-t ' I "" 1 1 ' " - - - ' ' . - ' ' . .... ' ' ' . i - - - t J-i. ' 1 ' ' - ' 1 J . J ! A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED Tp THE'fiEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE-.OF McDOWELL' COUNTY - ' MAION, Nr. e., THURSPAY, DECEjiBER 27, ik 1KQL. XXII NO. 18 Marion Graded 'School Honor Rod. Following is the bonor rolf- of month end in g December 7 th, 1 S it : First grade ?fi; 3Ali6& Holmes,' Jessie May Williams, Carey Silver, Charlie Boone, Albert Hensley, Effie Hajl. ; Second grade: Earle HowelJ, Dorothy Saunders, Eugene Dob son, Jeannette Gilkey, Edith Laaghridge. . Third grade: Katherine McCall, Ermine Neal, JanieXayJorv Jeonm WnUi BesonaiS, Giarltori; Gil key; Harry Gwin. Fourth grade: Teddy Saunders, Mary Tate, Edwin Fmley, fifelea Franklin, Mary Buckley Doroth Gilkey, Quince Hall, Lola Hol combe. . Fifth grade: Julia Cogdill, Sa rah Cooiey, BoDDie Burgin, Alma Xank, Mildred Hudgins, Frances Holmes, Beraice, Beard, Simmie Crbss, Reuben? Poteat. , Sixth grade; Harry McCall, William Neal, William Story, Ed ward Whitener, Elizabeth Reid, Madge Finley, liucile Con ley, Frances Gilkey, Edna Johnsor, Margaret Justice, Ruby Michael. Seventh grade: Walker Blan ton. Jack" Justice, El ma Houck, Elizabeth Gilkey, Irene Fraaklin. Alice Rane Cross. - Eighth grad&: Kate Mae Ellis Viola Giles, Robert Holmes, Ruth Cowan, Thelma Michael, Frances Black. Ninth grade: Leona Bush, Pau line pawkinsv Marguerite Laidlaw, Sara Margrei NeaU Edwin Pless, Kinney poteat, I Paul Story. Tenth! grade: Elizabeth Carter, Ruth Kb?y. Eleventh grade: ' GLndy Cor pening, Nelle Corpening, Mattie (Gladden, Ida McGuire, Robert Burgin. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner jof the firm Of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the. City of Toledo County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS forrabB and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK JV CHENEY. Sworn to before;' me -jand jsubseribed in xriy' presence, this"6th day of DecenSber, A. D. 1886. A, W. GLEASON, (Seal)i? Notary-Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the MncoustirJ&cesrothfryBtBni;: Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c . - v. - Hall's Family ' Pius for constipittloai MASONIC NOTICE! There will be?a regular communication? of Mystic Tie Lodge No237, A. F. & A. M. - Friday night, Dec. 28th,1917: : "WtorM ifl ik& 4 gree. A full a ttendance'ls desired1 B. P. Davis, W. M. E;' K. Hid, Sec'y. Do colds; go down to your throat? Are, your bronchial tubes easily iaffected? Above all, dp .calds. setdeon your chest? Then your Tungs may not Be as siibng as you expected consumptibn often, follows. Good Physicians Everywhere Prescriba Cc3 Doccuso iio Paro Cod tor; stf eneninydclicito throats wutuc; juiu; tsnuerv lining: ajucvt wiw bu3dihfopd; nih6uVdn&,i& TheiiaoktA Norwegian cod oil used kTSeoitm Emulsion is now refined In OCT owu Ttom laboxatories which sruarantees it free from imptrrlties ' 6oott ft Bowse. Bloomfield.N.7. ortant Notice to Registrants. Th e-lKXiaH Board; of ; McDowell Pp.13 .begaxi' mailing, question naires, on December 15th, aod have ?gujbjBacb Jay ?ixty and will doritinue beDdhimbut at that rate per day until the whole list is exhausted. They 'are to be re turned -jwithin seven days from day of "mai 1 in g. That time is comput ed by deducting the day of mail ing, Sundays ahWegai holidays. "Important Notice to Regis trants" is posted each day at, the office of the Board in Marion, show ing the order numbers of those to whom questionn ai resare tat day mailed. " This notice among other things provides: "Any person de siring to claim a deferred classifiV cation by either Local