ESTABLISHED; 1896. MARION, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 241917. VOL. XXI NO; 39 tIIecounty registrars -.i n.atratlnti Dav for Se- J r. Annn nfaH lectrve Urau men nH"u . to Enroll Names. - : parsaant to instions .from ot-f thft L United SUtes under te jselec drift bill, the County . Board .f Reeistration in McDowell Coun composed of Sheriff vJ. A. toebrid ee, Clerk of Court Thomas Morris and Dr. J. F. Jonas, coun tr physician, have appointed the following registrarsf or the regis trstion to be held on Jnne 5th, be tween the hours of .7.a:,m.:; an 9 Marion No. 1, Julius Parker , T. L. Eplcy; Marion No. 2V Oscar At-1 tiDs; Glincbbeia Aim, -uesier iu.or: v Marion MilU S: L. Copeland; Glenwood, A. R. Bird; Back Creek, r A. Snipes; Turkey love, J. x Hicks; North Cove, C. A. McCa.ll; Cedar Cove, J. C. Connelly; Nebo, Frank Wilson; Dysartsvillev W. B: Dares; Bracketts, Miles P. Flack; Moatford's Cove, W. M. Wilson; Old Fort, F. M. Bradley and J. Nf Kesbitt; Crooked Creek, W. G. Koblett; Broad River, T. B. Led better; Higgins; O. B. Morgan; . FACTS ABOUT REGISTRATION. These registrars will be furnish ed with a list of the, Questions to be answered .andeveryfniariwha ha attained the age ofc21 and who has not attained tbe'age of t3l on the 5th day of June 1917; will be reanired to register and answer tbeie questions. Evryphe -subject to registration is requested to study these questions carefully and answer them correctly. JBoth white and colored people aire subject to registration. No man .within ? the above ace limit is exempt from registration. The question of , ex emption is determined later. - Reg istration will take place at the : -us ual voting place in each' precinct unless otherwise designated ' above and will last for only one day. "If any man is sick and unable to at- wna tne registration,- he is re quired to register by agent.; If any man is absent from bis regular voting place he is required to ap ply to the Clerk of the"" Superior Court for registration so that his card may be forwarded to add reach his regular voting place by the day of the registration! As each man registers a registration certificate will be given to him. The law provides that any. man ho fails to register shall, f upon conviction, be . sentenced to one year in jail and than rAcristAred. Ik farther provides if any false statement is made for the purpose 01 obtaining exemption or to aid mother in obtaining exemption ach person shall be guilty of mis demeanor and upon conviction shall sentenced to jaiKfor one year. e state these penalties so ..that 110 man in MnTVmoii rw.nfr ev..ii unaware of the seriousness of duty to register. ine questions to be answered reas follows: ' V i. Name in full. Age in years. tiome address. 3. Date of LIrto- 4. Are you (1) a natural- fn citizen; (2) anaturalized citi- 'n;l3 an alien; (4) ,or have you area your intention. to become Wizen! (Specify which.) 5. ucre ere you born? - 6, If not a citizen, of what country are" you a citizen or subject? . 7. What is your present trade, occupation, or office? . 8.; , By whom ; employed ? Where employed? v 9. .. Have you a father, mother, ; wife, child un der 12, or a sister or brother under 12 solely dependent upon you for support (specify which?). 10. -Mar ried or single (which)? Race (speci fy which) ?.;; 111 What milita service have vou . had? liankf B ranch ? 1 Years ? Nation or State ? 12. Do you claim exemption from draft? Specify, grounds." . , Ex planations as : to - the ! : manner of answering these questions may be obtained; from any of the regis trars or the undersigned. Registration Board of McDowell County. :r'-' ;;,s'--. r'.