ill --it; mm ! -v. --, i '-it r : 1 fffl N - T7' T7nW manv oounds of real .s. J M I to a ton? If you are buying old-style hulls you : rr are getting about; 1500 pounds because 1 they, are about one-fourth lint which has 3f you are buying r: .- TftAOt MASK you 'are getting 2000 full pounds because they are free ironi lint and are practically 100 percent roughage Try- : tthem "and see how much farther they go. J Other Advantage . J ' Cost much less per ton than old style hulls. - : iAIlow better assimilation of other food. No Mr. Wl C Owens, Charlotte, N. C., feeds thirty cows. He considers Buckeye, Hulls the , cheapest feed and gets the best results. ... To secure the best results and to derelop the ensilage odor, wet the halls thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It is easy to do' this by retting them down nifht and morning for the next feeding. If at .any tune this cannot be done, wet down 1 at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to feed the hulls dry, use only half much by bulk as of old stylo bulls. Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South., Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for ; using them -properly. Send" for your copy to the nearest inill y Dipt. K The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. d&. Atlanta Birmingham Crmenwood Little Rock MemphU Jiugufa .Charlotte Jackton , . Macon Selma'J Mortgage Deeds, and Chattel Mortease at The Progress office i-.-j " """"jP" ) H ats the beauty of the New Perfection; : Y , is efficient. Does everything a coal stove will do. A qiiict boil or a simmer, just as you like. two' million five hundred thousand homes, watch it.' -:-r; CT;.- .7i r.: . v glaas reservoir a new and exclusive feature. -xrof'-S vi"!: i J brl best reultaalv jNew " Perfections are now ; Mrviner - ovr ' btirriinr.; - . I ; i - lllchmond, (1Vyi? rouehaee are you getting- no looa value, r ' ;.v trash or dust. if Sacked-easy to handle. They mix well' with other for ; age. -. ' -v::V . . ; ; W'arranty Deeds blanks for DELICIOUS AND ON TIME! STANDARD OIL- COMPANY ' " va, ; i5i" Uiarleston. Va. -1 ' ilEtPFO IIOi.1t Equipment For Prosoiy- Ing Fruits ; and Vegetables. GOLD PACK METHOD IS EASY Long Used With 8uccess by Thousands - of Boys and Girls of .Cann!ngs.ClubV. Washboiler. . Useful In the , Process Timo . Table For. 8catdingr Blanching - and Sterilizing the' Foods. From office of Information,, United States v department of afirncuiture.j -k ; 4 4 4 4 4 CAN SURPLUS FOOD, BUT 4 4 U2 JARS AND CANS - ' 4 4 : - .WISELY. - 4 : . Don't have . an empty prcserr- 4 4 Ins Jar In your home next falL 4 4 . There may be some dlfflcplty 4 In securing cans and preserving 4 Jars. " - Reserve regular tight Beallng $ containers for vegetables, con- 4 4 centrated soups, meats and fish. 4 Concentrate products so that 4 each Jar or can will hold as much 4 food and as little water as pos- 4 sible. , 4 Put up Jams, Jellies and pre- 4 serves In glasses sealed with cork 5 4 or paper and paraffin. Pack fruit Juices In ordinary bottles Don t can anything that can be ." . kept Just as well dried or In oth- er forms. Dry navy and mature lima beans for winter use. ;t Produce In your garden lots of - cabbage, potatoes and root crops 4v that can be kept for the winter without canning. f . r - ' How to' Can by the One Period' Cold Paok Method. Don't let valuable surplus fruits and vegetables go to waste. Adults and children In a very few hours with lit tle other home equipment than a wash boiler and cans and Jars can preserve much valuable perishable food for next winter's use. Succulent vegetables and .fruits are Important to health the year round. See that your table Is sup plied. The simple one period cold pack never delayed and . 1 is aaprompt as jt and costs no more? W. Va. , Simple iiiii method described. 15 thai' faushFby :the United States. department of agri- cnlture for tho boya and" g?r!s of the canning clubs in tho northern and west ern ; 8 ttes With this method thou "sands of boys and girls each season put up vast quantities of fruits and vegetables. .'With this . method prac tically every" vegetable and fruit gronu la this Bctldn can be canned.- . Tho wash boiler method . described . belowjs entirely eft ectire. Those .who desiromay purchase home .size- water seal, steam ; pressure "or pressure cook er canning outfits,' which save time and fuel.,.M , - . , ' .. ,..,- Preliminary Preparatlohs - For 7 Can Provide ; a false bottom of - wooden lattice work, cross pieces' of wood or coarse wire .netting for - your clean wash boiler or other large, deep'ves sello be used for sterilizing, v : - 'Fill tho vesseivwith clean water so that the lulling water will cover, the T x v -. - X HOMEMADE STT.RTT.TZTO OUTFIT. Hot water bath, showing a -satisfactory type of wooden rack for the support of tho Jars. tops of the Jars or cans. Begin heat ing the water so that it will be boiling violently by the time the containers are packed. Bee that all cans, or Jars are in good condition and absolutely clean. , Scald them thoroughly, j Use new rubber rings and. scald