or District Board on any. ground in respect of any registrant "designated herein may, within seyen days from the date hereofand not later, submit such claim to this Local Board ac companied by such affidavit evi dence as such person may desire to have considered." The following is the list of order numbers of persons to whom ques tional res have been mailed or are to be mailed on the dates set oppo site: Dee. 15 to 27, Nosv 1 to 635; Dec. 27, Nos. 636 to 696; Dec. 28, Nos. 697 to 757; Dec. 29,' Nos. 758 to 818; Dec. 31, Nos. 819 to 879. Other numbers will be given to the, public later. Chamberlain's Tablets Chamberlain's Tablets are intended especially for stomach troubles, bilious nets and constipation, and have met. with much.success in the treatment of those diseases. r People who have suffer,-' ed for years with stomach trouble and; havebeen fCttable to dbtatii any per ma-' heat relief have been completely cured by the use of these tablets. Chamber- Iain's Tablets are also of great value for biliousness. Chronic constipation may be permanently cured by taking Cham berlain's Tablets and observing the plain printed directions with each bottle. Total acceptances of recruits for thtt Army December 13 numbered more than 14; 300 the largest num ber accepted in one day in the his tory of the country. Stomach Trouble and Constipation Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following:: "I have never found any thing so good for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamberlain's Tablets. I have used them , off and on now for the oast two years. They not xinly regulate the action of5 the. bowels but stimulate the liver and: keep bne'shody in a heal thy condition, " writes: Mrs. Benjamin Hooperi Auburn, N. Y. The number of men now being served by American Bed. Cross canteens in France is more than 1&000 a day; Chamberlain's Couh Remedy This is not only one. of the best and most efficient medicine for coughs, colds and croup, but is also pleasant and safe to take, which is important when medi cine must be given to children. Many mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement: One, benefit of the war is that it has induced consumers to study food values liver Oil is Edmow and; weat lungs wEile its Mycerine In . - ii rtt V More Truth tfian Poetrvt My Tuesaavs are meatless. My Wed nesday s are rwheatless, I am getting more eatless each day. Myrhome itiB heatless, " My bed it is sheettess, ; - They're .aU sent to. the Y. MCA. The barrooms are treatless. My coffee is rs weetless. Each day I get poorer and wiser. My stockings are feetless. My trousers are eeatless, My God, but I do hate the kaiser. Xhe war has called back into ser vice nearly 500 retired officers of the Navy and 138 former officers who resigned to enter civil life, including 22 rearadmiralslS com modores, and 34 captains. UNCEASING MISERY Some Marion Kidney Sufferers Get Little Rest or Comfort. There is little sleep, little rest, little peace for many a sufferer from kidney trouble. Life is one continual round of pain. You can't rest at night when there's kidney backache. You suffer twinges and "stabs" of pain, annoying bladder disorders, lameness and nerv ousness. You can't be comfortable at work with darting pains and blinding dizzy spells. Neglect these ailments and serious troubles may follow. Be gin using Doan's Kidney Pills at the first sign of disorder. Thousands have testified to their merit, K Proof of merit in Marion testimony: J. 1ST. Norton, "farmer j . Garden St. , Marion, says "I had a dull ache across the small of my back audi it-hurt1 mef; to stoop or straighten. A friend recom mended Doan's Kidney .Pills; and I got some. One box