-: '" J. A. Laughridge, Sheriff. J. F. Jonas, County Physician. Thos. Morris, Clerk Superior Court uccessful Closfng of Old Fort f Graded. School. , " -Old Fort, May 22. The com mencement exercises at the graded school auditorium .Friday evening were well attended . and great in terest was shown in every, part of the program. The final contestants for the declaimer's medal were Sidney Mau hey and Harry, Burgin. The medal was awarded to Mauney. Those taking part in'the contest for medal for best recitation were Bmma-UisQnul Thelma Graham. The medal was won by Miss Kanipe. A fountain .pen, was -awarded Willie Kanipe for the best compo sition on the subject: "How Our School Prepares for Good .Citizen ship." This was read by Horace Early. Bula Kanipe was awarded an aluminum percolator ' for the best work in domestic . science. Cassie Burgin was presented , with a certificate of award for being neither tardy nor absent during the year. 1 ; " ' " A feature of. the" program was Willie Kanioe's. graduating essay entitled "Old Fort Twenty Years fromNow.":' " ; " 1 Rev: Mr. Wadley and Mr. B. L. Tiunsford awarded the medals, di plomas, etc., with appropriate WOrds. y ' ; - - v Hon. J. J. Britt, of Ashevilie, delivered the commencement ad dress.' Mr. Britt ' held the close attention of the large audience by both the interest of his subject and his attractive language.. , He ap pealed to the nobler feelings of his hearers and assured them that from this testing of national ; and indi vidual character, both nhtionx and individual would come ou t stronger as to soul if the crisis but be met with calm and hopeful spirit. . 'Big Fire in Atlanta. Fire in the outlying districts . of Atlanta, Monday fafternoon,- de stroyed a4)out 75 bibcksl I The Joss is estimated at two to three million dollars. - One person was -killed and about 60 injured. ' - Farmers' Union Meeting June 2. The McDowell County .Farmers' UnionSvill hold its regular meeting with.Belfpnt Local Union at Bel font school house June 2nd. Two sessions will be held. Public speak ing at 11 o'clock, also speaking; at night ' A; full; attendance is, de sired. ' L. H.:Miixek, Pres.,- I t . C. M. Pooi4 Sec'y. ' NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Brief Mention of Some of thet Hap penings' in McDowell County-A'i ; Items About Home Peopld r : HARMONY GROVE" ; Harmony Grove, May 21.Mrap Jessie Long spent a few days in. Marion last week. . " . : ' ' l Mrs F; W. Bradley spent a - part of last Wfifik, with hftr nn.rftn.i Viorflj : -. , -sr Rev,' Jas. Fry of Nebo was a . viaitortwon 111 cooperauon wnn tne imer- l a uere oaturaay, : Misses Zelda and Ruth Yelton "are at tending the teachers institute in Marion. Lonnie Toney was a Visitor here the latter part of last week. . - , Mrs; Robert Gettys died at the home of her daughter, Mrs, AlexanderCraw ley, Monday morning, May i4,' follow ing an illnP8S of several days." The de ceased was seventy-three years of age Nand is survived by five children, ; five sisters two brothers and a host of grand' children, who will miss heiy She was a devoted christian and a kind and faith' ful mother and wife. Oeph Pyatt, who has been in ' the Rutherford 'hospital, . returned home today and is improving slowly. J. "W." Jarrett wa here one day last week. , . . , DYSARTVILLE . r Dysart8ville, May 21: Z. V. Caves, and family have moyed to the Satter whlte house near the Methodist church. Mrs. M. E. Gtoforto andtwo sons, John and Ben, spent the week end at the home of J, M. Goforth. ;. r The Memorial Day v exercises at the Baptist church yesterday were largely attended and proved a decided success. An interesting program was rendered. RevBaiispi&li in the morning iev. Mr. urate or jseoo Tin the .afternoon."" Both sermons were splendid in Tciock, - followed by-singing by the old people in the afternoon. The singing of the old songs by the old people was well ; worth' hearing, too, H. C. Daves has been in poor health for the past few weeks. , Lona Carswell was taken to the hos pital yesterday for an operation for ap pendicitis. -N G. D. Taylor and Rev. - Mr. Drake, of Nebo spent the week-end here with friends and relatives. v - Miss Irene Dysart here