them Just before put ting Hi em on the Jars. ' Preparing Fruits' and Vegetables. Start, with clean hands, clean pten sila and clean, sound, fresh products. Throw out all vegetables and fruits which are withered or-unsound. .Wash out all grit and dirt. If possible use only fruits and vegetables plckejl the same day, and never can peas and corn picked more than Ave. hours. . Prepare fruits and large sized veg etables for blanching. Remove all spots from apples. Prepare beans and greens as for cook ing. ' Be especially careful to remove all foreign plants from the greens. . Blanch vegetables and all fruits ex cept berries by leaving them from three to five minutes in clean boiling water. Iieniove the blanched products frora the boiling water and plunge them quickly into cold water, the colder the "THE BUfcfCmNG PEOCESS, - The cheesecloth wrapped product. betn " lowered Into boUln water. '; t t ;'f -,"- -; : : better. Take - them out immediately and let them drain. ' Don't let them soak In the cold water. c ' From this . point on speed la hlgnly Important. The " blanched-vegetables and fruits,-which are, slightly" warm, must, allowed to -remain but of the Jars a moment, longer than is nec essary. ; v. 'Kemove skins when reaulred, and as each article" is pared cut it up Into proper size ' and pack directly into, the clean, scalded cans or Jars. .V IrPaclc as solid as possible, being care ful not. to bruise or mash soft prod- : x .?:: -,. UNCEASING MISERY Some. Marion Kidney Sufferer Get Little Rest or Comfort, ; There ls little sleep, little rest, peace for many a sufferer from trouble. .Life is one continual ro 1 pair..: You can't .rest at night there's kidney Ibackache. You r- twinges and -stabs' of pain, anroS bladder disorders, lameness and onsnesa. Yon can't be comfortable J work with darting pains and bli-, dizzy .spells. Neglect these ailCe-? and serious. troubles may follow gin using Doan'a Kidney Pills at first sign of disorder. Thousands haT testified to their merit Proof of merit in Marion testinc-T; 'N. Korton, -farmer. Garden Marion, says: ! had a dull ache acosl the small of my back and it hurt me to stoop or straighten: A friend reccm mended Doan's Kidney Pills acd I gct some.- One box was all I needed to move the pain from my back. Who ever I have noticed a sign of kidiey complaint since, Doan'a Kidney Pi have helped me. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sicr f0r i,HdfueT "niedy-get D'i Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Xcr. ton uses-' ? Foster-Milburn Co.. PrW Buffalo, N. Y. LADIESI' If you use a Sewing Machine you ; deed the best acd lightest running. -Doctors and hygenists. recommend the correct position of the body when sittinsr. The . White st Strate" CO jrives this position. It is ball bearics, rotary shuttle, automatic lift drop head. Your sewiog will be a pleasure with a "White Family Rotary in jpour home. Exchange your old bard-running machine at a good .price as pay ment on a WHITE and your ma chine troubles will end for life. Marion Sewing Co., GASTON & TATE, Local Agents. Notice of Sale of Land Under Mortgage. . Notice is hereby eiven that we, the undersigned lnortaees, under and by virtue or the power oi sale contained m a inortrage deed executed to us bv W. F. Hull and wife, Delia Hull, dated tie 20th day of January, 19 17," due and par able the 23rd day or July, 1917. to secure payment of a certain debt, default hav ing been made, said mortgage being re corded in Mortgage Book 19 attune 210, in the office of the Reglsttr of Veen McDowell Conntv. will sell to the high est bidder for cash, at public auction, at the court house door in Marion, Mc Dowell County, at 12 o'clock m. on the first Monday, in September. 1917, the same being the 3rd day of September, 1917. the following described lanos. to wit: - .Their two-thirds interest in the fol lowing land: Beginning on a pine neax a road and runs north 45 east 121 poles to a white oak, pointers on the point of the hill near an old run. then south 45 east 2 poles to a white oak and pointers near a road; thence passing a black gum and mania find "a. donbla nine 31 coles to a stake and pointers in the edge of an eld held; then south 45 east crossing onia Mnddv creek 24 rtolpa ta a small black gum 1 pole from the bank of the creek at the foot of the hill; then we?ierlv with the meanders of the creek 1 po from the bank of the creek about 70 rolea ta two small Ronrwooda on the ediTS of a deep ravins one pole from the bank of the creek; then north 45 west crossing South Muddy, creek 5 poles to the be ginning, containing 3 acres, more cr ess. "Terms of sale: , Cash. This, August 3, 1917.; ; ; - B. E. BOFER and - Dr. E. A.- Hen-kdssee - : " Mortgagees. fi?"nr.A Anril. "xvripn1 this country entered the list of nations arrayed against Germany and the Kaiser, North Carolina has furnished a to tal of 1227 soldiers to the regular army. . r "Stomach and Uvcr Troublcs. No end of misery and actual suffering catiRfl lir disorders of the stonisca and lirer, and avoided by the them a trial.- They only cost a quarter.