was; all 1 needed to ire- ;mote the pain from my back. When ever. I have noticed a sign of kidney coniplaint- eince; anJff-Kidney: Pills have helped me; PHce 6Qc, at all dealers. Don't simply aek" for a kidney remedy get Doasi's JSidkey Piffihtfie-same that Mr. Norton uses. Foster- Milburn- Go. ; Props ; Buf falo, N. Y. NOTICE. .. . In the District Court of the United States for. the Western District of. North Carolina, at Greensboro, No. 1006 . United States vs T. T. Adamsi et als. - To the Tieirs at law of Naomi Hamby; heirs at law of Jason G. utry; heirs at law of. Mahala- ( Haliie): Pe ters; heirsr ai law of J. P. McPeters; heirs at law .of Sarah: Autry; -heirs at law of Jasper T, McCall Th,al Autry Haney; Maggie C. Sinclair (widow) ; Kate W Gbwan; Carrie Bradshaw (minor) ; Ha'ttie. M; Queen and Chas. M, Queen, her husband; Lennie Good; Blanton Autry (mi nor); Lizzie Bird (minor); J. V. McBee and Rachael McBee, his wife; W. A. McEee- (aluis: Hi , A;)and Pricie McBee :his wife; Jennie Keefe; Beniamin-VVacksfciiy-" Ralph; Hicks (minor ) jEbrace Hicks (ini nor):; Martha Autry 'Robin sou ; and Kobinsoii, her husband, Clara Autry Mason and- Mason," her husbandi . M. r:L, Queen ; Sallie Autry; SaraV Autry; Tom Murphy and Hannah- Murphy, his wife; Kater CKapin udG. F. Chapin,.her husband; M. E. Snipes, wife5 of Thomas E: Snipes; husband of Sarah Self; T. T. Adams! nd X; B. Adams,: trading -under the style and Annie. S. Adams, ,his wife;. Hal lie McPeters Honnycutt,.and:A16hzo Honnycutt, her husbaudV Bob Mc Peters; Pete McPeters and" wife; name unknown; other- unknown heirs; of Edwin" S.. Hull;; Sallie Rbd gers and husband, name unknown; H." Autry and wife, name' unknown; Emeline Autry and' H. 'A.j Autry, her husband; Daniel McKinney and wife, name unknown; John Axitry and wife, name unknown; Charles McPeteis and. wife, -name unknown; Minnie JB. Byrd and" husband, name unknown; M. J. Wilson and' wife, name unknown; Ji F. Autry and wife, name unknown; Tiney ' Autry and husband,. name uuknowri;;: Jason Haney j widower; Nancy J: Axitry Bradshaw- and RI . A. Bradshaw her husband; '. Couhey , t Bradshaw'iarid wife, nanie ' unknown ; Mary, McPeters- ; and! liusbarid, iihame - un known; Emeline Autry andvHs A. ivat lawflcyrWi.Ajutry-vG: j Glenn andfEtta Glenn, his wife;;un heirs at law of William Shelton; Lula Whitson, widow; Lewis P. i clairj utoknbwjiviieirst at lAw bfi J o i s&phi MbDowell? unkiiowrrf Jieirsi at -. law - of James McDowell : '- unknown Mr, .W S. Brown, R. K. BuNb. 4, Box 82; " RdgerSvUlet "Tennessee, writes: . T! feel It my duty to Recommend Peruna to all -sufferers ofcatarrh Or cougKTJ .-Tn" the f year 1909, I took a severe caee of the fa grippe. I -then took a. ba cough. 1. 4iad taken .all kinds' or cough remedies Tmt got no -relief. X then decJded.lo . try Peruna. I used five bottles." After taking1 five butties - my cough stopped and my catarrh was -cured. , My average weight Was' 115T and now I 'weigh 148. Any :ono differing with ca tarrh in any form. 1 will advise them to take Pfertma. x --r Whitson and wife,? name unknown; Catherine Whitson Finnegan and James Finnegan, her husband; Ma riah R. Whitson; minor; Joseph C. Whitson, minor; James P. Whitson, minor; Samuel P. Carson and wife, name unknown; Emma'' Bakei and . James W. Baker her. husband; Ma tilda' Carson Wilson and Jason C. Wilson, her husband George M. Carson and Daisy Carson, his wife; John R. Carson and Eliza Carson, his wife; Charles Carson ahd Mary Carsonr his wife; LUraMyers Car son, divorced; unknown heirs at law of Phillip Burnett; Cyrus , Burnett and wife, .name unknown; unknown heirs at law of Cyrus Burnett; Liz zie B. Newland, widow; Sadie Mc Newe and