to spend the summer with her aunt," Mrs. W. H. Taylpr. . Misses Ruth Cowan and Ruby James pf Marion are visiting Miss LillieLandis. .. Miss Maggie Cooper of Nealsville' is visiting-her parents here this week. M rs. Alice Rudisil Tf Henry : has re turned home after spending some, time with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Daves. . NEBO ' v : V : -,t Nebo, May 22. Mrs. Collett Parka and daughter, Mabel, of Linvill spenfe Saturday and Sunday .: with .relatives here.;- -,. - ... , , ; ...... . Miss Georgie Sigmon has returned home after having spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. Ar Hemphill, at the Southern power camps. ; i j Misses Mamie and Lona, Goforth and Wahlee Greene were the guests of Mrs. G. D. Taylor, Saturday andunday. : . ; - W. A. Beach was in Morganton bat urday on business. j ;f Mrs. Caroline J imison has returned after an extended visitvto relatives, in Gastonia,' XTnidn'Mills arid Glenwood.v ' Rev.' T. A. Drake and Di Taylor attended the Memorial services' at Dy sartville last Sunday.' . -' - - ' ' , Mrs. EdUTate and daughtersSu'e and Margie, of the Southern., power camps spent' the week-end with, relatives here. . " : " -.:.. f. ' ' : : .t ' . A' freight : wreck occurred on the Southern yard here Monday after nooa about .3:30 - o'clock c when; a string of cars on the side track rah into an eastbound freight train de-; railing severi -cars. rOne coal , car was turned upside down, several box cars were badly wrecked, : and the-main line was blocked for sev eral hours. Passenger trains were operated oyer,the side track, how ever, 'causing only light delay. Nobody was hurt. , r Weekly Press Asssciation Holds In teresting Meeting in Jilarion. .An interesting and 'profitable meeting pf the . Western Korth Carolina Weekly Press Association was Marioniast Friday and Saturday. Many ; matters of 'im portance to the association were discussed and resolutions adopted pledging the support of the associa- ican ,Red CrossV and promising as sistance in the organization of local chapters; and urging North Cafo Una senators and representatives to vote . against the proposed in crease in second class postal rates. During their stay in :Marion the members of y; the association were entertained at the Marianna Hotel And i the Hotel, McDowell by the Chamber of Commerce.' , -The ses sions of ; the association were held in the parlors of the Hitel Mc Dowell with PresidehtyfibHowell presiding. . ? - . ' : - Follow ing the business , sessions the members of -the association were taken over the town in auto mobiles, vineluin:raYtto-:the Clinchfield inill.V; They .seemed to be favorably impressed with Ma rion and expressed' themselves as having had a delightful visit here. The association extended a vote of thanks for the entertainment pro vided by- the' Chamber of Corn merce and Editor Whitten. , . , JCb followngen3bftr.scwe5e presen t r; Ifoah MijHol lo well , presi dent, Brevard News; Miss Beatrice Cobb;'., Morganton , News-Herald; Horace Sentelie, Canton Observer; Jesse: D. J Boone, Alountaineer, Vaynesville; Dan Tompkins, Jack son Countv Journal; EB. Gilbert Marshall News-Record ; R.. San didge, Jr., Bryson City Times; B. L. Lunsford,-bid Fort Sentinel; S. E. Whitten, Marion Progress: L.-Edwip Gill, Ashevilie. j v -The next meeting of the associa tion will be held in Ashevilie on June 8 and 9. ;Price-EpJee Marriage. ; Nealsville, May 22. Miss Dora Eplee and Mr. Louis Price were married at the "home of the bride's parents at Nealsyille last Monday afternoon, ' the ceremony . being performed by Rev. A. B. Mashburu ' in the presence , of a number ot;f riends ; and" relatives. ; The wedding. tdok place as the . clock was "striking the hour of twelve ' The bride was handsomely gowned in white hand-' embroidered voile and carried- a T large buncepf carnations. "' ' J- j The Tbride is the attractive daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. A. t). Eplee