our gath'ring hosts arrayed l ill. 1 Xw-, M ' tsut rreeaoms Dai no uauiueguu. 'Tis saoaer stui 10 Bee me sun Bedim'd WDe&pot victories won And Freedom slain 'byJGtfth' and Hum, Sons of America, be trne "y Nor never flinch from Duty's call. . Old Glory's banner is unfurled; We'll eail oar ships around the world To" Despots answer now is huri'd; f f rvi;i mnw'atUI Tftm'nlnR nnfurl'd.' - ! l VXVA VJIVJ v 'A. No Safe - Passage for American hips. Turkey again notified tho State Department thatT neither Germany norAustria-Hungary had indicated a willhigness to. give assurances of tKCsafepaajjedfihelrAmrican cruiser pes Moines and the Ameri can naval collier Gaesarfrom Alex andria, Egy pit, to Beirut toldelivef belief supplies to the destitute Syr ians and to bring out one thousand or more American refugees. - The plicht of the Americans stranded at Beirut is causing, in creasing concern in A Washington, for officials feerthey'virtually have exhausted every i diplomatic re source.' to reach them. Tcrv some time ago consented tn Jt?J such a guarantee, for herself V-I Germany and Austria aDDarPr have been procrasticatmf trir. their difljculties .with the Ul States were solving themselves! 1. (. 1 X "1- i - 4- 0 I it ! - . -.- . W1' ' - t. !. . .. .' : : . vr. I ... 1. Chalmers 7-Passenger Touring Car w Price $1350 Detroit SI - . as o a. Waftcli Compare two watches. They may look exactly alike. They may be equal in diameter and thickness. They may weigh the same. Perhaps your eye can't distin guish any difference' between the gold in the two. One may seem to keep as good time as the other. Big Differences There Yet there may be a vast difference. One may be a Tiffany Swiss and the other a non-desenpt If you trust only to an off hand examination you may make a bad mistake in your choice. v True of Automobiles The same is true of automobiles. Some other car may closely resemble a Chalm;rs. It may weigh about the same. Have about the same wheel base. The paint may look more or less alike -at first glance. Yet there may be a vast difference. Differences you can discover only by the closest scrutiny and com parison. Go Deep If you are to get the correct idea of the Chalmers, you must go beneath the surface. There th big, important differenceii Ue. Differences in materials. Differences in mevhoiis of building. Differences in quality of WOTkmsnshio. - V To fciok only at the exterior of the Chalmers you wouldn't; discover that the gears and shafts of the transmission are of crucible nickel steel, case hardened and caref j;Aly heat treated. Solid Onc-Piecc Shaft You wouldn't discover that the crenkshaft is a single sturdy shaft of drop-forged heat-treated carbon steel. Nor would you discover that the Chalmers pis tons are die cast from Lynite, a" special aluminum alloy, and weigh only 12 ounces each. Deep-Lying Differences - To glance at the body you wouldn't realize that the body frame is built with such great care from select ash. That this is covered by one-piece, welded sheet steeL Nor that the springs in the upholstery are of an extra ordinary spring steel. Nor that the frame of the chassis is of carbon steel, 5 inches deep and H of an inch thick. With flanges 2 Yi inches wide. And with three strong cross members and reinforcing plates. Be Deliberate So when you examine the Chalmers don't look hasti ly. That's unfair to the car and unfair to yourself. Some things you don't realize when you glance at the 7 -passenger Chalmers: 12ounce Lynite piston. Crankshaft balanced while in motion. Cylinders and crank case cast in a unit. Timken axles built to Chalmers design. Economical intake manifold. Chrome nickel driving shaft. Nickel steel differential gears heat-treated to secure hardness and toughness. And many other important points of superiority. ' UNCEASING-MISERY Some Marion Kidney Suf?ere.i Get Little Rest or Comfort ' There is little plen. lift! . peaca for many a sufferer frcrPkfe! trouble. - Life is oda mrTiT,.i . 'TM .roQ can't wt at. nisht there KinnPT KoVaa twiDResnd "stabs' of pain, acro bladder disoTder,lamerje&s ana ntrrl .pees. Ton can't be comfortable at Wt with !artios pains and bltndteg tt ons troubles mar follow. Bejrfn Dean's Kidney Pills at the m7f disorder. Thousands bare tastii4 b Proof of merit in Marion tetlnn:T- J.i jS: Norton, fimpr RaH MarioD says: I bad adaliacbeaotS the small ot my back acd it hnrt ra u stoop or traitrbten A triA mended Doana Kidney Pills acd I tome. -On box was all I needed to move the naln from bqt- vrr over I have noticed a sign cf liZzr .complaint dnce, Dean's Kidcer F t have helped me." . J Price 50c, at all dealer. TV-v ask for a kidney rtnedy cet l xaius - ce ame mat v Norton nf i a Fofter - inUr rC Props., Buffalo, K. Y. All of the above means quality the kind of quality you need in the car yoa buy, and the kind of quality you GET In the Chalmers. Touring Car, 7-passenger Touring Car, 5-passenger $1350 i Touring Sedan, 7-passenger . $1850 1250 . Roadster,. 3-passenger s . 1250 v (An prices o- b. Detroit - . . I I 0 - 1 1 1 I limousine, 7-passenger . $2550 I IN Town Car, 7-passenger 2550 i II I : Chalmers.iTpuring Sedan, 7-passenger .v.; TV JALLIBURTOW, Deafer .-; ; ; ; cp:'- r;': H r Pho Na f2; : ' '''" '7. Marion, N.C. - . ; ; ; f i ynsirBB. 9 3u KURFEES PURE LEAD AND ZINC PAINT covers, hides, protects and beauti fies tho surface with less gOcsss anctits durability puts off repaisSrj for a longer term of years. That's economy that counts. It's made of: Pure White Lead 80 Pure Zinc Oxide -?Qfr - : '100Pttr Le4 aaJ Zlsc The Outside White weighs 13 pounds to th'e gallon and the Colors weigh more than those of any other Lead ana Zinc Paint. GASTON & TATE. Forty -Years Experience in DENTISTRY .3 r Itk" "1 MY WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Plate Work a. Specialty. Dr. R. J. BURG IN, Dentist, 1 'Marlon, N. C. 1111 . ' " i '1 ' "" .. ..., . . .... ... Notice of Sale of Land. of the power of sale contained In a ncrt- gage, aeea execntea oy ueorge ker. on the 24th dar of -Jancarr. to D. E. Hudgins, to &ecure the pay ment of a certain debt, and default bar ing been made in the pannent of sail highest bidder the land herein described, at the court houso dcor in Marion, Mc- April, 1917, at the hour of 12ocloc,o it being the 2nd day of April, 1917; said land being described aa follows: - A certain piece or - tract ol land lji ' arid being in McDorrell County. Stat W. Parker, adjoining the land of lu. J.C. McCurry ao others and frontic? .on the ' MarioD-Bakerarille Road aa consisting of a lot bought of John Or son. Sea Deed Book 2. "care llo; a-.- also another lot fronting a sloxts adjoining caid lot bought of Carson. being the place, where said George Parker now lives and being all the fc i of land ho owns on said public road. Terms of Sale: Cash. ; D. E. Hudgins Hortgage.