Frank McNewe, her hus band; Hal Green and W. A. Green, her husband; Marie Noble and Rob ert Noble, her husband; Mrs. Thom as M. Newland; R. Carion, alias R. C. Carium, and wife name 'un known; unknown . heirs Jat " law of R. C. Carion, alias R, C. Cariutn; J. W. D. Gillespie and Elizabeth Gillespie, Ms wife; Li A. Gil lespie and :wife, name unknown; .G. W. Gillespie and wife, name un known ;l'Ji--R. H. Gillespie and wife, name unknown; j. T, H. T. Gillespie arid wife, name 'unknown; C. L. S. Gillespie i and wife, name; unknown; Marcus L. Gillespie and. wife, namej unknown; S. V. L. Gillespie, name i unknown; Henry Gillespie and wife, commenced in the District' Court "of name unknown; William - Gillespie the United States f or; the Westelrn and wife, name unknown; Ida Au- ' District of North Caolina at Greens try; Ed M. McBee and Nellie Mc-boro for the condemnation, of certain Bee, his wife; unknown heir sJ at law : real estate situate, lpng and" being of Jo Conley; '. unknown heirs at in. McDowell county in the.State- of law of William Bradshaw, Jr. ; un-: known heirs at law. of James Brad shaw: the J. S. Kent Co.. a corpor ation; Harve Mashburn and wife, name unknown; John McPeters and . Jane McPeters, his wife; William McDuffee Boon and Nancy Boon; his wife;. George Laws and Mary Laws, his wife; Unknown heirs of-Charles Mashburn;. unknown heirs at law of 'James M. Young; unknown heirs at law of William Bradshaw; un known heirs at law of Joshua Gibos; unknown heirs at law of John Gold smith; unknown heirs at law of R. Hainey ; Jacob Barririger and Fran cis Barringer, his wife; Alien H. Fetzer and Josephine Fetzer, his wife;' Robert Kistler and wife, name unknown; I. F. Hancock and Laura G. Hancock, his wife; Ada J. Hell man and Byron E. Heflman her hus band; Melvin E. - Shumaker and wife, name unknown; Phronia Au try; Andrew J. Riley' and wife, name -unknown; F. H. Elder" and Lyda N. Elder, his wifeM. A.L Gillespie and : wife, .riariie .unknown; j unknown heirs: at law of Joseph - Dobson: unknown heirs- at law ; of John Aiitry; N. McPeters arid wife; name unknown; H. ; Mc Peters and wife, name unknown;, J: husband, name unknown;.1 'Unknown heirs of-Mary A.-Snipes; W, M. P. Watts; Julia M. Booth; E. A. Shel ' ly; Duff Dodd; Fay Dodd; unknown eifs' of Wtai Av McCaii; unknown heirs of Sarah E. L., McCall un known "heirs of David-Gillespie; T. Ht; Di Gillespie arid wjfename;. un known; A. L Potter and-Frank Pot ter, trading as'" At L. Potter1 fir Com pany; Al L. Potter and "wife, name unkonwn; Frank Potter and wife, name unknown; Abbit Burriett, widow; Margaret Burnett unmar ried; unknown heirs at law of Jo seph P. 'Autry; Henry Phillips and wife, name unknown;, unknown heirs of Henry Phillips; unknown heirs of ' -Phflfips,''wife of Henry' Phillips;: beneficiaries and heirs jlX ' law, of James -Bowron; James BowrbnVW. Moss Bbwron;'J. Wise -Norton and.- . Frances Norton, his wife; unknown -heirs at ,law of J. Wise Norton and 'Frances Nor ton Marvin F. Scaif e and wife, name unknown: Ji-L. -Williams' and wife, V SUS? & law ofroPwrA Williams; t ;unknown heirs -of iiTeinpKrHollifield;,-unknown heirs of ? James-,$IasMrarnituntoowh heirs - of ?t WilUamr Miashburri ; tX. H. WUkinsonr-ThomakF.flull; EmilyA. Baker and Bee Y."kf,"h'ecnus band; Ellie Thompson; Edwin A. P. McPeters and wife,' name wun-jfiied in;iaid proceeding, the said4ands known; unknown heirs afr: law; of jhayingri been selected by the 'Secretary. Lewis Conley; Mary ;A. Smpes and f -Aa-rn1nir'ranth-fi urniwiMbinf Any oner Sufferingwth Catarrli in Any form IVlll .;, . - Ml To take T Thos' Who object to liquid m'edi cinescan procure Peruna Tab tctu ' , Hull; Lillian Ganoun and Clarenca