and is a graduate of Mars Hill. The-groom is a son of 3 Mr. , and vjMrs. Baffin Price of Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. Price,is study ing for the ministry, having : been ; in school at Wake Forest. J- ' After a few days stay here Mr. and Mrs. Price will be, at home 'at Spartan burg. - ' i" -Wandered Away from Home. ChismErwin, an. aged colored man who has been driving for Mr. B:- K Gilkey; for a number of years, disappeared Saturday night after "meeting the ' night train at 10:30 o'clock" and was ; not found until Tuesday afternoon, -when . he was located' at . theyConley place 8 miles east of, Marion and brought to-Marion - on a lumber wagoni Erwin, who is slightly demented, had lost his vway home, it appears, and af ter wandering about Sunday in the neighborhood of Sevier .he' had started back to Marion;, when he was found at the Conley place. STATE NEWS OFTHE WEEK . - ; ; , . . - - Items Concerning Events of In terest and I mpjortance Through--r " out theState. v . A new Baptist church, to cost $30,000, is -being built at Lenoir. Mrs. Uriah Cloyd, aged 89, the oldest living member of the church -and blind for many years, laid the first brick.- . . OCem Hoyle of Rutherford ton is, alleged' to have boasted, that ho would go to Washington and kill President P Wilson. Probably an. idle boast, but it was serious for Hoyle when a government secret service man clapped him in jail. s'" :. ,; v, l . . , vv. . v ; A "forestry jregiment," made up of foresters, practical woodsmen, ; loggers, portable sawmill operators and others experienced ia lumber ing operations, for service: in France, will, it is ... announced, be raised immediately. The Forest Service, at the request bftheWar , Department, will prepare plans for the organization and equipment of the force and; will aid in securing J suitable men. 5 The regiment will farm a unit of the Engineer Corps how being recruited . to be sent -abroad as $oon as it can be organ ized and equipped. , , , . . More lied Cross Work Needed.' J More Red Cross worf,! nore membe rs-ac tually-engaged inl- th o -i preparation of miiiisteririg to;Jthe wounded in war and the sick" and ; needy in time ;of peace is recpg-. mzed by, our greatest . statesmen and the. heads of our nation as one of the. country's greatest needs It is a;work' in which, all people camtake a part. -. It does not stop at age, sex, race, religion or per sonality. , It is the Good:tSamari tan to - alL' folks in their darkest; hour the greatest humanitarian society in the world. . Wherever there's a ; flood, . a great; fire, k "an . earthquake or; a ! waVV land relief must be given quickly, .ably and by soothing hands,) the Red , Cross is there. . . , - America's part in the Red Cross work of the world has heretofore been small. Her membership, has been about 250,000, jr. or less than one out of 400 Deo of e,. 'while one out of every J20 people in Japan and one out. of every; 60 in Ger many is a member of . the Red Cross." America's opportunity is" at hand. Millions of her patriotic men, women and child ren will em brace this beneficent;! work and -make possible the country's ability to care for; her needy and suffer ing. : , a In time of war, . the Red Cross cares for the sick : and wounded men of the army and navy at ; the war base, jit provides for soldiers' and ;; sailors' families, r It seen res employment for men disabled in, the service of our country. In times of peace it relieves distress caused by disaster to cities, towns and villages. It offers to ' various classes of people instruction in the means of preventing accidents and disease and rendering, first aid to the injured. Members are not es pected to; go - to the war front, neither are - they expected to as sume, any financial obligation other than the small annual due3. x V Services at St.-'John's -next. Sun day t 11 a. mvand 8 p. m. j I a ..... . -1 1