Ganoung;her husband; LauTa: Hook er and Joe Hooker: her ' husband; Charles Hull; Walter. Hull;- James Hull; Ella D. Hull; Charles R. Hull; Mhihow' Hull;- iAv G. McDowell; Samuel P; 'fR) Newland Benjamin A. Marshall; - J arte 1 Gillespie and husband, uame unknown.; ; James Gillespie andwife. name unknown; J ohn "Gillespre aria wife, name- un known; - George Gillespie : and : wife," name unkpown; r Charles Gillespie and wife, name unknown; Sarah B. Gillespie arid husband; name! un known; :Tho mas. Gillespie and wife, name unknown; Meredity Queen; , unknown heirs of Meredity Queen; I. F. Hancock; S. A, M. McCall; Fertis Dodd; Louis Dodd; -Alva Dodd; Milton Dodd; E; H. McCall; C- E. McCall; unknown heirs of David Gillespie; Joseph D. Con ley and wife, name unknown; S. W. ConTey and Aramintha Conley .his wife; J. W. Stanton; D. M. McBee and wife, name unknown; Louisa Conley; and Western North Caro lina Land Company, and all other persons ' whomsoever,- owning" br claiming to own any real estate lien or interstate of any kind, or character whatsoever in'andto:!uie lands described in Ihe; petition tin this proceeding:-- . w. Z- YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE, that an action entitled as above ; has been North" Carolina,, described, as follows : Tra cfr H Containing 4,903.86 acres, lying on the S. E. side of the Blue Ridge moun tains - on the headwaters and on both, sides of Armstrong creek, adjoining pn the east the lands of Spencer, Stebbins arid Bailey, and on the south by the lands of Scheller Bros., North Cove township, McDowell county, ; North Carolina, " ; and being T; T. Adams Company, Tract .l,r of. the United States Forest Service Survey. -' Tract 2. : r Containing 283.40 . acres, .lying in North Cove tbwnship, McDowell coun ty and State of North Carolina, 6u the waters of Rich branch and Long branch .of Armstrong- creek and south of TPomys ridge, ;nbeixig';V'T-'.;T. Adams Company-Tract 2" of the Uni ted 'States Fbresf-Seryice1 Survey .' " Tract 3; " " Containing 303.24 acres, lying in North Cove township, McDowell county, , State, of North, Carolina- on cf "dgecomb, Spericer; andl Stebbihs, Elliott ahd others, .known'as the ""FenceroW ' TractCS'of the .United States??orestr? .Service Survey, all of which :iA;lahds:i are fullv described ' by rntes- andl: bounds, in the. petition coin ?t 4-Vi a ra1 TtTc ulturel with the amlrbval' he National Forest Reservation Gom- mission and found ; necessary :for, the purposev"of carrying out ah 'Act of Confgresa of - the United - States ap proved .."March 1, 1911, beinc Chapter 186,C page. 961;. Vol! 36, Statutes -at Hargez-as amended .by ithe Act of Au gust 10,1912, 37 Stat. 269-Ct0, ciu 284.- - . - -. y V iAnd the. said1 ji on-resident defend ants ..above named, and? ail persons whomsoever; owning or , claiming to own" anyVstate lien or interest of any ldnd or character in and to. the prem ises" described' in the petition- in scid proceeding', 'defendants . named as aforesaioV- WILL FURTHER ; TAKE NOTICE that they are required to ap pear in" the District Court of. the Uni ted ; States- for the .Western District of North . Carolina, at Greensboro," on the -1st day of" February, ' 1918, and answer or ,demur" to" the- petition or complaint ih said proceeding, or the plaintiff-wiU- apply to- the- Court for the relief- demanded-in- said-petition. - fn,;..- , ?wv r 1 Cresting! .that publication : be , ihade .gr r- . tv in-iltfMarionsProgresai 'l - r -: I -"Jliis .th-day: of Decern per, ? 1917. J -..-ibVi !:-:ja'7?v iRivl. iBllAYLOCK: - aer Cnit,States rDistncf? Court fbr'Western'District'of North Carolina. ' - 19 I s v - I

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